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1、每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D选项中,选岀最佳选项。AMOA Shop Indigenous (土著的)Artist ContestAre you an Indigenous artist, bet ween 15 and 25 years old with a st ory to t ell? Subm it a des i gn that expresses your identity, and the MOA Shop will he Ip share it with the worId The winning artwork with your

2、 s i gnature will be pr i nted on a T-sh i rt and sold promoted only through the MOA Shop for one year The winner will rece i ve both a $250 pr i ze and copyr ight income from every saleQua I ificat i onAny individual 15t o 25 years of age who ide rrtif ies as Indige no us. Aboriginal, Fi rs t Natio

3、ns. Inuit or Met i sComp Ieted entry form found hereArtist biography (about 250 words)ProfitsArt i sts ho Id fuI I copyr i ght of my submitted entr i es The w i nn i ng artwork wi I I be Ii censed by the MOA Shop for one year and the art i st is free to license or seI I the i r winning artwork A lar

4、ge percentage of money from the sale of T-shirts goes towards MOA s pub Iic programs Time and contactThe submi ss ion dead I ine has been extended to March 31st, 2021 and the winner i s announced by June 2021 We Iook forward to rece i v i ng your artwork! PI ease send al I submiss i ons and any ques

5、t ions to shoptshirubcca.21.What will the winner get?A. A T-shir t with h i s art work on. B. The s i gna ture o f the In d i genousartistC.The r igh t to immed i a tely se I I hi s work D An award and some pro fits from thesale.22.V/ha t is requi red abo ut the art work?BOne summer dur i ng h i gh

6、schooI, my mom volunteered me to he Ip Grandpa research our famiIy tree Great. I thought, imagining hours spent pawing through dusty. rotting boxes and I istening to boring stor i es abo ut peop I e I didnt know You I I be surpr i sed. n my mom promised. Fami I y histories can be very interesting.”I

7、n truth. Grandpa didn5 t want to I imit my work to just research, hoping to also preserve our fami ly memories Hed discovered a computer program that helps digitally scan old pictures and letters to preserve their contents before they crumble from old age Grandpa wanted me to help him conned the sca

8、nner and set up the computer program. He could type documents and send emai Is. but had never used a seanner.Soon after. I became fascinated with my relatives I ives I asked Grandpa to tel I the story behind every pic ture and letter scanned The st ories. which turned out not to be bor ing at all. h

9、elped me not only cinderstand but a I sorelate to my re I at i ves I became so hungry for more information that Grandpa needed add itionalprops to keep me sat isfied He shov/ed me a chest f i I led with random stuff, a I I covered in chest Perusing t hrough their be I on gings, I fel t I was ope nin

10、g a w i ndov/ into the world of my rela t i ves.a worId long sinee gone Grandpa showed me a bundle of letters he had sent to Grandma from the front lines of WorId V/ar I I and I could aImost smeI I the gunpowder I turned the pages of my great-grandmother5 s recipe book and could picture her cooking

11、in her kitchen Al I of the people who had been mere Iy names to me now had faces to match.Later. Grandpa admitted, uI probably could have done this project myselfI jus t wan ted someone to share it with I can t t hank him eno ugh for shar i ng the exper i ence and making me appreciate the fami ly me

12、mbers who have made me the person I am. I wi I I cher i shfami ly memor ies and hope that someday I wi I I be able to pass them down to my own grandchi Idren. 24. Which of the follov/ing can best descr ibe the author1 s fi rst impression of research?CWith advanced communication technoIogi es mak i n

13、g the iconic British red teI ephone boxes expendab I e (可抛弃的),a US f i rm is al I set to br i ng them back to use. Ca I I boxes wou I d be changed into mini-off ices for workers on-t he-go and will offer free coffee to subscr i bers (认购者)Bar Works In c* s ch i ef execu tive Jona than BI ack. a Br i

14、ton living i n New York, sa i d that h i s company wi I I renew teI ephone boxes with fully functional pr i ntersr seanners. 25-i nch screens and Wi-F i. Bar Works spec i a I i zes ino ff ering bar - themed work sta tions in pr ime I oca tions. charg i ng cus to mers with a mont hly subscr i p tion

15、in return for free access to the business and office suppl ies. The company plans to operate i n a similar manner, offer i ng Br i tish customers with monthly memberships to uPod Works” for 19.99 ($29).The company will ref it teI ephone boxes in five major Br i tish cities and has a I ready rented a

16、nd changed 15 old cal I boxes in London and Edinburgh As expected. they are coming into use by the pub I ic i n the coming months. Given the prime I oca ti on, above a I I else, of the t el ephone boxes, the launch is expected to gain at least 10. 000 members by the end of 2021 Its an alternative to

17、. say, Starbucks but obviously it provides you with total pr ivacy. ” said BlackThanks to mob i Ie phones, the red tel ephone boxes have been effectively made expendable According to a report by the Daily Mail, retired tel ephone boxes especially those damaged del ibera tely. are sent to a t el epho

18、ne box graveyard55 of sor ts. where t hey t ake grea t pains to res tore to t hei r former glory before being sold to col lectors across the globe Such i s the demand for proper ly res tored t el eph one boxes, that it is not un commo n for t hem to be sold for amounts as high as 10. 000.Desp ite it

19、s set back, in a recen t survey, the Br i tish red t el epho ne box. which was original ly designed in 1920, was voted the greatest British design of a I I time.28.What will the red tel ephone boxes be used for?A. Mini-offices B. Mini coffee boxesC Bar-themed caI I boxes D. leisure rooms for workers

20、29.What do you know about the renewed tel ephone boxes?A. They will be put into use next year.B They offer as much pr i vacy as StarbucksC They will be equipped with office suppliesD.They have been rented i n five ma jor Br i tish cities.30.What is Black1s attitude towards the launch?A. Doubtful. B.

21、 Confident. C. Cautious D. Uncertain.31 What s the purpose of wr iting about the teI ephone boxes in this passage?A. To arouse concern for them. B. To introduce the i r new roleC. To expand a Iarger market D. To advertise the i r launch.DGrov/ing up in a city has a I ifelong negative impact on a per

22、son5 s abiIity to navigate, according to a vast gIobaI survey.In a new study, scientists led by Antonine Coutrot at Nantes University in France and Hugo Spiers at Uni versity Col lege London descr ibe how they used a dataset (数据集)gathered from 4 mill ions players of a computer game called Sea Hero Q

23、uest”, which tests way-finding skills by asking players to memor ise a map showing the location of checkpoints and then measur ing how we I I players can steer a boat to find them.Dr. Spiers found that the strongest indicator of a high score was a player * s age-older people performed re I atively p

24、oor Iy. But the benefit of ruraI living was strong enough to offset (扌氐 消)some of that. Data from American players showed that a 70-year-old who grew up in the countryside had the navigational abi Iities of an average 60-year-old across the datasetThe gap bet wee n the naviga tion skills of rura I a

25、nd city people was larges t in Amer ica and the researchers th i nk they know why. They found that countr i es dominated by simple layouts of gr id-based (网格式的)citi es dragged dow nn aviga tion skills more tha n growing up in a ci t y based around more comp Ii cated networks of streets. such as Prag

26、ueDr. Spiers says that the brain5 s navigational abi lities probably weaken in the city envi ronmerrt because they are not being used as much Although citiesmay appear more comp I ica ted. t hey also fea ture more clues to help reside nts find t hei r way. such as numbered streets As many city-dwell

27、ers on a vis it to the countryside can prove, one field tends to look much the same as another. so there are fewer external (夕卜部的)Iandmarks to help guide the way.V/hi le people who I ive in cities should not be alarmed, the study does raise some interesting ideas for urban planners: keep thei r city

28、 designs not so simple perhaps And for everyone else it might be an idea to turn off GoogIe Maps32.V/hy did the researchers use the dataset from a computer game?A. To study the players memory B To measure how we I I peopIe controlboats.C. To improve the players; skill to find way out. D. To see what

29、 influences people1s way-f i nd ing skills33.V/hat does the under I ined word uthatn in paragraph 3 refer to?A. Strong indicator. B Poor performance C Old age D. High score第二节(共5小题:每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Amer ican football, not to be confused with the footba I I ca

30、l led soccer, i s the Amer ican nati ona I spor t 36 Games bet v/ee n uni vers i ties are grea t social occasions More t han 100, 000 peop I e crowd into the huge st ad i ums Dur ing a recen t col lege final in the Rose Bowl at Pasadena California. there were severe earthquake tremors (余震),but nobod

31、y noticed37 Players try to carry the ba I I over the opponents I ine and then to earn more points by kicking the ba I I bet ween the upr igh t goal pos ts above the bar Tha t is the I i keness bet ween the two gamesAmerican footba I I has a reputat ion for being a violent and dangerous game 38 The players throw themselves at each other fiercely, but today they v/ear the uniforms and he I mets to protect themselves from serious injuries By comparison, the rugby played has only a thin jersey and a pa

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