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1、t easy to learn.”他告诉我他会说英语。当我们谈论英语的时候,他说:“英语不容易学。”4. join: 参加某组织、团体、党派并成为其中一员,身份发生变化。 What club do you want to _? 你想加入什么俱乐部? join in 参加活动、比赛、游戏,身份不发生大的变化 He hopes to _ the game. 他希望参与这个游戏。 Take part in 参加会议或群众性活动,并发挥积极作用 She wants to _ the sports meeting. 她想要参加运动会。5. Hell join us in _(sing) the song

2、. 他将和我们一起唱歌。6. What about going shopping with me?=_?7. He is good at playing chess.He _ playing chess.他擅长下国际象棋。8. He _ playing football. 他擅长踢足球。 Watching TV too much _ not _ your health.看电视太多对你的健康没有好处。9. The old woman _ very _ us. 那个老太太对我们很好。10. He _very _ children. 他对孩子很有一套。11. What about going to

3、Shanghai Disneyland Park next month, Harry? _!(听起来不错)Well have a lot of fun there.12. wanted for 多用于广告招聘用语中,wanted 前写招收的对象,for 后接招收单位或组织、活动。是be wanted for的简略形式。 Actors _ for School Day校庆招收演员13. I want_(have) a cup of tea. 我想要喝杯茶。14. He wants me _(tell) you the truth. 他想让我告诉你事实。15. I like apples _(和)

4、 bananas. I dont like oranges _(和) pears. 16. My brother can _(也) play the piano.我哥哥也会弹钢琴。 I like English, _(也). 我也喜欢英语。 I dont like it _(也). 我也不喜欢它。17. Bill has made great progress _(在.帮助下)of his teachers. 18. Ann often helps me _ math after school. (填介词)19. They often help the old people _(clean)

5、their houses. 他们经常帮老人们打扫他们的房子。20. You can make friend with each other. (改错)make faces _make money _ make progress _ make noise _ make yourself at home _21. Doing sports makes you _(health). 做体育运动使你健康。22. My mother makes me _(clean) the room. 我妈妈让我打扫房间。23. He is busy _(do) his homework.He is busy _ h

6、is homework.他正忙于做他的家庭作业。24. Mr Smith teaches our English in our school.(改错)25. Is your mother in?Is your mother_?你妈妈在家吗?七年级下册第二单元基础知识回顾1.dress get dressed 2.tooth teeth 3.foot feet shower 5.usual usually funny 7.ever never 8.friend friendly 9.good better best 10.week weekday weekend 11.

7、homework housework schoolwork runner 13.quick quickly healthy unhealthy 15.sometimes some times job 1. I _ at six in the morning and _ at ten in the evening every day.我每天早上6点起床,晚上10点上床睡觉。2.短语:_上(车)_下(车)_离开_通过_穿好衣服_3. They are _(dress) in red.他们穿着红衣服。4. _.她太小,不会自己穿衣服。5. He _(

8、wear) a new shirt today.他今天穿着一件新衬衫。6. Please _your coat.请穿上你的外套。7. The emperor had _ on.皇帝什么也没穿。8. foot_脚 mouse_老鼠 man_男人 child_小孩 goose_鹅 woman_女人9. Hes_ now.他现在失业了。job 作“工作”讲时,是 名词。 Imlookingforanew_.我在找一份新工作。 work 用法更广泛,就是指一般的工作,是_ 名词。 Istarted_whenIwas18.我十八岁开始工作。 Can you help me find_ in Shangh

9、ai?你能帮我在上海找到工作吗?10. Its ten _walk _ my home _the school. 从我家到学校步行十分钟。11. _ 挨家挨户,家家户户_从头到脚 _自始至终_有时,偶尔 _ 从早到晚12. _ winter nights在冬天的晚上13. We have _ for exercise.我们没有时间锻炼。14. She has _ time for breakfast. 她有足够的时间吃早餐。15. He has little time _(sleep). 他几乎没有时间睡觉。16. Its time_lunch.该吃午饭了。17. Its time for u

10、s_(go) home.我们该回家了。18. They are _(fun) monkeys. 它们是滑稽的猴子。19. Its _(funny) to be with him.和他在一起有趣。20. Do you often come to school late?_?你经常上学迟到吗?21. Linda is _ (班上最好的学生)in our class. 22. one hour and a half_一个半小时23. Come here_(quick) .快点到这里来。24. Dont run so_(快) and we will get there _(很快),but when w

11、e get there you should eat _(快) for lunch.25. He sometimes takes a walk with his mom. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ he take a walk with his mom?27. He_writestome.他有时给我写信。Hewentswimming_lastweek.上周他去游了好几次泳。Maybewellmeetagain_.也许我们在某个时刻将会再见面。Wewillstaythere_. 我们将在那儿呆一段时间。26. What would you like to have for supper,

12、Jack?Either noodles or rice _ (be )OK.I dont mind. 28. _she_amright. 她和我都不对。she_right. 她和我必有一个人对。she_ I_right. 她和我都对。she_right. 不仅她,而且我也是对的。27. _ Lisa _ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home to take care of the dog. A. Not only;but also B. Neither;nor C. Both;and D. Either;or28.

13、 lotsofalotof修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词 _公园里有许多人。 many修饰可数名词复数. _你有很多书吗?29. life的复数形式为 lives,类似的名词变复数还有: wife_, half_, leaf_ shelf_, thief_, knife_, wolf_ 30. 新单词(短语):choose promise activity goal daily routine complete schedule interview unhealthy habit adverb of frequency never sometimes ( at times, from time

14、to time) often usually always how often how soon how long how many how far how much 七年级下册第三单元基础知识回顾一. 词汇1.ride ride 2.meter kilometer 3.thirty forty fifty by 5.exercise exercise driver 7.friend friendly 8.stop station 9.cross across crossing 10.village villager 11.difficult difficultly

15、 difficulty 12.quick quickly like 14.usual unusual usually 15.true truly truth 16.bore boring bored 17.e-mail e-mail 18. train _ train _19. ride- _(过去式)-_(过去分词)20. Every day _ everyday _21. new - _(反义词)22. Drive -_(过去式)_(过去分词)23. Many - _(比较级)-_(最高级)24. cross = _25. village _ villager _1. Mr

16、. Smith takes the train to work. (同义句转换) Mr. Smith _ _ _ _ _.2. Mr. Smith by bike to school. (改错)3. Mr. Smith goes to school take the subway. (改错)4. Mr. Smith like ride the bike to work. (改错)5. Mr. Smith doesnt can play the piano and play the basketball. (改错)6. Does your aunt usually goes to the sup

17、ermarket on foot?7. Mike goes to school by car. = Mike goes to school _ his father car. 8. Mike goes to school by bike. = Mike goes to school _ his bike. = Mike _ to school.9.When will the plane get to Shanghai?= When will the plane _ Shanghai? =When will the plane _Shanghai?10.Jane goes to New York

18、 by plane. = Jane goes to New York _.11. There are six _(百) and six people on the playground. 12. _(成百上千的)children are surfing the internet. 13. It will _ (花费)the workers ten days _(finish )all the work. 14.All the students walk to school every day. All the students go to school _ every day.15. Davi

19、d, look at the man in black over there. Can you tell me who is he?(改错)16.What do you think of comedies? _ _you _comedies?17.He is thinking _ going to Greece.他正考虑要去希腊。18.Please think it _ before you decide.在你决定之前请仔细考虑。19. Please be careful when you cross the road. = Please be careful when you _ _ the

20、 road. 20. Turn left at the second _(cross). 在第二个十字路口向左拐。21.Go _ the tunnel.穿过隧道。22.The two students walk _ the woods(树林), run _ the street and then buy some food in the shop. ( 穿过)23.There are _ flowers in the park. 公园里有许多花。24. There is _pollution in Shijiazhuang. 石家庄污染很严重。25. To get to school is e

21、asy. =_ is easy _get to school.26.Its_ for me _ French. 对我来说,说法语是困难的。27. There _ a teacher and ten students in the classroom.教室里有一位老师和十名学生。28. There _ ten students and a teacher in the classroom.教室里有一位老师和十名学生。29.How kind you are! You always do what you can _ ( help) others.(绵阳)30. She is twelve year

22、s old. = She is a _ girl.31. Its a 300-meters-long bridge.(改错)32.Dont look at me like that!m telling you the _(true). 不要这样看着我!我正在告诉你真相。33. I _(true) want to go home.我确实想回家。34.Helen, thanks for _ (help) me. With pleasure. 35. I am going to leave _Beijing tomorrow. 七年级下册第四单元基础知识回顾1.dinner _dining room

23、 dining hall _2.late early 3. Miss. Ms . Mrs. 4.listen hear 5.outside inside musician first 8.real really 9.importance important player 11.many much 12.leave leave 13.noise noisy 14.week weekend weekday 15.relax relaxing relaxed 16.too also either 17.luck lucky luckily 18.happy

24、 unhappy 20. quiet _ quite_1. Dont be late for class! We must be on time. = Dont_ late for class! We must be on time.2. The passengers _ (必须)show their ID cards before getting on the plane.3. Must I hand in(上交) my homework now, Mr. Smith?No, you _. (没必要)4. We cant finish the work _ without his help. 没有他的帮忙,我们不能按时完成工作。5. She didnt catch the bus _,so she couldnt

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