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1、请进来!课堂活动用语:Warm-up time!做热身啦!Is everyone ready to begin?都准备好了吗?Everybody together! All together! 大家一起来。s do finger plays. 一起来做手指游戏!Story time!讲故事啦!Im going to tell you a story. 我将讲个故事给你们听。Shh,. Please listen carefully. 嘘,仔细听。No playing during the circle time. 在圆圈时间不能玩。Please raise your hand. 请举手。Ple

2、ase speak loudly./ louder please! 请大声说。s talk in English. 一起来说英语。By turns. One by one. 按顺序,一个一个来。s chant. 一起做律动。Come on. Please come here. 来吧,请到这边来。Quickly. 快点。Slowly. 慢点。Be careful. 小心点。Please sit down. Please go back. 请回去。s play (a game). 一起来玩游戏。s play Simon Says!我们一起玩“西蒙说”的游戏吧。Ready, set, go!准备,开

3、始!s watch cartoon. 一起来看动画。s watch and say!一起来看图说话。s work. 一起来做手工。Open your books, please. 请把你的书打开。Please turn to page 5. 请把书翻到第五页。Close your books, please. 请把书合起来。s count. 一起来数数Look at me and listen to me.看着我,听我说Stand up, sit down.起立,坐下。Follow me, please.请跟我来。Come with me!跟我来Read after me.和我一起读。What

4、 did you hear?你听到什么?Can you hear me?你能听到我说话吗?s say it together. 让我们一起说。Is that clear?清楚了吗?Do you understand?明白了吗?Do you know it?你知道吗?I dont know. 我不知道。Open your book, please. 请翻开书。Which one do you want?你想要哪一个?Which one do you like?你喜欢哪一个?Are you sure?你确定吗?What did you see?你看到什么?How do you know it?你怎

5、么知道的?s play a game.让我们来做游戏Read it and touch the card. 读一遍并且拍一下卡片。s write / draw something.让我们写/画些什么。s dance / sing together. 让我们一起来跳舞/唱歌。s listen to a story.让我们听一个故事。s listen to the tape/CD.让我们听磁带。s watch a play. 让我们看表演。Who wanna ( wants to )try? 谁想来试试。Let me try/ I want to try!让我来!1 2 3 go! 1 2 3 开

6、始Whos turn?该轮到谁了?Its my turn!到我了。Take turns!轮流来!One by one!一个一个来Anyone else?还有谁想参加?One more time!再来一次Be careful! Watch out!小心!当心!Are you finished?做好了吗?s the first one?谁是第一个完成的?s the winner?谁是胜利者?_ is the first one / winner! 第一个完成的/赢了!Paper scissors stone!布、剪子、石头!Stop here!就到这吧!课堂规则用语:Be good! Behave

7、 yourself. 表现好一些!Dont look back!别回头看。Turn right / left / back!向右/左/后转!Turn around!转个圈。Sit well, please!请做好。Go back to your seat!请回座位。Stop talking!别说话。Please dont talk!请不要讲话。Open your eyes/ mouth.张开眼睛/嘴巴。Close your eyes/ mouth. 闭上眼睛/嘴巴。Be quite. / keepquite / silence, please! 保持安静。Stop!停! Freeze!不许动。

8、表扬用语:Good job ! Very good ! Pretty good ! 真棒!Nice going ! Nice job ! Well done ! 做的不错!You did a good job! 干得好!Good boy/girl! 好男孩/女孩!Wonderful ! 太棒了!Lucky you! 你很幸运!Good for you! 你很棒!I am proud of you. 我为你感到骄傲!What a surprise! 真是一个惊喜!Youre special. 你很特别!Excellent! 太优秀了!Great! 太好了!Well done!Remarkable

9、! 太不寻常了!Super Star!/ Super job! 超级棒!超级明星!Thats incredible! 真难以置信!。re beautiful. 你很美。You make me happy. 你让我高兴。Fantastic!Terrific! 好极了!Beautiful work! 干得漂亮!Fantastic job! 出色的工作!Bingo! (因出乎意料的成功而表示兴奋的叫声) 太棒了!A big hug! 用力抱一下!Hurray for you! 为你欢呼!I trust you. 我相信你.A big kiss! 使劲亲一下!Exactly! 完全正确!s great

10、!Congratulations! 祝贺你!Think it over and try again! 仔细想想,再试一次。Much better! 好多了!Good point! 说的对!Outstanding! 非常突出Good idea! 好主意!Not bad ! 不错!You are right ! 你是正确的!Nice try ! 不错的尝试!re so clever ! 你真聪明!re the best ! Youre great !re amazing! 你是最棒的!Were so proud of you ! 我们真为你感到骄傲!So beautiful ! 真漂亮!How l

11、ovely ! 太可爱了!鼓励用语:t be afraid ! Try it ! 别害怕!试一试!t be shy, just try ! 别害羞!Keep trying, you can do it ! 再试试, 你肯定行!Believe yourself, you can make it ! 相信自己,你能行!Cheer up ! Lets try again ! 振作起来!我们再试试!ll make it ! 你一定行!re making progress! 你有进步!t let me down ! 别让我失望!Take it easy ! 慢慢来!Come on ! 加油!一日用语:H

12、i/ Hello!你好!Good morning. 早上好!Nice to meet you ! Nice to see you !很高兴见到你。Give me a hug !拥抱一下!How are you ?你好吗?m fine thank you. 我很好,谢谢。Come in, please!请进!Come on / Come here, please ! 请过来!Take off your coat. 脱掉外套。Say bye-bye to your mummy / daddy !请和妈妈、爸爸说再见。户外活动:At ease / Attention !稍息/立正!Stand in

13、a line. 站成一条队!Stand still.站直了!s time for morning exercises. 早操时间到了!s go out / outside. 让我们到室外去!s go downstairs.让我们到楼下去!s play on the ground.让我们去操场上玩!Line up. 排队!Eyes front / Hands down. 向前看/手放下。s go. 让我们走!Count off. 报数Hurry up. 快点Be slowly, take easy. 慢点,别着急。Hand in hand. 手拉手Make a circle. 围一个圈。Fall

14、 in / Fall out. 集合/ 解散。Are you tired? / lets have a rest / break. 你累了吗?/ 让我们休息一下。s go back to the classroom. 让我们回教室。t push other children. 别推别的小朋友。No/stop fighting/shouting/pushing!不要打架/不要大声喊/不要互相推。午饭时间:s time for lunch. 午饭时间到了Lunch time now. 午饭时间。Use soap to wash your hands.用香皂洗手。Dry your hands wit

15、h your towel. 用毛巾把手擦干。Turn the tap off, when you have down. 洗完手后,把水龙头关了。Show me your hands, are they clean / dirty? 让我看看你的手干净了吗?/ 脏吗?Set the table !把桌子摆好。Are you thirsty? / Are you hungry?你渴吗?/ 你饿吗?Please take your cup. 请拿你的杯子。Have some water. 喝点水。t spill your foods on the table. 别把你的食物洒在桌子上。Please

16、finish it. 把它吃完。Would you like some more?你想再来点吗?Have some more. 再多吃点。Are you full ?饱了吗?Wipe your mouth. 擦嘴。Is it delicious?它好吃吗?午休时间:Bed time. 午睡时间到了。Take off your clothes/ coat / trousers / shoes. 脱衣服/外套/裤子/鞋Fold up your clothes / coat / trousers / shoes. 叠好衣服/外套/裤子/,放好鞋。Go to sleep. 睡觉Close your e

17、yes. 闭眼Cover yourself up. 盖好被子Put hands into the quilt. 把手放进被子里。Wake up / get up. 快醒来!/ 起床了。Put on your clothes. 穿衣服Dress yourself. 自己穿衣服。Fold up your quilt. 叠被子 Button your coat. 扣扣子Tie your shoes. 系上鞋带。Tuck your shirt into your pants. 把衣服掖进裤子里 Wash your face. 洗洗脸Brush your teeth. 刷刷牙Comb your hair

18、. 梳头告别时间Blow a kiss! 来个飞吻吧!Say bye-bye to teachers. 老师再见 Good-bye everybody. 大家再见See you again. 再见See you tomorrow. 明天见See you next week. 下周见Have a good weekend !周末快乐!Have a good holiday ! 假期愉快!s review the song/the game. 让我们复习歌曲/游戏。OK, times up. 好的,到时间了。s sing a Goodbye Song. 我们一起唱个再见歌吧。s time to g

19、o home!该回家了!s that? That must be your mom and dad。那是谁?那一定是你的妈妈和爸爸。Please put your chair back. 请把你的椅子放回去。Go to get your backpack and change your clothes. 去拿你的书包,然后换衣服。Please put on your bag. 请背上书包。Would you like to take it home?你想把它带回家吗?Could you bring your photos tomorrow? 你能带过来你的照片吗?Say goodbye to the other kids. 对其他孩子说再见!I have something for you. 我有一些东西给你。

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