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案件 caseWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、辩论阶段 stage of court debate驳回反诉 dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim驳回请求 deny/dismiss a motion驳回上诉、维持原判 reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original judgement/ruling驳回诉讼 dismiss an action/suit驳回通知书 notice of dismissal驳回自诉 dismiss/reject a private prosecution驳回自诉裁定书 ruling of dismissing

2、 private-prosecuting case补充答辩 supplementary answer补充判决 supplementary judgement补充侦查 supplementary investigation不公开审理 trial in camera不立案决定书 written decision of no case-filing不批准逮捕决定书 written decision of disapproving an arrest不起诉 nol pros不予受理起诉通知书 notice of dismissal of accusation by the court财产保全申请书 a

3、pplication for attachment; application for property preservation裁定 order; determination (指最终裁定)裁定管辖 jurisdiction by order裁定书 order; ruling裁决书 award采信的证据 admitted evidence查封 seal up撤回上诉 withdraw appeal撤诉 withdraw a lawsuit撤销立案 revoke a case placed on file撤销原判,发回重审 rescind the original judgement and r

4、emand the case ro the original court for retrial出示的证据 exhibit除权判决 invalidating judgement (for negotiable instruments)传唤 summon; call传闻证据 hearsay答辩 answer; reply答辩陈述书 statement of defence答辩状 answer;大法官 associate justices; justice大检察官 deputy chief procurator代理控告 agency for accusation代理申诉 agency for ap

5、peal代理审判员 acting judge代为申请取保候审 agency for application of the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving弹劾式诉讼 accusatory procedure当事人陈述 statement of the parties当庭宣判 pronouncement of judgement or sentence in court地区管辖 territorial jurisdiction地区检察分院 inter-mediate Peoples Procuratorate第三人 thir

6、d party调查笔录 record of investigation定期宣判 pronouncement of judgement or sentence later on a fixed date定罪证据 incriminating evidence; inculpatory evidence冻结 freeze督促程序 procedure of supervision and urge独任庭 sole-judge bench独任仲裁员 sole arbitrator对妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施 compulsory measures against impairment of civil ac

7、tion对席判决 judgement inter parties二审 trial of second instance二审案件 case of trial of second insurance罚款 impose a fine法定证据 statutory legal evidence法定证据制度 system of legal evidence法官 judges法警 bailiff; court police法律文书 legal instruments/papers法律援助 legal aid法律咨询 legal consulting法庭辩论 court debate法庭调查 court in

8、vestigation法庭审理笔录 court record法庭审理方式 mode of court trial法庭庭长 chief judge of a tribunal法院 court法院公告 court announcement反诉 counterclaim反诉答辩状 answer with counterclaim反诉状 counterclaim犯罪嫌疑人 criminal suspect附带民事诉讼案件 a collateral civil action附带民事诉讼被告 defendant of collateral civil action复查 reexamination; rec

9、heck复验 reinspect高级法官 senior judge高级检察官 senior procurator高级人民法院 Higher Peoples Court告诉案件 case of complaint告诉才处理的案件 case accepted at complaint告诉申诉庭 complaint and petition division工读学校 work-study school for delinquent children公安部 Ministry of Public Security公安分局 public security sub-bureau公安厅 public secu

10、rity bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government公开审理 trial in public公开审判制度 open trial system公示催告程序 procedure of public summons for exhortation公诉案件 public-prosecuting case公诉词 statement of public prosecution公证机关 public notary office共

11、同管辖 concurrent jurisdiction管辖 jurisdiction国际司法协助 international judicial assistance海事法院 maritime court合议庭 collegial panel合议庭评议笔录 record of deliberating by the collegiate bench和解 composition; compromise核对诉讼当事人身份 check identity of litigious parties恢复执行 resumption of execution回避 withdrawal混合式诉讼 mixed ac

12、tion基层人民法院 basic People羁押期限 term in custody级别管辖 subject matter jurisdiction of courts at different levels监视居住 living at home under surveillance监狱 prison检察官 procurator检察权 prosecutorial power检察委员会 procuratorial/prosecutorial committee检察院 procuratorate检察院派出机构 outpost tribunal of procuratorate简易程序 summa

13、ry procedure鉴定结论 expert conclusion经济审判庭 economic tribunal径行判决 direct adjudication without sessions; judgement without notice纠问式诉讼 inquisitional proceedings拘传 summon by force; summon by warrant拘留所 detention house举报 information/report of an offence举证责任 burden of proof; onus probandi决定书 decision军事法院 mi

14、litary procuratorate开庭审理 open a court session开庭通知 notice of court session勘验笔录 record of inquest看守所 detention house可执行财产 executable property控告式诉讼 accusatory proceedings控诉证据 incriminating evidence控诉职能 accusation function扣押 distrain on; attachment扣押物 distress/distraint宽限期 period of grace劳动争议仲裁申请书 petit

15、ion for labor dispute arbitration劳改场 reform-through-labor farm劳教所 reeducation-through-labor office类推判决的核准程序 procedure for examination and approval of analogical sentence累积证据 cumulative evidence立案报告 place a case on file立案管辖 functional jurisdiction立案决定书 written decision of case-filing立案侦查 report of pl

16、acing a case on file利害关系人 interested party临时裁决书 interim award律师见证书 lawyers written attestation; lawyers written authentication律师事务所 law office; law firm律师提前介入 prior intervention by lawyer免于刑事处分 exemption from criminal penalty民事案件 civil case民事审判庭 civil tribunal民事诉讼 civil action民事诉讼法 Civil Procedural

17、Law扭送 seize and deliver a suspect to the police派出法庭 detached tribunal派出所 police station判决 judgement; determination判决书 judgement; determination; verdict (指陪审团作出的)旁证 circumstantial evidence陪审员 juror批准逮捕 approval of arrest破案 clear up a criminal case; solve a criminal case破产 bankruptcy; insolvency普通程序 g

18、eneral/ordinary procedure普通管辖 general jurisdiction企业法人破产还债程序 procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business corporation起诉 filing of a lawsuit起诉 sue; litigate; prosecute; institution of proceedings起诉状 indictment; information区县检察院 grassroots People取保候审 the bail pending trial with restricted lib

19、erty of moving缺席判决 default judgement人民调解委员会 Peoples Mediation Committee认定财产无主案件 cases concerning determination of property as qwnerless认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件cases concerning determination of a citizen as incompetent or with limited disposing capacity上诉 appeal上诉人 appellant上诉状 petition for appeal少管所 j

20、uvenile prison社会治安综合治理 comprehensive treatment of social security涉外案件 cases involving foreign interests涉外民事诉讼 foreign civil proceedings涉外刑事诉讼 foreign criminal proceedings申请人 applicant; petitioner申请书 petition; application for arbitration申请执行人 execution applicant申诉人宣誓书 claimants affidavit of authentic

21、ity申诉书 appeal for revision; petition for revision神示证据制度 system of divinity evidence神示制度 ordeal system审查案件 case review审查并决定逮捕 examine and decide arrest审查起诉阶段 stage of review and prosecution审理通知书 notice of hearing审判长 presiding judge审判长宣布开庭 presiding judge announce court in session审判管辖 adjudgement/tria

22、l jurisdiction审判监督程序 procedure for trial supervision审判委员会 judicial committee审判员 judge审问式诉讼 inquisitional proceedings生效判决裁定 legally effective judgement/order胜诉方 winning party省市自治区检察院 higher People失踪和死亡宣告 declaration of disappearance and death实(质)体证据 substantial evidence实物证据 tangible evidence实在证据 real

23、 evidence示意证据 demonstrative evidence视听证据 audio-visual evidence收容所 collecting post; safe retreat首席大法官 chief justice首席检察官 chief procurator受害人的近亲属 victims immediate family受理 acceptance受理刑事案件审批表 registration form of acceptance of criminal case受送达人 the addressee书记员 court clerk书记员宣读法庭纪律 court clerk reads

24、court rules书证 documentary evidence司法部 Ministry of Justice司法机关 judicial organizatons司法警察 judicial police司法局 judicial bureau司法厅 judicial bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions, and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government司法协助 judicial assistance死缓的复核 judicial review of dea

25、th sentence with a retrieve死刑复核程序 procedure for judicial review of death sentence死刑复核权 competence for judicial review of death sentence送达 service of process送达传票 service of summons/subpoena送达诉状 service of bill of complaint搜查 search诉 sue; suit; action; lawsuit诉前财产保全 property attachment prior to lawsuit诉讼 litigation; lawsuit; sue; action诉讼保全 attachment诉讼参加人 litigious partic

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