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1、n.平均;平均数;平均水平;一般的5. involve包括;使牵涉;卷入n. involvement6. conductv.& n.指挥;管理;控制;行为n. conductor7. signv. &迹象;手势;签名于8. survive幸存;生还n. survival9. nonethelessadv.虽然如此;但是10. orbit轨道;绕轨道而行11. reflect反映;反射;反省n. reflection12. releasen. &释放; 发行; 发布13. retain保持;保留14. covert v.皈依者; 转换; 使改变信仰15. migrate移居; 迁徙n. migr

2、ation16. amount数量;总计17. inhabitant居民;居住者v. inhabitn. inhabitation1. manned有人操纵的,有人驾驶的2. exploration 探险,探测v. explore3. attemptn.&努力,尝试,企图4. tie不分胜负,领结,绑,系5. consume消费,消耗,毁灭,大吃大喝n. consumption6. explosion爆发,爆炸v. explode7. mission使命,任务,派遣执行的任务1.重点词组space exploration太空探险average temperature平均温度ever since

3、自从the beginning of sth 的开始dream of梦见,梦想interplanetary travel星际旅行come true实现,成真be similar to与类似more like sth. 更像.greenhouse effect温室效应main stages主要阶段ice cap冰冠by spacecraft 通过宇宙飞船underground building 地下建筑conduct experiment 做实验signs of life 生命迹象as long as 只要carbon dioxide 二氧化碳orbit around sth 环绕.的轨道ret

4、ain the heat 保温,储存热量be released into the air 被释放到空气中water vapor 水蒸气be converted into 被转化为go up to 上升migrate from some place 从迁徙来. Key Expressions重点词组(1)dream a. . . dream 做了一个梦(2 )realize / achieve ones dream 实现了某人的梦想(3)make the dream come true 让某人的梦想成真(4)dream of doing/sth. = dream about doing/sth

5、梦想着做2. interplanetary adj. 行星间的an interplanetary journey in a space ship 乘太空船做星际旅行 前缀:inter 之间的internet,international,interchange,intercity,interact,interconnect,interpersonal3. transform vt(1)改变的外观或形式e. g. A thick log had transformed the trees into ghosts. 浓密的雾使树木看起来像鬼魂。(2)改变的性质/职能/状况;转化. e. g. Suc

6、cess and wealth transformed his character. 成功和财富改变了他的性格。4. establish vt.(1)创建;建立;建造e. g. The company was established in 1860. 这家公司创办于 1860 年。(2)使得到承认;使被接受e. g. The new discovery in a recent research established his reputation一项研究上的新发现让人们承认了他的声望5. be similar to sb. in sth.e. g. My new dress is simila

7、r to the one you have. 我的新衣服和你的那件相似。Phrase bank(1)be inferior to sb. in sth 在方面不如/低于某人(2)be superior to sb. in sth. 在方面超过/胜过某人(3)be senior to sb. in sth. 在方面高于某人;在.方面比某人资格老(4)be junior to sb. in sth. 在方面低于某人(5)be prior to sb. in sth. 在方面优先于某人6. involve vt. 牵涉,卷入(1)伴随;需要;有e. g. He was told that the j

8、ob would involve travel他被告知那份工作将需要出差。This lesson involves a lot of work.这一课需要做的工作有很多。(2)使牵涉,卷入使某人卷进来;使参与e. g. Dont involve other people in your trouble. 别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。All the children were involved in the school play. 所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。be/get involved in 把卷入;涉及到7. sign n.(1)迹像;痕迹;遗迹e. g. There are no

9、signs of life about the house. 这房子没有有人住的迹象(2)手势sign language(3)标牌;告示牌a traffic sign 交通标志V. (1)签名e. g. Both parties have signed the contract.双方已经在合同上签字了。(2)打手势;用手势或手势语言交流 e. g. He signed me to be quiet. 他做手势要我安静。8. survive v.(1)活着;继续存在e. g. Few survived after the flood. 洪水后生还者极少。The custom still surv

10、ives. 这种风俗习惯还保存着。(2)从困境中活过来或挺过来e.g. Plants that can survive frosts 历经寒霜而存活的植物9. reflect v.(1)表明e. g. Her work reflects intelligence. 她的工作显示出她的智慧.(2)反射 e. g. A mirror reflects a picture of you when you look in it.当你照镜子时,镜子映出你的形象。10. release(1)赦免, 释放e. g. I released the horse and it ran away我放了这匹马,让它跑

11、走了。Four prisoners were released. 四名犯人被释放了。(2)公演;上映;发行release a film 上映一部电影 release an album 发行专辑n.(1) 赦免;解除;释放 his release from the jail他从监狱获释(2) 许可发行的东西 a press release 新闻发行物11. retain v. 保持;保留;留住;保住retain ones balance 保持平衡a wall to retain the lake 挡住湖水的堤坝retain an appearance of youth 保有年轻的外貌12. co

12、nvert v.(1) 使转变成另一种形式/物质/状态/结果e.g. We converted defeat into victory. 我们把失败变成了成功。convert water into ice 将水变成冰(2)使改变e. g. That building has been converted into a school. 那幢楼已经变成一所学校了。 convert a forest into farmland. 把森林变成耕地。(3)兑换,将交换成价值相等的东西e. g. I want to convert some stocks into cash. 我想把一些股票兑换成现金。c

13、onvert.into 把变成/兑换成13. migrate v.(1)移居e. g. People migrate to find work.人们迁居去找工作。(2)迁移,迁徙e. g. Some birds migrate to find warmer weather. 有些鸟迁徙以寻找更温暖的气候。14. amount n.(1)数量a great amount of intelligence 非常聪明large amounts of money 大量的金钱(2)总共;合计数字或数量加在一起e. g. The purchases amounted to 50 do11ars. 买东西总共

14、花了 50 美元。(3)等同 3 接近重要性或效果相当于e. g. That plan will never amount to anything 那个计划无关紧要。Your words amount to a refusal.你的话等于回绝了。 amount to 等同于;总计达More reading1. manned adj. 有人操纵的,载人的 A manned space ship 载人宇宙飞船2. exploration n. 探测,探究探索的行为或事实Arctic exploration 北极探险Exploration of new theories 新理论的探索v. explo

15、re (1) 探索,研究explore the possibilities 探索可能性(2) 勘探,探测,旅行explore outer space 太空勘探n. explorer 探险者v. 企图, 试图作出努力,努力e.g. I attempted to read the entire novel in one day. The boys attempted to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.It will be a long time before any landing on Mars can be attem

16、pted.n. 企图或努力She made an attempt to cook the dinner.(1)attempt to do sth. 试图做某事(2)in an attempt to 力图,试图(3)in ones attempt to力图,试图(4)make an attempt at / on力图,试图2.consume v. (1) 消耗,花费,耗尽e.g. consume most of my time and energy 耗尽我大部分时间和精力 His old car consumed much gasoline. 他的旧汽车耗油很多。(2) 彻底毁坏,毁灭e.g.

17、flames that consumed the house 吞噬房屋的火焰 a body consumed by caner 被癌症毁坏的身体 The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighborhood.大火很快就烧毁了这一带的旧木头房子。(3)吃, 喝, 消耗掉e.g. He consumed four eggs. 他吃掉四个鸡蛋。adj. time-consuming 费时的 energy- consuming 费力的3.the third to do sth.序数词,形容词最高级,next, last, onl

18、y, not a, the + 名词后面接动词不定式e.g. She is always the first one to come and the last to leave. 她总是第一个来最后一个走。 I dont think he is the best man to do the job. 我认为他不是这项工作的最佳人选。 考点训练( )1.For centuries,these dreams of interplanetary travel have _drams.A. remained B. maintained C. kept D. stayed( ) 2. He _ to g

19、o to Beijing today,but he postponed the trip when he heard that there would be a downpour at noon.A. was intending B. would intend C. was intended D. had intended( ) 3. Chemicals are _into the air. As a result,the atmosphere becomes thicker.A. released B. relieved C. distributed D. sent off( ) 4. Th

20、e door and the windows were all closed and there was no _of forced entry.A. scene B. show C. sign D. sight( ) 5. By the year 2170,people _ cities and industries on Mars.A. established B. will have established C. will established D. have established( ) 6. It was some time _ the president managed to s

21、ave his firm from bankruptcy.A. until B. when C. that D. before( )7. The _ of oxygen in the air rises,and at last the air becomes breathable.A. number B. amount C. deal D. sum( ) 8. My friend Paul was badly taken in when he paid $ 1000 for that second-hand car; it was not worth _.A. that all much B.

22、 that much all C. all that much D. much all that( )9. Venus has an average temperature of 465C,which makes it completely _.A. habit B. uninhabitable C. inhabitable D. habitable ( )10. The government has promised to do _it can do to save the victims in the earthquake-stricken area.A. what B. all C. t

23、hat D. which( )11. The plan _ changing Mars so that it becomes more like Earth.A. contains B. includes C. involves D. refers( )12. In many ways,Mars is the planet which is most _ to Earth.A. accessible B. available C. resistant D. similar( ) 13. Our actions _our thoughts.A. concern B. react C. refle

24、ct D. melt( )14. The businessman hired an agent to _ his affairs. A. conduct B. construct C. produce D. introduce( ) 15. Under the pressure from society,the terrorists _ the hostages at last.A. relieved B. relaxed C. rejected D. released( )16. Water can _ a desert into a garden. A. transmit B. trans

25、late C. transform D. transplant( ) 17. Many species of butterflies _ the winter by hibernating in a sheltered place.A. survive B. live C. relieve D. support( ) 18. We are going to _ our heating system to electricity.A. convert B. direct C. compose D. turn( )19. Other men live to eat, _ I eat to live

26、. A. and B. when C. while D. or( )20. The _ question for him is to _ the exact position of a feeding place.A. remaining; find out B. remained; find outC. remaining; find D. remained; look for( ) 21.Thank you for the great trouble _ help me with my computer.A. that you have taken to B. you have had t

27、oC. you paid and D. that you have made to( )22. There is no light in the dormitory. They must have gone to the lecture, _?A. didnt they B. dont they C. mustnt they D. havent they( )23. You must keep on working in the evening, _you are sure you can finish thetask in time.A. as B. if C. when D. unless

28、( )24. The smile on Dads face suggested that he _ satisfied with what his son had done. A. should be B. is C. was D. be( )25. She locked her room _ a thief would break into it. A. so that B. for fear that C. in case of D. for fear of1-5 ADACB 6-10 DBCBA 11-15 CDCAD 16-20 CAACA 21-25 ADDCB语法讲解九种状语从句及常见的引导词 1、【时间状语从句】:when, while, as, before, after, since(自从以来), till (until), as soon as(刚一马上就), once(一旦), whenever等。特殊引导词:the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the day,the instant=instantly , immediate

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