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英语 高中英语阅读理解试题有答案和解析Word文档格式.docx

1、ll still be smelly. If you feel like you need to take daily showers for aesthetic(审美的)reasons, at least make most of them light showers. “I tell patients who shower daily not to soap their whole bodies,” Mitchell says. Hit your pits, butt and groin, which are the areas that produce strong smells. Th

2、e rest of your body doesnt need much soaping, he says. Too much time spent under the hot water can dry out your skin, cause cracks(裂纹)that can lead to infections or germs getting into your skin, and take away the natural oils on your skin that help keep it healthy. So, even if youre aiming to be you

3、r most presentable, be sure to keep it moderate to avoid hurting your skin in the long run.(1)According to the passage, why do most people shower daily? A.To meet health need.B.To wash off dirt.C.To add to attraction.D.To get relaxation.(2)Which of the following people might be advised to shower onc

4、e or twice a week?Office staffCar maintainerBuilding workersGym-goers(3)The underlined phrase “light showers” in Para . 4 refers to the showers in which _. bright lights are equippeda little soaping is involvedgentle skin touches are allowedless hot water is used(4)What is the best title for the tex

5、t?Showering Daily Becomes a CustomDaily Shower Does No Good to YouProtect Your Skin When ShoweringYou Probably Neednt Shower Daily【答案】(1)C(2)A(3)B(4)D 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,从长远来看,每天淋浴对身体健康有害。如果不是每天身上都会沾污垢或是每天都出很多汗的工作,普通人一周洗一两次澡足够了。(1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“We connect being freshly showered with being attractive

6、and pleasing, so we tend to showering often to feel better.”可知多数人每天淋浴是为了增加吸引力,故选C。(2)考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“If you have a job like car maintenance or construction, youll still be smelly.”可知每天身上都会沾污垢或是每天都出很多汗的工作,才需要每天洗澡,故选A。(3)考查词义猜测。根据第四段中的“I tell patients who shower daily not to soap their whole bodies, Mi

7、tchell says. Hit your pits, butt and groin, which are the areas that produce strong smells. The rest of your body doesnt need much soaping, he says.可知light showers”指的是只在一些部位涂肥皂,而全身不需要太多肥皂,故选B。(4)考查主旨大意。本文主要讲了从长远来看,每天淋浴对身体健康有害。所以选B。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测,推理判断和主旨大意四个题型的考查,是一篇健康类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下

8、文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。2Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. The history of the world is but the biography (传记) of great men, argued Thomas Carlyle, the advocate of what has come to be known as the Great Man Theory of History. Thi

9、s theory suggests that the broader movements and outline of history all go back to the leadership of great individuals who had unique influence on their times. Whether or not Carlyles theory proves true is debatable, but that certain individuals cast long shadows is not. As one who is entrusted with

10、 a leadership position, I find it profitable to read of others who have led. Wherever you find me, youll likely find a good biography nearby. Why is this the case? First, I find good biographies fascinating. Ill occasionally read a novel, but Ive never been overly drawn to fiction. I have found myse

11、lf unable to sleep while in the struggle of the Battle of Britain in William Manchesters The Last Lion. For me, not to read biographies would rob me of pleasure in my life. Second, I find good biographies informative. A good biographer tells not only the story of a person, but also of their times. R

12、eading a good biography is like wandering through an intellectual shopping mall. The first store is what drew you there, but you will be pleasantly surprised along the way at what other items grab your attention. Youll find no better account of the British Empire at its peak than the opening chapter

13、s of Manchesters Visions of Glory, volume one of his The Last Lion. Strictly speaking, a biography is but a slice of history. Third, I find good biographies relaxing. Winston Churchill once noted a man who works with his hands should have a hobby that engages his mind, and a man who works with his m

14、ind should have a hobby that engages his hands. Another way to apply Churchills saying is to combine technical, pen-in-hand vocational reading with leisurely biographical reading. Indeed, few things are more relaxing to me than winding down the evening and entering into another world. This is why I

15、love reading good biographies, and why I pity the person who neglects them. Dont be counted among their number.(1)What is implied in the first paragraph?The author finds Carlyles theory undebatable.Carlyle believes great men alone cannot create history.It is debatable whether one should read great m

16、ens biographies.The author agrees that history is greatly influenced by certain men.(2)What does the underlined phrase other items in the third paragraph refer to?good biographiesstories of certain timesthe volumes of The Last Lionthe chapters of the British Empire(3)Which of the following statement

17、s is TRUE?The author considers biographical reading enjoyable.The author can travel to another world in the evening.The author has fought many battles during his lifetime.The author profits commercially by reading biographies.(4)What is the authors main purpose in writing the article?To analyze the

18、benefits of vocational reading.To introduce to readers his unique reading strategies.To present great mens history through biography reading.To recommend biography reading through his own experiences.【答案】 (1)D(2)B(3)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,作者阐述了喜欢读好的传记的原因。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的This theory suggests that the br

19、oader movements and outline of history all go back to the leadership of great individuals who had unique influence on their times可知,这一理论表明,更广泛的历史运动和轮廓都可以追溯到对其时代有独特影响的伟大人物的领导。所以通过第一段的关键词go back to,had unique influence on their times,判断出第一段暗示了作者同意历史受某些人的影响很大。故选D。 (2)考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的A good biographer tel

20、ls not only the story of a person, but also of their times. Reading a good biography is like wandering through an intellectual shopping mall. The first store is what drew you there, but you will be pleasantly surprised along the way at what other items grab your attention. 可知,一个好的传记作家不仅讲述一个人的故事,而且还在

21、讲述他们所处的时代。读一本好的传记就像漫步在一个充满智慧的购物中心。第一家商店吸引了你,但你会惊喜地发现,还有其它的商品吸引了你的注意力。所以作者把读好的传记比喻成购物,将历史人物和某个时期的历史故事比喻成商店的商品。故判断出第三段划线的指的是某个时期的故事。故选B。 (3)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的For me, not to read biographies would rob me of pleasure in my life以及第三段 Indeed, few things are more relaxing to me than winding down the evening an

22、d entering into another world.可知,对我来说,不读传记会剥夺我生活的乐趣。的确,没有什么事情比悠闲地度过夜晚,进入另一个世界更令我放松。所以作者认为传记阅读令人愉快。故A选项作者认为传记阅读令人愉快是正确的。故选A。 (4)考查推理判断。First, I find good biographies fascinating.;第三段中的Second, I find good biographies informative.第四段中的Third, I find good biographies relaxing. 以及最后段This is why I love rea

23、ding good biographies, and why I pity the person who neglects them. Dont be counted among their number.可知,首先,我觉得好的传记很吸引人。我发现好的传记信息丰富。我发现好的传记让人放松。这就是为什么我喜欢读好的传记,以及为什么我同情忽视它们的人。不要成为那些不读传记的人群的一员。可知,作者通过自己的经历阐述了自己喜欢读好的传记的原因目的是推荐人们读传记。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测和推理判断三个题型的考查,是一篇教育类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,并根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而

24、选出正确答案。3阅读理解 Scientists found that sleeping considerably improves our creativity. After taking a nap people are able to think faster and put more imagination into their thinking. Besides, if we dream, the thinking abilities are improved even more. Researchers consider that sleeping on a problem in m

25、ost cases leads to elucidation(解释). They say when a person enters a phase called Rapid Eye Movement (REM) during sleep, it increases the effect. Such phase takes place right before we awake and according to scientists it helps our brain make links between unrelated subjects. In the study, led by Pro

26、fessor Sara Mednick, scientists made a conclusion that the REM was important for assimilating(消化) new information into past experience in order to find solutions to creative problems. Prof. Mednick is a psychiatrist at the University of California. Her study involved the analysis of 77 adults. Each participant was given several word-associated creative tasks. All tasks were given in the morning, with participants being shown a number of groups of 3 words, for example: cookie, heart and sixteen. They were asked to come up with a word that would be associated with all three given

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