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1、 第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A1915 B915 C918答案是B。1What will the speakers do on Saturday?AGo to work BEat brunch. CGo to the gym2When did the man hurt himself?AA few weeks ago BA few mont

2、hs ago CA few years ago3Where does this conversation take place?AIn a bookstore BIn a library CIn a classroom4How does the woman sound?ANervous BSad CAngry5Why did they stay up late for the last two nights?AThey studied for the physics examBThey didnt want to go to bed earlyCThey had to prepare thei

3、r breakfast第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分225分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6What does the man like most about reusable bags?AThey are freeBThey can be used for more purposesCThey are lighter and easier to carry7What d

4、iscount do shoppers receive if they use reusable bags?A10 dollars off B5 off C10 cents off听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8Why doesnt Brad like online shopping?AHe doesnt like to planBHe doesnt like to stay at home waitingCHe doesnt want his packages stolen9What does Brad advise Sally to do?AGo to the storeBClean t

5、he houseCKeep track of her package10How is Sally related to Brad?AShes his mom BShes his employee CShes his sister听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11In the beginning,what does the woman think George is doing?AReading BColoring CWriting12Why are some of the texts marked in green?AThey are the main ideasBThey are imp

6、ortant detailsCThey are a bit more difficult13What does George write down in his notebook?AFigures BStories CQuestions听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14Who hasnt known the news yet?ALily BKatie CJason15According to the woman,what is much better in France?AThe food BThe weather CThe Schools16What does the man hope

7、to do about his family?ABring them to FranceBLeave them in AmericaCVisit them in a few months 17What is the relationship between the speakers?ABoss and secretary BFamily members CCo-workers听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18What is the most important requirement for this job?AExperience BCreativity CEnergy19What d

8、o children do in the morning?AGo hiking BWrite short essays CReport to the leaders20When is the deadline of the application?AApril 20th BMay 12th CJuly 20th第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFour days after Dads 67th birthday,he had a heart at

9、tackHe was luckyhe survivedBut something inside him had diedHis enthusiasm for life was goneMy husband and I asked Dad to live with us on our small farm,hoping the fresh air would help him adjustWithin a week after he moved in,I regretted the invitationHe criticized everything I didI became frustrat

10、edOne day I read an article about a nursing homeSeveral depressed patientsattitudes had improved dramatically when they were given dogsSo,I drove to the animal shelter that afternoonAs soon as I got there,a pointers(指示犬)eyes caught my attentionThey watched me calmlyA staff member said:“He got here t

11、wo weeks ago and weve heard nothingHis time is up tomorrow”I turned to the man in horror“You mean youre going to kill him?”“Maam,”he said gently“We dont have room for every unclaimed dog”The pointers calm brown eyes awaited my decision“I11 take him,”I saidGlancing at the dog,Dad wrinkled his face an

12、d turned back toward the houseThen,suddenly,the pointer pulled free from my graspHe sat down in front of DadDads anger melted,and soon he was hugging the animal It was the beginning of a warm friendshipDad named the pointer CheyenneTogether they spent long hours walking down dusty lanes and relaxing

13、 on the banks of streamsDads bitterness faded,and he and Cheyenne went on to make many friendsThen,late one night two years later,I felt Cheyennes cold nose searching through my bed coversHe had never come into our bedroom before at nightI ran into my fathers room and found that he had passed away T

14、wo days later,my shock and grief deepened when I discovered Cheyenne lying dead beside Dads bedAs I buried him near their favorite stream,I silently thanked the dog for restoring Dads peace of mind21Why did Dad criticize everything the author did?AHe didnt like his daughters farmBThe disease took aw

15、ay his interest in lifeCThe state of his illness worsenedDHis daughter couldnt do things well22What was Dads attitude when he first saw the dog?ADisappointed BUnfriendly CExcited DSatisfied23What was the dogs greatest help to Dad?AIt accompanied him on his walkBIt helped him make many friendsCIt bro

16、ught peace of mind back to himDIt improved the relationship between him and his daughter24Whats the best title for the passage?AAn Abandoned Dog BDads RecoveryCFriends in the End DDads Last daysBChina Train GuideQuick Guide on China Train TravelIf youre looking for an affordable and comfortable way

17、to get around China,train travel is the way to goGetting train information and cheap train tickets has never been easier. Online train ticket booking makes it easy for travelers to look through Chinas train timetable,compare train fares,and look for ticket availabilityOnce youve found a suitable tra

18、in,you can book online and pick your tickets up at the train station or get them delivered to your home or hotelTrain tickets can be booked online a minimum of 35 minutes and a maximum of 60 days before departureHow to choose train typesWhen youre buying China train tickets online,you11 notice that

19、the journey duration differs depending on which type of train you chooseChina train types can be recognized by their letter codesG,D and C trains are high-speed trains,while Z,T and K are slower or overnight trainsChinas high-speed trains run between Chinese provincial capitals and first-tier Chines

20、e citiesG trains(high-speed trains,standing for goti)are Chinas bullet trains the fastest trains with a maximum speed of 400 kmhTickets for these trains are the most expensiveHow to buy train ticketsUnless you can read Chinese,there are only two ways to make train reservations in China:Online train

21、ticket booking with a travel agency(up to 60 days before departure)At the train stationlocal ticket agency with your passport(up to 58 days before departure)How to read train ticketsWhen reading your train ticket,please take note of the Chinese characters and Pinyin printed next to your departurearr

22、ival cityDirections(North,South,East,and West)appear in Pinyin(Bei,Nan,Dong,and Xi),not EnglishPlease make sure you are going to the correct train station25What can we learn from the first paragraph?ATravelling by train in China is not expensiveBIts difficult to get train information in ChinaCYou ca

23、n get on the train without tickets after booking onlineDTrain tickets online are available at any time within 60 days before you leave26If MrSmith needs to travel from Jinan to Beijing for something urgent,hed better takeAG trains BZ trains CD trains DOvernight trains27Who are the intended readers o

24、f the passage?ANative tourists BTravel agencies CForeign travelers DBusinessmenCFor so long,failure has been pictured as something negative,something to be ashamed of and something to be kept a secretBut a Swedish psychologist,Samuel West,has decided to put our worst fears on the tableHe is opening

25、a museum-the Museum of Failure-in Helsingborg,Sweden,this JuneInstead of showing successes,as museums usually do,the Museum of Failure will display over 60“failed”products from big-name companies such as Nokia,Apple and Coca-Cola“I really hope you see that these mega-brands that everybody respects,t

26、hey screw up too,”West told The New York Times“I hope that makes you feel less nervous about learning something new”Wests opinion isnt a new oneAlbert Einstein once said,“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new”And this idea has been embraced by lots of companies in the USSilicon

27、Valley,for example,is the home of some of the worlds most creative companies,yet its slogan turns out to be,quite surprisingly,“Fail fast,fail often”However,there are reasons for this“The best companies are those that encourage failure,embrace out-of-the-box thinking,and allow employees to make mist

28、akes and see what happens,”wrote Simon Casuto of ForbesBut some people are skeptical of this so-called“culture of failure”They are worried that if failure becomes“a symbol of honor”,as Wired magazine put it,it may even be seen as“uncool”when someone tries to reduce the risk of failureThis may push p

29、eople to care too little and try too little“Sometimes people hide behind failure,when they could have prevented it,”wrote Anna Isaac of The TelegraphSo its important that you set apart the two kinds of failurethe kind that makes you a loser and the kind that takes you forwardThe key is whether youve

30、 learned something from your mistakes“Learning is the only process that turns failure into success,”West told The Guardian“If you dont learn from your failures,then youve really failed”28What does the underlined phrase“screw up”mean in the second paragraph?AMake a profit BMake a messCMake a highlight DMake a risk29What message does the slogan“Fail fast,fa

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