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1、The answers are: dad; swimming; uncle; fishing; fish; home; eatStep 5 Look, ask and write1 SB Page 70, Part 4*. Read through the business cards together as a class. Using the model given, write about the first business card on the Bb as a class. In pairs, have the students write about the remaining

2、3 cards.2 Have the students individually make their own business cards. Collect them and display them in the class.Step 6 Checkpoint 30Checkpoint 30 is NOT in the book. You may take this chance to explain the ten parts of speech of English words. Use this time to revise any particular points that yo

3、ur students find difficult. Ask them if they have any questions. This is a good way of preparing for the end of semester test.Step 7 WorkbookSB Pages 152-154, Wb Lesson 120, Exx. 1 and 3-5. Do Ex. 1 orally to review the verb tenses taught this year. For Ex. 3 have the students interview another stud

4、ent in the class who they dont usually talk with. Exx. 4 and 5 may be given as homework. Exx. 6 and 7 are optional. Ex. 7 may be used as an acting contest for the last day of class. You may give a prize to the best actors. This is a fun way to end school before summer break.HomeworkFinish off the Wo

5、rkbook exercises.Revise all the language items in the SB.Some ideas for extra practice or enrichment1 Encourage the students to speak, read and listen to as much English as they can even when they arent in school. They can watch English TV programmes, listen to English radio or songs on tapes or CDs

6、 and start noticing as many English signs as they can in their environment. All of this will help them to learn English more easily.2 As well, if you have any ideas of your own to contribute to the Some ideas for extra practice or enrichment section, please share them with us. We hope to provide the

7、 students with as many creative ideas for learning and practising English as we can!Welcome back!东乡县实验中学 黄淑慧 年级:初二(3)班 2004年9月6日教学目标复习现在进行时;讲授新词汇及习语;Useful expressionsWelcome back to school. It doesnt matter. On time Best wishes!Happy Teachers Day! Why dont you?Thats a good idea.Were going to What a

8、re you going to do? welcome , so , term ,call , a piece of paper , next time , this term , welcome (back ) to序数词的讲授与归纳。本单元的重难点是中国人名与英国人名顺序的区别以及与称呼的搭配使用。教材分析整体教学内容分析本单元主要的教学内容是“介绍英美人的姓名”。除了要复习巩固初一学过的一般现在时和现在进行时外,还要学习一些新的词汇和日常用语。由the difference between Chinese and English names 引出be short for和call sb.

9、 / sth. for short两个短语,学习了英国人名的顺序以及与称呼的搭配使用、简称的由来。本单元突出了听说领先的特点,加深理解了both与all、wish 与hope、excuse与sorry的用法区别。Lesson4主要学习元音音素 a:au,逐渐能按照26个字母及有关字母组合的拼读规则来朗读、拼写和记忆单词。教学要点分析1熟练运用本单元的日常交际用语,掌握不定代词的修饰语的正确位置。2中国人名与英国人名顺序的区别,英国人名简称形式的由来。3学习序数词first , second, third 和fourth. 注意它们的书写和用法,特别是要理解它们在句子中所作的语言成分。4进一步复

10、习巩固现在进行时态,理解其与一般现在时的区别。注意助动词be与单复数人称的相应变化,系统总结动词形式(v. -ing)的变化。5归纳r音节的拼读规则 进一步明确单词的发音特点:一个字母特别是元音字母不只一个读音,一个音素(即音标)也不只由一个字母或一个字母组合构成。关于英国人名字的教学分析教师在教学中要注意让学生清楚地了解英国人的三个名字各自的意义,它们之间的关系,并且要掌握如何要称呼一个英国人以及了解中国人和英国人名字之间的区别。本单元教学要求学生对英语姓名有些初步的了解,知道姓和名的位置、全名、男女名、尊称、呢称等即可,不必讲得过细。在教第2课时,需强调用Mr./Miss./Mrs.称呼人

11、时,后面要用姓 (Mr. Brown)不可用名 (Mr. Robert),因为这是中国人通常犯的错误。英语和汉语人名表示方法的区别在于姓和名的顺序。教法建议关于交际语言运用教学学生们经过一个假期休息,无论从体力还是脑力都得到充分放松,精力十分充沛。教师应抓住学生这一良好状态,结合本单元知识点少,交际性强的特点努力为学生创设语境,激发学生学习语言的兴趣,使学生对语言的学习产生新鲜感,成就感,从而提高学习效率。针对本单元交际性强的特点,创设适合于每课的语言环境,使学生置身于此环境,并担当某一角色,从而让学生真正感悟到语言的真谛。关于词汇和短语的教学记忆单词和习语是学生比较头痛的。为了减轻学生思想负

12、担,通过师生之间对话,将生词及习语逐一呈现。在特定情景中,通过使用熟悉词语进行会话表演等交流方式,学会生疏单词。有些特殊词还可用图片、幻灯,示范动作呈现给学生,让学生感到学有所用,英语并不是难不可攀。关于现在进行时的教学1动作表演游戏教师做个动作让学生来表达:He/She is doing ,学生之间互相交换一个做动作,另一个用英语表达他/她正在进行的动作。或让一个学生先做个动作,其他的学生来表达。如一个学生做个看书的动作,另一个学生用英语问:Whats he/she doing?,其他的学生抢着说:He/She is reading (a book),看谁说的又快又准确。也可以换成一个学生用

13、英语表达一个动作,让别的学生来做这个动作,看动作是否表演得准确。采取对抗赛的形式:1-6小组,1、3、5组组员分批表演哑剧动作,2、4、6组组员分批使用英语描绘证明这些动作。表演动作明确易懂的,得分。使用英语描绘该动作,无误的,得分。2描绘图画。师生之间,或同学之间互相指图问答。如下图,教师指着图中站在窗户旁的男孩用一个学生:Whats he doing? ,学生回答:He is cleaning the window。接着这个学生指着图中的某个人,问别的学生:,循环下去,尽量让更多的学生参与。也可采用比赛形式,教师指着图中的人问:,让学生进行抢答,看谁答得又快又准确。3创设情景,首先请一位同

14、学读课文,唱英文歌等易表演的动作。在他做此动作过程中,教师可提出问题:What is he doing? 请学生回答:He is reading. He is singing an English song. 然后组织学生两人一组,模仿刚才师生问答做表演。条件好的可看课文教学录像,加深对现在进行时的理解。关于课文Whats in a name? 的教学1首先问一个学生:Whats your name? 然后教师说His/Her full name is ,并且把名字板书出来。然后给出一个已学过的英文名字:Jim,告诉学生Jims full name is James Allan Green,借

15、此解释full name和given name的意思。2以图解的形式讲解English names: a first name, a middle name and a family name的意义。或通过播放动画讲解:The meanings of the three names, How to call a person, the difference between English names and Chinese names(见媒体素材中动画类:names)。3学生熟悉课文后,让学生仿照课文内容give a talk about names: English names and Ch

16、inese names。可以参考视频文件:Whats in a name?(见媒体素材中视频类:talk about names)4让学生就自己的名字进行对话练习,参照练习册Ex 2的5个问题进行一对一对的练习,或让学生就这5个问题对某人进行采访,记录下采访的过程。关于现在进行时的讲解(1)表示讲话时或现阶段正在进行的动作He is singing in the room.They are listening to their teacher.(2) 有时表示计划安排中的将来动作(限于come, go leave, stay 等少量动词)Hes coming tonight.Im leavin

17、g tomorrow.(3) 表示目前反复发生的动作,有时含有感情色彩。s always talking in class.关于Happy teachers Day的讲解Happy teachers Day, Mr. Wu. 祝您教师节愉快,吴老师!(1)happy意为“快乐的;幸福的;乐意的”。常可放句首构成表示祝福的句子。如:Happy Birthday! 生日快乐!Happy New Year! 新年快乐!(2)Teachers Day意为“教师节”,是由普通名词构成的专有名词,每个单词的第一个字母都要大写。在表示节日的专有名词前一般不需要冠词the.如:Womens Day 妇女节 C

18、hildrens Day 儿童节 Mothers Day 母亲节 April Fools day 愚人节(3)表示祝福时除些表达方式外,还有两种形式: Best wishes to sb. (for ); wish sb. +宾语补足语。 Best wishes to you for Teachers Day. I wish you a happy New Year.关于matter的讲解It doesnt matter this time.这次没有关系。matter 在这里作动词,意为“要紧”。It matters very little.不要紧,丝毫没关系。t matter who wil

19、l do it.谁干这事都无关紧要。matter 同时也可作名词,意为“事情,问题”。I cant carry the heavy box. 我搬不动这个重箱子。No matter. Let me help you. 没关系。我帮你。Whats the matter with you? 你怎么了?关于Why dont 表建议的用法讲解Why dont you talk about names? 你为什么不谈论一下名字呢?这是一个否定的特殊疑问句,表示劝说或建议,这个句子也可用“Why not + 动词原词?”来表达同样的意思。如本句可改为:Why not talk about names?Wh

20、at /How about ? 这一句型也表示建议可与上述句型转换。不过后面若跟动词时,必须用-ing形式。 Why dont you go to ask the teacher? = What about going to ask the teacher?Trips珀干中学 李文红 2005年10月Language Focus:1. Useful expressions: think about; get a chance; take2. Grammar: the Object clause Im not sure where I want to go on holiday.Properti

21、es: Recorder; Overhead Projector; picturesTeaching Procedures: . Showing aimsHave the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:1. Revise some useful expressions of Unit 5.2. Study the grammar: the Object Clause.3. Know how to get the information about tri

22、ps.4. Learn how to make a conversation about trips.5. Know more about Hainan. . Revision1. Revise some useful expressions of Unit 5. Get the students to make sentences with them.2. Play What did he ask? in groups of three. Make sure the students can use the Object Clause correctly.3. Ask one student

23、 to introduce something about Hainan. Listen Part 1. Listening cassette. Play the tape twice for the students to listen and do Exercise 1 in the workbook. Play the tape again for the students to check the answers. Then check with the whole class. See if the students can understand. Read and actPart

24、2. Speech Cassette. Books closed, play the tape. Ask:How did Joy think about his trip to Hainsn? (wonderful)How did Lily feel when she heard about the scuba diving? (really cool)Get the students to find the answer to questions, then check with the class. Play the tape again. Get the students to list

25、en and repeat. They should match their intonation with the dialogue on the tape.Books open. Practice the dialogue in pairs. Get some pairs to act out the dialogue, without looking at the books if possible. PracticeHave the students work in pairs. Encourage the students to make up their own dialogues. Ask and answerPart 3. Work in pairs. Give the students a few minutes to prepare their dialogues. Ask four pairs to share their dialogues with the whole class. PresentationAsk one stude

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