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1、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。A Mrs. Baileywas important in the educationaljourney that carried me throughschool and into my profession.Until I joined her class, I hadnt believedin my ability as a writer. She1(persuade)me to join the poetry society andlit in me a fire

2、 for literature. She recognised2(I) potential and showed me that I could write with creativity and enthusiasm.Because of the confidence she inspired in me, Ive carved out a3(success) professionas a journalist.BSome university students carried out a campaign4they celebrated their whole day without ce

3、ll phones. This move was to improve their relationships with their near and dear ones and to keep themaway fromthe virtual(虚拟的)life.5 (study) indicate that a majority of young people used their phonesduring lessons, over family meals or even at the cinema. The problem of phone addiction(成瘾) has been

4、 observed since a few years ago, with experts and psychologists 6(try)to increaseawarenessabout this problem.CThe tiger shark 7 (consider) to be one of the most dangerous sharks in the world. Why are tiger sharks so dangerous? First, they like to live 8 waters where humans usually swim, so the chanc

5、es of an encounter (遭遇) are much greater. Second, tiger sharks are so strong and aggressive that they can 9 (easy) hit a person. And third, tiger sharks have teeth perfectly 10 (design) for cutting their food, so it is certain that the damage will be disastrous.第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大

6、意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Afel was only a very small boy when he first saw snow in a picture book. It had lots of pictures of children 11inbig white fields. He asked,“Mum,what are those white fields?” His mother laughed, “Thats snow,and they are making a snowman!” She tried to 12 what

7、snow was.Afel didnt really 13 because there was no real snow where he lived. But heshowed great 14.One day when he was 12, Afel was watching a programme on TV at his uncles house. The programme was full of snow. And not only snowthere were people 15 across the snow.They looked like fantastic birds.T

8、hey had hats covering all theirheads and big goggles over their eyes. And on their feet, theyhad 16 shoes.“What are those?” he asked his uncle 17 .“Skis,” replied his uncle. “And those people are called skiers.” At that moment, he18 to be a skier.He asked his uncle what the programme was.“The Winter

9、 Olympics,” said his uncle. “Its like the normal Olympics,but for 19where you need snowski jumping, bobsleigh(长橇), those sorts of things. They 20 it every four years.”Afel found out that the next Winter Olympics would bein Beijing, in 2022. “Perfect,” he thought. “Enough 21 for me to become a brilli

10、ant skier.”“But theres no snow here!” people told him. “Where are you going to ski?”Afel22 them. He madehimself a pair of skis from two pieces of wood. He tied them to hisfeet and practisedskiing 23two sticks in his hands. Hepractisedagain and againuntil he could 24 quite quickly acrossthe sand. He

11、25 to fly down the hills like the people on TV, but he couldnt.“Never mind,” he thought. “Its a 26 ”“How will you go to the Olympics?” people asked him. “Our country doesnt27 have a teamthat goes to the Winter Olympics.We have goodrunnersand win lots of medals at the Olympics. But no skiing, no.”Afe

12、ldidnt 28 .So every night, out in the middle of the desert, Afel now practises skiing downsandhills.He29 that the yellow sand and brown earth are as gold as the medalhe will bring home withhim, when he is the 30 .11AdrawingBplayingCdancingDhiking12AannounceBstressCconcludeDexplain13AmindBrespondCund



15、:阅读理解(共两节,40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。If youre looking to buy a gift for your children, why not keep up with the trend and get the best hoverboard? What is a Hoverboard?A hoverboard is a two-wheeled personal transportation device. Its electrical, portable an

16、d became highly popular in 2015 in reference to a popular 1980s movie. Typically, this self-balancing device operateslike a powered skateboard.How Does a Hoverboard Work?The device may have many designs, but the mechanism itself isnt complicated. Basically, a standard hoverboard contains: -Battery:

17、stores the electrical power. Almost all hoverboards use a high-watt lithium-ion battery. -Gyroscope (one for each wheel): allows riders to tilt (倾斜) the hoverboard while maintaining balance and adjusting their direction. -Motor (one in each wheel): provides the power to the wheels to keep the rider

18、balanced and upright. -Logic board: functions as the hoverboard brain. It processes datayour speed, tilt, etc.and sends information to the motors. This unit controls the power of the board so riders can adjust their speed. All the above components work together to control the power and tilt of the h

19、overboards so the rider is balanced, upright and moving at a controlled speed.Why Buy a Hoverboard?Undoubtedly, hoverboards are cool. Youve probably seen kids riding one around the house. Theyre a phenomenon and everybody wants in. So, why deny your kids and prevent them from being part of this tren

20、d?Where is a hoverboard legal?Despite their wild popularity, hoverboards have yet to become “street-legal”. Currently, some places prohibit anyone under 16 from using these devices, and hoverboards are banned in academic institutions and public places, likecampus buildings, parks, shopping malls and

21、 subway stations. Some places have also put speed limits on the devices and restricted their use to bike paths. However,open areasincluding your yardare free of these restrictions.31. The logic boardof ahoverboardcan _.Astore electricityBpower the wheelsCsend informationto the ridersDreceivedataand

22、give command32. According to thepassage, a hoverboard can be used_.Aon campusBin parksCon bikepathsDin shopping malls33. What is the main purpose of this passage?ATo evaluate a giftsquality.BTo recommend a gift choice.CTo compare new hoverboard models.DTo clarifyfunctionsofthe latest hoverboards.Gro

23、wing up, Deka Ismail says she let labels define what she could be. “I was ablack girl, from a refugee(难民) family,” Deka said. “It was as if I was only allowed to explore in this predetermined box.”After a high school chemistry class inspired her to think about a career in science and gave her confid

24、ence in the field, Deka learned to live outside labels and began making big plans for her future. Now she is about to begin her freshman year at the University of California, planning to become a professor. Born and raised in San Diegos City Heights neighbourhood, Deka is the daughter of a Somali re

25、fugeecouple. While some might say Dekas success happened in spite of her background, she would say differently, that her experiences shaped her and inspired her to be the driven, young scientist that she is today.When Deka was eightyearsold,her mother got a job by studying hard back in school in ord

26、er to support the whole family.ThatmadeDekarealize that education could make a difference to ones life.She spent a lot of time in the library reading books, and didnt do many of the things her peers did, like partying or having romantic relationships. “I always felt like I had to be the perfect girl

27、 for my family,”Deka said. “You have tonot even do your best but two times better than everyone else. I felt like the whole world was waiting for me to mess up.”Dekas efforts paid off. The summer before her senior year of high school, she was accepted to the American Chemical Society Project SEED Pr

28、ogramme. “She brought both enthusiasm and focus,” Botham, a researcherat this research institute, recalled. “She arrived every day ready to work, ready to learn and ready to tackle new challengesregardless of whether or not she had done anything similar.”When asked what advice she would give to othe

29、rs like her, Dekawarned them not to underestimate themselves.“Dont tell yourself that scholarship is too big or this programmeis too competitive or Ill never get into this school, ”shesaid. “I was not sure whether I could make it until I started seeing the acceptance letters rolling in.”34From the p

30、assage, we can learn that _.A. Dekawas adopted by a refugee family B. Dekaspent a lot of time going to partiesC. Dekabecame a professorafter graduation D. Dekas experiences drove her to workhard35Dekarealized the importance of education_.A. from her mothers experienceB. after her chemistry classC. b

31、y reading booksin the libraryD. through working at the institute36According to the last paragraph, Deka advisedthatstudents be _. A. patientB. confidentC. ambitiousD. generous37What does the story intend to tell us?A. Life is not all roses.B. Practice makes perfect.C.Well begun is half done.D. Hardwork leads to success.A group of blue-faced birds step through the grass shoulder to shoulder, red eyes looking around. They look like middle schoolers seeking a cafeteria table at luncht

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