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新目标英语中考知能综合检测十二八年级下册 Units 56D卷Word格式.docx

1、4. (2分) this new movie is a little boring. I dont like it. A . In peaceB . In shortC . In dangerD . In time5. (2分)How about going to Hawaii for a holiday?Sorry. I cant get time off from work to go on holiday.A . give a handB . take a vacationC . have a talk6. (2分)Enshi is becoming a tourist city,peo

2、ple come here during the holiday every year A . Thousand ofB . Thousands ofC . Five thousands ofD . Five thousands7. (2分)Tom s hat is different Sams.But I think Tom s is similar SamA . with; toB . from;C . with; asD . from;8. (2分) I hear Susan eats little or for supper. Its really bad for her health

3、. Why not exercise more to lose weight?A . nothingB . somethingC . anythingD . Everything9. (2分) Thank you your help. You are .A . to; welcomeB . of;C . for;D . of; right10. (2分)There _ World Cup in Brazil in 2014. It will be played from June 12 to July 13.Yeah!A . is going to haveB . is going to be

4、C . will haveD . are going to be11. (2分)How _ the medicine tastes!Yes. But its good for your health.A . terribleB . deliciousC . excellentD . nice12. (2分)We cant get sleep with a strong windoutside A . blowB . blowingC . blewD . blows13. (2分)The _ careful you are, the _ mistakes you will make.A . mo

5、re; moreB . more; lessC . less; fewerD . more;14. (2分)A break between classes is a good time for students to play sports and talk with their classmates. So it _helps with students health, _improves their social skills. A . either; orB . neither; norC . not only; but also15. (2分) Shall we go to Alber

6、ta for the summer holiday? _. Its one of the worlds cleanest cities. A . Sounds greatB . Youre welcomeC . Youre kiddingD . Not at all二、 完形填空 (共1题;共6分)16. (6分)完形填空Emily was an eighth grader. To pass her Civics course, she had to do some volunteer services in a nursing home for a week.One Monday, Emil

7、y went to the nursing home after school. When she arrived, she was told she would spend an hour every weekday with an elderly lady, Mrs Blair. She was then led into a room, where an old lady in a flowery dress was sitting on a sofa.Emily stood awkwardly(别扭地)in front of the lady. She cleared her thro

8、at and said, Good afternoon. Im Emily.Good afternoon, Emily. Take a seat, please. Mrs. Blair replied.Then,1filled the space between them. Emily wondered what to say.Tell me about yourself, Emily, Mrs Blair said suddenly.Well, Emily started, I dont have any grandparents, so I dont know how to get on

9、well with elderly people. I love the performing arts. Im here mainly because I have to volunteer here to get a good grade for my Civics class.Mrs Blair didnt seem to mind. Many people, especially teens, dont seem to2old people like me. Now you are here, and Im going to change that about you. Ask me

10、anything.Emily thought for a moment, and finally decided, What was your job?I was a Broadway star in the 1950s.MrsBlair answered.Cool! Can you tell me about it? Emily asked, amazed.Mrs Blair smiled. Back then3the lead actress had the honor to wear a special bracelet. I was the lead in almost all of

11、the plays, so I always wore the bracelet. Till this day, I still have it.Emily smiled along with Mrs Blair and listened to the other stories attentively. She had become very4Mrs Blairs stories. She decided to come earlier the next day.Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday passed by quickly. Then came Fri

12、day. As she was leaving, Emily was really upset to say goodbye.Dont be sad. You can still visit me, Mrs Blair comforted her. She then handed a small box to Emily, Its my gift to you.Emily5opened the box and was surprised to see what was inside. s the bracelet that you wore. Thank you! Emily said, wi

13、th tears in her eyes free.Im sure to visit you whenever Im on the way home, Emily thought of her own love for the performing arts. She touched the bracelet and6that she would keep her word to Mrs Blair.(1)A . happinessB . friendshipC . silenceD . humour(2)A . care forB . agree withC . depend onD . w

14、orry about(3)A . evenB . maybeC . yetD . only(4)A . afraid ofB . interested inC . pleased withD . familiar with(5)A . angrilyB . easilyC . carefullyD . suddenly(6)A . promisedB . deniedC . introducedD . lied三、 阅读理解 (共1题;17. (6分)阅读理解 Well, its time for WORDS AND THEIR STORIES. Today we have some expr

15、essions offered by Francisco Carlos, a listener in Brazil.The first is face the music. One story says the expression began in the theater. New actors, shaking with fear, were told that their only way out was to go out and face the music. The music was played by the musicians seated in front of the s

16、tage.A similar expression is face up to. It means to accept something difficult or painful. For example, a man must face up to the fact that he lied about a business deal and will lose his job.A child was told off by his mother at home because of his bad grades in study, but he put a good face on it

17、 before his friends.Meeting someone face-to-face can be exciting, especially if the other person is famous. It is an expression one might use after visiting the White House and meeting the president face to face. Or a teacher might ask for a face to-face meeting with the parents of a student in trou

18、ble.Almost 500 years ago, William Shakespeare also used some words about music in his play Two Gentlemen of Verona. Valentine secretly loves Lady Sylvia. His servant jokes that Valentines love for her is as hard to see as the nose on a mans face, thus creating another expression: as plain as the nos

19、e on your face. Of course, a mans nose cant be hidden.(1)When you have done something wrong, dont .A . face the musicB . face up to itC . put a good face on itD . do it face-to face(2)The underlined phrase as plain as the nose on your face in the last paragraph means something thatA . is hard to see

20、B . can be coveredC . is very dearD . can be funny(3)The passage is probably taken from a . A . radio programB . TV talk showC . public speechD . personal letter四、 填空题 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分)First, please read the _ (introduce) of the book. Then tell me your opinion about it.五、 句型转换 (共1题;19. (1分)The boys

21、are in the room. (改为否定句)The boys _ in the room.六、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)用所给词的正确形式填空。The bag is_(light) than that one.Im sorry to say that theres nothing_(eat).When I visited them at 7 oclock yesterday, they _(chat) by the fire.There are many boys_(play) on the playground.We must send a letter to h

22、er. A letter must _(send) to her.What you said makes me_confuse)He needs_(spend) time with friends.An ad can lead you _(buy) something you dont need.She _(live) here since three years ago._ (receive) money makes me uncomfortable.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)假设你是李明, 你的朋友Peter即将面临中考, 然而他却深感压力巨大, 寝食不安, 情绪低

23、落, 学习效率低下。请你写一封信给他提一些有益的建议, 帮助他调整心态, 提高学习效率, 轻松迎考。要点:1)学会放松(体育锻炼, 听音乐);2)健康饮食;3)充足睡眠;4)学会沟通。注意:1)词数:90词左右(文章的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数);2)可适当发挥, 但必须包含以上要点。Dear Peter, t worry about your study too much. First, you should I hope you can stay in good spirits and study better.Yours,Li Ming参考答案1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、

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