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1、For Samsung:The environment could make Samsung change its market into more stable countries such as China. And new competition policy would let it change its1 / 11strategy in competition especially in price.Econo mic segme nt: Global econo mic has already came into tard in ess phase, problems of hig

2、h price of oil, global imbala nee and the in crease of high public liability of developed country would make the econo mic in stable. The finan cial crisis happened in 2008 has already proved this. However, the GDP of whole world in crease inten sively. This might impact an orga ni zati on in lots o

3、f terms such as supplier and customer.In Chi na econo mic in creased in ten sively duri ng the last few years. GDP ofChina nearly up to 10.1% in 2010. Thus the environment of economic en vir onment in China is good for orga ni zati ons.For Samsung :It would be impacted heavily from the declining of

4、global economic, however, in China, stable and increasing market would let Samsung put more focus on it. And the price of Samsung s products should be changed for the different con diti on of the differe nt coun tries.Tech no logical segme nt: Gen erally speak ing, tech no logy no wadays could be de

5、scribed as huge new tech no logy coming forth, especially in global in formatio n.And the pace is more and more fast. The amalgamati on of in formatio n scie nces, life sciences, matter sciences and cognitive sciences made informationtech no logy used in more areas.Demographic segme nt (in Chin a):

6、We can un dersta nd the demographicdistributio n from the table below:GrossPerce ntCity66557530649.68County67414954650.32Male68685257251.27Female65287228048.73Age 0-1422245973716.602 / 1115-5993961641070.14Older than 6017764870513.26Sum1370536875From the table we could see that population in countie

7、s is larger than in cities, male and female numbers are approaching to a balanee and the largest amount of people are located betwee n age 15 to 59. This means more pote ntial markets are engen deri ng by the in creas ing of people in China.The government of China also does his best effort on public

8、 sanitation and speed up the development of education these years. As a result, the people quality in health aspect and educati on aspect both in crease quickly.For Sams ung:s market.Huge populati on gives Sams ung lots of new opport un ities. As an electr onic in dustry, Sams ung put most of its ma

9、rket in areas which has high earnings such as big cities. More people in cities than before would enrich Samsung Also, potential market and potential labor market would be given since the in creas ing of city populati on.2.In dustry En vir onment An alysisPorter Fse-Forces Model of Industry Competit

10、ion3/ 11Specifically, the in dustry en vir onment of Sams ung also in eludes four terms: Threats of new entrants: As we all know, there are lots of organizations do bus in ess in electro nic in dustry and this market had already saturati on. Electro nic product ion n eeds high cost, so the stre ngth

11、 of entry barriers is very huge. In this case it is not so easy for other organizations to enter this industry.In additi on, in the area of appeara nee few orga ni zati ons could do better tha n Sams ung and this make Sams ung has a large amount of loyal con sumers. Threat of substitute producti on:

12、 The substitute product ion of Sams ung selectro nic product ion in Chi na in cludes Nokia, Moto, Sony, LG, Sieme ns, TCL and so on.LG and TCL could not impact Samsung heavily because the features of4/ 11these organizations products have not catch up with Samsung products have wonderfulthe future fe

13、w years. Which could be threats to Samsung actually are Nokia, Moto and Sony. These organizations features and their own loyal customers.Bargaining power of suppliers :Samsung is an integrative company thus it hasits own supplier link. Supplier link which makes Samsung proud the most let Samsung has

14、 very little impact on the bargaining power of suppliers. They only need to care about the raw materials.Bargaining power of buyers: Because of the stable economic and political environment, the target market of Samsung sucptrsodwould stay in a dynamicbalance. We also could see that, economic is inc

15、reasing fast, with the buying behavior of high earning group, there would be large amounts of potential market exist for Samsung.ii. Internal Environment of Samsung1. Internal ResourcesTangible resources:Financial resource :Through financial analysis of Samsung, we can see that it is now in a strong

16、 financial position. As the data shows, Samsung has high amount of total assets and net sales .Although its debt isn w tleinveal,vitesry lonet income still keeps growing, reaching to 13.8 billion dollars in 2009. Organizations in such a strong financial position can be more responsive to new opportu

17、nities and new threats. Technological resource :Innovation is crucial to Samsungs business. As new technologies are being constantly introduced to the market, speed is essential for remaining competitive in todays digital era. In case of that, Samsung s R&D centers are set up all over the world. The

18、 R&D network spans six Samsung centers in Korea and 18 more in nine other countries, including the United States,5/ 11 the United Kingdom, Russia, Israel, India, Japan and China, as well as other research centers and universities. These centers are tasked with hiring top-notch local talent, investig

19、ating the latest local technology trends, and bringing to life those technologies that make the greatest benefits.Intangible resources:Human resource: One of Samsungs strongest assets is the team of talented researchers and engineers. More than a quarter of all Samsung employees 42,000 people work e

20、veryday in research and development. When employing people, Samsung puts his focus on employees sense of responsibilityas it is the core value outlook of SEC. Samsung select people who have good morals and be innovated. Anyway, employees need to be fit with Samsung s culture. Samsung not only puts h

21、is focus on the process of selecting employees, but also the process of training and educating employees. As statistics shows, Samsung costs about 63,000,000 dollars every year on the training of employees. In order to attract people with abilities and retain them, Samsung even programs an all-aroun

22、d incentive system and a scientific performance appraisal system. Those experts who have excellent performance even gain higher annual salary than top executives and managers. Unique brand reputation: Samsung rseputation is based on its corporate culture.As we all know, its vision is to lead the dig

23、ital convergence revolution growing to be the best and its mission is to become a best Digital- company.Here, dmeans most efficient productive management. Furthermore, Samsung sservice conception is to keep strong contact with customers and make their best efforts to satisfy with customers. All thes

24、e operating philosophies gain a lot of reputation for SEC.2. Value Chain Analysis6/ 11Admi nistratio nMult in ati onal compa ny system all over the worldforHRMTech no logyDevelopme ntProcureme ntChances pers onal developme nt Stro ng R&D capability“ Sams ung type n dustrial parkUstece high-e nd hno

25、logiesInboundLogisticsOperati onsWork in marketing uidi ng prin cipleMassive a high qualindtyOutbo undSet up strong market ing team aexte nsive market ing relati on shipsMarket ing and SalesOffer unique nd and thoughtful serviceSkill trai ningProfitService3.Core Competencies AnalysisSamsung core com

26、petencies are as follows :Innovation: Speaking of Samsung s resplendence, almost every manager orordinary employee will refer to the well-known remarks by Kun-Hee Lee, the chairman of Samsung Group, “ Exceptwife and children, all the things have to cha nge. ” In 1993, Kun- Hee Lee con ducted the “ N

27、ewMa nageme n” program. Through continuous indoctrinization of the consciousness of crisis and the concept that only those who change can possibly survive, Samsung s core bus in ess beg un to cha nge from mass imitati onal producti on to in depe ndent brand developme nt based on digital tech no logy. During its course to become a world-class compa ny, Sams ung has n ever stopped inno vati on and tr

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