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1、11.Besides, protecting the environment is a serious _. A)affair B)incident C)event D)matter12.But dont take it_. People just say it out of politeness. A)truly B)really C)possibly D)seriously13.Do you think that stamp-collecting is an educational _. A)habit B)hobby C)like D)custom14.Friends are gener

2、ally _ in background and tastes. A)different B)same C)equal D)alike15.He _ to get angry when other colleagues disagree with him. A)bends B)attends C)mends D)tends16. You cannot _ yourself against all risks and dangers. A)leave B)secure C)save D)let17.He had _ put on the best clothes for this evening

3、 party. A)effectively B)daily C)cruelly D)obviously 18.He had studied late, and it was _ time for breakfast. A)nearby B)closely C)hardly D)nearly19.He must be very tired today; he doesnt seem to _ on the discussion. A)rely B)depend C)put D)concentrate20.He told me that he had a lot of money, but tha

4、t was just a _. A)talent B)tale C)truth D)fact21.His father has a weak heart and should _ all excitement. A)attack B)avoid C)enjoy D)enlarge22.How many _ there in your family? A)people has B)peoples are C)people are D)people is23.I _ my tea with a spoon, to mix in the sugar and milk. A)circled B)mov

5、ed C)stirred D)rounded24. Without my workmate I should not have _ it. A)managed B)mattered C)coped D)dealt25.I couldnt open the box because the lid was too _. A)tight B)loose C)thick D)thin26.I havent made any new friends yet and everybody here makes _ of me. A)fun B)joy C)smile D)laugh27.I send you

6、 my best wishes on the happy _. A)time B)period C)occasion D)minute28.I should certainly be on my _ if I were you. A)attention B)watch C)notice D)guard29.I told them I wanted to become a football player _ of an engineer. A)instead B)but C)indeed D)yet30.I was _ by the thought that the other boys wou

7、ld think I was weak. A)considered B)remembered C)bothered D)preferred31.I will not attend the meeting if nobody _ it to me. A)mentions B)attentions C)reactions D)relations32.If I had more time, I would _ golf as a hobby. A)take on B)take over C)take in D)take up33.If I pay all my _ I shall have no m

8、oney left. A)details B)decks C)deeds D)debts 34.In conclusion, the disadvantages of mobile phones are numerous and should not be_ . A)ignored B)agreed C)urged D)organized35.In their spare time, they may also _ themselves in the Workers Palace of Culture. A)arise B)apply C)amaze D)amuse36.It is very

9、important to_ an agreement with this big company . A)come B)arrive C)reach D)go37.It suddenly _ to Mary that her son was afraid of being alone. A)worried B)thought C)occurred D)happened38.It was _ impossible to start in such bad weather. A)clearly B)correctly C)closely D)curiously39.John has a(n) _

10、habit of tapping his fingers on the desk. A)conscious B)unconscious C)incurious D)various40.Last year, a lucky _ in oil stock made his fortune. A)furniture B)culture C)picture D)venture41.Mr. Smith is very _ and never goes out without combing his hair. A)tidy B)clean C)tight D)dirty42.Mr. White was

11、at last able to learn the _ of Mr. Browns death. A)behaviors B)particulars C)murders D)characters43.My grandfather always _ for the politician who wears the nicest suit. A)prefer B)votes C)choose D)select44. Well have a whole holiday in _ of our boss birthday. A)glory B)dishonour C)greeting D)honour

12、45.One _ about the moon is that it is a piece broken off from the earth. A)project B)theory C)feeling D)outline46.One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon _ other children. A)injured B)effect C)polluted D)infected47.One who has a _ to beat his dog will easily find his stick. A)brain B)he

13、ad C)heart D)mind48.Our Chinese teacher has already been _ to headmaster. A)promoted B)improved C)increased D)progressed49.People there warmly_ him on the discovery of oil. A)bargained B)believed C)congratulated D)considered50.Please tell him to _ these sheets of paper together. A)retreat B)paste C)

14、reply D)pace 51.She gave me all kinds of _ on how to do this and that. A)conclusion B)instruction C)production D)exhibition52.She is _ her mother; she is tall and her mother is very short. A)different B)uneven C)unlike D)unequal 53.She often says one thing but means the _ . A)same B)another C)differ

15、ence D)opposite54.Sometimes I cant help feeling that Im in her _. A)shadow B)image C)picture D)portrait55.The _ of the new plan is primary education for all children in the countryside. A)trend B)train C)turn D)target56. We are now in a great new _ of information. A)life B)lifetime C)area D)era57.Th

16、e _ of the trees grew longer as the afternoon went on. A)photos B)pictures C)shadows D)images58.The boy took a _ from the window and fell into the yard below. A)leaf B)leap C)lean D)lead59.The captain is going to_ his ship through the narrow passage tomorrow. A)sell B)sail C)salt D)seal60.The car fa

17、ctory _ a lot of the cars that were supposed to be faulty. A)resulted B)repeated C)recalled D)remarked61.The hostess did not _ her visitors any encouragement to stay. A)order B)offer C)prefer D)occur62.The Mall of America was _ in 1992 in the state of Minnesota. A)set off B)set up C)set on D)set out

18、63.The walls of these house are too _ to avoid hearing our next-door neighbors talking. A)thin B)tall C)tight D)thick64.There are many _ of good people and good deeds nowadays. A)instances B)inputs C)states D)conditions65.There is a _ against railway passengers walking across the lines. A)regulation

19、 B)repetition C)relation D)reception66.There was a lack of local _ so the acting club hired an actor from Beijing to take the main part. A)trade B)talent C)treat D)target67.They fell into a _ discussion of the question at the meeting. A)powerful B)alive C)likely D)lively68.They were _ whether they o

20、ught to go or not. A)certain B)expected C)unexpected D)uncertain69.This mountain scenery is _ of Sichuan Province. A)natural B)tropical C)unusual D)typical70.To _ a long story short, all this research made me realize I had a gift for investigation. A)think B)cut C)reduce D)decrease71.Tom was very gl

21、ad because the English teacher _ 98 to him. A)screwed B)seized C)scored D)scolded词汇题答案解析:1【答案】A 【解析】短语suffer from:感到不适,疼痛undergo 经历 bear, endure 忍受2【答案】A 【解析】straight line 直线curved 弯曲的 bent 弄弯曲 strict 严格的3【答案】A 【解析】plane 平面 本句意思是:平面就是完全平坦的表面 planet 星球 plant 植物 plain 平原4【答案】B 【解析】mall 大型的商场mail 邮件 ma

22、le 男性 meal 一顿餐5【答案】D 【解析】slave 奴隶 Sleeve 袖子 soul 灵魂 spirit 精神6【答案】B【解析】catch ones eye/ attention 吸引某人的注意力7【答案】A 【解析】pressure 压力 Prize 奖励 reward 回报 8【答案】D【解析】competition 比赛,竞赛Companion 伙伴,同伴 comprehension 理解 comparison 比较9【答案】C 【解析】object to something 反感,反对某物Subject to something 臣服,屈服 obtain 获得 conta

23、in 包括,包含10【答案】C 【解析】nervous 紧张的, 担心的Dangerous 危险的 various 各种各样的 numerous 许多11【答案】D【解析】matter 引起某种结果的问题 本句的意思是;环境保护是一个严肃的问题。Affair 事务incident 事故 event 重大事件 12【答案】D 【解析】seriously 认真地, 严肃地;本句的意思是;别把这事当真了,人们是出于礼貌才这样说。truly, really 真正地 possibly 可能地13【答案】B 【解析】hobby 爱好,兴趣Habit 习惯 like 喜欢 custom 习俗14【答案】D

24、【解析】alike 相似得, 相同的Different 不同的 same 相同的,必须与the 连用 equal 平等的 15【答案】D 【解析】tend to do something 倾向于去做某事bend 使弯曲 attend 参加,出席 mend 修补 16【答案】B 【解析】secure somebody/ something against/ from something 使某人或某物安全,保护某人或某物17【答案】D 【解析】obviously 明显地 Effectively 有效地 cruelly 残酷地 daily 每日地18【答案】D 【解析】nearly 几乎,接近 本句

25、意思是;他学习到很晚,几乎到了吃早饭的时间了。nearby附近的 closely 密切地 hardly几乎不19【答案】D 【解析】concentrate on 注意力集中于Rely on/ rely on依靠于, 依赖于 put on 穿上,举起 20【答案】B 【解析】tale 故事,传言talent天赋,才智 truth/fact 真相,事实 21【答案】B 【解析】avoid 避免attack攻击 enjoy 喜欢,欣赏 enlarge 使变大22【答案】C 【解析】people 人民 集体名词,谓语要用复数; there be 句型的变换23【答案】C 【解析】stir 搅动Circ

26、le 围绕,转圈 move 移动 round环绕24【答案】A 【解析】manage to do something 设法做成某事Cope/deal with 处理,解决25【答案】A 【解析】tight紧的 loose松的 thick 厚的 thin 薄的26【答案】A 【解析】make fun of somebody 嘲笑某人27【答案】C 【解析】occasion 时刻,场合time时间 period 一段时期 minute 分钟28【答案】D 【解析】on ones guard 保持警惕 本句意思是;如果我是你我一定会保持警惕的。29【答案】A 【解析】instead of 而不是,代

27、替30【答案】C 【解析】bother 被烦扰到consider考虑到 remember 记得 prefer更喜欢31【答案】A 【解析】mention 提到,提及 attention注意力 reaction 反应 relation 关系32【答案】D 【解析】take up 以某事做为爱好,消遣Take on呈现, 决定做某事 take over 接受,接替 take in 理解,吸收/摄取33【答案】D 【解析】debt 债Detail 细节 deck 甲板 deed 行为34【答案】A 【解析】ignore 忽视agree 同意 urge 催促 organize 组织 35【答案】D 【解析】amuse 使娱乐Arise 引起 apply 申请 amaze 使惊讶36

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