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1、mafraid I wont be able to take care of the childrenDI cant go because Ive got to look after my friends children8ADont go out for meal now,it sounds too funnyBId rather go out for dinner than attend a business meetingCHe prefers having a dinner to having a business lunchDIt was unbelievable that he h

2、ad no right to order9A B C D10AId like you to help those people to formgood habitsBYou ought to join an organization that can help you to get rid of your bad habitCYou should go to the club daily to practice playing footballDDo not kick a man when he is downThats a shame to do thatIII对话理解(Dialog ues

3、)(共10小题,计10分)A)请听下面五组小对话,每段对话后有一个小题,然后根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每组对话和问题均读两遍。11ABecause he had to work late at the officeBBecause he didnt like to go home earlyCBecause he started his work too lateDBecause he did not knowwhat time togo back home12AShe wants to hire the manBSheis asking the man to fo

4、llowherCShe is going to fire the manDShe needs a bigger budget for the mans salary13AIts pretty but too dearBIt looks ugly but very neatCIt looks a little showyDThe man is the right person to wear it14AShipping DepartmentBSalesDepartmentCSafety DepartmentDBusiness Department15 A B CDB)请听下面一段对话,然后根据你

5、所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。对话读两遍。16What is Vinnie Jones?AHe is a soccer playerBHe is an actorCHe is a refereeDHe is a soccer coach17In what country did Vinnie Jones play professional soccer?AIn the United StatesBIn ItalyCIn the UKDIn France18Which teamdid Vinnie Jones play for when he won the Cup?AWimb

6、ledonBManchester UnitedCLiverpoolDNewcastle19Why was Vinnie Jones well known inBritain?ABecause he acted many important roles in many moviesBBecause he was not only an actor,but a refereeCBecause he was a strong and funny football player on the fieldDBecause he was the toughest soccerplayer on the f

7、ield20Which of the following statements is FALSE?AVinnie Jones was always in troublewith the refereeBVinnie Jones was still famous for his soccer skillsCVinnie Jones was much better knownin Britain than in AmericaDVinnie Jones always fought against the players of the other sideIV短文理解(Passag es)(共10小

8、题,计10分)请听下面两篇短文,然后根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。每篇短文读两遍。(A)21If it is about five amin NewYork,what time is it in San Franciso?AAround eleven pmBAbout one amCAround noon timeDAbout nine am22The United States has a total of _different time zonesA4B5C6D723What is jet lag?AThe time that the plane is

9、 delayedBDifferent time zonesCGreat distancesDA period of extreme tiredness24Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?ANobody can get used to the different time zonesBSome people will experience jet lag,but some notCWhile the sun is rising in Japan,itis setting in Ameri

10、caDWhen a person has jet lag,it might take a fewdays for the person to adjustto the newtime zone(B)25According to recent medical research,sleeping between _ hours a nightis good for ones healthAseven and nine Bsix and nine Ceight and nine Dseven and eight26Fromthe newstudy conducted by the Better Sl

11、eep Committee,we learn that _ understand the importance of sleep for their brain functionsAmany people Bfewpeople C1,000adults Dall the people27Howmany hours do many of the people interviewed sleep during the weeknights?ALess than seven hoursBEight hoursCMore than seven hoursDNine hours28What is you

12、r brain doing when you are sleeping,according to the study?ARestingBWorkingCRecoveringDWe dont knowyet29When can our brain arrange the days information in order?AWhen we are workingBWhen we are asleepCWhen we are studyingDWhen we areawake30Howdo people strengthen their brain power?ABy getting little

13、 sleepBBy getting as much sleep as possibleCBy getting much workDBy gettingenough sleep笔试部分(共七大题,计120分)I选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)(共20小题,计20分)A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1Is this company _ you once worked for?Athat Bthe one Cin which Dwhere2Do you smoke? No,I dontAnd its been a couple of year

14、s since I _ Asmoked Bwere smoked Cwas smokedDsmokes3 _ is well known to us all is thatChina Dailyis one of the English newspapers in ChinaAAs BIt CWhich DWhat4Imgoing to go back to your hometownDo you have anything _ to your parents? No,thanksI just came back fromthere two days agoAto take Btaken Ct

15、o be taken Dbeing taken5Lucia,as well as her parents, _ a great job in the fight against SARSAwere doing Bhas done Care doing Dis used to do6Why didnt you tell me the meeting had been cancelled?I _ have got up earlyin the morningAmaynt Bmustnt Ccant Dneednt7The teacher insisted that the boy _ nothin

16、g wrong and _ blamedAhas done;hadnt been Bshould do;shouldnt beChad done;should not be Ddoes;be8Amelia saw _ airplane for _ first time at _ fair when she was 8 years oldShe was disappointed by experienceAan;the;B;a;anCan;theDthe;9The projects have been _ discussion _ a month now,but the decision has

17、 not yet been madeAin;over Bat;in Con;fromDunder;for10Only when _ to take off _ that she had left her handbag at her officeAthe airbus began;did she realize Bdid the airbus begin;she realizedCthe airbus began;she realized Ddid the airbus begin ;did she realize11Hilary :Howabout going to the town poo

18、l now,Joan?Or we could always swim at the lake Joan : _ What would you prefer to do? Hilary :I think Id prefer to go to the town poolAIt doesnt make any difference to memafraid I have to do my homeworkCOkayThats fine with me DGood ideaIll call you in the morning12Joseph:You are looking so happy _ Ro

19、bert:Well,actually,I have some good newsJoseph:Really?What? Robert:I just got a big pay raise Joseph:You did? _ AThats wonderful!;Thats great!BSomething wrong with you?Its extremely good!CWhats new?Congratulations!DHowis it going?s nothing13The sale ends on Sunday Excuse me,MrCraig,butOh?No,sirActua

20、lly,the sale ends on SaturdayOh _ Aits on Tuesday;Thank you very muchBI hope not;Great jobYou are the manCthat isnt right;Thanks for calling that to my attentionDhowabout Monday?You are correct!14Through the good offices of a friend,I was able to get a ticketThe underlined phrase means“ _ ”Aasking o

21、ffice boys Bwith kind help fromCrequesting people with good position Dentering the offices with15Recent research has thrown lighton the causes of the disease,which made them more confidentThe underlined phrase means“ _ ”Ais in the light of BhadhopelessChas puzzledout Dhas madeclearB)下列五题中的句子可以组成一篇小短

22、文,请从所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16The first time I experienced a problem with _ was on my fortieth birthdayAlife Bage Cwork Dsleep17Much _ ,it was a deeply unpleasant eventAthe same Bfor long Cto my surprise Dwith pleasure18Forty seemed to be so much older than 39I _ like it when people told me I looked

23、young for my ageAgot used to Bwas used to Cwas getting used to Dused to19 _ then I realized that they were just telling me howold I wasASo BBut CAs DOtherwise20Anyway,I slowly the shock and tried to persuade myself that life begins at 40Agot over Bput up Ccame over Ddealt withII阅读理解(Reading comprehe

24、nsion)(共30小题,计30分)A)阅读下列短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。When a job opening is advertised,there are often a lot of people interested in applyingMany job hunters send in their resumes(简历)and apply for the same positionSometimes a company will receive hundreds of resumes for a single job opening

25、The job interview,therefore,is very importantIn theinterview,an applicant must demonstrate(证明)that heor she is the best person for the jobBecause job interviews are so critical,some job hunters read books or take courses tohelp themmake a good first impressionThese books and courses are full ofadvic

26、e andsuggestions to help job applicants prepare for their interviewsFor example,successfulapplicants dress appropriately andhave a clean and neat appearanceThey take their re-sume,a list of their education and work experience,with themto the interviewThey alsoprepare a list of questions about thejob or the companyThey go to the interviewalone andare always on timeAt the beginning of the interview,the applicant shakes hands firmly withthe employerThe employer usually invites the applicant to sit downDuring the interview,it is appro-priate to smile of

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