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高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 The world of our senses导学案 牛津译林版必修3Word格式.docx

1、今天晚上不太可能会下雪。(1)Students should listen more to their classmates,thus they will help and learn from each other,and a friendship _(可能形成)(2)_(很有可能) our own way to do things is the better one.(3)Look,dark clouds are gathering.It is_ to rain soon.Aprobably BpossiblyClikely Dperhaps3avoid vt.避免;回避_ adj.可以避

2、免的(1)I wasnt blaming anyone;I merely said errors like this could be avoided.(2010湖北,26)我不是在责备谁;我只是说像这样的错误本来是可以避免的。(2)He avoided answering my questions.他避而不答我的问题。(1)They _ anything that might offend the audience.他们避免讲任何可能冒犯观众的话。(2)The bad man ran away to avoid_and was finally put into prison.(2011长沙月

3、考)Aseeing Bto be seenCbeing seen Dto be caught4still adj.静止的,不动的Being unable to move freely,I have learned to sit still and keep my heart open,exchanging thoughts with thousands of listeners and readers.(2010重庆,完形填空)由于无法自由活动,我已经学会了一动不动地坐着敞开我的心扉与成千上万的听众和读者交流思想。(1)She _ by giving him some milk.她给婴儿牛奶喝

4、,使他安静下来。(2)用calm,quiet,still,silent填空The great scientist lives a _ life and always keeps _ about what others think of him.Keep _ while I am cutting your hair.She remained _ even in the face of danger. (3)The police chief advised his men to keep_ and not lose their tempers.Acalm Bquiet Cstill Dsilent

5、5panic v. & n惊慌;恐慌_过去式及过去分词_现在分词As the bees came closer,his panic increased.(2010江西,阅读理解A)随着蜂群的临近,他的恐惧也与之俱增。(1)Shoppers fled the street _ after two bombs exploded in central London.两枚炸弹在伦敦市中心爆炸之后,购物者们惊慌失措地逃离了那条街道。(2)The building was on fire!She looked around wildly,but not a soul was in sight,so Raz

6、zena_.Apanicked BlookedCdelighted Dwatched6wound n伤口;v.使(身体)受伤;伤感情_ adj.受伤的wound指“伤害,使受伤”,主要用于枪、刀、剑等武器对身体造成的创伤,用作及物动词时,其宾语是人而不是受伤的部位。The wounded were taken good care of at that time.当时伤员被照顾得很好。(1)用injure,wound,hurt,harm的适当形式填空Tom _ his leg in an accident and a bullet _ him in the shoulder that _ bad

7、ly,which did great _ to his health.(2)It is reported that three students were_in the unexpected accident.Ainjured BwoundedCcut Dharmed7accept v接受;接收,接纳,认可;承担(1)She has been accepted as a new member of the organization.她已被接纳为这个组织的新成员。(2)This new theory became widely accepted.这个新理论被广泛接受。(1)用accept,rec

8、eive的适当形式填空We must _ criticism.The letter I _ yesterday was from my sister.Xiao Wang was _ as a league member last week.(2)Mary finally _ Bruce as her lifelong companion.Areceived BacceptedCmade Dhonored8make sense讲得通;有意义;合乎情理It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things,expressed ideas

9、,and made sense of the world.(2010广东,阅读理解A)是语言帮助塑造了我看事物、表达想法和理解这个世界的方式。(1)_ is the conclusion scientific.这个结论绝不是科学的。(2)Do you have _?你的方向感好不好?(3)Why did she do a thing like that?It doesnt seem to _(讲得通)(4)Dogs have a very good_ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in the earthquake.As

10、ense BviewCmeans sight看得到,在视力范围之内After watching a crazy woman rushing in and out,shouting at everything in sight,I noticed that something in my mood(情绪) had changed.(2009重庆,阅读理解A)看一个疯狂的妇女冲进冲出,对着能看到的东西大喊大叫之后,我注意到我的心情(情绪)已经发生了变化。(1)_,out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。(2)We laughed _ his strange clothes.一看

11、到他古怪的穿着我们就笑了。(3)We fell in love with the cottage_.Aat first sight Bat the first sightCin sight Dout of sight10.make the most of充分利用(1)Everyone has imagination,but most of us,once we become adults,forget how to make use of it.每个人都有想象力,但我们中的大多数人一旦长大成人,就忘了如何利用想象力。(2)The students have made full use of t

12、he books in the library.学生已充分利用了图书馆的书籍。(1)We should _ every precious minute to work for the Party.我们应当合理利用宝贵的每一分钟为党工作。(2)If better use is_of your spare time,youll make great progress in it.(2010岳阳模拟)Aspent BmadeCtaken Dthought11be related to与有关系_ n关系,联系The next day,when we came to class,there would

13、be two or three topics on the blackboard related to the homework reading.(2009湖北,完形填空)第二天当我们去上课时,黑板上总有两三个与阅读作业相关的话题。(1)Its brain is small _ its body.和它的身体相比,它的大脑很小。(2)He _ the facts of the case _ journalists.他给记者们讲述了这件事的真实情况。(3)Much of the crime in this area _(和有关) drug abuse.(4)The survivors of Tan

14、gshan Earthquake can_ the victims in Sichuan Earthquake.Abe relate to Bbe related toCrelate Drelate to12Polly found herself staring up at a man standing with his hand resting on her arm.译文:_ _句式提取:findoneself宾语补足语After wandering around,we found ourselves back at the hotel.我们四处漫步后发现自己不知不觉回到了饭店。(1)Pet

15、er,who was usually shy,_ to the girls.彼得通常很害羞,但却发现自己不知不觉已在跟女孩子们说话。(2)I suddenly found myself_ down the street when I found two policemen in front of me.Arun BrunningCruns Dran13.There may be more people lost today,and Id like to help them._There may be.(1)There _ a lot of people helping the twins wh

16、ose parents died in the accident.一定有很多人帮助这对父母死于事故的双胞胎。(2)We _ a lot of discussions about the problem.我们期待会有很多关于那个问题的讨论。(3)Since you have made such good preparations,there_ be any problem about passing the coming exam.(2011黄山模拟)Amustnt BshantCshouldnt Dneednt14Dont be frightened by sharks as there is

17、 30 times greater chance of being hit by lightning than being attacked by a shark._ _.times greater.thanAccording to statistics,a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer as a woman.(2009江西,24)据统计,男子死于皮肤癌的几率是女子的两倍多。(1)My house is _ my parents我的房子是我父母的两倍大。(2)The production now is _ it w

18、as ten years ago.现在的产量是十年前的三倍。(3)The new bridge is _ the one built last year.Athree times as wider asBthree times the width ofCthree times the widthDas three times as15.,the truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that与not或never连用时,不定式为肯定意义。 (2)前面有only,but

19、,all时,too相当于very,后面的不定式也表示 肯定 。(3)当用来修饰表示态度、情绪、倾向等的形容词(如anxious,eager,glad,happy,pleased,ready,willing)时,不定式为肯定意义。But I am too old to climb high to get the best fruit.(2008陕西,完形填空)但是我年龄太大不能爬到高处摘到最好的果子。(1)It is _ give up our prejudice.抛弃偏见永远也不会太晚。(2)This book is _.这本书太贵了,我买不起。(3)_ reply,he sta

20、red at the floor.他眼睛盯着地面,紧张得答不上来。(4)It is_ for us to deal with.Aan enough difficult situationBsuch a difficult situationCtoo difficult a situationDso difficult a situation Unit 1The world of our senses.语境填词1He _ (瞥) at the _ (空无一人的) room and felt quite _ (害怕的)2Theres a lot of valuable _ (珠宝) on _(展出

21、)3Dont _ (忽视) the safety of the _(临时的) office.4Theres little _(可能性) for the _ (伤员) to be alive.5I have strong _ (自信) in the _(后者) one.选词填空1Every time I look at the photos,I _ thinking of my childhood.2A number of shots _.3_ someone grabbed me around the neck.4Much of the crime in this area _ drug ab

22、use. 5She stared at him,_ shock.6The end is _ (will happen soon).翻译句子1我的建议是我们应该把这块耕地改成稻田。2今天早上起晚的原因是他昨天晚上熬夜太晚。3王鹏伟坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到十分沮丧。4请告诉我明天是否有雨。5他拥有的书是我的两倍。.单项填空1He got to the station early,_ missing the train.Ain case of Binstead ofCfor fear of Din search of2The committee is discussing the problem right now.It will _ have been solved by the end of next year.Aeagerly BhopefullyCimmediately Dgradua

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