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1、5._adj. 整个的;完全的;全数的_adv.完全的;全然地;整个地6._n. 能力;力量;权利。 _adj. 有权利的;有能力的7._n. 持续;系列8._adv.在户外;在野外 _adj.户外的;野外的。_adv.(反义)9._adj.松的;松开的 _adv. 松地;松开地_n. 十几岁的青青年10._adv.确实如此;正是;确切地 _adj. 确切的11._vi. 不同意 _n. 争辩,不合 _(反义词)vi (同意) 与一致12._adj.感激的;表示谢意的13._n. 提示,技术,尖;尖端;小费 vt. 倾斜;翻倒14._n. 项目;条款.官方的;正式的;公事的_n.办公室 _n.

2、政府官员16. _adj. 本国的;本地的 n. 本地人;本国人17. _adv.事实上;事实上 _adj. 事实上的;事实的18. _vt. 以为依照; n. 基部;基地;基础19. _ adj. 慢慢的;慢慢的 _adv.慢慢地;慢慢地20. _adj.较后的;后半的;(二者中)后者的 _(反义词)21. _n. 本身;本体;身份22. _adj.流畅的;流畅的 _adv.流畅地;流畅地23. _adj.频繁的;常见的 _adv.常常;频繁地24. _n.词语;表示;表达 _vt. 表示;表达25. _vt.识别出;承认;公认26. _n.口音;声调;重音27. _n.闪电28. _adv

3、.直接;挺直 adj.直的;笔直的;正直的二、短语1、关切;挂念_2、一系列_3、安静下来_4、合计_5、经历_6、记下;放下;记录_7、故意_8、面对面_9、与相处;进展_10、相爱:爱上_11、参加;加入_1二、因为;由于_13、走近;上来;提出_14、此刻;目前_1五、利用;利用_1六、例如;像这种的_17、扮演一个角色;参与_1八、成立,增进(健康)_1九、世界各地_20、转过拐角_三、句型1.You want to see a very interesting film with your friend, but your friend _go _he/she finishes cl

4、eaning his/her bicycle.2.When he /she borrowed it last time, he/ she broke it and you had to pay to _.3.While _the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.4.I wonder if _because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long _Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.

5、 was the first time in a year and a half that I _the night face to face.6. Im having some _my classmates at the moment.7. Do you know that there is _one kind of English?8. Native English speakers can understand each other _they dont speak the same kind of English.9. So people from the mountains

6、in the southeastern USA speak with almost _dialect _people in the northwestern USA.四、单项选择1. Can you tell me _ when my friend Anne will arrive?A. exactly B. correctly C. sadly D. greatly2. The student left the room _ all the lights on.A. with B. and C. but D. when3. There was _ time _ I hated to go t

7、o hospital.A. a; that B. a; when C. the; that D. the; when4. It was at this shop _ I came across the picture. A. which B. what C. where D. that5. Jackson has got to be crazy _ Chinese culture since he visited China last year.A. about B. with C. for D. at6. Bill _ his wife that he _ back for lunch th

8、at day.A. tells; is coming B. told; would come C. told; come D. had told; had come7. The reason _ he is late is _ there was a breakdown on the railway.A. why; why B. because; why C. that; because D. why; that8. That he always broke his promise _ his trouble.A. added up to B. added to C. added up D.

9、added9. He said it was the second time that he _ such a gift.A. received B. had received C. would receive D. has received10. It is no _ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.A. use B. help C. time D. way11. I met him at the Grand Theater yesterday afternoon, so he _ your lecture.A.

10、 couldnt have attended B. neednt have attended C. mustnt have attended D. shouldnt have attended12.Ten years later, we found Marie changed so much that we could hardly _her.A.remember B. see C. believe D. recognize13.The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _ rising steadily sin

11、ce B. are C. has been D. have been14.The hotel offers the highest _ of comfort and service.A.rules B. requests C. series D. standards 15.I hope the weather will _ fine until the weekend.A.stay B. get C. turn D. become16.So far the question that we are worrying about hasnt _ yet.A.come alon

12、g B. come over C. come up D. come down17. “Be careful with the dog”. He _ me to be careful with the dog.A. said B. warned C. begged D. hoped18. As _ as 80 people lost their lives in the fire, _ five firefighters.A . many; including B. much; including C. many; included D. much; to include19. Why does

13、 she feel so unhappy?_ what she has just heard.A. Because of B. since C. As D. Because20. What do you think _ an important part in their lives? Music. A. takes B. plays C. acts D. makes能力提升 一、完形填空One afternoon I went to an art museum and I was looking forward to a quiet view of the masterpiece(名作).

14、A young couple looking at the paintings ahead of me talked 1 between themselves. I watched them a moment and 2 she was doing all the talking. I admired his patience for 3 up with the talkativeness. Annoyed(愤怒)by her noise, I moved on. I 4 with them several times as I moved through the different room

15、s of art. 5 I heard her continuous talking, I moved 6 quickly. I was at the counter of the gift shop when I 7 the couple going to the exit. Before they left, the man took out a walking stick and then tapped(敲) his 8 into the coatroom to get his wifes jacket. “Hes a(n) 9 man, ” the clerk at the count

16、er said. “Most of us would 10 if we are blinded at such a young age. During his recovery, he said his wife wouldnt change. So, as before, he and his wife come in 11 there is a new art show. ” “But 12 does he get out of the art?” I asked. “He cant see.”“Cant see! Youre 13 . He sees a lot. More than y

17、ou or I do.” The clerk said. “His wife 14 each painting so he can see it in his 15 .” I 16 something about patience, courage and love that day. I saw the 17 of a young wife describing paintings to a person without 18 and the courage of a husband who would not allow 19 to change his life. And I saw t

18、he love 20 by two people as I watched this couple walk away hand in hand. 1. A. continuously B. carefully C. sadly D. happily 2. A. heard B. suggested C. found D. insisted 3. A. keeping B. staying C. coming D. putting 4. A. met B. quarreled C. watched D. hated 5. A. As though B. Now C. Each time D.

19、Ever since 6. A. on B. away C. in D. out 7. A. watched B. considered C. realized D. noticed 8. A. way B. wife C. the road D. direction 9. A. patient B. unlucky C. brave D. clever 10. A. give in B. give up C. give away D. give back 11. A. whenever B. wherever C. however D. whoever 12. A. when B. if C

20、. whether D. what 13. A. right B. wrong C. foolish D. careless 14. A. paints B. buys C. admires D. describes 15. A. eyes B. ears C. head D. mouth 16. A. learned B. found C. judged D. considered 17. A. kindness B. word C. courage D. patience 18. A. stop B. sight C. hearing D. mind 19. A. blindness B.

21、 ability C. care D. carelessness 20. A. shown B. given C. shared D. received 二、阅读明白得 Passage 1Everybody hates rats. But in the earthquake capitals of the world Japan Los Angeles, Turkeyrats will soon be mans new best friends.What happens after an earthquake? We send in rescue dogs. Why? Because they

22、 can smell people. Dogs save lives. They help rescuers to find living people. But dogs are big and they cant get into small spaces. So now a new research project is using a smaller animal to save lives: the rat.How does it work? First, the rat is trained to smell people. When this happens, the rats

23、brain gives a signal(信号). This is sent to a small radio on its back, and then the rescuers follow the radio signals. When the rats brain activity jumps, the rescuers know that someone is alive. The rat has smelled that person.Although there are already robots which can do this job, rats are better.

24、Christian Linster at Cornell University, New York, says, “ Robot noses dont work well when there are other smells around. Rats are good at that.” Rats can also see in the dark. They are cheaper and quicker to train than dogs, and unlike robots, they dont need electricity!The “rat project” is not fin

25、ished, but Julie Ryan of International Rescue Corps in Scotland says, “ It would be fantastic. A rat could get into spaces we couldnt get to and a rat would get out if it wasnt safe.” Perhaps for the first time in history, people will be happy to see a rat in a building(but only after an earthquake,

26、 of course).1. In the earthquake capitals of the world, rats will become mans best friends because they can _.A. take the place of mans rescue jobsB. find the position of people alive who are trapped in buildingsC. serve as food for people alive who are trapped in buildingsD. get into small spaces2.

27、 From the third paragraph we know the rescuers can judge a person alive by _.A.the noise made by the ratB.the rats unusual behaviorC.the signal sent by the radio on the rats backD.the smell given off by the person3. In doing rescue jobs,_.A.rats smell better than dogsB.dogs dont need to be trained to smell peopleC.robots sense of smell can be affected by other smells aroundD.rats can see in the dark and are smaller than robots4. Rats

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