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Module 1Getting to know youWord下载.docx

1、1. Words: morning, afternoon, evening, night, Mrs, *noon2. Sentence Structure: Good morning/afternoon/evening/night. *How do you do?3. Language Function: Using the sentence to greet with each other. Difficult point: “good”失爆音. Culture: 教育学生做一个有礼貌的孩子。. Teaching aids: tape recorder, pictures. Procedur

2、e:学习目标导学方法备注修改能进入英语学习的状态并回忆起旧知1. Pre-task Preparation1) Enjoy a song2) Greetings:Hello, Nice to see you.能了解不同的称谓能在对应的时间向他人问好能了解常见的时间段能在不同的时间段正确运用相应的招呼语能了解不同的时间段能用不同的句子与他人问好2. While-task Procedure1) Word: MrsA. Elicit by Mrs Lis pictureB. SoundsC. Know our teachers: Mrs 2) Word & sentence:Good mornin

3、g.A. Elicit by a picture of morning.T: Nice to see you in the morning.B. Sound: morningC. Say: Good morning, 3) Word: noonA. Elicit by a pictureC. Phrase: at noon4) Word: afternoonA. Elicit by a picture of afternoonB. Sounds:C. Say in pairs: Good afternoon.5) Word: eveningA. Elicit by a picture of e

4、vening Good evening.6) Word: nightC. Act in pairs: Good night.7) Sentence: How do you do?A. Elicit by Ts wordsB. Sounds & tonesC. Say with your friends能在说话练习中加深理解新内容并学会表演能综合运用新内容进行初步交流能认读字母能进一步巩固新知识,课后继续交流3. Post-task Activities1) Play the game on P2A. Listen to the tapeB. Act the sun2) Look at Ts p

5、ictures and say “Good .”3) Learn the letters: Aa Bb4) HomeworkA. Listen and read P2B. Listen and read the letters on P5C. Greet to you parents in the morning/afternoon/evening/night课后反思:M1U1 Period 21. Word: today Im fine. Thank you.Im very well. *Just so so. Be able to use simple dialogue to greet

6、people4. A song: The pronunciation of “Im fine”. wall chart, tape, two puppets能回忆并巩固学过的字母和招呼语1) The letter rhyme2) Greetings能初步感知新授内容,并理解其含义能正确模仿新句型能在真实情况下运用新句型能理解句子含义并对老师的问候做出正确回答能将问句与答句正确衔接起来能了解常见的时间状语能用不同的语言来表达自己的情况1) Sentence: Im fine Thank you.A. Elicit by the dialogue C. Answer Ts questionP:D.

7、 Ask and answer in pairs2) Sentence:A. Elicit by Ts questionsC. Ask and answer in pairsD. A relay gameP1: Im fine Thank you. How are you?P2: Im fine. Thank you. How are you?E. A chant:Hello, hello, how are you?Im fine, Im fine, thank you. How are you today?4) Sentence: Im very well.C. Practise in pa

8、irs5) Sentence: Just so so.能综合运用所学知识进行实践操练能在课堂外继续学习和巩固新内容1) Listen to the dialogue on P3-42) Act the dialogue in groups3) Listen and enjoy the song:A. Listen and read P3-4B. Listen and sing the new songM1U2 Period 1 big small You are Using key patterns and adjectives to introduce oneself and describ

9、e people The difference of I and you 培养学生描述体貌特征的能力 Cassette 2A, Flashcards 2A能复习旧知,进入学习状态1) Enjoy the rhyme “ Im You re”2) Daily talk3) Greet each other and introduce oneself Good afternoon, Alice. Im Miss Yuan.S: Good afternoon, Miss Yuan. ImIm fat.能感知和理解新句型,并且能学会表达自己能了解和正确朗读相关的形容词能认识书本中出现的新人名能理解新句

10、型,并运用新句型形容对方的体貌特征1) Sentences: Im and (present Dannys picture) Good afternoon, Im Danny. Im fat. Im tall. Im fat and tall.( Show PPT Im fat and tall.) What about you?Ss: 2) Words: A: Sounds B: Make some phrases C: Make some sentences3) Word : MaryA: Sound bear MaryB: Im Mary.Im and .4) Sentences:You

11、re Yes, youre Mary .Youre and . Sound youre Make some sentences: YoureC: A short dialogue ( T and P 示范) Youre big. Yes./ No. Im能综合运用新旧知识进行交际1) Do a survey then practise in pairs -Hello, Im Danny. -Hello, Danny. Im Mary. -Oh, Im short. Youre tall. -Yes, youre short. Im tall.2) Listen to the tape reco

12、rder3) Do Part B on Workbook P7M1U2 Period 2 boy girl I am a boy/girl. Who am I? You are.Be able to introduce oneself and talk about friends.Use wh- questions to communicate with other peopleUsing the patterns to respond appropriately. eg: You are Yes, I am /No. I am . The meaning of “Who am I?”1) E

13、njoy a rhyme : who is heshe?2) Say the rhyme “an apple and a bag”3) Greet each other with the help of pictures.S1: Good morning, xxx.S2: Good morning, xxx.S1: Im fine, thank you. And you?S3: Im very well, thank you.能认读新单词,并用于介绍自己的性别能理解新句型并正确运用能运用新句型对他人的问题做出真实应答 boy A. Elicit by the photo of boys. Wh

14、o is he? He is xxx. He is a good boy.B. Learn boy. a: Read and spell the word.b: Phrases and sentences. a good boy a bad boy He is a boy. I am a boy.C. Pair work I am a boy You are a boy. 2) Word: girlA. Elicit the word by the end of part 1I am a boy. You are a boy. A girl says: I am a girl. Her des

15、kmate says : You are a girl.B. The sound and the perform of the wordC. Make phrases and sentences by the word.D. Say a rhyme A boy, a girl one and two a boy , a girl I see you.3) Sentence: Who am I ?A. Listen to the CID and guess who is she/he?B. Learn the sentence :C. Play a game: guess “ who am I

16、?D. The answer : You are xxx. Yes, I am xxx.A. Continue the game B. Elicit the respond Yes, I am XXX.C. Group works -Im tall and thin. I am a girl. Who am I ?-You are xxx. -Yes, I am XXX. 能在课后继续巩固新知识1) Listen to P72) Workbook, pp 9: task: About me3) Draw a picture of themselvesM1U3 Period 11. Letter

17、s & Word: Ee, seven, eight, nine, ten Youre . Yes, Im/No, Im1) Using numbers to talk about ones age.2) Pronunciation and writing the letters Ee correctly. The difference of “you” and “I” 培养学生初步了解数字在生活中运用的意识。 pictures, computer1. Say the rhyme:One,two, three, I am a bee. 2. Quick response. 1) How man

18、y cats/dogs ?2) Count the animals能正确朗读单词并简单运用能对他人的猜测做出肯定回答能对他人的猜测做出否定回答能简单说说他人的情况能有感情地表演儿歌能认读并书写字母 seven A.Elicit by a question How many tigers? spelling Im seven.2. Sentence: Yes, Im A. Elicit by Ts words: Youre seven? Yes, Im seven. tones:C. Answer to the T:3. Sentence: No, Im A. Elicit by Ts ques

19、tion:Are you ten?4. Sentence: Youre Youre a boy. Youre eight. P1:Youre seven. Yes, Im seven. /No, Im .5. Words: eight, nine, ten A. Elicit by Ps age Im I can see rulers.6. Rhyme A. Listen and follow B. Say and act7. Letters: EeA. Listen and repeat Ee - elephant B. Trace and copy能在比赛中提高朗读的美感1. A comp

20、etition: act the rhyme boys vs girls 2. Make a rhyme (count the animals) 3. HomeworkA. Listen and read P10B. Trace and copy the letter:M1U3 Period 21. Letters : Ff Are you? Yes, Im / No, Im3. A rhyme4. Language Function: Using numbers to talk about ones age. Read the sentence correctly. computer, masks1. Say a rhyme. 2. Read the cards3.Quick response: the telephone numbers能正确感知新句型能掌握正确的语音语调能在反复操练新知能感受到新句型的不同功能能用新句型询问他人的年龄1. Sentence:A. Elicitation: Im Rita. Are you Alice?Ar

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