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本文(城市历史文化资源之半产业化经营探析Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、城市历史文化资源的半产业化经营绝不是要破坏这些历史遗存,而是要更好地予以保护。在具体操作过程中可采用“政府规划、政府投资+产业化经营”的模式,即“半产业化经营”。其益处有:一是因为有政府的规划与投资,不仅不会对历史文化资源造成破坏,而且还会在政府指导下引起市民对当地历史文化遗存的高度重视,并主动保护之;二是半产业化经营之后产生的经济收益反过来会回馈历史遗存的保护,为当地城市历史文化资源的保护提供一种经济上的保障。 2.城市历史文化资源的半产业化经营有利于创造经济效益、发展城市经济。城市历史文化资源本身是一种无形资产,一旦经营成功将产生巨大的经济效益。城市历史文化资源的半产业化经营必然会产生规模

2、效应,带动旅游业及其相关产业的发展,促进就业,创造经济效益。半产业化经营之后,城市历史文化资源变成了当地的经济资源,为城市带来的经济利润将是不可估量的。 3.城市历史文化资源的半产业化经营有利于提升城市竞争力。城市历史文化资源的半产业化经营总体上有利于提升城市竞争力,可以从以下三个方面得到体现:一是有利于积聚财富,发展城市经济;二是有利于凝聚人心,共同建设城市;三是有利于形成城市特色、塑造城市品牌。 二、城市历史文化资源半产业化经营应解决的问题 城市历史文化资源的“半产业化经营”是指由“政府规划、政府投资+产业化经营”的一种新的经营模式。经营中应积极处理好以下几方面的关系:1.处理好政府行为与

3、市民意愿的关系。城市历史文化对于市民的凝聚作用是十分强大的,是市民精神食粮的重要来源之一。城市历史文化特色与市民的文化心理之间有一种天然的默契。市民是城市的主人,政府代表市民的根本利益。政府应在调查研究的基础上,通过制定规划、招标、组织实施、检查督促等手段,对城市历史文化资源予以保护和经营。当然,市民的参与也是十分重要和必不可少的。可以说,没有市民的支持和认同,这项工作就成了无源之水、无本之木。政府与市民结合、优势互补,既能使城市历史文化资源的特色定位准确,又能使家喻户晓、深入人心。 2.处理好历史遗产保护与商业开发的关系。城市历史文化资源最重要的特征是地域垄断性,对城市来说是一种人无我有的独

4、特资源。城市的中心区既是商业的黄金地段,往往又是历史遗产的富集区。现代商业开发必须在保护历史遗存的前提下进行。 3.处理好现实需要与留有余地的关系。开发城市历史文化资源应留有余地。我们正处在从传统社会向现代城市社会迅速过渡的时期,城市在集聚膨胀的同时也在快速地吞噬着城市历史文化特色。如不科学规划与积极抢救,城市历史文化特色就会丧失殆尽且不可逆转。市民生活质量的提高、文化品位的提升要求我们保留和弘扬城市历史文化特色。因此,在对城市历史文化资源的半产业化经营中还要处理好现实需要与留有余地的关系。 三、城市历史文化资源半产业化经营的内容 1.通过半产业化经营整合城市历史文化资源。产业优势总是以资源优

5、势为前提,资源的整合又与良好的政策环境、正确的资本运作、相关的服务系统分不开。不同的城市可以探索不同的发展路径,但半产业化经营模式在整合城市历史资源方面是行之有效的。例如,几年前浙江省为了更好地整合城市资源,在政府的推动下国有资本、民间资本、外来资本投资休闲旅游产业的积极性空前高涨,涌现出之江国家旅游度假区、宋城集团、杭州乐园等一批休闲、娱乐主题公园,为杭州打造“世界休闲之都”集聚了骨干力量。 2.通过半产业化经营建设城市文化。现阶段,我国经济实力在世界的排名靠前,但是文化竞争力则有所欠缺。 文化是一个国家综合国力的表现,大城市更是以文化论输赢。以丽江古城为例:墨绿的石子小路,香格里拉超尘脱俗

6、的山水美景,扬州烟花三月的烂漫,让人怦然心动。 这就是利用文化资源提高城市核心竞争力的成功案例。 通过半产业化经营建设城市文化应从以下几个方面着手:一要注重历史和传统。历史和传统是一个城市的个性和品味所在,失去了历史和传统也就失去了城市的文化之根。人要诗意地生存在城市中,就必须通过文化策划、创意和不同的传播渠道对城市历史文化资源进行整合与再利用,继承并发扬光大、进而创造与衍生这种根文化。二要注重城市的建筑与雕塑风格。建筑与雕塑也是城市文化的一个方面,是一个城市形象的象征,是艺术环境的整体表现。城市形象标志可以找到很多巴黎的凯旋门和埃斐尔铁塔、莫斯科的克里姆林宫、北京的天安门等等。这些实实在在的

7、建筑物使得一个城市的形象变得鲜明具体,可以给人留下难以磨灭的印象。三要重视城市文化名人的作用。城市文化名人的作用不可低估,如毛泽东和韶山、巴金和上海、鲁迅和绍兴、沈从文和凤凰古城等都是将名人和提升城市竞争力联糸起来的典范。 3.通过半产业化经营增强城市核心竞争力。城市文化不仅为城市综合实力的提升提供了精神动力和智力支持,也可以创造城市经济价值、增强城市服务功能和提升城市形象。文化是一个城市的宝贵遗产,它不仅仅体现一个城市的历史和氛围,更重要的是它可以增强对市民的凝聚力,提高城市的竞争力、推动城市不断向前发展。因此,经营好城市历史文化资源是增强城市核心竞争力的重要方式。 4.通过半产业化经营打造


9、生的所有联想,比如想到“上有天堂”就会想到“下有苏杭”。 四、城市历史文化资源半产业化经营的对策建议 城市在长期的发展中,经过积累、沉淀、改造、创新,必然形成特有的城市文化,并成为支撑城市发展的无形力量。一个包括历史文化底蕴、现代文化内涵、市民文化素质、城市文化设施与配套服务系统在内的城市文化品质的整体水平,可以反映这个城市的现代文明水平。在城市历史文化资源半产业化经营的模式中,应重点做好以下几个方面的工作:1.进行市场化运作。要充分发挥在国家宏观调控下,发挥市场对文化资源配置的基础性作用。大力发展文化产业是市场经济体制的内在要求和必然结果。市场经济就是以市场配置经济资源,而文化是社会资源的重

10、要部分,文化产业可以而且必须接受市场的配置和整合。文化资源通过市场的配置和产业化方式运作,可以产生利润、创造新的社会财富。这不但有利于促进整个产业结构的调整,还有利于文化事业、文化产业的整体发展。在市场经济的大背景下文化产业的运作也必须通过市场化运作并带动其他产业的发展,起到增加就业、创造价值、刺激消费、涵养税源等重大作用,成为新的经济增长点。 2.以“品牌”开路进行资源整合。在城市历史文化资源半产业化经营的模式中,应以“品牌”开路进行资源整合。例如广州市近年来着力打造“花城”品牌,以“南国花城,激情商都”来构建城市的文化吸引力,将深厚的历史文化内涵,活跃的当代工商业基础,与广州人热情开朗、钟

11、爱自然、善于经商、勇于创新的性格特点融为一体。这种选择可以集中政策优势、投资优势和人力优势,厚积薄发,值得借鉴。对于已经形成产业基础的城市,依然应紧紧围绕城市“品牌”这一主线,并根据城市本身的市场、资源和技术能力等因素,对产业结构进行调整和资源整合。 3.要注重满足现有文化消费需求,进而创造和培养新的文化消费需求。人的基本生理需求基本得到满足后,渴望满足发展需求和享受需求。随着物质生活水平的不断提高,人们对文化消费的需求越来越高,因此,要注重满足现有文化消费需求。当然,满足文化消费需求不是被动的,随着生产力的发展,可以利用现代科技手段和物质载体,生产新的文化产品和服务,使文化产业得到新的发展。

12、 参考文献 1王建强.伏羲文化是建设名城天水的精神支撑J.天水师范学院学报,2005(3) 2徐惠蓉,王岚.经营城市:21世纪经营城市的理论与实践M.兰州:甘肃人民出版社, 2004-07 3白越世.中国现代化路径选择分析M.北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004-03 Abstract Semi-industrial management of urban historical and cultural resources is a realistic choice. The semi - industrial management of urban historical and cultura

13、l resources is conducive to the protection of historical and cultural resources of the city, the creation of economic benefits, the development of urban economy, and the promotion of urban competitiveness. In the model of semi - industrial management of urban historical and cultural resources, we sh

14、ould deal with the relationship between government behavior and public will, historical heritage protection and commercial development, the relationship between real needs and leeway, and city Market-oriented operation. Key words city; historical and cultural resources; semi-industrial management Ab

15、stract: The semi-industrial management is a realistic option on resources of urban history and culture. This management can protect the resources of urban history and culture, create economic benefit, develop urban economy, and enhance urban competitiveness.In the process, we should handle the relat

16、ionship Between government conduct and citizen desire, historical heritage protection and businessdevelopment, actual need and future need, integrate resources based on , and take market operation. Key words: city, resources of history and culture, semi-industrial management First, the city historic

17、al and cultural resources Semi - industrial management is a realistic choice for the city s historical and cultural resources necessary to operate in the protection, protection in the operation. In this relationship between the protection and management, semi-industrial operation is a realistic choi

18、ce. 1. The semi-industrial management of historical and cultural resources of the city is conducive to the protection of the citys historical and cultural resources. The historical and cultural resources of the semi-industrial operation is not to destroy these historical relics, but to be better pro

19、tected. In the specific operation process can be used government planning, government investment + industrial management model, the semi-industrial management. Its benefits are: First, because the Governments planning and investment, not only will not damage the historical and cultural resources, bu

20、t also under the guidance of the Government to the public on the local historical and cultural relics attach great importance to, and take the initiative to protect it; The economic benefits generated after the industrialized operation will, in turn, contribute to the protection of historical relics

21、 and provide an economic guarantee for the protection of local historical and cultural resources. (2) semi-industrial management of historical and cultural resources in the city is conducive to the creation of economic efficiency, the development of urban economy. City historical and cultural resour

22、ces itself is an intangible asset, once the success of the operation will have a huge economic benefits. The semi-industrial operation of urban historical and cultural resources will inevitably produce economies of scale, promote the development of tourism and related industries, promote employment,

23、 and create economic benefits. Semi-industrial operation, the citys historical and cultural resources into the local economic resources for the citys economic profits will be immeasurable. 3. Semi-industrial management of urban historical and cultural resources is conducive to enhancing urban compet

24、itiveness. The semi-industrial operation of urban historical and cultural resources is conducive to enhancing the competitiveness of the city as a whole. It can be manifested in the following three aspects: first, it is conducive to the accumulation of wealth, the development of urban economy; secon

25、d is conducive to cohesion of the people, Is conducive to the formation of urban characteristics, shaping the city brand. Second, the city historical and cultural resources of semi-industrial management should solve the problem The semi-industrial management of urban historical and cultural resource

26、s refers to a new business model of . Business should be actively deal with the following aspects of the relationship: 1. Deal with the relationship between government behavior and public will. City history and culture for the cohesion of the public is very strong, is an important source of spiritua

27、l food. The citys historical and cultural characteristics and the cultural psychology of the people there is a natural understanding. The people are the masters of the city and the government represents the fundamental interests of the people. On the basis of investigation and research, the governme

28、nt should protect and manage the citys historical and cultural resources by means of planning, bidding, organization and implementation, and inspection and supervision. Of course, public participation is also very important and indispensable. It can be said that without the support and recognition o

29、f the public, this work has become a source of water without trees. The combination of government and the public, complement each other, both to make the citys historical and cultural resources of the characteristics of accurate positioning, but also make known to every family, deeply rooted. 2. Deal with the relationship between historical heritage protection and commercial development. The most important feature of urban historical and cultural resources is the geographical monopoly of the city is a kind of people I have unique resources. The central area o

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