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1、B./;/C.the; /D.the;6.What will you buy for your boyfriends birthday? I want to buy a _ wallet for leather smallB.small black leatherC.small leather small leather B7.The problem is not _ so easy as you think. Its far from being settled.A.hardlyB.almostC.nearlyD.scarcely8.Befo

2、re the final examination, some students have shown _ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.A.anxietyB.marksC.signsD.remarks9.Its bad _ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.A.behaviorB.actionC.mannerD.movement10._ her and then try to copy what she does.A.MindB.S

3、eeC.Stare atD.Watch D11.The manager will not _ us to see use his car.A.haveB.letC.agreeD.allow12.Are you getting a new flat this year?_ I cant afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat.A.Without question.B.You must be joking.C.Good idea!D.Are you sure?13.Could you be so kind as to turn down t

4、hat rock “n” roll? I am preparing for tomorrows exam. - _.A.Its none of your business.B.What are you doing?C.Sure. Sorry to disturb you.D.No, I dont think so.14.Oh, Betty, we will be having a buffet party next Saturday, and wed like you to join us.- _, Susan. Whats the occasion? What time do you wan

5、t to me to come?A.Id love toB.No wayC.By no meansD.Im afraid not.15.How are you feeling?Much better. _.A.Thanks for coming to see me.B.You look great.C.You are so tired.D.Dont mention it.16. David injured his leg playing football yesterday.Really? _A.Who did that?B.Whats wrong with him?C.How did tha

6、t happen?D.Why was he so careless?17.-_is your girl friend like?-She is very kind and good-lookingA.HowB.WhatC.WhichD.Who18.-The baby is hungry. -But theres _milk in the bottle.A.littleB.a littleC.fewD.a few19.I wont make the _mistake next time.A.likeB.sameC.nearD.similar20. Did the medicine make yo

7、u feel better? No. The more _, _I feel.A.medicine I take; and the worseB.medicine I take; the worseC.I take medicine;D.I take medicine; worse21.As the busiest woman there, she made _her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town.A.thisB.thatC.oneD.it22.Would you like something _?A

8、 drinkC.drinkingD.for drinking23.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the cover24.It was getting _ , he had to stop to have a rest.A.very darkerB.dark and darkC.darker and darkerD.darkest and darkest25.Hello. Im Harry Potter. Hello, my

9、name is Charles Green, but my me at me Charles me26.Paul, ?Oh, thats my father! And beside him, my mother.A.what is the person over thereB.whos talking over thereC.what are they doingD.which is that27.Marilyn, Im afraid I have to be leaving now. A.Th

10、at sounds wonderfulB.Oh,so early?C.Not at a11.D.Good luck!28.Havent seen you for ages!What are you busy doing now?A.I hate the weather hereB.My hair is getting a bit longerC.Yeah, thanks for comingD.I am working part time in a bookshop, you know.29.They are from_.They are_.A.Germany;GermenB.German;G

11、ermanyC.Germany;GermanD.Germany;Germans30.Nancy was badly injured in the accident yesterday and she was sent to hospital.31.As he walked out of the court, he was ( ) with frustration and rage.A.applaudingB.quiveringC.paralyzingD.limping32.How are you feeling?C.You are so tire33.He hated wandering ab

12、out and expected to find a ( ) position in the Civil Service of government.A.permissiveB.perceptiveC.permanentD.perpetual34.After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to_.A.withdrawB.resignC.retireD.retreat35.Dont you feel surprised to see George at the meeting. -Yes.I

13、really didnt think hehere.36.The weather wasnt favorable and both teams had to ( ) icy rain and a strong wind during the downB.contend withC.get stuck inD.take control of37.Take this medicine twice a day, Peter?38.Hurry up please, or Ill be late. _A.Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick no

14、w.B.Well, its alright, sir.C.How can you say that, sir?D.Oh, we are going the right way.39.He should ( ) what hes good at, and no switch to something he knows nothing about.A.take onB.stick toC.go on40.Due to his recent failure to meet the deadline, Jason is ( ) from the list for promoti

15、on.A.eliminatedB.retreatedC.priedD.wrenched41.Once Mr. Green ( ) you in conversation, youre stuck with him for at least an hour.A.submergesB.engagesC.occupiesD.launches42.Our director had ( ) on the matter for a long time before he made the decision.A.hushedB.thrashedC.ponderedD.suspended43.How are

16、you,Bob?一 _TedA.How are you?B.Im fineThank youC.How do you do?D.Nice to meet you44.How are you,Bob?一_ Ted45.Their refusal to compromise is a major ( )that stands in the way of further peace talks.A.obstacleB.complicationC.entityD.hazard46.The car, at least as we know it, is on the way out, because i

17、ts exhaust ( ) a threat to the environment.A.originatesB.posesC.offendsD.paralyzes47.( ) her sons expert driving, she got to the support on time, despite the heavy rain.A.Due toB.Thanks toC.Owing toD.On account of48.After her husband died, she _ another man in 1964.A.marriedB.married withC.married t

18、oD.was married to49.The criminal, facing the wetness, had to confess ( ) the jewelry from the museum.A.being stealC.stealingD.having been stolen50.一The baby is hungry.一 But theres_milk in The bottle.51._ is the population of Paris?A.How manyB.How muchC.HowD.What52. Do you mind my smoking

19、here?- _ A.No, thanks.B.Yes, I do.C.Yes. Id rather not.D.Good idea.53.Before the final examination, some students have shown _ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.54.There are still some ( ) for students of science and engineering, but those in arts and humanities have been filled.A.posit

20、ionsB.vacanciesC.categoriesD.applications55.The mayor promised to trim the city budget without cutting ( ) services.A.essentialB.appropriateC.equivalentD.lucrative56.AIDS activists permanently changed and shortened Americas ( ) process for testing and approving new drugs of all kinds, for all diseas

21、e.A.efficientB.stagnantC.intricateD.appropriate57.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.58.Oh, Betty, we will be having a buffet party next Saturday, and wed like you to join us.59.He is fond of playing _ piano while his brother is interested in listening to _ music.60.You

22、_ buy some reference books when you go to the college.A.couldB.will have toC.must toD.might61.The plants are in a(n) ( ) plastic box, so the children can observe how the roots grow with time.A.appropriateB.intricateC.transparentD.waterproof62.He has already been living in China for twenty years, so

23、its possible for him to see things from the ( ) of a Chinese.A.perspectiveB.prospectiveC.perceptiveD.permissive63.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.64.At night, cars often ( ) small animals that are blinded by the overB.held upC.took apartD.drove at65.Unlike most Europeans, many Americans _ bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.A.used to eatingB.are used to eatingC.are used to eatD.used to eat66.The town is about _

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