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1、答案broadcast10Are you f_ with the computer software they use?答案familiar.用适当的介词或副词填空1Have you ever dreamed _ being in front of thousands of people _ a concert?答案of; at2The play is based_a true story.答案on3Mr. Smith asked the teacher _ his son.答案about4They produced a new film, which was a celebration_th

2、eir time_a real band. as5After they became famous, they visited Britain_a tour.6If we are honest _ ourselves, we all want to be famous.答案with7The goods were paid _ cash.答案in8Sometimes we put advertisements _ newspapers looking for something we have lost.9The sun broke _ the clouds.答案up10He attached

3、a photograph _ the application form.答案to.翻译句子1你儿子昨天开他同学的玩笑,这让他的同学很生气。(play a joke on)_答案Your son played a joke on his classmates yesterday, which made them very angry.2. 天气变暖的时候,冰就会破裂。(break up)答案The ice will break up when the warm weather comes.3. 他假装不介意。(pretend)答案He pretended that he didnt mind.4

4、. 马克靠在一个大城市里开出租车谋生。(earn ones living)答案Mark earns his living in a big city by driving a taxi.5. 把钥匙放在桌子上,以便我能记得随身携带。(so that)答案Leave the keys on the table so that I remember to take them with me.词语知识1Tom put his heart into the wildlife research, and finally, his efforts_him a great success and fame.

5、A. saved B. earnedC. made D. offered答案与解析B句意:汤姆把心思都用在了野生生物的研究上,终于,他的努力为他赢来了巨大的成功和名誉。earn sb. sth.“为某人赢得了”, earn后面可接双宾语。其他选项不符合语境。2 Michael is one of the top students in our class. _, he cheated in the last exam.A. On the other hand B. Generally speakingC. To be honest D. Above all答案与解析Cto be honest“

6、老实说”;generally speaking“一般来讲”;on the other hand“另一方面”;above all“首先;最重要的是”。根据对话的语境,C项为正确答案。3I am very _ with this village, for Ive been living in it for about ten years.A. similar B. familiarC. popular D. careful答案与解析Bbe familiar with“熟悉”。4Dont _ your parents all the time. Youd better be independent

7、now.A. rely on B. come onC. take on D. go on答案与解析Arely on“依靠”。come on“快来”;take on“呈现”;go on“继续”。5Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request _ a question.A. in the form of B. in search ofC. in need of D. in the direction of答案与解析Ain the form of .“以的形式”。in search of“寻找”;in need of“需要”;in the di

8、rection of“朝着方向”。6It is unwise to _ too much importance to the information.A. attack B. attachC. addict D. adopt答案与解析Battach importance to .“把重点放在上”。7When questioned by the policeman, the thief _ that he knew nothing about the theft.A. pretended B. toldC. spoke D. complained答案与解析A句意:当被警察询问的时候,这个贼假装对

9、这起盗窃案一无所知。根据句意选A项。8The guests arrived at _ the same time and the host had a hard time in receiving them all.A. or so B. someC. about D. over答案与解析Cabout“大约”,用法最为普遍;or so常用在数词之后,而some在此用法中后面不加冠词。9The boss always makes them do _ work and seldom gives them pay.A. extra B. spareC. many D. a number of老板总是

10、强迫他们做额外的工作,并且很少给他们付薪水。考查近义词的用法。extra“额外的”;spare“备用的;多余的”;many与a number of修饰可数名词,表示“许多”。可知A项正确。10The girl is a good _. Shes not really crying. Shes only _ to get your sympathy.A. actress; acting B. actor; actingC. action; active D. activity; actively答案与解析A从题干中可知主语是女孩,所以第一个空应选actress;第二空意思为“演戏”,应用进行时。

11、.根据课文内容,完成语法填空Do you know anything about The Monkees? It is a band that was popular in the 1960s in America, _1_ is still popular in the world today.The Monkees began as _2_ TV show. The musicians of the band played jokes on each other as well as _3_(play) music. The TV organizers had looked for fou

12、r musicians who were lively and who could make good music, _4_they only found one rock musician who was good _5_(music), but their performances were rock.At first, The Monkees would play a song _6_two written by other musicians. After about one year, they started _7_(play) and sing their own songs.

13、Then they produced their own records. _8_ was a pity that the band broke _9_ in 1970. But in the mid1980s, the band reunited. _10_(happy), in 1996, the band produced a new record.答案1.which2.a3.played4.but5.musician6.or7to play8.It9.up10.Happily.完形填空Im a 24yearold woman, married, with two children. I

14、 have a good job, and Im pretty _1_ with my life. Before January 12, Id never known what it was to feel completely _2_ inside.On January 10, my father had a severe asthma attack. He was _3_ to the hospital for life support. I stayed by his side day and night _4_ for him to wake up. That never _5_. O

15、n January 12, I watched as the doctors _6_ off the lifesupport machine. I think I stopped _7_ that moment. To this day, _8_ I understood, I was still a little angry. The _9_ thing about all of this was that I waited. I waited to _10_ my dad I loved him until he was on his death bed. I waited to hug

16、and kiss my dad, and hold his hands _11_ it was too late. It was too late to tell him and show him how much I loved him, _12_ him, respected him and admired him. I waited for something that would have only _13_ five minutes to say.I cant _14_ myself. Ive prayed that my father knew even though my lov

17、e went _15_. I guess the moral of my story is that dont wait until its too late. I made that mistake. Its a _16_ feeling to live with. It is almost as terrible as living without a _17_. Please take my story as a lesson. Dont just love your _18_ ones. Show your beloved ones that you love them as well

18、 as _19_ them. Theyll only _20_ if you tell them. Dons too late as I did.1A. curious B. anxious C. happy D. glad2A. sad B. disappointed C. surprised D. empty3A. rushed B. called C. sent D. delivered4A. expecting B. arranging C. wishing D. waiting5A. took place B. happened C. went D. came back6A. put

19、 B. cut C. took D. gave7A. crying B. breathing C. waiting D. loving8A. when B. as C. while D. although9A. best B. worst C. most D. latest10A. show B. tell C. change D. perform11A. though B. until C. while D. so long as12A. missed B. appreciated C. regretted D. thanked13A. taken B. spent C. cost D. p

20、aid14A. pardon B. excuse C. forgive D. tell15A. unspoken B. unwritten C. unforgotten D. shown16A. wrong B. bad C. terrible D. true17A. mother B. father C. child D. relative18A. beloved B. loved C. cared D. worded19A. do B. impress C. tell D. write20A. understand B. know C. accept D. receive答案与解析1C根据

21、前面内容“我结婚了,有两个孩子,有一份好工作”可知,作者对自己的生活很满意。be happy with“对感到满意”。2D在1月12日之前,我很幸福,从来不知道完全的空虚和绝望是什么样的感觉。此处用empty表达出作者在失去父亲之后内心的空虚。3Arush sb. to somewhere表示“把某人迅速送往某地”。父亲的哮喘突然发作,被送到医院进行急救。4D我日夜守候在父亲身旁,等待他醒来。5B根据下文内容可知,父亲最终没有醒来,即作者等待的事情没有发生。6C1月12日那天,我看着医生把呼吸机取下,父亲永远离我而去。7B那一刻我想我也像父亲一样停止了呼吸。该句表达作者失去父亲之后的绝望和无助


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