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1、布朗太太向她的朋友玛丽和我打招呼。 (误)Mrs. Brown said hello to her friends, Mary and I. (正)Mrs. Brown said hello to her friends, Mary and me.(Mary and me是宾语friends的同位语,因此用宾格形式。8.中文:我的两个姊姊都不在这。 (误)None of my two sisters is here. (正)Neither of my two sisters is here.(neither用于两者的否定;none用于三者以上的否定。9.中文:他认识我的两个姊姊。 (误)He

2、knows my both sisters. (正)He knows both my sisters.(both用在the,his,my等修饰语之前。10.中文:这本书的价格是多少? (误)How much is the price of the book?(正)What is the price of the book?(对价格提问用what,没有price一词时用how much。11.中文:我有一本新字典还有几本旧的。 (误)I have a new dictionary and several old one. (正)I have a new dictionary and severa

3、l old ones.(代替前面提到过的可数名词,复数要用ones。12.中文:安迪,保罗和我共唱一首歌。 (误)I, Andy and Paul sang a song together. (正)Andy, Paul and I sang a song together.(有多个主语或宾语时,I或me在最后。13.中文:他们很了解我们中国人。 (误)They know our Chinese well. (正)They know us Chinese well.(Chinese为宾语us的同位语。14.中文:说好英语不容易。 (误)That is not easy to speak good

4、 English. (正)It is not easy to speak good English.(it当形式主语,代替不定式。 形容词级的误用辨析他是两者中较高的。 (误)He is taller of the two. (正)He is the taller of the two.(比较级of the two,前面要加the。汤姆是我们学校里最年轻的。 (误)Tom is youngest in our school. (正)Tom is the youngest in our school.(形容词的最高级前面要加the。他是所有人中最强壮的。 (误)He is the stronge

5、st in all. (正)He is the strongest of all.(在同类中最的,用介词of。我的房子跟约翰的一样大。 (误)My house is so large as Johns. (正)My house is as large as Johns.(肯定形式用as原级形容词as主格。汤姆比我年轻。 (误)Tom is less older than I am. (正)Tom is less old than I am.(less原级形容词than。他是班上个子最高的。 (误)He is taller than any boy in his class. (正)He is

6、taller than any other boy in his class.(使用比较级时,应避免与自己比,any boy包括他自己。事态每况愈下。 (误)Things go from worse to worse. (正)Things go from bad to worse.(from bad to worse = 每况愈下,越来越糟。多数人喜爱音乐。 (误)The most people are fond of music. (正)Most people are fond of music.(Most泛指大多数,前面不加the。他至少遗失了一万元。 (误)He has lost not

7、 fewer than ten thousand dollars. (正)He has lost not less than ten thousand dollars.(not less than=more than,at least,表示至少。他们听得越久,就越不喜欢他。 (误)The longer they listen to him, the little they like him. (正)The longer they listen to him, the less they like him.(the比较级,the比较级表示两者的同步增长。名词误用辨析我买了两条裤子。 (误)I b

8、ought two trousers. (正)I bought two pairs of trousers.(glasses,shoes,trousers,spectacles,scissors,stockings等表示由两个部分合成的字习惯用复数,在表示一(两)条,把,双时,用a pair of,two pairs of等修饰。他是我最好的朋友之一。 (误)He is one of my best friend. (正)He is one of my best friends.(one of后要接可数名词的复数形式。动物是人类的朋友。 (误)Animals are mens friends.

9、 (正)Animals are mans friends.(用单数的man表示人类。这是一则好消息。 (误)This is a good news. (正)This is a piece of good news.(表示chalk,music,advice,cloth,meat,news等不可数名词的单一数量用a piece of修饰。你愿意跟我交朋友吗? (误)Will you make a friend with me? (正)Will you make friends with me?(和某人交朋友用friend的复数形式。我有太多功课要做。 (误)I have too many hom

10、ework to do. (正)I have too much homework to do.(homework,work,housework等不可数名词用much修饰。英语电视怎么说? (误)Whats English for 电视? (正)Whats the English for 电视?(英语作为学科或语言时不加the;用作特指时加the。班一家人要搬往伦敦。 (误)The Bens are going to move to London. (正)The Bens are going to move to London.(the Bens表示the Bens house;the Bens

11、表示Ben一家人。被动语态误用辨析他们结婚两年了。 (误)They have married for two years. (正)They have been married for two years.(表示已婚状态的持续,要用完成时的被动式。他被所有学生嘲笑。 (误)He was laughed by all the pupils. (正)He was laughed at by all the pupils.(不及物动词介词=及物动词,变被动语态时介词不能省略。英语难学。 (误)English is difficult to be learned. (正)English is diffi

12、cult to learn.(英语难学=学英语难,也可说Its difficult to learn English。原句的主语实际上是不定式的逻辑宾语,不定式要用主动形式。汤姆问我这些岛屿是否属于美国。 (误)Tom asked me if these islands are belonged to America. (正)Tom asked me if these islands belonged to America.中国发生了很大变化。 (误)Great changes have been taken place in China. (正)Great changes have take

13、n place in China.战争于一九三七年爆发。 (误)The war was broken out in 1937. (正)The war broke out in 1937.(take place,break out,happen,belong to等不及物动词或短语动词没有被动语态形式。我看不清黑板。也许你需要检查你的眼睛。 (误)I cant see the blackboard very well.Perhaps you need to examine your eyes. (正)I cant see the blackboard very well.Perhaps you

14、need to have your eyes examined.(表示使某物被别人,通常使用have或get物过去分词表示。他命令马上开始工作。 (误)He ordered the work to start at once. (正)He ordered the work to be started at once.(不定式作宾语补语时,若与宾语是被动关系,要用不定式的被动形式。他试图不介入政治。 (误)He tried not to have mixed up in politics. (正)He tried not to get mixed up in politics.(get作系动词,

15、可代替be,后接过去分词表示被动,have无此功能。据说他很富有。 (误)They say him to have been rich. (正)He is said to have been rich.(say后不可接不定式,但它的被动语态后可接不定式。那人被认为是个傻子。 (误)The man thought to be a fool. (正)The man was thought to be a fool.(主语是动作的承受者而不是发出者,用被动语态。所有格误用辨析你做完功课了吗? (误)Have you done homework? (正)Have you done your homew

16、ork?(表示做功课用do ones homework。那些是我们老师的一些书。 (误)Those are some books of our teacher. (正)Those are some books of our teachers.(应用双重所有格形式。这是我弟弟约翰的书。 (误)This is my brother John book. (正)This is my brother Johns book.(John是brother的同位语,John的书用Johns book。警察抓住了他的胳膊。 (误)The policemen caught him by his arm. (正)T

17、he policemen caught him by the arm.(抓住身上某个部位用the,不用代词的所有格。一个十岁的孩子 (误)a ten years old child (误)a child of ten year old (误)a ten year old child (误)a ten-years-old child (正)a ten-year-old child时态误用辨析他在许多年前去过欧洲。 (误)He had been to Europe many years ago. (正)He went to Europe many years ago.(在上下文没有同过去某时或某个

18、动作相比较而表示过去的意思,不可用过去完成时,而要用一般过去时。她穿着蓝色上衣,看上去很可爱。 (误)She was wearing a blue dress and was looking very pretty. (正)She was wearing a blue dress and looked very pretty.(表示看上去的look是系动词,不用进行时。我去看他们的时候他们在吃晚餐。 (误)They had supper when I went to see them. (正)They were having supper when I went to see them.(他们

19、在吃晚餐是在过去我去看他们的时间某一点上正进行的动作,应用过去进行时。她两个月前去澳洲了,她许多年前到过那里。 (误)She went to Australia two months ago. She has been there many years before. (正)She went to Australia two months ago. She had been there many years before.(many years before是从过去的某时之前算起的,表示过去的过去,要和过去完成时连用。他们问发生什么事了。 (误)They asked what happened

20、. (正)They asked what had happened.(主句是一般过去时,从句的动作发生在它之前,用过去完成时。从战争开始时他就一直在那里工作。 (误)He has worked there since the war has begun. (正)He has worked there since the war began.(since引导的从句表示过去的某时间点,应用一般过去时。昨晚我写了一封信,今晨寄出了。 (误)I was writing a letter yesterday evening and posted it this morning. (正)I wrote a

21、 letter yesterday evening and posted it this morning.(进行时表示进行,一般过去时表示完成,所以应用 wrote。他去年离开家我就一直没有见过他。 (误)He left home last year and I did not see him since. (正)He left home last year and I havent seen him since.(since后面省去的是he left home last year,前面的句子要用完成时。虚拟语气误用辨析我要是你,我不会那么做。 (误)I shouldnt do that if

22、 I was you. (正)I shouldnt do that if I were you.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气不能用was,只能用were。要是我父亲现在在这里,他会告诉我该做什么。 (误)If my father were here now, he will tell me what to do. (正)If my father were here now, he would tell me what to do.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气中,主句的助动词只能用would,might等过去时。要是我知道她的电话号码,我就会给她打电话了。 (误)If I knew her

23、telephone number, I would have called her. (正)If I had known her telephone number, I would have called her.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词要用过去完成时。要是昨天没下雨她也许会来。 (误)If it had not rained yesterday, he might come. (正)If it had not rained yesterday, he might have come.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,主句的动词要用助动词的过去时might,could等

24、HAVE过去分词。我不认为我会失败,但要是我失败了,我会再努力。 (误)I dont think that I shall fail. But if I failed, I would try again. (正)I dont think that I shall fail. But if I should fail, I would try again.(表示与将来事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词用should加原形动词。他要是带了钱就会买它。 (误)Did he bring some money with him, he would have bought it. (正)Had he

25、brought some money with him, he would have bought it.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词要用过去完成时,若省略if,则用倒装形式。她要是个男人可能会当选总统。 (误)Be she a man, she might be elected president. (正)Were she a man, she might be elected president.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,不能用was,只能用were;若省略if,则将were放在句首。我提议提高教师的薪资。 (误)I suggested that the teac

26、hers wages could be increased. (正)I suggested that the teachers wages should be increased.(suggest当建议讲时,后面的名词从句的主要动词要用should加原形动词,should可以省略。他这么做是重要的。 (误)It is important that he will do it. (正)It is important that he do it.(It is importantthat引导的名词从句的动词要用should加原形动词,should可以省略。助动词误用辨析我习惯于早起。 (误)I am

27、 used to get up early. (正)I am used to getting up early.(get,become或be used to中的to是介词,后接动名词。他过去常常在星期天来约我。 (误)He used to calling on me on Sundays. (正)He used to call on me on Sundays.(used to原形动词,表示过去常常。A:我必须去吗?B:不,你不必了。 (误)A: Must I go? B: No, you mustnt. (正)A: No, you neednt.(mustnt表示不许,neednt表示不必,以MUST开始的一般疑问句,否定回答用neednt。我今天下午想和你一起去游泳。 (误)I will like to go swimming with you this afternoon. (正)I would like to

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