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七年级英语上册 Unit 5Do you have a soccer ball 教案 人教新目标版Word下载.docx

1、 2.预习如何利用动词have来谈论物主关系.-Do you have a soccer ball ?- . / .- he a puter ?-Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt .3.预习如何提出建议。-Lets do sth.- That sounds good. / I dont have .巩固练习提高一.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.- your friends (have)many balls ? - Yes, they do .2.We (have) a volley ball club and two ping-pong clubs.3. Frank (

2、 not have ) a Japanese car.4. she ( have ) a set of CDs.?5. Lets (play) soccer ball after school.课堂学习过程,跟我学,锻炼自己。1、完成1a锻炼自己的语言表达能力。2、Listen and number the conversations 1-3.3、Listen and plete the conversations with words in the box.(2b)课堂练习单项选择。( )1. These boys play ping-pong after class. A .a B .an

3、 C .the D ./ ( )2. How many pens Jim ? - Two. A. does, have B. do, have C. does ,has D. do, has( )3.- , whats the time ? - , I dont have a watch .A. Excuse me, Sorry B. Sorry, Excuse me C. Sorry, Sorry D. Excuse me, Excuse me( )4 Lets play ping-pong. - _! I dont have a ball. A. Good B. OK C. Sorry D

4、. Fun( )5.He doesnt have a tennis . A. bat B. racket C. balls D./( )6.-Does he have a soccer ball ? - . A .Yes ,he is. B .No , he isnt . C .Yes ,he does. D .No, he havent.( )7.-Lets play tennis . - . A .That sounds good. B . Yes ,we do . C .No ,we dont. D .You have a tennis.( )8.Tom is American boy

5、. He likes playing basketball. A .an;/ B .an ;a C .an ;the D .a ;the( )9.- Barry have a baseball ? - No ,he . A .Do ;dont B .Do ;hasnt C .Does ;doesnt D .Does ;hasnt( )10 . Tom and Mike baseball ?have B .Does ;have C .Does ;has D .Do ;have句型转换1.I have a new book. (改为否定句) I a new book.2.Does Yang Pin

6、g have a soccer ball ? (作肯定回答) ,he .3.They have a big puter room. (一般疑问句) they a big puter room ?4.Does your cousin have ten bats ? (改为肯定句) My cousin ten bats .5.His tennis racket is on the wall. (就画线部分提问) His tennis racket ?根据汉语完成句子1.Jane 有一个网球拍吗? Jane a tennis racket ?2.你们学校有篮球俱乐部吗? Your school ha

7、ve a club ?3.让我们打排球把? Volleyball .4.我们有更多的运动俱乐部。 We sports clubs.5.你有一台电视吗?不,没有。 -Do you have ? -No, I .补全对话。A:Lets play puter games. B: .But I dont have a puter.A: Well, do you have a soccer ball? B: . Then lets play . B: But soccer is difficult. OK. Lets watch TV. B: .Hmmm. Lets play volleyball. D

8、o you have a volleyball? . B: OK. Lets go.自主完成作业:1 、Copy and remember the words 2 、 Make up a dialogue using the key words and target language我学到了什么?我的困惑疑点有什么?喀喇沁中学师生共用讲学稿Unit 5 . Do you have a soccer ball ? Section B课型: 新授 主备: 李洪涛 执笔: 李洪涛 李金燕 审核: 授课时间: 1.Key words and expressions in Section B.2.用ha

9、ve(has)表示某人拥有某物。3.学会使用恰当的形容词修饰某种活动。4.学会书写某人拥有多种物品的段落。5.动词的第三人称的变化规则自主预习,我能做到。重点词汇及词组interesting , boring , fun , difficult , relaxing , watch , great , but , only , them , every , day , watch TV , play sports3.-Lets play volleyball.- That sounds good / interesting / boring .4.Sonia Hall has a sports

10、 collection. Ed Smith has a great sports collection .1.注意根据人称选择适当的动词形式。2.That sounds +adjective.温故而知新1.运动俱乐部 soccer 3.运动收藏 TV 5.打篮球 6.on TV 7.英语俱乐部 sports 二根据要求写出下列单词的相应形式1.have(第三人称单数) 2.relax(形容词) 3.boring(反义词) 4.collect(名词) 5.they(宾格) 三用have和has 的适当形式填空。1.He a great sports c

11、ollection.2.- they six basketballs ? -Yes, they do.3. Ed Smith an interesting book ?4.I many tennis rackets and some ping-pong bats.5.Jack and Tony a puter game.学习过程:一.学习新单词二. 预习情况交流1.将课前准备中的情况与你的同学进行交流.2.讨论预习中遇到的问题(老师点拨).三. 学习策略培养通过写作的形式,熟练掌握如何书写某人拥有多种物品的段落。四.附加材料(P98动词第三人称单数变化)课堂练习,巩固练习提高,为了自己努力、加

12、油!用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.My brother (have) a new baseball2.-Lets go to the park. - That sounds (relax).3.It is an (interesting) film(电影).4. she (have) 50 volleyballs ?5.His father has a great stamp(邮票) (collect).根据汉语完成句子.(30分)1.你弟弟有电子游戏吗? Does your brother have a ?2.他有8个英式足球。 He has eight .3.Tom在早上不做运动。 Tom

13、 in the morning .4.那听起来太难了。 That .5.我的叔叔有很多运动收藏。 My uncle has a great .6.请让他早晨做运动吧。 Please let sports in the morning.7.我没有排球,但他有一个。 I have a volleyball , But he one.单项选择(45分)( ) 1 .I have a new bike, my sister doesnt have one. A .but B .and C .or D .too( ) 2 .They are my good friends .I love and the

14、y love . A .they ,I B .they ,me C them ,I D .them ,me( ) 3 .Its an question. A .fun B .boring C .interesting D .relaxing( ) 4.-Lets join(加入) the ping-pong club.- . A .That sounds good. B .That sounds well.C .Thats sound good. D .Thats sounds well.我学会了什么?我的困惑疑难点是什么?_ 120急救中心!我想请老师救我! Self check周清练习一默

15、写出和球类有关系的单词。(12分)1. ( ) 2. ( )3. ( ) 4. ( )5. ( ) 6. ( )二.单项选择(45分)( ) 4.-Lets join(加入) the ping-pong club.- . C .Thats sound good. D .Thats sounds well.( ) 5. Mr. Wang a watch . A .doesnt has B .doesnt have C .dont have D .dont has( ) 6. a baseball ? A .Are you have B .Do you have C .Are you D .Do

16、you are have( ) 7.He has five . He plays after school. A .basketball , basketball B .basketball , basketballs C .basketballs , basketball D .basketballs , basketballs( ) 9.-Does she have TV ? - Yes ,she often watches TV. A .a ,a B .the ,the C ./ ,the D .a ,/( ) 10. Jenny a great sports collection .

17、A .is B .has C .have D .are( ) 11 .I only watch Michael Jordan TV. A .on B .in C .under D .at( ) 12. I like playing Ping-pong. A ./ B .the C .a D .an( ) 13.Linda coffee or tea . A .like B .dont like C .doesnt like D .not like( )14 .Lets basketball.A .plays B .play C .playing D .do( )15. you have a n

18、ew puter ? A .Is B .Are C .Do D .Does三.根据汉语完成句子.(30分)四阅读短文,完成表格内容。(10分)It sounds fun to play puter games .But I dont have a puter at home .After school ,I often play tennis with my best friend . We think it is interesting .I dont play soccer because it is so difficult .Girls dont do that often .I do

19、 not play ping-pong .I think it is very boring .I watch TV every night .I think it is relaxing.Activities(活动)Descriptions(描述)Play puter games1 2 interestingplay soccer3 play ping-pong4 5 relaxing注:卷面书写3分,请各位老师根据学生书写情况给分。2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball Period 1教案 (新版)人教新目标版The Plan

20、 of the Unit:Topic: Spending time with friendsFunctions: ask and answer questions about ownership, make suggestionsStructures: Present tense to have Yes/ No questions and short answers Lets Adjectives of qualityTarget Language(重点句型): Do you have a basketball? Yes, I do. Lets watch TV. No, that sound

21、s boring. That sounds great.Vocabulary(重点词汇): TV, ball, basketball, soccer, bat, tennis racket, volleyball, interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing学习策略:运用对话练习,掌握如何用英语向对方询问是否拥有某物, 增强个人与他人的联系与交流.跨学科学习:体育球类, 礼貌邀请别人课时划分: 根据需要共用4课时完成本单元的教学任务. 第一课时: 球类单词,学习句型 Do you have.? Yes, I do. No, I dont.第二课时: 部分生词, 复习句型Do you have.? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 学习Does he/ she have.? Yes, he/ she does. No, he/ she doesnt. 第三课时: 部分生词, 复习Do you have .? Doe

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