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1、C.not go to bed D.sleep11.The lady looks pale. She _ ill.A.can be B.must beC.should be D.has to be12.Ive come to ask him for the book. Thats why I _ wait until he comes back.A.need B.should C.ought to D.have to13.The song _ by often sung B.was often sungC.sings D.has often sung14.I thi

2、nk that the book _ him.A.belongs to belonged belong to D.belongs15.Great changes _ in China since 1978.A.take the placeB.took the place ofC.have taken placeD.have been taken place16.My sister _ by Grandma while my parents are away.A.will be taken careB.will take care ofC.will be taken ca

3、re ofD.will be taken care17.“Have you moved into the new house?”“Not yet. The rooms _.”A.are being painted B.are paintingC.are painted D.are being paint18.“_the letter _ to Mr. Black?“No. Its still on my desk.”A.Is; being given B.Has; been givenC.Will; be given D.Was; given19.There are _ animals at

4、the zoo, arent there?A.few B.a of D.huge number of20.I want _ about the matter.A.some informations informationC.some information D.a information21.A group of _will come to our school tomorrow.A.Germany B.GermansC.German D.Japaneses22.Joan is _ sister.A.Mary and Jack B.Marys and Jacks

5、C.Marys and Jack D.Mary and Jacks23.That bottle is made B.glassesC.the glass D.a pair of glasses24.Yesterday we had _ and a half and a half hour and a hours and a half25.More than _ years ago, there was a war between these two cities.A.three hundr

6、eds B.three hundredC.three hundred of D.three hundreds of26.English was taught at the beginning of _ century in China.A.nineteen B.nineteenthC.the nineteenth D.the nineteen27._is Christmas day.A.Twenty-five of DecemberB.Twenty-fifth of DecemberC.The twenty-five of DecemberD.The twenty-fifth of Decem

7、ber28.There are _ books in our school library.A.several thousandB.several thousandsC.some thousands ofD.several thousands of29.John turned round and looked at him in _ B./ C.the D.a30.This kind of _ bottle can hold a kg of milk.A.a B.the D./31.The flowers smell _ and look_.A.good

8、; beautiful B.good; beautifullyC.well; beautiful D.well;32.Do you have _ to say at the meeting?A.anything importantB.important somethingC.everything importantD.important anything33.Wei Fang doesnt dance as _ as Li Ping.A.good B.better D.well34.Lily can work out maths problems _ than Liz.A.ver

9、y quickly B.far quicklyC.much quickly D.much more quickly35.Girl students are much cleverer in our class than _ in theirs.A.this B./ D.those36.This ladder is too long for this truck. We need _ truck to carry it.A.a small B.the smallC.a bigger D.a biggest37.The boy has to look after himself, bec

10、ause his parents _ abroad.A.are both B.both are C.are all D.all are38.I dont think there is _ important in todays paper.A.something B.nothingC.anything D.thing39.I have four brothers. One is in Japan, _are in Shanghai.A.another B.othersC.the other D.the others40.Some people like to stay at home on S

11、undays, but _ like to go to the cinema.C.other D.the other41.As they were asleep, _of them heard the sound.A.all B.both C.any D.none42.Im busy now. I ask him to see me _ time.A.the other B.some otherC.other other43.“_paper do you read?”“I readChina Daily.”A.Which B.How C.How many D.What44.“_hav

12、e you visited the Great Wall?”“Twice.”A.How soon B.How oftenC.How many times D.How long45.“Alice couldnt answer the question, could she?”“_.”A.No, she couldnt B.No, she couldC.Yes, she couldnt D.Yes, she answers46.“Would you like to watch TV or listen to the radio?A.Yes, Id like to watch TVB.No, I d

13、o not watch TVC.Yes, to listen to the radioD.Id like to watch TV47.“_do you visit your aunt?”“Once a year.”A.How long B.How oftenC.How soon D.How many times48.I hear Mary _ back in two days.A.comes B.comeC.will come D.coming49.He wanted to see the film very much, _he couldnt get a ticket.A.but B.and

14、 C.or D.so50.The thought _ her mother may lose eye-sight worries her.A.which B.what C.that D.why51.Can you tell me _ is the nearest way to the station?A.what B.if C.which D.that52.Be quick, _ the bus will leave.A.and B.for D.or53.Are you the boy _ bicycle was stolen?A.who his B.of which theC.hi

15、s D.whose54.Do you know the man _?A.whom I often talkB.with who I often talkC.I often talk withD.that I often talk55.Is there anything else _ you require?A.which B.that C.who D.what56.Is this the hospital _ he worked ten years ago?A.that B.where C.which D.the one57.Here are the players from Japan, s

16、ome _ are our old friends.A.from whom B.of themC.among them D.of whom58.Tom had finished his work _ his wife came back.A.after B.before C.while D.then59.He _to bed _ he finished his work last night.A.dont go; until B.didnt go; afterC.went; until D.didnt go; till60.He told me _ free, he would come to

17、 our party.A.if was he B.that if he wasC.whether he D.that whether he was61.There was _ much noise _ the speaker could not make himself; that; asC.such; that; as to62._there is enough snow, we cant go skiing.A.Because B.As C.Unless D.However63.The workers were busy _ new houses

18、throughout the build C.building D.built64.It took us three days _ the work.A.finish B.will finish D.finished65.He couldnt help _ when he heard the sad cry B.crying C.cried D.cry66.She ran as quickly as she could so as_.A.not to lose the not lose the

19、raceC.dont lose the raceD.didnt lose the race67.We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, _ that all children like these things.A.thinking B.think think D.thought68.The police _ for the boy.A.are looking lookingC.looking D.look69.The number of teachers _ never unde

20、r 100 in this B.are C.been D.be70.“Is this beautiful?”“Yes, it is. _.”A.Rarely before I have seen thisB.Rarely I have seen this beforeC.Rarely have I seen this beforeD.Rarely have I seen before this71.Mr. Brown, together with his children _ come. Lets set out.A.are B.has D.have72.Ne

21、ither my mother nor my father _ Japanese.A.doesnt teach B.dont teachC.teach D.teaches73.I_my textbook at home. I had to go back for it.A.had forgotten B.had lostC.had left D.had missed74.It is_that a famous scientist will attend the meeting.A.sure B.certainC.glad D.satisfied75.The price of the camer

22、a is very_.A.low B.tallC.expensive D.valuable76.Once he has made up his_, he wont change it.A.brain B.heart C.mind D.head77.One should_ones promise.A.take C.keep D.support78.He_at the door and came in .A.struck B.beat C.hit D.knocked79.Will you_us for lunch?A.join B.attendC.take part in D.join

23、in80.Its_you are leaving tomorrow.A.very bad B.too badC.quite D.fairly bad81.When we reached the office, the clock on the wall was_eight.A.beating B.hitting C.striking D.ringing82.Who can_me the meaning of this word?A.speak B.tell D.say83.Children can_a lot from television.A.look B.learn

24、tch D.teach84.Were planning to_a garden party next Saturday night.A.make B.holdC.celebrate D.gather85.His cold was growing_.A.harder B.worseC.heavier D.seriously86.We stopped_but hear; listen B.listening; listen; hear D.hearing; listen87.Do you_what I told you?A.accept

25、 B.receive C.get D.agree88.His_of the aero-plane was correct in every detail and could really fly.A.pattern C.plan D.model89.He got off the bus and walked into a_hotel.A.near B.nearby C.close D.close to90.Police officers working on the murder have_hundreds of families.A.asked B.researchedC.questioned D.demanded91.They_different conclusions from the facts.A.made B.drew D.held92.The visitors often come by train,_by plane.A.some time B.some timesC.sometimes D.sometime93.Im very busy, so I cant_that problem with you for the moment.A.dis

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