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1、AwhenBwhileCthanDafter4.During the examination you are supposed to stay in your seats, to keep your eyes on your papers, _ to anyone.Abut could not talkBnot talkCand not to speakDrather than5.The main reason why business or government has not taken tough measures to stop hacking is that _.Athey will

2、 cost too much moneyBcommunication may be interruptedChacking has not caused much damageDtough measures are illegal6.Find the same meaning as erase in the last sentence of the first paragraph.AAdd.BChange.CRemove.DStore.7.Why does the writer mention a thief in the first paragraph _ATo show that a ha

3、cker is more dangerous than a thief.BTo tell people that thieves like to steal computers nowadays.CTo demand that a computer network should be set up against thieves.DTo look into the case where hackers and thieves are the same people.8.By saying Now exists the possibility of terrorism by computer,

4、the writer means that _.Asome employees may erase information from payroll filesBstudents who send out a virus may do damages to thousands of computersCsome people may spread fear in public by destroying computer systemsDsome terrorists are trying to contact each other using electronic mails9.Accord

5、ing to the passage, all the damage listed below could be done by a hacker EXCEPT _.Aentering into computers illegallyBcreating many electronic-age termsCremoving computer systemsDgoing through computer systems10.The best title of this passage is _.AAn American PoetBSong of MyselfCWalt WhitmanDWalt W

6、hitman-Poet of American Democracy11.Through Whitmans lines, we can see _.Ahe wanted to sing a song for himselfBhe was very proud of himselfChis strong feeling towards the true equality among all peopleDit is God that created man12.Which of the following about Walt Whitman is true _AHe used ordinary

7、language to write about ordinary people.BHe worked as a poet all his life.CHe was the first poet who took part in the American Civil War.DIn the faces of men and women I see God. was from American Democracy.13.The war and the sufferings that it caused _.Aaffected him greatlyBchanged his writingCmade

8、 him very braveDprevented his writing14.The suggested reason why Whitman admired Abraham Lincoln was that _.AAbraham Lincoln longed for freedom and equality and made a law to liberate the American slavesBAbraham Lincoln reunited his nationCAbraham Lincoln was also a poetDAbraham Lincoln was the lead

9、er of the American Civil War15.Any misuse of such terms will sometimes result in a complete misunderstanding of the whole article.A错用任何一个术语有时会导致完全误解整篇文章。B误用某一个术语有时会造成误解整篇文章。C误用任何一条术语,有时会导致完全误解的项目。D错用任何一个词汇,有时会造成完全理解文章方面的错误。16.He wishes to write an article that will attract public attention to the ma

10、tter.A他想写一篇文章,以便能引起公众对这件事的注意。B他希望写一篇让公众对这件事注意的文章。C他由于写了一篇文章,给公众带来了麻烦。D他希望写一篇文章,以便能引起公众对麻烦的注意。17.The shop promised its customers that it would never sell fake goods, and sure enough it did so.A这家商店向顾客发誓,决不出售假货,并且足够的证据确信它是这样做的。B这家商店的顾客发誓,它没卖过假货,并且有足够的证据表明是这样。C这家商店向顾客允诺不卖假货,而且它确实这样做了。D这家商店向顾客允诺决不卖假货,而且

11、它确实做到了。18.It is not the present but the words on the card that really count.A收到多少礼物不重要,重要的是收到多少卡片。B真正重要的不在于礼物,而在于卡片上的话。C不是礼物但是卡片上的话真正重要。D礼物不是重要的,而在于计算卡片上的话。19.Jack is very sad; everyone went to the zoo _him.AbesidesBagainstCforDbut20.Never in his whole life _such a stupid thing.Adid he doBhas he don

12、eChe has doneDhe did21.Whenever you _your mind, please tell me.AchangeBexchangeCmakeDchangeable22.Its time you _your membership dues.ApaidBpayCwill payDto pay23.The policeman said that the young man was _for the accident.AresponsibilityBrecentCresponsibleDresult24.I have five other courses _Computer

13、.BexceptionCexceptDbeside25.Mary, as well as Lily, _Japanese very hard.AstudyBhas studiedCstudiesDhad studied26.-The fish were _yesterday, but they are all died today, why -Maybe they were lack of oxygen.AlifeBloveCaliveDlovely27.He soon _from failure, and promised to work harder than before.Agot ac

14、rossBgot throughCgot overDgot away28.Every suitcase is _with your clothes; I cant find an empty one.AfindBfineCfullDfilled29.The sense of humor is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics.A这个国家的所有人都有种幽默感。B这个国家的人的性格缺乏幽默感。C幽默感与民族的关系密不可分。D幽默感与民族有着神秘莫测的联系。30.The English language has a vivid s

15、aying to describe this kind of phenomenon.A语言中有活泼的表达方式和处境。B英语中有很说法来说明这种情况。C英语中有一个生动的说法来形容这种现象。D英语语言有着很生动的活力。31.No one suspected that there might be someone else on the farm who had never been seen.A谁也没有怀疑农场里有个露过面的人。B谁也没想到农场里竟会有一个从未露面的人。C谁也没看到农场里有个从没露过面的人。D谁也不认识这个从没出现过的人。32.Much as we may pride ourse

16、lves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want.A尽管我们可以自夸自己的鉴赏力如何敏锐,但我们已经无法独立自主地选购自己所需的东西了。B尽管我们以自己的鉴赏力感到很自豪,但也无法买到所需要的东西。C尽管我们的品味有限,但仍然能买到所需要的东西。D尽管我们自己的鉴赏力很敏锐,但我们再也不买我们不需要的东西了。33.The end of the passage implies that the water finally available for mankind to utilize each

17、year _.Ais enough to meet all human needsBis a little more than enough for all human needsCis not adequate for all human needsDis adequate now but will not be enough for some years to come34.The word precipitation (Line 6, Para. 2) probably means _.Athe evaporation of water from the landBthe water r

18、eserves on landCthe unevenly-distributed rain and snow fallsDwater falling in the form of rain and snow35.Of all the reserves of fresh water in the world, about three-fourths is _.Aconsumed by glaciers and polar iceBin solid formCout of the reach of present technologyDconverted into sea water annual

19、ly36.Michael Minton suggests that _.Athere are some problems in Michael Jordans postnupBone-sided postnups are unfairCcourts should examine the postnups more carefully than prenupsDbeing unfaithful is the main reason for divorce37.What do prenups and postnups have in commonAThey are equally popular

20、among couples.BBoth of them are adopted as laws.CBoth of them are agreements concerning how to divide assets in case of divorce.DThey both have sunset clauses.38.Fresh water, as the passage states, originates from _.Athe water vapor in the atmosphereBlakes and riversCsea water through distillation b

21、y solar radiationDunderground aquifers39.Which of the following best sums up this passageALorna strongly believes in postnup.BPostnup, along with prenup, is an effective way of splitting assets in divorces.CDifferent states have different postnups.DPeople prefer prenups to postnups.40.What can be in

22、ferred about Lorna Jorgenson WendtAShe is a divorce lawyer.BShe knew about postnups very well before divorce.CShe likes postnup.DShe got a satisfactory sum of money after divorce.41.Every year the continents get back _.Athe same amount of water as is lost to evaporationBless water than that which is

23、 lost to evaporationCmore water than that which is lost to evaporationDdifferent amounts of water based on weather conditions42.According to the passage, who would be likely to sign a postnupAYoung couples.BCouples who run a large company.CCouples who are going to get divorced.DCouples who have chil

24、dren from a previous marriage.43.According to the author, the passage mainly deals with_.Aa tornado in Edmonton, AlbertaBwhat s a NowcastCthe disadvantage of conventional computer models of the weather forecastDa breakthrough in weather forecast44.Conventional computer models of the atmosphere fails

25、 to predict such a short - lived tornado because_.Athe computer is not used to forecast specific local eventsBthe computers are not advanced enough to predict itCthe weather data people collect are often wrongDweather conditions in some small regions are not available45.According to the passage, _is

26、 the key factor to making Nowcasts a reality.Ascientific and technological advances such as radar, or satellitesBcomputer scientistCmeteorologistsDadvanced computer programs46.The word exceeded in paragraph 1 most probably means_.Aadded up toBwere more thanCwere aboutDwere less than47.According to t

27、he passage, the word (paragraph 3 ) means_.Aa way of collecting raw weather dataBa forecast which can predict the weather conditions in the small area in an accurate wayCa network to collect instant weather dataDa more advanced system of weather observation48.According to Ms. Harris,_.Aparents are t

28、o blame for any bad behavior of their childrenBparents will affect greatly the childrens life in the long runCnature rather than nurture has a significant effect on children s personality developmentDchildren s personality is shaped by their friends and neighbors49.What is the author s main purposeATo highly praise Ms. Harris s work.BTo counter Ms. HarrisCTo objectively report on Ms. HarrisDTo critically comment on Ms. Harris50.The word dit

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