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1、S. Performance and here is a story in the text about body language, from the story we will discover how it works, why it is so important and how, with a little knowledge and understanding you can greatly change the outcome of everyday situations. Please skim the story and list the body languages bet

2、ween Debbie and Simon. (pair work) namebody language outcomeDebbiesit up and hold head up, look at customers, always smile, turn head or body towards customers, greet cheerfullylook friendly,make others feel welcomeSimonrest head on hand, look downwards, never smile, never turn head or body towards

3、customersLook unfriendlymake others go away So do you think body language is very important? Your ability to read or understand a persons body language can make difference between making a good or bad impression. now use your own words to describe Debbie or Simon to your deskmate(pair work)with the

4、help of the table. aboveT/S: (explain and understand the verbal phrases).Promotion: Now Id like to ask some students to use his or her body language to act out these verbal phrases and the others speak up the correct phrases. After you have learned the body language ,Im sure all of you will pay more

5、 attention to it in your communication with others.Homework:1. Review the verbal phrases2. Preview the vocabulary and phrases in the text and finish Ex.C1,C23. Practise reading and act out the story 4. Fill out the table to know more about body languageExamples of Body LanguageNONVERBAL BEHAVIORINTE

6、RPRETATIONStanding with hands on hipsSitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightlySitting, legs apartArms crossed on chestTouching, slightly rubbing noseTapping or drumming fingersLooking down, face turned awayBiting nails5 .find more examples of body language 6. Daily talk: My Body Language ( Th

7、e body language of my family members) Second Period (vocabulary) to enable students to learn vocabulary and phrases to know more words to learn to use dictionary1. review the content of the material by acting out or retell the story2. discover the meanings of body language(check the table) and stude

8、nts examples of body language S: (Eye contact is one of the most important aspects of dealing with others, especially people weve just met. Maintaining good eye contact shows respect and interest in what they have to say; Distance from others is crucial if you want to give off the right signals; Not

9、hing crossed: Keep arms, legs, and feet relaxed and uncrossed. Also, if you are wearing a jacket, open it up. It relays the message. I am open and honest with you.).Performance: Thank so much for your wonderful performance, so we have got a good revision of the whole text ,but do you have any diffic

10、ulty with the vocabulary or phrases in the text? When we meet with new words or phrases in your reading, we can turn to dictionary for help, for examples(P14.A1-8). (as many of you have not prepared an English dictionary, I will explain the vocabulary of this text for you, but you have to look up th

11、e dictionary by yourself next unit.) 1. look up 抬头看 Hearing his name called, he looked up from his newspaper. 查阅 look up sth. in the dictionary Dont look up every new words in the dictionary when reading an English articles.2. well/poorly-dressed: adj. dress well/ poorly: v.The lady dresses well / s

12、he is a well-dressed, newly-built, newly-passed, well-paid, well-known3. glance at 瞥一眼v&n. at first glance 咋一看 He glanced at his watch to see if he had enough time to catch the flight. take a quick look at/ take(have,cast)a glance atI had no time so I just cast a glance at the headlines of t

13、he first glance 咋一看At first glance, the plan seemed unworkable. glare at 凝视 stare at 怒目而视4. walk over to sb. 5. senior adj. 级别高的,资历较长的,junior adj. 级别低的 a senior officer be senior to be older than be junior to sb. He is senior to me by two years. He is two years senior to me.6. greet: v.

14、 greet sb. (with sth.) greeting; n. we greeted them in the street with a friendly wave of hand. T: what are the common greetings in china?() and how about the greetings in America?()7. sigh: v. /let out breath heavily as a sign of disappointment or sadness sigh deeply/ heavily 深深地叹口气 sigh with despa

15、ir 绝望地叹气When mother saw the school report, she sighed deeply.sign: n. breathe/ give/ let out a sigh of relief 送了一口气 8. employee. n The firm has 200 employees. n. employer employment v. employ9. whats up/ whats the matter /whats happening10. prefer A to B prefer doing A to doing B prefer to do prefer

16、 to do rather than doeg. Some people prefer camping outside to staying in hotels. = Some people prefer to camp outside rather than stay in hotels. 有些人宁可露营也不愿住在酒店。11. the way you communicate : v./ exchange information communicate with sb. 与某人交流Nowadays we can communicate with each other by cell phone

17、. communicate sth. to sb 把告诉某人.With his help, we tried to communicated this feeling to the munication: n. the way ( that / in which ) sb. do sth. The way you say something is more important than what you say.12. more than :不仅仅 not onlyLearning English is more than memorizing vocabulary.13. gesture:

18、n./ hand movements when you are communicating a foreign language, gestures can help you express yourself.14.expression :n. /look on ones face that shows feelings or moodsan expression of complete surprise n./acting of expressingThe scenery is beautiful beyond /the

19、 way one looksNever judge a person by his or her appearance.n. /coming into view The sudden appearance of the police caused the thief to run away. appear:16. give/ leave/ sb. a good impression give / leave a good impression on sb. make a good impression on sb. first impression 第一印象 impress: v. impre

20、ss sb with She impressed me with her elegance./ Her elegance left me a good impression. impressive adj. 令人难忘的 ones head on ones handrest on / against v. 倚靠,躺 .18.look downwards19.turn body towards customers20.hold ones head up21.go to sb. for assistance22.seem to work It seems that seem+adj.2

21、3. without hesitation He asks teachers without hesitation. 毫不犹豫 hesitate v. hesitate to do 迟疑做 Never hesitate to turn to me when you are in trouble.24. remark v. 说, He remarked that it was time to interview the farmer. remark on / upon 就-发表看法,评论 Its not right to remark on his appearance.25. remind v

22、. remind sb. of/ sth. / that / sb. to do sth. He reminded me of the World Cup by phone. The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late. Please remind him to take medicine tomorrow.Ex.D1,D21. memorize the vocabulary and do translation:在面试中要想给考官留下好印象,个人仪表,姿势是很重要的。(impression)In the job interview,

23、if you want to leave a good impression on the judge, your appearance, gestures are very important.许多公司较喜欢那些与同事能友好相处的雇员。(prefer)Many companies prefer the employees who can work well with colleagues.如果在工作中有疑问,不要犹豫去请教别人。(hesitate)If you have any question in the job, dont hesitate to ask others for help

24、.你和别人打招呼的方式也很重要。( way )The way you greet others is also important.他看上去很低落,但老师鼓舞人心的一番话似乎起作用了。(work)He looked downwards but the teachers inspiring words seemed to work.2. Third Period (Grammar) to review the vocabulary and phrases to review grammar-Tensesreview the vocabulary and phrases: Please speak

25、 up the phrases according to my body languageglance at, greet cheerfully, put hand on the shoulder, hold head up, turn body towards , rest head on hand, look downwards, sigh please guess the words according to the English meanings slow to speak or act as one feels uncertain-hesitate like better-pref

26、erto higher in rank -senior(officer) whats happening-whats up not only-more than to comment on-remark the look on ones face to show mood or feelings-expression hand movements-gesture to help sb. remember sth.-remind (check translation exercises). Performance: Revision Exercises 1. simple present: (1)表经常发生的动作usually, always, often, every week (2) 永恒的状态或真理 Twice five is ten. (2 ) 在时间,条件状语从句中表将来 2. present continuous: (1) 正在发生的动作now (2)leave, go, co

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