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1、Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音锣束前锣不要离听啦锣本锣。否锣就不成! Part 1 Understanding Long Conversations(每小锣,1 分)Directions: In this section youll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. D. That people would kill themse

2、lves.C. Shakespeares works.B. Chinese books.A. Bao the Orphan.D. He runs into a tree.C. He hangs himself from a tree.B. He jumps off the top of a tree.A. A tree falls on him.D. He should do everything his older brother says.C. He should help him when he can.B. He should protect him.A. He should not

3、fight against him.D. People view relationships differently.C. People often get angry.B. Brother fight against each other.A. People often kill themselves.D. To explain Chinese relationships.C. To explain Chinese customs.B. To explain a book he is reading.A. To explain Shakespeare.Questions 1 to 5 are

4、 based on the same passage or dialog. After the movies.C. Three days later.B. The next day.A. Two days later.D. In the store.C. On the table.B. On the street.A. On the floor.D. A department store.C. A bridge.B. A restaurant.A. A street.D. A supermarket.C. A cinema.B. A department store.A

5、. A restaurant.D. A department store.C. A restaurant.B. A street.A. A bridge.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog. 1C 1B 1B 1C 0D 0C 1A 1A 1B 锣锣学生答案CorrectPart 1 Understanding Long Conversations (每小锣: 1 分; 锣分,10 分) (In the case of True/False type of questions, A sta

6、nds for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.) Subtotal: 8得分小锣Part 2 Understanding Passages(每小锣,1 分)ll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. D. The five foot races in the first Greek OlympicsC. The colors

7、 blue, yellow, black, green and red.B. The friendship gained through sports.A. The saying faster, higher and stronger.D. The linking of sports groups.C. The Olympic symbol of 5 rings.B. Some new Olympic sports.A. The modern Olympic Games.D. To help athletes become stronger by competing.C. To create

8、a new symbol for world friendship.B. To have countries compete with each other.A. To honor Greece and the city of Athens.D. They hosted the first modern Olympics.C. They invited 8 more countries to join.B. They added more games to the Olympics.A. They stopped the Olympic Games.D. To honor the Greek

9、god, Zeus.C. To become faster, higher and stronger.B. To help athletes become friends.A. To help athletes develop strength.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. His study group.C. His whole family.B. His roommate.A. His mother.D. Someone always watching.C. People bein

10、g nearby.B. having more private times.A. Seeing his family.D. To find a little time alone.C. To live with roommates.B. To do more studying.A. To get together with others.D. They cant see brothers and sisters.C. They cant find people to socialize with.B. They cant be alone enough.A. They cant be take

11、n care of by parents.D. They will not want to be close to others.C. They will not like the loneliness of college.B. They will be alone more often at college.A. They will be alone too often at home.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.10.9.D. Handle responsibility.C. Not control

12、them at all.B. Relax their rules a little.A. Refuse to spoil them.D. They caused trouble they couldnt fix.C. They did things that could hurt them.B. They were able to handle things well.A. They made improvements step by step.D. They had much more to control.C. They had become a lot greedier.B. They

13、had more freedom overnight.A. They had to understand their parents.D. They made him follow their rules.C. They made him go off to university.B. They often spoiled him too much.A. They were often too generous.D. That he was possibly too greedy.C. That he was only beginning life.B. That he had too muc

14、h to uncover.A. That he was generous too often.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog. C (To be shown in 7 days.) 1B (To be shown in 7 days.) 1D (To be shown in 7 days.) 1D (To be shown in 7 days.) 1A (To be shown in 7 days.) 1B (To be shown in 7 days.) 1A (To be

15、 shown in 7 days.) 0A (To be shown in 7 days.) 1B (To be shown in 7 days.) 0D (To be shown in 7 days.) 1C (To be shown in 7 days.) 0C (To be shown in 7 days.) 1D (To be shown in 7 days.) 1D (To be shown in 7 days.) 锣锣学生答案CorrectPart 2 Understanding Passages (每小锣: 锣分,15 分) (In the case of True/False

16、type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.) 得分1Part 3 Skimming and Scanning (Multiple Choice+Blank Filling)(每小锣,1.5 分) Read the following passage or passages and then answer the questions. For the first 7 questions in each passage, choose the best answer

17、from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For the remaining 3 questions in the same passage, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.A strong foundation enables your structure to stand up to all attacks and fully .Instead of focusing on rewards, builders should build a goo

18、d foundation with hard work and .Mistakes made in the foundation will endanger .D. spent a lot of money on the groundworkC. understood the groundwork takes timeB. stood around talking about the buildingPeople closely related to the building being built _.D. happens at fast speedC. shows great progre

19、ssB. needs a lot of timeA. requires great supportConstructing the foundation of a building _.D. create lots of activityC. be tempted to ask more questionsB. collect a big pay checkA. feel more satisfied and do a better jobIf we regard the task we are doing as accomplishing a purpose, well _.D. The m

20、an constructing a church.C. The man making a living.B. The man laying bricks.A. The man passing by.Which of the men had personal happiness? _D. worthwhile rewardsC. immediate satisfactionB. instant convictionA. supportive foundationsOur focus today is on _.D. having a firm base came firstC. satisfyi

21、ng themselves was basicB. having money and material was enoughA. failing was impossibleMany internet companies failed, because people thought _.D. have a firm constructionC. have few people to argueB. have the support of familyA. have a strong foundationIn creating something, its important to _.Ques

22、tions 1 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog. wondered where the building wasBuilding Solid Foundations 建造When it comes to the construction () of a building, few people would argue about the importance of establishing a strong foundation. Its not different in building a business,

23、a family, or a life. In 2000, we watched the failure of many Internet-based companies. One of the reasons for this is that these companies were built without solid foundations. A company needs more than just money and material to satisfy its basic needs; it also requires a firm base from which to bu

24、ild. 重点The emphasis () today is on instant satisfaction. But if we want to build something of value, something that will last, we must build a foundation that will support our goal. It takes effort and it takes conviction, but the rewards are worth it. Keep Your Eyes on What Youre Building There was

25、 once a man passing by a construction site. He stopped and asked one of the tradesmen what he was doing. The worker replied 锣simply, Im laying bricks(), cant you see that? The man watched a while longer and then asked another worker what he was doing. m just earning a living, he replied. A third tim

26、e the man asked a worker and the response was much different, m building a beautiful church. No doubt the personal happiness and the quality of the work from the last man was much better than from the first two. And what about us? Are we just collecting a pay check, doing hard dull work laying brick

27、s? Or are we building churches?By staying focused on what were building and seeing the task at hand as accomplishing that purpose, well gain greater satisfaction, our work will be lighter, and well create more excellence. Foundations Take Time I recently watched a building being built. (I must admit

28、 I was tempted to ask some of the workers what they were doing.) For months, there seemed to be little progress. There was plenty of dust, lots of activity, but very few signs that anything was really happening. Thats because they were building the foundationthe foundation to support a great structu

29、re. And that takes time. The engineers, the head builders, and the owner certainly werent standing around saying, Wheres the building? Why cant I see more progress? They knew that a majority of the time to construct the building would be spent in laying the groundwork. Once the foundation is ready,

30、the rest of the construction happens at 上锣建筑fast speed. Even mistakes made in the superstructure () can be corrected without too much difficulty. But faults in the foundation CANNOT be easily repaired and will threaten the entire structure. And why should what we build be any different? We need to put strong foundations under our dreams, our businesses, and our relationships. I believe that this is where many people struggle. Theyre too focused on the rewards and dont give enough attention to the hard work and 基锣建筑careful planning

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