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1、taxi, you should check whether its the licensed taxi or not. Its more better to take a licensed one. a 删除more或将more改为muchThen, you should look at their registration number carefully. Thirdly, sit on the seat behind the itsdriver, that is the safest place in the car. Finally, dont keep your eyes fixi

2、ng on your mobile phone which fixedall the way but watch out of the direction. If you found something wrong, ask the driverstop the for find tocar immediately. Hope my advices will be of help. advice 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)One possible versionDear Helen, Having learnt that a China-Canada cultural festival i

3、s to be held in the auditorium next Friday, I cant wait to invite you to the festival and here is a brief introduction. This cultural festival aims to enrich school life and enhance cultural awareness through various forms of appealing activities, including calligraphy shows and traditional costume

4、shows. We are lucky to have a taste for Chinese and Canadian traditional cuisines which are made by students from China-Canada class. A gala is arranged in the afternoon, so could you bring us a performance, which is bound to brighten the festival?Id be very glad if you could make it. Yours, Li Hua书

5、面表达:一、 评分标准第五档 21-25分(23)分 内容切题,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,基本上无语言错误。第四档16-20分(18)分 内容切题,表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有一点语法错误,甚至严重错误。第三档11-15分(13)分 内容基本切题,有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些严重错误。第二档6-10分(8)分 内容基本切题,表达思想不清楚,连贯性差,有较多的严重语言错误。第一档 0-5分(3)分 条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误且多数为严重错误。 二、评分原则1. 本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。2. 评分时,先根据文章的内

6、容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。(照以上五个分值所给标准给分。若认为稍优或稍劣于该分数则可加一到两分或减一到两分,不加半分。3. 字数少于80和多于120的,从总分中减去2分。4. 评分时应注意的主要内容:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性。5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。6. 如书写较差以至于影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。三、几点补充1. 白卷、作文与题目毫不相关,或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想的,0分。2. 规定的内容没有写全者,酌情扣

7、分。3. 不鼓励机械套作。听力原文:第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。现在, 你有5秒钟的时间阅读第1小题的有关内容。Text 1W: Leo, are you going to play tennis with us today?M: Im sorry. I promised Bill Id go swimming with him. You can join me hiking tomorrow. Text 2 Mr Bryant, Ive come

8、 to say goodbye. Oh, really? Jill, I truly hope that you can accompany your parents for a few more days. I wish to, but I really cant. I have an important meeting to attend. Text 3 Ms Brown, may I have a word with you? Certainly, John. I have to ask if I could pay the rent in a few more days? Im afr

9、aid not. I think we should follow what was said before. Text 4 This is a beautiful painting. Hilly, where did you get it? Well, I painted it myself. Ive been taking art classes for several years. Amazing! Ive no idea you were so brilliant. It looks like it was painted by a professional.Text 5 Gosh!

10、Its so good to be back home. Thats the last time we holiday in the mountain. Oh, come on! It was wonderful! At least it didnt snow. I would have preferred snow to constant rain. We had never seen the sun there. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将

11、给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。Text 6 Well, you know, Alice, sandwiches in this restaurant are popular. Oh, no, Henry, not sandwiches again. Ive eaten tons of them recently. I want something different. Well, why not try some seafood? But Im allergic to seafood. Do they serve steak or chicken? I think so. Her

12、e, look! Lets try their fried chicken. OK. Text 7 You have a lot of interesting music in your Google Play library. Where did you find it? Some of it I copied from my CDs before I got rid of them. You did? Yeah, they took up too much room. I didnt want to leave them at my parents house or put them in

13、 storage, so I just threw them away. So now you only buy digital music? Yeah, occasionally I buy songs from iTunes. But generally I get my music from eMusic. They dont have a lot of pop music. But they have a lot of albums of independent musicians. And the songs are much cheaper. Do they have jazz?

14、Thats the only thing I care about. Yeah, tons. They also have some really good hip-pop and rock.Text 8 So Li Qiang, youve started university in New York. How do you find the university life there? Well, its quite different from that in China. Here youre more on your own. Challenging but meaningful!

15、Come on, tell me more details. Okay. For one thing, you are free to choose when to have lessons and what courses to take. I dont choose any early-morning lessons on Monday. I see. So being able to get up late is what you like most in the university? Not exactly. I dont get up late every day. On Tues

16、day, Thursday and Friday, I get up at 7:30 because my advanced physics class begins at 8:00. This course is rather difficult. I prefer to have it in the morning with a clear mind. You know exactly what you are doing in the university. Thats awesome.Text 9 Good morning, Peter. What can I do for you t

17、oday? Hi, Doctor. Im here because of sleeping problems. How long have you been like this? Since four months ago. I see. Was there a stressful event in your life at that time? Well, at first I thought it was the outbreak of the virus. Actually, its my new job. I started a job then. I do research for

18、an IT company. I like it but I have to work 60 hours a week. That sounds stressful. It is. Is it possible for you to shorten the working hours? No, as a new employee, I have to work hard to prove my value to the company. All right, you need to find ways to reduce stress. Exercise can be helpful. Per

19、haps you can go to the gym after work. Well, yes, not everyday, but I could certainly go to the gym a few evenings.Text 10 Hey guys! My names Michael and Im here to tell you about my job as a video game writer. I work with game developers and designers to think of stories, and I write all the dialog

20、ue by myself. When I was in secondary school, I never imagined that I would do this job. I didnt know what to study at university. I was good at lots of science subjects, but I also loved entertaining people and I was good at Art. In the end, I went to a film school where I studied lighting, special

21、 effects, etc! It was there that I started to think about working in the video game industry. People also ask me what I like most about being a video game writer. Well, the money is good and its quite exciting. Just last night, for example, I was at a big dinner where they were giving prizes for new

22、 games. But what I love most is the fact that I get on well with everyone in the company. Thats what makes my job so much fun. 第二节到此结束,现在请用两分钟的时间把听力答案填涂在答题卡上。【答案解析】阅读理解A伦敦的各大博物馆出处解析21. C 根据每一个博物馆最后一栏可以知道,只有Natural History Museum是进去就要收费的。22. B 根据British Museum这一段和其他博物馆的介绍可以知道,British Museum特别之处在于它是第一

23、个对外开放的国家博物馆。23. D 根据Natural History Museum这一段可知,在这里可以看到自然历史的推移,还可以看到蓝鲸的模型。B宠物侦探24. B 根据第一段可知,她之前是一位警察,现在在华盛顿特区。25. D根据第二段可知,她在寻找自己的猫咪的过程中找到了27只丢失的宠物,在这个过程中她发现了自己的天赋。26. D 根据第三段可知,其他的宠物寻找者只是发发传单,打打电话,但并不是很上心,也不会积极行动。但Pugh很投入,也不怕被告,并且是唯一一位有执照的宠物侦探。27. B 根据全文可知,Pugh是一个非常有奉献精神的人。C世界VR大会28. C 根据第一段可知,VR大

24、会的目的有很多。其中promoting breakthroughs in the economic and social development of Jiangxi province可以判断C项正确。29. B 根据第三段可知, 中国已经获得5G商用执照,因此B项正确。30. A 根据第二、四段可知,5G为VR的发展提供了平台和助力。31. D 根据全文可以看出,这是一篇新闻报道,主要讲了VR大会在南昌举行。D成长型思维https:/

25、wth-mindset/32. D 根据第一段和第三段可知,insight的意思是想法、领悟。33. A 根据第二段可知,作者对比两种思维方式,可以作者是通过作比较进行该段的写作。34. B 根据一、二、四段,尤其是第四段提到的“power of yet”可知,成长型思维是不以天赋来评价人,重在过程和鼓励。35. C 根据第五段可知,成长性思维是人人可用的提升自我的强大工具,因此下面段落讨论如何运用成长型思维符合逻辑发展。七选五文章出处:The Economist USA (22-02-20)36. 选D。此句承上,根据上句的句意可知,该空应填入对前面问题的回答,故选择D项。37. 选E。根据

26、上一句句意可知,该空应填入一句话顺应前文。“智能机让每个人在任何地方都能上网。”乔布斯发明iPhone时,手机不像现在的智能机那样可以随时随地上网。故选择E项。38. 选B。空前句与空后句具有比较明显的转折关系。故选择B项,承前启后。39. 选G。前段的最后一句和后文中的the cultural influence of those early American users is steadily weakening. Perhaps the most typical example of this is the rise of TikTok,. a giant Chinese startup

27、描述了美国在网络发展方面的窘境,故选G。40. 选A。本空需填入对上文进行承接的句子。根据上段关键信息可知,“早期美国用户的文化影响在弱化。”本段中再次重申,“网络文化在不断地向世界各地延伸”。并指出“互联网不再是原来的那一个互联网,而是属于许多人的互联网群”故选择A项符合情境,“这不是死亡,而是重生。” 完形填空语篇出处:China Daily 2019-12-21 【文章大意】本文介绍了浙江乌镇一年一度的戏剧节,游客会不由自主地身临其境,沉浸到音乐、舞蹈、戏剧中。文中举例游客观看戏剧(The Tree)的情境。41. B 文章第一段提到“所有的游客都是观众。”故第二段开头句意为“把整个城镇勾画成一个大的剧院”故B. theater 正确。platform 站台;gallery 画廊;passage 通道。42. D“大的提线木偶穿过一个狭窄的石板路铺的巷子,妈妈和女儿悠闲地(lazily)坐在一艘沿着小河漂浮(float)的纸船上”deliberately故意地;swiftly迅速地。43. C 译文同42题。station驻扎;park停泊;walk行走。44. A “无数的风筝将夜空点亮,年轻夫妇在夜空下窃窃私语。(lit,动词light的过去

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