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1、高一英语练习卷高一英语练习卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(15分)1.Walking in rainforest all by yourself is quite unusual experience. A.the; an B.不填;不填 C.the;不填 D.a;a2.What do you know about the new stadium? When it is completed, it will be the old one. A.twice as bigger as B.bigger twice than C.twice bigger than D

2、.as twice big as3.Unfortunately I the bad habit of working, and I must try to it. A.fell into; make up for B.took an advantage of; run away with into; break away with D.put into; catch up with4.Mr smith only $5000 for his car, but no one wanted to buy it. A.offered B.took C.spent D.charged5.Wh

3、y didnt you try your best to get on the bus? I tried to, but I could, it started moving. A.until B.when C.before D.after6.His family a big one. When I came to see him yesterday his family watching TV. A.are, was, were, are D.are, were7.Chen Ming the only student who the scholarship to Peki

4、ng university.; have won B.are; has won; has won D.are; have won8.These new cars are fit to all over the world. A.ship ship be shipped D.for shipping9. as he is, he keeps himself so busy by reading books, watching TV or playing computer games that he feels anything but . A.Alone,

5、 Lonely B.Alone, alone C.Lonely; lonely D.Lonely; alone10.I regret you I wont be free until this weekend. tell B.telling have told D.having told11.I have decided to keep all these coins as they might be some day. A.of great value B.value C.of valuable D.great valuable12.I dont quite unders

6、tand what you said in your letter, who you ? A.was it that, mentioned was, mentioned C.was it that, talked was who, referred13.I like lying on the bathing in the sun. A.seaside B.shore C.coast D.beach14.He lives in a small room, both of windows face the north. A.that B.which C.whose D.whom

7、15. a reply, I decided to write to the company again. A.Not receiving B.Receiving not C.Not having received D.Having not received第二节:完形填空(共30分)Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. They are very busy working to 36 the family. They dont act in the 37 ways that I read in b

8、ooks or I see on TV. 38 flowers to each other on Valentines Day is even more 39 .One day, my mother was sewing a quilt(床罩). I 40 sat down beside her and looked at her. “Mom, is there love between you and Dad?” I asked her in a 41 voice.My mother stopped and raised her head with 42 in her eyes. She d

9、idnt answer immediately. Then she 43 her head and continued to sew the quilt. At last my mother said:“Susan,” she said, “Look at this thread. Sometimes it appears, but most of it 44 in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt strong and 45 . If life is a quilt, then love should be a 46 .It can h

10、ardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but its really there. Love is 47 .”The next spring, my father suddenly got sick seriously. When they returned from the hospital, mother looked rather pale and it seemed 48 of them had had a serious illness. Every day in the morning and dusk, my mother helped my fat

11、her 49 slowly on the country road. My father had never been so 50 . Along the country road, there were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees. The sun gently glistened through the leaves. All of these 51 the most beautiful picture in the world.“Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one d

12、ay. He said gently. “ 52 , I just like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life.” 53 his eyes, I know he loves my mother deeply. 54 I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. But from this 55 ,I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making

13、life strong and warm.36.A.hold on D.keep37.A.romantic B.friendly C.lovely D.active38.A.Taking B.Passing C.Buying problem B.out of question C.out of the question question40.A.silently B.eagerly C.peaceful D.anxiously41.A.loud B.low C.gentle D.tender42.A.interest

14、 B.fear C.excitement D.surprise43.A.bowed B.raised C.hang D.lowered44.A.lost B.turned out C.disappeared D.came up45.A.cold B.lasting C.long D.comfortable46.A.needle B.cloth C.thread the quilt B.out of the quilt C.outside D.inside48.A.either B.both C.neither D.every49.A.walk

15、and D.exercise50.A.rude B.polite C.gentle D.careful51.A.came up B.turned up C.called up D.made up52.A.In other words B.To tell the truth C.In my opinion D.On the contrary53.A.Seeing B.Reading C.Watching D.Observing54.A.Once B.Though C.When D.Unless55.A.process B.way C.matter D.experience第三部分、阅读理解。(共

16、40分)APeter King, 15, and Mary King, 13, went to see a doctor together. Peter had a bad cold, so the doctor gave him some pills to take. Mary had a bad cough, so the doctor gave her some cough medicine.These are the words on the bottle of medicine:Cough MedicineShake well before use.Take three times

17、daily after meals.Dosage: adults 2 teaspoonfulschildren 814 1 teaspoonfulchildren 47 1/2 teaspoonfulNot suitable for children below the age of 4.Store in a cool place.Use before October 1998.56.Mary should take in a day. A.2 teaspoonfuls B.3 teaspoonfuls C.4 teaspoonfuls D.1 teaspoonful57.People age

18、d cannot take this medicine. A.80 B.15 C.20 D.3BA young man was called up for army service, but he didnt want to become a soldier. When he went for his medical exam, he pretended that his eyesight was very bad.The doctor pointed to the eye chart on the wall and said, “Please read the top line.”“The

19、top line of what?” the young man asked.“The top line of the chart,” the doctor replied.“What chart?” the man asked.“The one on the wall,” the doctor said.“What wall?” the man asked.Finally, the doctor decided that the mans eyes were not good enough fore army service.That evening the same young man w

20、as at a movie when another man came in and sat next to him in the dark. When the lights went on, the young man saw that his neighbor was the doctor who had examined him earlier. Immediately he said, “Excuse me, ma am, but does this bus go to Main street?”58.The young man was to join the army. A.will

21、ing B.pleased C.trying D.unwilling59.Before becoming a soldier a young man . A.must ask for the doctors permission B.must be a doctor C.must pass the physical examination D.must be able to see the bottom line of the eye chart60.In the passage the young man . A.had bad eyesight B.had poor hearing C.A

22、 and B D.pretended that he had bad eyesight61.Which of the following statements is true?A. He failed to join the army because his eyesight was very bad.B. When the doctor gave him orders, he could not understand what the doctor said.C. He went into the cinema by mistake, thinking it was a bus.D. The

23、 doctor came into the theater after the young man.62.Pick out the correct order to sum up the passage.a. He asked him whether the bus he was on went to Main Street.b. He went to the doctor for a medical exam.c. Someone came in and sat down next to him in the dark.d. The doctor tested his eyes.e. The

24、 doctor let him go.f. He got a letter from the army.g. He went to the cinema.h. When the lights came on, the young man saw that it was the doctor. A.b d e f g c h a B.f b d e g c h a C.b d e g c h a f D.f b d e g c a hC1.CHINACoal mines claim more livesA COAL mine blast(爆炸) in Jixi, Heilongjiang, le

25、ft more than 100 miners dead on Thursday. Ten mines in Jixi were ordered to stop production. The government has tried to shut down thousands of small, illegal(非法的) mines in the country that do not meet safety standards.2.MIDDLE EASTBombers continue to killPALESTINIANS killed 32 Israelis in three maj

26、or attacks between Tuesday and Thursday. There were two suicide bombings(自杀性爆炸) and a militant. (武装的) attack on a Jewish settlement(犹太人定居点). They yielded one of the highest lsraeli death tolls(死亡人数) in such a short period over the last two years.3.CHINAYoung people stand tallTHE average height of Ch

27、inese young people has risen by 6 centimeters compared to that of 20 years ago. This far exceeds(超过) the worlds average growth speed. A survey on health conducted by a panel(调查组) of Chinese students found the results. According to the world average level, youths get taller by 1 cm every 10 years.4.C

28、ANADATalking about world issuesTHE Group of Eight(G8)-the US, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Cananda and Russia-will bold a summit(峰会) on June 26 and 27 in Kananaskis, Canada. The G8 are the richest and most powerful countries in the world. G8 leaders and some African presidents will discus

29、s strengthening global economic growth and helping Africa. Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary- General, will also attend.63.Thousands of mines have been shut because . A.they have blast B.they produced less coal C.they are very small D.they dont meet the safety standards64.How many Israelis died i

30、n the three major attacks by Palestinians? A.23. B.32. C.100. D.We dont know.65.In the last 20 years, the average growth speed of Chinese youths exceeds the worlds average level by . A.1cm. B.4cm. C.5cm. D.6cm.66.Whats the purpose of the Summit?A. To strengthen the global economic growth and help so

31、me poor African countries.B. To make these eight countries much more powerful.C. To help some A frican presidents to strengthen their economic growth.D. Kofi Annan will have an important speech on word issues.DSan Francisco is going to do what many other cities have already done- provide free bicycles to the public. The mayor of San Francis

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