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牛津版单元复习精品学案 模块4 Unit 3 Tomorrows worldWord文档格式.docx

1、10_ 发现,(偶然)遇见1.pass connected to3.give out4.put forward 5.last but not least6.set accused of8.close my opinione across语句试译1(回归课本P42)_ _ _every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma felt by the viewer,_ _the cold,the tiredness,the food,the smells,the sights and the sounds of the mo

2、untain can all be experienced.观众不仅能感觉到攀登珠穆琅玛峰的每一个脚步,而且可以体验到山上的寒冷、疲惫、食物、气味、以及声音。2(回归课本P42)_/_ _the top of the mountain,a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement will be experienced.到达山顶时,观众就能体验到一种幸福感和成就感。3(回归课本P53)In my opinion,it is about time we_new computers.我认为,是该我们有新电脑的时候了。4(回归课本P53)If t

3、he PC (No.7)I was using_ _a good keyboard,I _ _ _ _so many mistakes.如果我使用的7号电脑有个好键盘,我就不会出那么多错了。5(回归课本P58)_ _ _,the Time Traveller starts back towards the present.由于害怕和寒冷,时光旅游者踏上了回到现在的旅程。1.Not only is;but also2.On/upon reaching3.had4.had had;would not have made5.Scared and cold核心知识1.delivervt.传送,传递;发

4、表;释放,解救;接生(回归课本P42)Special food and drink chemicals are delivered into the viewers mouth via a straw sensor.通过一根传感器吸管还可以将特殊的食品和饮料的化学物品输送到观众的嘴里。11归纳拓展例句探源(朗文P534)As a boy,Ralph delivered newspapers on a bicycle.拉尔夫小的时候骑自行车送报纸。Traditionally,local midwives deliver all the babies in the area.在过去,当地的接生婆会

5、给本地区所有的婴儿接生。(牛津P528)He delivered his lines confidently.他沉着地说了他的台词。They delivered their prisoner over to the invading army.他们把俘虏交给了侵略军。1完成句子(1)一些新书已被送到学校。Some new books_ _ _ _the school.答案:have been delivered to(2)校长在毕业典礼上作了一个鼓舞人心的演讲。The headmaster_ _ _ _at the graduation ceremony.delivered an encour

6、aging speech(3)她生下了一个健康的婴儿。She_ _ _a healthy baby.was delivered of(4)教育把他从无知中解救出来了。Education delivered him_ignorance.from2.impressvt.给留下深刻印象;使钦佩;使铭记在心;使明白重要性(回归课本P45)I think viewers will be impressed by a film that allows them to be a character in the film.我认为观众会对允许自己扮演角色的电影印象深刻。(牛津P1026)Her words i

7、mpressed themselves on my memory.她的话语我铭记在心里。(朗文P1041)Dimas was impressed with the students knowledge and insight.学生们的知识和洞察力给迪马斯留下了深刻的印象。The idea is to impress the importance of nature on children early in life.目的是使儿童在人生的早期更了解自然的重要性。Its important to make a good impression at your interview.面试时给人留下好的印

8、象是很重要的。2完成句子(1)外国游客无一不对该市的景色留有深刻印象。The sights of the city never fail_ _foreign impress(2)你的工作效率很高,我们极为钦佩。We_ _ _ _/_your efficiency.were most impressed with/by(3)他的演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象。His speech_ _ _ _ _the audience.made a great impression on3.employvt.&.n.雇佣;使用(回归课本P51)When N was set up in 19

9、99,the company was very smallonly Fannings family and friends were employed.当Napster网站于1999年刚刚建立的时候,公司规模还很小只有Fanning一家和他们的朋友在那里上班。(朗文P664)The factory employs over 2,000 people.这家工厂雇佣了2000多名工人。(牛津P653)The police had to employ force to enter the building.警察不得不强行进入大楼。She was employed in making a list o

10、f all the jobs to be done.她忙着把要做的所有工作列为一个清单。易混辨析employ,hire,rent三者都有“雇佣”的意思。employ指雇佣人;hire可指雇佣人,也可指租用车船等;rent更常用于租用场地,东西等;employ和rent多带有长期性,而hire多指临时雇佣。He was employed as a research assistant.They hired out boats to people on holiday.She rented me a room.3完成句子(1)For the past three years he _ _ _ _(

11、受雇当)a gate keeper.has been employed as(2)He suggested we _ _ _ (使用适当的方法)to improve the working conditions.employ proper methods(3)Many workers have been _ _ _(失业) since the global financial crisis.out of employment4.(2011年河南实验中学模拟)How long_at this job?Since 1990.Awere you employedBhave you been empl

12、oyedChad you been employedDwill you be employed解析:选B。句意:你从事这项工作有多长时间了?从1990年至今。从答语“Since 1990.”可知使用现在完成时。5.A report by the Chinese Academy of Social Science said_among new graduates grew to over 12 percent last year at 1.5 million because of the global economic crisis.Adisagreement BenlargementCunem

13、ployment Dencouragement选C。中国社会科学院的一份报告说由于全球经济危机,去年大学毕业生的失业率上升了12%,达到了150万。unemployment“失业,失业率,失业人数”。4.accusevt.指责;谴责;控告(回归课本P51)He was accused of piracy and sued by the music industry.他被指控盗版并且遭到音乐行业的起诉。(牛津P14)The government was accused of incompetence.政府被指责无能。(朗文P15)Hes accused of murder.他被控谋杀。The a

14、ccused was found innocent.被告被判定无罪。accuse,charge两个动词都有“控诉,指控”之意,但它们后面所搭配的介词不同。(1)accuse v指控,控诉,与介词of连用。(2)charge v可以指因为小错而受到责备,也指因违法而受到控告,与介词with连用。He was charged with murder.She accused him of lying.6完成句子(1)我的老师总是指责我粗心。My teacher_ _ _ _ always accusing me of(2)玛丽被指控为同谋犯。Mary_ _as an

15、 accomplice.was accused5.thereforeadv.因此,所以(回归课本P53)Therefore,I am writing to you to voice my opinions.所以,我给你写信陈述我的观点。therefore和so两词都作“因此”讲。therefore作“因此”讲时是副词,通常不用来连接两个分句;而so是连词,因此它可以用来连接两个分句。(牛津P2095)Hes only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote.他只有17岁,因此没有投票选举的资格。(朗文P2134)It was clear Lucy was u

16、nhappy.Thercefore,it comes as no surprise she has decided to design.很明显露西很不快乐,因此她决定辞职一点都不令人吃惊。7句型转换Mr.Brown knows little about China and therefore he cant advise you about it.布朗先生对中国不甚了解,所以他给你提不出什么建议。Mr.Brown knows little about China,_he cant advise you about it.Mr.Brown knows little about China._,h

17、e cant advise you about;Therefore6.voice vt.吐露,表达n声音in an angry(a sad,a cheerful)voice以很生气(伤心,快活)的声音 at the top of the voice高声地 in a low voice低声地 lose ones voice失音 drop(lower)/raise(lift up)ones voice放低/提高声音give voice to说出/(发表)(意见);吐露(心声,感情(朗文P2291)He voiced several objections to the plan.他对这项

18、计划提出了几点反对意见。(牛津P2250)“I promise”,she said in a small voice.“我答应”,她小声说。(牛津P2250)He pledged that his party would listen to the voice of the people.他保证他的政党愿意倾听人民的呼声。8.Hoping to make herself_clearly,she spoke_her voice.Ahear;at the top ofBheard;at the top ofChear;in a low voice Dheard;in a low voice句意“希

19、望能让别人听清楚,她用最大的声音讲话”,herself和hear之间构成被动关系,故用heard;at the top of ones voice高声地。9完成句子如果有问题,请说出来,别犹豫。Dont hesitate to_them if you have any problems.voice7.pass on传递(回归课本P42)The sense of touch is passed on to the fingertips via thousands of sensors in the gloves.触觉是通过手套中的数千个传感器传递到指尖的。pass sth.on to sb.将某

20、物传交给某人 pass away去世 pass by走过,经过;(时间)过去 pass sth.down从一代传给下一代 pass through经过,路过;经历(牛津P1453)I passed your message on to my mother.我把你的留言转给我妈了。(朗文P1493)Its been over a year since Mrs.Brock passed away.布罗克太太去世有1年多了。These remedies have been passed down from generation to generation.这些治疗方法一代一代传了下来。10完成句子(

21、1)这些珠宝在他们家代代相传已有近两百年的历史了。These jewels _ _ _ _ in his family from generation to generation for about two hundred years.have been passed down(2)现在让我们看看下一个题目。Let us now _ _ _the next subject.pass on to(3)她患了重感冒,结果又传染了孩子。She caught a bad cold and therefore,she _ it _ to her baby.passed;on11.The processi

22、on passed right _ my front door.Aaway BbyCout Ddown句意为:队伍正好从我家前门经过。pass by“经过”。8.put forwardvt.提出(观点、议案等);推荐;将提前;把(时针)拨快(回归课本P43)An argument has been put forward that some viewers will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real.有人提出了这样的看法:“实影”会让某些观众感到失望,因为虚拟现实毕竟不是现实。put away放好;积蓄 put an end

23、to结束 put down记下;镇压 put off推迟 put out扑灭;熄(灯) put up挂起;举起;贴(广告等) put up with忍受put sb.through(to.)给接通电话 put on穿戴上;(速度、体重)增加;上演 put sth aside忽视;不理睬;忘记(朗文P1660)The Dutch delegation put forward a new trade deal.荷兰代表团提出了一个新的贸易协议。(牛津P1614)Can I put you your name forward for club secretary?我推荐你/提名你任俱乐部秘书好不好?

24、Weve put the meeting forward by two days.我们已把会议提前了两天。Remember to put your clocks forward tonight.记着今晚把时钟指针往前拨。put forward,come up,come up with这三个短语都有“提出”的意思。put forward作“提出”讲,相当于come up with,是及物动词短语。come up为不及物动词短语,意为“被提出”,主语通常是“建议、计划等”的名词。come up with作“提出”讲,是及物动词短语,但无被动语态。12完成句子(1)会上提出了我们应该采取措施保护野生动物的建议。The suggestion that we do something to protect the wild animals w

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