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2、tion);#二是英语里有些从反面表达的词语或句子,汉译时可从正面来表达,即反说正译法(affirmation)。#例如:#。#,第七节 正反译法,(1)Wet paint!#Keep upright!#油漆未干!#切勿倒置!#(2)I wrote three books in the first two years,a record never reached before.我头两年写了三本书,打破了以往的记录。#原文从反面表达,译文从正面表达。#如译成“这是他从前从未达到的记录”则显得很别扭。#(3)I have read your articles,but I expect to mee

3、t an older man.我读过你的文章,但没料到你这样年轻。#本句如译成“我读过你文章,但我料想会见到一个年纪更大的人”则不符合汉语表达习惯。#,第七节 正反译法,(4)A radar screen is not unlike a television.雷达荧光屏跟电视荧光屏一样。#本句如果译成“雷达荧光屏不是不像电视荧光屏一样”则不够通顺。#从以上四例中,我们可以看到,有些句子从正面译不顺,不妨从反面译;#反面译不顺,则不妨从正面译,因为同一个概念,一个民族正着说,以为是合乎表达习惯的,而另一个民族则认为反着说才顺嘴。#因此,在恰当的场合灵活运用正反译法不失为确保译文语义明晰、文从字顺


5、,English differs from French in having no gender for nouns.,英语和法语不同,英语名词没有性的变化。#,(2)Scientists reject authority as an ultimate basis for truth.,科学家不承认权威是真理的最后根据。#,类似的动词还有refuse(不愿;#不肯;#无法),lack(缺乏;#没有),defy(不服从;#不遵守;#不让),forbid(不许),stop(不准)和ignore(不理;#不肯考虑)等。#,(3)I regret to learn that you have fail

6、ed in the examination.得知你未能通过考试,深表遗憾。#(4)Water is a good lubricant,if you can devise a way to keep it from leaking out or evaporating.如果能设法使水不漏出来或不蒸发掉,那么水就是一种很好的润滑剂。#(5)On Sunday Jim idles away his time.星期天吉姆无所事事。#,(二)名词,There was complete absence of information on the oil deposit in this area.,关于该地

7、区的石油储量情况,人们毫无所知。#,(2)Shortness of time has required the omission of some states.,由于时间不够,没能访问某些国家。#,作为名词用的含蓄否定词还有:#defiance(不顾;#无视),denial(否认;#否定),exclusion(排除),freedom(不;#免除),refusal(不愿;#不允许)和loss(失去)等。#,一、正说反译法,(3)A lack of awareness of cultural differences or local customs can create problems.不注意文

8、化差异或当地习俗可能会产生问题。#(4)How can machines work in the absence of electricity?#没有电时,机器如何运转?#,(三)形容词或形容词短语,(1)We were watching the fluid situation with concern.,我们关切地注视着动荡不安的局面。#,(2)He would be the last man to say such things.,他绝不可能说这种话。#,类似的形容词及其短语absent(不在;#不到),awkward(不熟练;#不灵活;#使用起来不方便),bad(令人不愉快的;#不受欢迎

9、的;#不舒服的),blind(看不到;#不注意),dead(无生命的;#无感觉的;#不毛的),difficult(不容易的),foreign to(不适合的;#与无关),short of(不够),和poor(不好的;#不幸的)等。#,一、正说反译法,(3)The explanation is pretty thin.这种解释理由很不充分。#(4)It would be the most disastrous if even a rumor of it were given out.甚至只要有一点风声泄露出去,其结果就不堪设想。#(5)Worm gear(涡轮)drives are quiet

10、and vibration free.涡轮传动没有噪音,没有震动。#(6)“It was the most influential private group,”says one of the founder members.该组织的创始人之一说:#“这个组织曾是影响最大的非官方集团。#,(四)介词或介词词组,(1)It was beyond his power to sign such a contract.,他无权签订这种合同。#,(2)But that is very extraordinary.It seems against nature.,不过那件事很不寻常,似乎不符合自然规律。#

11、,一、正说反译法,(3)She modelled between roles.她不演戏时当模特儿。#(4)Only one of them has ever gone to live in the country and he was back in town within six months.他们中只有一个真正在乡下生活过,不过这个人不到半年就返回了城里。#,(五)副词,(1)The subversion attempts proved predictably futile.,不出所料,颠覆活动证明毫无效果。#,(2)Slowly he pulled the letter out of t

12、he envelope,and unfolded it.,他不慌不忙地从信封里抽出信纸,把它打开。#,一、正说反译法,(3)Time is what we want most,but what many use worst.,时间是我们最缺少的,但偏偏许多人最不善于利用时间。#,(4)You can safely say so.你这样说不错。#(5)The relay(继电器)acted vainly due to negligible current.电流太小,继电器不能启动。#,(六)连接词及其短语,He would rather be buried with his money unde

13、r a mountain of rock than trust another bank.,他宁可和他的钱一起被埋入石山下,也不愿再去相信任何一家银行了。#,(2)She is too careful not to have noticed it.,她那么小心,不会不注意到这一点的。#,一、正说反译法,(3)Until she spoke I had not realized she was foreign.,她要是不说话,我还一直不知道她是外国人。#,(4)Wear your coat or youll catch cold.穿上大衣,不然你会着凉的。#(5)Unless England i

14、mprove their game,theyre going to lose the match.英格兰队如果不改进打法,就会输掉这场比赛。#,(七)某些固定短语,(1)The escaped criminal is still at large.,逃犯仍未捉拿归案。#,(2)There are many energy sources in store.The problem has been to use the energy at a reasonable cost.,有许多能源尚未开发。#问题始终是要以一个合理的代价利用这些能源。#,一、正说反译法,(3)I was at a loss

15、to understand what he alluded to.,我无法领会到他谈话中所指的是什么。#,(4)The hotel was anything but satisfactory.,这家旅馆太不让人满意了。#,(5)The islanders found themselves far from ready to fight the war.,岛民们发现自己远远没有做好作战准备。#,一、正说反译法,(八)句子,(1)His grandmother is already 80,but she carries her years lightly.,他祖母已80岁了,可是并不显老。#,(2

16、)I am wiser than to believe such stories.,我还不至于蠢到竟然相信这种谎言。#,(九)某些含有否定意义的谚语和警句,(1)Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.,宁为鸡头,不为牛后。#,(2)Seeing is believing.,百闻不如一见。#,一、正说反译法,(3)Bite off more than one can chew.,贪多嚼不烂。#,(九)某些含有否定意义的谚语和警句,(4)Let sleeping dog lie.,莫惹是生非。#,(5)A bird in the hand is

17、worth two in the bush.,双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。#,一、正说反译法,(6)Call a spade a spade.,直言不讳。#,二、反说正译法,英语中有些与not等否定词连用的词语或带有否定词缀的词语,有时可以译成汉语的肯定形式。#这样做有时是为了将原文中某些否定形式所具有的肯定含义清楚地表达出来;#有时也许是为了将译文组织得更加自然流畅。#当然,这两种目的也常常兼而有之。#,二、反说正译法,(一)动词,英语中有些作反面表达的动词在译文中往往可以从正面表达。#,I rode around with him one day seeing how the ships unl

18、oaded.,一天,我和他乘车转了转,看看船如何卸货。#,(2)The man jumped over a neighboring garden wall and disappeared among the crowds.,这个家伙从邻居的花园墙头上翻了出去,在人群中消失了。#,二、反说正译法,(二)名词,(1)The machine has two serious disadvantages.,那台机器有两个严重缺陷。#,(2)The dishonesty of the city officials was exposed by the newspaper.,市政府官员们的欺诈行为在报纸上披

19、露出来。#,二、反说正译法,(三)形容词,Bill is too indecisive to make a good leader.,比尔优柔寡断,当不了好领导。#,(2)This kind of birds is unusual winter visitors to China.,这种鸟冬季很少到中国来。#,二、反说正译法,(四)副词,(1)It is invariably wet when I take my holidays.,我休假时总是下雨。#,(2)The sea was,unfortunately,very rough that day.,可惜,那天的海浪很大。#,二、反说正译法

20、,(五)短语,(1)To be or not to be,that is the question.,生存还是毁灭,这是需要考虑的。#,(2)There is nothing like mineral water to quench ones thirst.,矿泉水是解渴的最好饮料。#,二、反说正译法,(3)Her escape was nothing short of being miraculous.,她的脱险可以说是个奇迹。#,(六)句子,(1)For many years there was no closeness between the two countries.,两国关系曾疏远

21、了许多年。#,二、反说正译法,(2)The significance of these incidents wasnt lost on us.,这些事件引起了我们的注意。#,三、英语中的双重否定句,还有英语中的双重否定句,除了有时可以译成汉语的双重否定句外,一般说来应译成肯定句,其道理如两个负数相乘为正数一样。#不过,它是一种特殊的强调句式。#以have to(不得不)为例,两个“不”字去掉以后意思不变,但语气强度就差多了。#下面是一些较为典型的双重否定译例。#,三、英语中的双重否定句,(1)The charging of a condenser(电容器)from a battery is n

22、ot unlike the filling of a tank from an oil reservoir.,电池给电容器充电就像油罐给油箱加油一样。#,.,三、英语中的双重否定句,(2)There is no evil without compensation.,恶有恶报。#,(3)We cant be too careful in doing this kind of experiments.,我们在做这类实验时应尽可能小心。#(也可译为“我们在做这类试验时无论怎样小心也不过分”。#),(4)There is not any advantage without disadvantage.,

23、有一利必有一弊。#,三、英语中的双重否定句,(5)It never rains but pours.,不雨则已,雨必倾盆。#,当然,有的英语双重否定句译为汉语的双重否定句更为通顺。#,There is no story without coincidence.,三、英语中的双重否定句,无巧不成书。#,四、委婉式肯定,这是一种迂回的表示肯定的方式,字面看似否定,实为委婉的肯定。#,(1)He didnt half like the girl.,他非常喜欢那姑娘。#,(2)I couldnt feel better.,四、委婉式肯定,我感觉好极了。#,(3)If that isnt what I

24、want!#,我所要的就是这个呀!#,五、否定的陷阱,英语中的一些否定结构如果按字面意义理解很容易出错,这些结构我们称之为“否定的陷阱”。#下面就是一些有代表性的结构。#,(一)not.because(并非因为而),(1)The engine didnt stop because the fuel was finished.,引擎并不是因为燃料耗尽而停止运转的。#,五、否定的陷阱,(2)This version is not placed first because it is simple.,此方案并非因为其简易而被放在首位的。#,(二)cannot.too(怎么也不),(2)The imp

25、ortance of this campaign cannot be overestimated.,这次战役的重要性无论怎么强调也不过分。#,五、否定的陷阱,(3)I shall never be able to stress too much for his kindness.,不管我怎么感谢他,都不足以报恩。#,You cannot be too careful in proofreading.,校对时,越仔细越好。#,(三)all/every.not(并非都),(1)All that glitters is not gold.,发光的并不一定都是金子。#,五、否定的陷阱,(2)All t

26、owns did not look like as they do today.,在过去,城镇并不都像今天这样个个千篇一律。#,(四)both.not(并非两者都),(1)But you see,we both cannot go together.,但是我告诉你,我们俩不能同时都走。#,五、否定的陷阱,(2)Both the instruments are not precision ones.,这两件东西不都是精密仪器。#,(五)for all.(尽管;#不;#说不定),She seemed as fresh as ever,for all that I never saw her dri

27、nk or eat.,尽管我从未见到她喝点什么或吃点什么,她似乎仍然精神饱满。#,五、否定的陷阱,(六)It be+adj.+noun+that.(再也难免),(1)It is a good workman that never blunders.,智者千虑,必有一失。#(也可译为“再聪明的工匠也难免出错”。#),五、否定的陷阱,(2)It is a long lane that has no end.,路必有弯。#(也可译为“再长的胡同也有尽头”。#),(3)It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.,坏事未必对人人都有害处。#(也可译为“再坏的事也不

28、是对人人都有害处”。#),有些英语词语或句子正译、反译皆可,两者并无实质性差别,究竟采用何种译法主要依据个人行文习惯或视具体的上下文而定。#,They have found your terms and conditions agreeable.,A:#他们同意你方条款。#,五、否定的陷阱,B:#他们对你方条款没有异议。#,(2)He realized that he was in trouble.,A:#他意识到自己遇到麻烦了。#,B:#他感到自己的处境不妙。#,(3)The works of art were left intact,the money gone.,A:#艺术品还在,钱却不

29、翼而飞。#,五、否定的陷阱,B:#艺术品原封未动,钱却不翼而飞。#,正说与反说(汉译英),(1)她是外乡人。#She is a stranger here.She is not a native.(2)黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,不怀好心。#The weasel goes to pay respects to the hen not with the best of intentions.The weasel pays a courtesy visit to the hen with evil intent.,(3)我们决不辜负全国人民对我们的希望。#We will live up to the expe

30、ctations of our people.,(4)他的解释不能让人满意。#His explanation is far from satisfactory.,一、汉英两种语言的习惯用法不同(1)油漆未干 Wet paint.(2)在他还没有来得及阻挡我之前,我已经跑出教室。#Before he could stop me,I had rushed out of the classroom.,(3)在收据尚未签字以前不得付款。#Before the receipt has been signed,the money must not be paid.(4)如果没有他的帮助,我早就失败了。#B

31、ut for his help,I should have failed.,(5)俗话说,男儿有泪不轻弹,皆因未到伤心处嘛。#As the saying goes,“Men only weep when deeply hurt”.As the saying goes,“Men never weep unless and until deeply hurt.”,二、为了加强语气以便获得较好的修辞效果(1)我们讨论问题时,不能忘记这些基本观点。#These basic concepts must be kept in mind in our discussion.,三 为了更加确切表达原文含义(1

32、)王同志这几年一直是全勤。#Comrade Wang has never missed a days work for years.,(2)正如没经历过大事的人一样,她是经不起成功也经不起失败的。#Like those of little experience,she was easily elated by success and deflated by failure.,(一)英语中含有否定语气的词语有:#1动词:#failmisslackignorerefuse,withholdrefrain(from)neglectdenyoverlookexclude,(1)使我们失望的是他不顾大局

33、。#To our disappointment,he failed to take the overall situation into account.(2)他不愿接受那笔款子。#He refused to take the money.,(3)他上火车站去接他的朋友,可是未能在人群中见到他。#He went to the station to meet his friend,but he missed him in the crowd.,(4)她看了看桌子上的点心,摇了摇头,一点也不吃。#She ran her eyes over the refreshments on the table

34、 but shook her head and refused to touch anything.,2名词absencefailurerefusalignoranceneglectexclusion,(1)他开车时心不在焉,几乎闯祸。#His absence of mind during the driving nearly caused an accident.(2)我们完全不知道他的计划。#We are in complete ignorance of his plan.,(3)他未能履行诺言,我们大家都很失望。#His failure to carry out his promise

35、has di;i:1;s:3707:食品药品安全知识(中四班家长助教课件),我的名字,张,治,国,民以食为天,食以安为先,内容:#学习一些食品安全知识,提高学生食品安全自我保护能力,培养学生从小讲卫生、不买零食的好习惯。#目标:#通过学习有关食品安全知识,1、认识街边小食品,做到不购买和食用街边小食品;#2、认识垃圾食品,做到少吃和不吃垃圾食品;#3、食品为什么不安全。#4、认识什么才是安全健康的食品,使小朋友安全、健康成长。#重点:#分清楚安全和不安全食品,并能主动不买不吃,一、,认识街边小吃,糖葫芦,讨论:#在街边买小吃吗?#都吃些什么呢?#刚才看的这些大家认识吗吃过吗?#以后还吃吗?#,




39、含有比较多的污染物。#,八大安全食品,豆类食品,十字花科蔬菜,牛奶,鱼类,菌菇类,番茄,胡萝卜,禽蛋,讨论,请小朋友谈谈自己的感受。#以后自己会怎么做?#,祝敬爱的老师身体健康!#亲爱的小朋友心情愉快开心成长!#,;i:2;s:10295:The Cultural Differences Reflected in Chinese and Western Idioms,Yu Hui Guo YachanXing RongrongJia Hongli,Contents,IntroductionThe source of English idiomsFeatures of IdiomsDiffere

40、nces,New Words,idiom idim 习语maritime mritaim 海事cobblers kbls 胡说 臭皮匠Buddhism budizm 佛教Christianity,kristinti 基督教individualism,individjulizm 个人主义collectivism klektivizm 集体主义benevolent binevlnt 仁慈的despicable despikbl 卑贱,New Words,pejorative pi:#drtive 轻蔑语auspicious:#spis 吉利,喜庆posterior pstiri 后路authori

41、tarian:#,ritrin 独裁主义者entangle intl 缠住derogatory sense dirtri 贬义swine swain 卑贱的人 aristocracy,ristkrsi 贵族gladiator ldieit 格斗士,Part One Introduction,1.Definition Idiom generally refers to the phrases with a specific form that are commonly used together.Its inherent significance often cant be speculated

42、 from the meaning of the component words.Idioms usually include phrase,folk adage(俗语),motto,two-part allegorical saying(歇后语),slang(俚语)and jargon(行话),etc.,e.g.1.Love me,love my dog 爱屋及乌2.rob Peter to pay Paul 拆东墙补西墙3.white night 不眠之夜4.A slow sparrow should make an early start.笨鸟先飞 5.spare no effort;#

43、go all out;#do ones best 不遗余力6.No discord,no concord.不打不成交,2.Why to learn idioms?#the most active component in English vocabularybasic tools reflects a nations specific cultural customs cultural connotationDifferent idioms contain different meanings,which may form obstacles to our communication.,Par

44、t Two The source of English idioms,2.1 From Historical stories and events2.2 From the fables 2.3 From The Bible2.4 From the custom,2.1 From historical stories and events(1)burn ones boats(similar to 破釜沉舟)The story is that,the ancient Rome Jules Caesar army sailed across the Rubicon and then they bur

45、ned the boats,to tell the soldiers that the posterior(后路)had been broken,and can not retreat.Now it means that“you cant,go backward,make up your mind to slog”.With the Chinese similar meaning“cut off all means of retreat”.Another similar idiom:#burn your bridges behind you.,(2)keep the powder dry(si

46、milar to 有备无患)The seventeenth century authoritarian(独裁主义者)politician Oliver Cromwell gone out to battle Ireland,before crossing the river he said to the army“Put your trust in God;#but be sure to keep your powder dry”.Now it used to refer to“get ready”or“be prepared against want”.,2.2 From the fable

47、s,Many English idioms originated from the fables and spread so far.(1)kill the goose to get the eggs(similar to杀鸡取卵)The idiom is from the Greek fable,said there is a country folk,he was money-mad and killed his goose that laid golden eggs to get lots of gold,but he got nothing.The story tell us that

48、 seeking immediate interests without long-term plan can get noting.,(2)fish in troubled waters(from Aesops fables.water fisherman)(similar to浑水摸鱼,趁火打劫)The fisherman put a net across the river,and used the rope to entangle(缠住)the stones,then hit the river constantly,the fish fleed in panic and all we

49、nt into his net.A man nearby saw,and accused him of muddying the river,so that nobody can drink the water.The fisherman answered:#”If I didnt muddy the water,I would be starve to death”.It always used to refer that gain ones own advantage in disarray.,2.3 From The Bible,(1)Separate the sheep from th

50、e goats means distinguish the good from the wicked(区别好坏)In The gospel of Matthew(马太福音)the sheep means good person,and the goat means the bad person.Idioms about goat in English always has derogatory sense(贬义).For an example:#“to play the goat”means blind mischief.To get sbs goat means make somebody

51、angry.,(2)Cast pearls before swine(对牛弹琴,白费好意)This idiom is from The gospel of Matthew means wasting something good on someone who wont be thankful for it or to give what is precious to those who are unable to understand its value.,2.4 From the custom,Folk custom is an important source of idiom.Hundr

52、eds of years ago,the British aristocracy(贵族)liked to put feathers on their caps,to show their importance.So the idiom:#“feather in your cap”means the matter of glory.,Thumbs up means favor and thumbs down means opposition.In ancient Rome the slave owner employ the slaves as gladiators(格斗士)for entert

53、ainment.After the contest,ask the audience to judge how to deal with the defeated gladiator.If the audience thumbs up,release the loser,if the audience thumbs down kill the loser.Now this figure means favor or opposition.,Part Three Features of Idioms,3.1 Structural Stability3.2 Semantic Unity3.3 Fi

54、gurative Features3.4 National Characteristics,3.1 Structural Stability,The form is often fixed.The words in idiomatic expressions cannot,as a rule,be deleted,added to,replaced by synonymous words,or meaning.e.g.1.A stitch in time saves nine(小洞不补,大洞叫苦).“in”“on”or“nine”“ten”?#,2.The old man kicked the

55、 bucket(这个老人死了)If the word bucket is replaced by pail,the meaning of the idiom will no longer mean“die”.3.I am good friends with him(我和他是好朋友)This sentence is irregular or illogical in its grammatical structure.“I am a good friend with him”?#,3.2 Semantic Unity,Idioms are mainly characterized by thei

56、r semantic unity.By semantic unity we mean an idiom functions as a unit of meaning,and must be learned as a whole.That is,the meaning of the idiom cannot be deduced from the literal meaning of its member words.,e.g.A feather in somebodys cap is not at all connected with feather or cap;#it means an h

57、onor,success,of which one can be proud.The meaning of to draw a blank has nothing to do with the meanings of the separate words;#it means to fail to discover or find out about something after searching hard and asking many questions.,3.3 Figurative Features,Idioms are often forcible,terse(精练的,简练的)an

58、d vivid.because they are used figuratively.Idioms are an important rhetorical device in language,and they incorporate various figures of speech,among them most are similes(明喻)and metaphors(隐喻).,Similes:#as timid as a rabbit,as bold as brass,like a red rag to a bull,like water off a ducks backMetapho

59、rs:#to help a lame dog over the stiles(助人度过难关)between the devil and the deep(进退两难)butterflies in my stomach(七上八下),3.4 National Characteristic,Idioms are largely drawn from the popular speech,created by common people and have much to do with peoples life circumstances.English idioms:#“God”,“devils”,“

60、church”,“hell”Chinese idioms:#佛(Buddha),庙(temple),和尚(monk),e.g.(1)as poor as a church mouse:#one is so poor that has no penny一贫如洗(2)to play the devil with:#seriously injure深深伤害(3)to ride hell for leather:#as quickly as possible尽快地(4)God helps those who help themselves:#天助自助者(5)苦海无边,回头是岸:#The sea of

61、bitterness has no bounds,repent and the shore is at hand.(6)跑得了和尚,跑不了庙:#The monk may run away,but the temple cannot run with him.,Part Four Differences,4.1 Living environment4.2 Literature4.3 Religious4.4 Values4.5 Customs,4.1 Living environmentChina:#agricultural country agriculture-relatedidioms D

62、ont forget at ones dinner the people who raise the crops.吃饭勿忘种田人 From one grain sown into the earth,one thousand grains will spring.一籽下地,万籽归仓,Britain:#island country related with water,rain,fish,et al.All is fish that comes to his net.来者不拒(贬义)Live without an aim is like sailing without a compass.没有目

63、标的生活,如同没有罗盘的航行。#The best fish swim near the bottom.好鱼居水底,4.2 LiteratureChina:#four great/famous masterpieces Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the master-the wisdom of the masses exceeds that of the wisest individual.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。#Everything is ready except the east wind that

64、is crucial.万事具备,只欠东风,Britain:#the Bible Forbidden fruit is sweetest.禁果最甜(旧约创世纪)There is a time for all things.天下万物皆有定时。#(旧约传道书)No man can serve two masters.一仆不侍二主(圣经新约马太福音),4.3 Religious,China:#Buddhism All in the Buddhist community are friends.既在佛会下,都是有缘人。#Better save one life than build a seven-st

65、oried pagoda.救人一命胜造七级浮屠。#,Britain:#Christianity Manproposes,God Disposes.谋事在人,成事在天 God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者 He that serves God for money will,serve the devil for better wages.为金钱侍奉上帝的人,为了更多的报酬也会给魔鬼卖力。#,4.4 ValuesChina:#collectivism Within the four seas all men are brothers.四海之内皆兄弟。#

66、Decent behavior is worth a thousand pieces of gold.仁义值千金。#The benevolent loves others.仁者爱人。#,Britain:#individualism What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.同样的对象,就应该同等对待。#Everyman for himself and God for us all.个人为自己,上帝为大家。#Everybody for himself,the devil take the hindmost.人不为己,天诛地灭,4.5

67、Customs(1)differentattitudestowards animalsDog:#China:#despicable 卑贱 ungrateful 狼心狗肺 cornered 狗急跳墙,走投无路Britain:#mans best friend aluckydog 幸运儿 Loveme,love mydog.爱屋及乌,Dragon:#China:#imperial power lucky strength andsuccessBritain:#evil chasethedragon(吸海洛因)dragonsowsteeth(种下祸根),(2)about colorRed:#Chin

68、a:#auspicious 吉利,喜庆Britain:#violent catch somebody red handed 当场抓获,White:#China:#unluckyBritain:#auspicious holy white heat of love day 热爱 marked with a white stone 幸福的日子,we should pay more attention to the cultural differences between different idioms,only by this can we communicate better.,Thank Y

69、ou!#,;i:3;s:3053:,幼儿园教师专业标准、课程标准 背景、构架、实施、展望,我国中、小、幼教师的专业标准、课程标准的提出源于以下的几个基本现实:#,()教师职业地位的提升,有更多的人愿意做教师;#()高等教育大众化,出现了培养过剩(有高质量选择的可能);#()教师教育改革中,开放师范教育体制的建立,出现失控现象;#()基础教育高质量普及与课程改革对教师教育提出更高的要求;#()国际教师教育改革的推动。#,教师专业标准体系,国家幼儿园教师专业标准的推进,幼儿教师专业标准的参照促进儿童的发展与学习建立家庭、社区惯性系对幼儿进行观察、建立档案、开展评估具有开展教学活动的组织和能力成为一

70、名专业者(NAEYC),幼儿教师专业标准的参照 知识与理解 教学与评估 专业价值观与实践(英国),幼儿教师专业标准的参照 教师专业基本素养 敬业精神与态度 课程设计与教学 班级经营与辅导 研究发展与进修(台湾地区),幼儿园教师专业标准的三个维度 专业理念与师德 专业知识 专业能力,“专业理念与师德”维度11.1 对专业的理解与认同1.2 对幼儿的态度与行为 1.3 对幼儿教育和保育的认识与表现 1.4 专业修养与品质,“专业知识”维度22.1 幼儿发展的知识2.2 幼儿教育和保育的知识2.3 基本知识素养,“专业能力”维度33.1 环境的创设与利用3.2 一日生活的安排与保育3.3 游戏活动的

71、支持与引导3.4 教育活动的计划与实施3.5 评价与促进3.6 沟通与合作3.7 反思与发展,幼儿园教师专业标准基本理念,幼儿园教师课程标准的设计围绕三大核心原则,幼儿园教师教育课程三大目标领域:#幼儿教育信念与责任幼儿教育知识与技能幼儿教育实践与体验 详见:#“关于大力推进教师教育课程改革的意见”,幼儿园教师教育课程目标由幼儿教育信念与责任、幼儿教育知识与技能、幼儿教育实践与体验三大目标领域、个子目标、个基本要求(即观测点)构成。#理解幼儿的知识技能视点引导幼儿成长的知识技能视点发展自我的知识技能具有观摩教育实践的经历与体验具有参与教育实践的经历与体验具有研究教育实践的经历与体验,(一)如何

72、做到观念与制度、体制同步变革,互为促进。#(二)课程、教材审议制度的建立。#(三)课程资源的开发、利用、共建、共享。#(四)实践能力与制度建设(五)终身趋向的制度激励机制建立及课程教学文化的形成。#,问题与展望,幼儿教育与学前教育、早期教育的关系幼儿园教师与育婴师、保育员的融通与划界分属不同部门的职业管理不同部门的权力与责任(不管、愿管、多管)学前儿童的发展权意味着什么,相关问题的思考:#,谢谢!#,;i:4;s:5128:欢迎各位家长光临指导!#,幻灯片制作:#李磊(06.5.3),双 向 交 流,沟 通 无 限,高二()班家长会,我们35班的班训:#,规范 和谐 笃志 立志 创新 自尊,幻

73、灯片制作:#李磊(06.5.3),班主任发言:#,幻灯片制作:#李磊(06.5.3),张 永 林,本学期第一次月考 光 荣 榜,1.总分前十五名李 孟 李 磊 罗海玲 史锋华 吴文竹孙德才 邱 阳 周 映 姜 来 刘艳妮陈 旭 邓朝翔 孙 艳 顾秋谨 杜京玲2.单科之星邱 阳(语文)李 磊(数学)罗海玲(英语)李 孟(历史)孙德才(地理),幻灯片制作:#李磊(06.5.3),本学期期中考试 光 荣 榜,1.总分前十五名史锋华 吴文竹 周 映 罗海玲 刘艳妮孙德才 李 孟 陈 旭 邱 阳 李 磊 王 坤 丁春香 闫镇龙 徐 冲 邓朝翔 2.单科之星姜 来(语文)周 映(数学)罗海玲(英语)邓朝翔



76、.3),切勿对子女施加过大的压力。#应以鼓励为主,并对他们在家的行为加以监督。#,幻灯片制作:#李磊(06.5.3),轻松和谐的家庭氛围能够缓和子女的紧张情绪,克服恐惧心理,增强信心。#,希望家长配合的事项,1、尽量保证每天与孩子的及时沟通,(1)了解在校学习以及与同学相处的情况,(2)掌握思想动态,(5)把握其身体状况,(4)生活上严格要求,(3)客观分析孩子的成绩,多关注学习过程,希望家长配合的事项,幻灯片制作:#李磊(06.5.3),2、指导假日的安排。#,(1)对孩子玩电脑游戏、QQ加以监督和控制,(2)指导孩子假日学习与休息的有机结合,3、加强与老师的联系,及时反映孩子的异常 动态。

77、#,4、注意家长形象、营造家庭文化氛围。#,5、帮助子女树立远大的理想。#,给家长的几点建议,给家长的几点建议,幻灯片制作:#李磊(06.5.3),请家长控制孩子的零花钱。#,点 燃 孩 子 心 中的 渴 望!#,点燃孩子心中的欲望,幻灯片制作:#李磊(06.5.3),多了解子女学习情况,不要只关心学习成绩,而不关注学习过程。#,关心子女的内心世界,尊重他们的想法。#给子女营造一个良好的学习氛围。#平时与班主任、任课老师多多联系,沟通,共同教育好您的孩子。#,给家长的几点建议,每个孩子身上都蕴藏着巨大的、不可估量的潜力。#假如我们能与他们做朋友,多一点沟通交流,少一点打骂,多一点信任理解,少一


79、系方式,语文-万老师:#数学-陈老师:#英语-刘老师:#历史-陈老师:#地理-张老师:#7968389,谢谢各位光临,再见,幻灯片制作:#李磊(06.5.3),;i:5;s:1502:Foundry Process Flow,Foundry Process Flow,Melting,Molding,Pouring,Shakeout,De-Gating/De-Risering,Cleaning,Shipping,Melting,Melting Furnace(cupola,arc,induction)Treatment Stations Holding Furnace,Scrap Metal R

80、efined Metal Alloys Ingots(Combustibles),Molten Metal for Pouring,Molding,Sand Binders Die Blocks Patterns,Complete Mold for Casting(Sand/Metal Mold,Cores),Sand Muller Molding Machine Core Box Casting Machine,Pouring,Molten MetalComplete Mold,Rough Casting inside Mold,Pouring Ladle,Shakeout,Rough Ca

81、sting in Mold,Rough Casting free of Mold Materials,Casting Removal Equipment Vibratory Equipment Specialized Equipment,De-Gating/De-Risering,Rough Casting free of Mold Materials,Rough Casting Free of Ingates&#Risers,Press Sledgehammer,Cleaning,Finishing&#Inspection,Rough Casting Free of Ingates&#Ris

82、ers,Finished Casting Free of Sand,Flash,etc.,and Meeting Specification,Shot Blast Trim Press Hand Tools Rough Machining Painting/Coating Testing(Hardness,Microstructure,etc.),Shipping,Finished Casting,Finished Casting in Proper Dunnage sent to Customer,Hand Pack Machine Pack,Sand Mold Foundry,Meltin

83、g,Molding,Pouring,Shakeout,De-Gating/De-Risering,Cleaning,Shipping,Metallic Mold Foundry,Melting,Molding,De-Gating/De-Risering,Cleaning,Shipping,Molding,Molding,Molding,Molding,Molding,Pouring,Shakeout,Heat Treatment,WhenBefore Cleaning(can aid sand removal)Before ShipmentBefore arrival at CustomerWhereFoundryOffsite heat treatment shop(more common),;

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