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1、争取 谋求)a new positi on at work, but her boss does ntSee ne: Outside Cen tral Perk, Mon ica and Phoebe are show ing every onethe van they bought for the cateri ng bus in ess. It s an old Dodge van,that has a carto on woma n riding on a drag on pain ted on the side ofit.van n.大蓬货车/Dodge n.道奇(美国产轿车品牌名)/

2、on the side of adv. 在 一边Dodge VanPhoebe: Okay!Monica: Come on, no peeking! (They are l eading the gang out withtheir hands over their eyes.)Chandler: Our eyes are closed and we re about to cross the street. Very good. Okayyyyy, ope n up!(They ope n their eyes and are stunned at the van.)Ross: What d

3、id you want to show us? Because all I can see is this bitch in van!bitch ingv 俚 a.extremely good b.excessive compla ining Yeah, it s for our cateri ng bus in ess!Joey: I think I know that girl. All right, umm, we re not gonna really keep it this way though.keep it this way 让它这样Rachel: No? No, we re

4、gon na paint over the sword, and replace it with a baguette.baguette n. 法国棍子面包 Oh! my God, I think I lost my virginity in that van. lose one s virginity 失去贞操 And also, we don t know what to do with this. (She turns on a switch and the girl s nipples light up .) Oh yeah, I definitely know her.OPENING

5、 CREDITSScene: Monica and Rachels, the gang is all there. (to Phoebe) Remember that guy from cooking school I told you about that put cila ntro with everyth ing?cooking school n. 烹饪学校 /cilantro n. 芫荽叶Cila ntro作曲一种胡荽植物的叶子,芫妾叶也经常被称做僅墨西哥欧芹或 ”中国欧芹它的味道和那些用于咖58耕中,经常敝调味料用的调味籽的味道完全不同芫荽叶作兀一种香草调味料和装怖菜,m瞞受眈迎.是

6、拉 T-印罷 中东和亚洲菜的必需调味品,主妾搭配犬肉和鱼肉用于礁 菜菜肴和大部分番茄菜肴中 Oh sure, Cilantro food critic for the Well, I m gonna fill in for him Chelsea Reporter.fill in v. 代替/critic n. 评论家 /food critic n. 美食鉴赏家 / ChelseaReporter :莫尼卡答应为之写餐厅评论的报纸切尔西报道,是纽约切尔西区的一张小报 纸,基本没有什么人看,所以老友们说:这是多么好的影响一小撮人的办法。菲比在大街上流 浪时还拿切尔西报道当做被子

7、,所以剧情发展到后来,菲比看到切尔西报道会有一种 温暖的感觉。Moni ca: Wow, Moni ca! What an amaz ing opport unity to in flue needoze ns of people.doze ns of adj.二三十多 How could you say yes, what about our cateri ng bus in ess? Oh no-no- no, it s only one night a week, and plus I get to take all of you out for a lot of free dinner

8、s.All: Yay! Oh, in that case (hops up and down in joy ) Yay! (Monica looks con fused) That was me hopp ing on that case 如果是那样的话/on board 上(船等)交通工具 Oh. (entering) Hey, you guys! Hey, Ross, quick question for yaAre you ready to party? I don t know, I could maybe go out for a couple of beers,

9、but there s this thing about bumblebees on The Discovery Channel that I was pla nning to watch.bumblebee n.大黄蜂 No-no, I don t think you heard me 明白我的意思.Are you ready to party ? Nooo! Ga ndolf? Gan dolf is comi ng to tow n? Kathy s with her parents, I have nothing to do, so tomorrow we are partying w

10、ith Gandolf dude! Dude, we are sooo gonna party! Wow! Okay, dude alert 兄弟们注意 ! And who is this guy? Mike Gandolf Ganderson, only like the funniest guy in the world. I m gonna call and get off work tomorrow!call and get off work v. 打电话请假m gonna call after you! This is gonna be soo cool, dude, we neve

11、r party anymore!Chandler and Ross: Woooo! All right, were you guys smoking something in the back of our van? Really. And what do you mean you never have fun anymore? You have fun with me, remember that time we saw those strippers and you paid me 50 bucks to eat that book?stripper 脱衣舞女 Joey, you are

12、gonna love this guy. Gandolf is like the party wizard!wizard n. 男巫 Well, why do you call him Gandolf?Gandolf :是个灰袍巫师。 (魔戒 2 里升级为白袍,法力大增 )是护送戒指队伍里的向导人物。 ROSS和CHANDLE把衫办宴会的人称为 Gandolf,是因为巫师有法力(磨戒里另一个岀场较多 的白袍巫师是个坏人,不算),二是 Gandolf 为人和善,召人待见。(进矮人村还有小孩跟在 后面跑),三,可能来自磨戒 1 里的一段, Gandolf 为百岁小矮人庆生,各种奇逸的烟火,十 分有

13、手段。 Gandolf the wizard. (Joey is still confused) Hello! Didnt youread Lord of the Rings in high school? No, I had sex in high school.Gandof, the wizard, Lord of the Rings :罗斯和钱德勒共同的朋友甘道夫”要来了,这个人的名字源于神幻小说魔戒里面的“巫师甘道夫”,因为他像“巫师甘道夫”一样有趣 和神岀鬼没。但乔伊对此一无所知。罗斯问:“难道你在高中里不看魔戒吗 ? ”乔伊回答:“我在高中里只做爱。”Seene: Rache l

14、s office, Rachel and Sophie are sitting at their desks work ing as Joa nna walks in. Oh, uh, Joanna I was wondering if I could ask you something.There s an opening for an assistant buyer in Junior Miss opening n. 空缺/Junior Miss n. 少女/assistant buyer n. 采购助理Joa nna: (in terrupt ing) Okay, but that wo

15、uld actually be a big stepdow nfor me. Well, actually, I meant for me . The hiring committee is meeti ng people all day and Joanna: Oh. Well, I wish I could say no, but you can t stay myassista nt forever. Neither can you Sophie, but for differe nt reas ons. God, I am so glad you don t have a proble

16、m with this, because if you did, I wouldn t even consider applying. Really? Well, in that case in that case adv. 如果是那样的话 (interrupti ng) And that s I m so glad there s no problem. That s fine, actually I m on the hiring committee, so there ll be at least one friendly face.hir ing committee Ohh! That

17、 s great! You know, Junior Miss is where I started . Oh, I had to sleep with the ugliest guy to get that job. No-ho-ho! (pause) Yeah. (pause) I mean, no-no-no-no-no, don t you worry, I m sure with your qualifications you won t needto sleep with some guy to get that job. Although, I might n eed some

18、convincing.con vi ncing adj. 有论据证实的有说服力的 Well, I, umm Kidd ing! God, I feel wild today!Sce ne: Chan dler and Joeys, Chan dler is gett ing ready to party. Oh man! I am so excited I may vomit! Will you calm down ? he s ju st a human guy. Look you don t understand, Gandolf is amazing. Y know you re nev

19、er know what s gonna end up happening , you go out for a couple of beers and end up on a fishing boat to Nova Scotia!Nova Scotia n. 新斯科舍(加拿大省名)/ Nova Scotia :罗斯和钱德勒共同回忆甘道夫的有趣事迹,说他永远有很多新鲜的主意,每一次他们 都不知道甘道夫会把他们带到哪里去。有一次聚会,他们喝了几杯啤酒后,最后来到了加拿大的新苏格兰省 (Nova Scotia)钓鱼了。这是加拿大东南的一个半岛,风景优美,适合闲云野鹤们游玩。后面一集里,罗斯坐火车

20、坐过了 头,最终到了加拿大蒙特利尔,他碰上一 个很漂亮的姑娘,他担心地问她:“你是否就住在蒙特利尔? ”答案比他想像地还要糟糕,姑娘住在离蒙特利尔还有两小时车程的新苏格兰。 Oh yeah, it s beautiful country up there. (en teri ng) Hey! I got my passport, fresh socks , and asn ake bite kit!kit n. 成套工具(或物件) It s not gonna be exactly like last time. All right, I ll see you guys.Chan dler a

21、nd Ross: Whoa-whoa-whoa! Whoa-wh-wh-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! I have an audition, but I ll definitely hook up with you later. Where are you gonna be around noon?hook up with sb v. 把某人介绍同认识,再与见面/wherebe around 在哪 Somewhere maybe along the equator?equator n.赤道 Okay. (leaves as the phone rings) (answering i

22、t) Hello. (listens) (to Ross) It s Gandolf!(on pho ne) So, are you in tow n? (liste ns) (disappo in ted) Oh, well, well maybe n ext time the n. (Ha ngs up)in tow n adv. 在城里 What happe ned? He s not gonna make it, he s stuck in Chicago.make it v. 及时至 U达 /be stuck in v. 困在 Ohh, man! Chicago, is sooo l

23、ucky! Stupid, useless Canadian money!Can adia n money n. 力廿元 Bloomingdale s, Rachel is meeting with Mr. Posner, Mrs. Lyn ch, and Joa nna the hiri ng committee.Mr. Pos ner: You have a very impressive resume, Ms. Gree n. I especially like what I see here about impleme nting a new fili ng system.impres

24、sive resume 令人印象深刻(令人钦佩的)的履历/implement vt 行/file system n. 计文件系统 Thank you.贯彻实 Fili ng system? Oh-oh! You mea n those-those little colored labels you put on all the folders? (to the committee) It certainly did brighte n up the in side of the fili ng cab in ets.folder n. 文件夹 /brighte n up v./fili ng

25、cab inet n. 档案橱柜发亮 增色/inside of adv. 在之内的 Well, they uh, they-theydo more tha n thatMrs. Lyn ch: I no tice that you ve bee n trusted with a lot of important with v. 委托托付存放rather Yes, Joa nna really has bee n an in credible men tor to tor n.良师益友/Me ntorv希神门特(Odysseus的忠实朋

26、友,又为其子的良 师)/in credible men tor n. 贵人 Oh. And Rachel has bee n really in credible in gett ing my morning bagel for me. It s amazing how she gets it right almost every time!morning bagel l-l-l of course, I have more responsibilities than that. Oh yes, well there s the coffee too. (to the committee)Rachel can carry two things at once 次两样!Mr. Posner: Yes, that s very good. Now a uh, big part of this job is cultivati ng pers onal relati on ships , especially with desig ners.cultivate vt 建立 加强(友谊)结交(朋友等). Yes, I realize that (int

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