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1、5.在北京你班有多少个学生?6有很多家具吗?7.我想买些家具布置我们的房子。8.在学校的中央是一个大操场。9.这栋楼和餐厅之间是教学楼,里面有24间教室。10. 我的朋友有一座带花园的房子。M41. 让我们买些食物和饮料吧!2. 我们没有肉。3. 太多的巧克力对你没有好处。4. 牛奶对你的健康有好处5. 我们没有橙子了,所以我们一起去买一些吧。6. 吃合适的食物,保持健康。7. 健康的食物8. 牛奶、奶酪和鱼对你的牙齿有好处。9. 记住这些很重要,吃的好,保持健康,不要变胖。10. 每天早上早饭要吃好。11. 什么种类的水果?什么种类的蔬菜?M51. 我们周一的课是什么?2. 你周末的课程是什

2、么?(两种表达)3. 你的爱好是什么?4. 今天的天气怎么样?5. 你周末通常会做什么?6. 她喜欢听音乐吗?7. 数学对贝蒂来说很难。8. 我喜欢历史而且擅长历史。9. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?10. 我喜欢读书因为他们很有趣。11. 和他们玩耍很有趣。12. 我们对那本书感兴趣。13. 我周一到周五上学,但是周六和周日不去。14. 你通常几点起床?15. 我在早上七点钟起床,然后吃早饭。16. 我做家庭作业然后十点钟上床睡觉。17.我每天上一节英语课。M61. 动物园有许多种类的动物,比如熊、斑马、长颈鹿和熊猫。2. 我有许多种类的书。3. 他们来自许多不同的国家,他们吃不同的食物。4. 我

3、的全家福照片在这里。5. 不要在河里游泳,太危险。6. 看看那只大象。7. 我们去看看他们,好吗?8. 有一只叫托尼的熊猫吗?9. 那个叫做小华的女孩是我妹妹。10.熊猫一天吃大约30千克的竹子还有其他的植物。11.我想要三千克的橙子。12. 篮子里有两千克肉。13. 他们不但会唱歌还会弹钢琴。14. 你吉他弹的和我一样好。15. 它是一种很大的动物,通常独自居住。16. 一些学生喜欢英语,其他学生喜欢汉语。17. 他有两个妹妹,一个是玛丽,一个是莉莉。18. 她喜欢读书。19. 这个老人独自居住,但他并不觉得孤独。20. 让我们去看一场足球比赛吧。21. 你能在墙上看到几张画?22. 他们处

4、于危险当中。M71. 我怎样在电脑上写作业?2. 首先,打开一个文件。3. 接下来,你就在这个新文件里写你的作业。4. 最后,我怎么打印我的文件呢?5. 来点纸吗?6. 他也上网查询火车时刻,制定旅行计划和买票。7. 在网上,我搜索信息,做我的作业并查看我的电子邮件。8. 你什么时候用电脑?9. 你每周写多少封电子邮件?Module 81. 你想来我的生日聚会吗?肯定回答:否定回答:2.我一直喜欢生日聚会。3.我姐姐总是起得很早。4.你们用汉语唱还是用英语唱?5.你喜欢游泳还是跑步?6.选择生日礼物7.你想挑选哪一个礼物?8.大明的爷爷奶奶喜欢保持健康,所以他们每天都在他们家附近的公园里锻炼身

5、体。9.她喜欢购物,总是买昂贵的衣服。10.她花很多钱。11.Pay的句型12.Take 的句型13.Cost 的句型14.Spend 的句型15.迈克,收到你的来信真是太好了,但是恐怕我不能来。16.穿上你的外套。17.她穿着一件黑色的衬衫。18.她今天穿着一件红T恤。M9.1. 将会有一辆车等着你。2 我正站在长城上和你说话。3.王辉正在拍很多照片。4.这些书正在出售。5.我们很喜欢学校的这次郊游活动。6.麦克喜欢玩围棋。7.你今天玩的开心吗?8.现在在世界上不同的地方,人们做着不同的事。at 的短语:at the moment at the end of at the same time

6、 at first at last at once10. 在伦敦,(现在是)下午五点, 人们正在下班回家。11. 他们打算下周离开北京。12. 一些人正在下公共汽车或火车。13. 我有几本新书。14. 她懂一点英语。15. 他是一个新学生,所以他没有几个朋友。16. 我很少有时间读书。M10.1 你们正在为春节做准备吗?2. 你正在做作业吗?3. 他在干什么?4. clean的反义词是 固定搭配 打扫房间 打扫干净5. 请把你的衣服收起来。Put的短语穿上 反义短语 收起来 ; 推迟 ;放下,记下 搭起,建造 ; 扑灭 6. 快点,否则你要迟到了。Hurry 的短语 快点 匆忙地 7. 他们匆

7、忙去了机场。8. 看一看他吧。9. 来看一看我的新帽子。10. 时间是春节的前几天。11. 圣诞节前我很忙碌。12. 我的妈妈正在打扫我们的房子,扫除霉运。13. 我们认为红色能给人带来好运。luck (n.) (adj.)- (adv) (adj.)- (adv)14.昨天晚上发生了什么?15.婚礼将于下周举行。16. 她想加入国际象棋俱乐部17. 他们总是积极参加运动会。18. 你会参加这次会议吗?(两种表达)他来自北京(两种表达)。Where is he from? = Where does he come from? He is from Beijing.= He comes from

8、 Beijing .How about going swimming? = What about swimming/going swimming?Are you from America? Yes ,I am.Welcome to Class Five Grade Seven.London is the capital of England.Wang Hui is my friend, but he is not in my class.I come from/ am from Beijing. I can speak Chinese.Tony is my first name/given n

9、ame, Smith is my family name/last name.What is your school in England like?What does he look like? He is tall and thin.What is he like? He is friendly.There are 30 students in my class.How many students are there in your class in Beijing?Is there a lot of furniture?7.我想为我们的房子买些家具。I want to buy some

10、furniture for our house.In the middle of the school is a big playground.Between this building and the dining hall is the classroom building with twenty-four classroom.10.我的朋友有一座带花园的房子。My friend has a house with a garden.Lets go shopping for some food and drink.We havent got any meat.Too much chocola

11、te is not good for you.Milk is good for your health.We havent got any oranges, so lets buy some.Eat the right food and be healthy.healthy foodMilk, cheese and fish are good for your teeth.It is important to remember: eat well, stay healthy, and dont get fat.Have a good breakfast every morning.What k

12、ind of fruit? What kind of vegetables?What are our lessons on Monday?What lessons do you have on Monday?What are your lessons on weekends?What is your hobby?What is the weather like today?What do you usually do on weekends?Does she like listening to music?Maths is difficult for Betty.I like history

13、and I am good at it.What is your favorite subject?I like reading books because they are very interesting.It is very interesting to play with them.12. 我们对那本有趣的书感兴趣。We are interested in the interesting book.We go to school on weekdays, but not on Saturday and Sunday.When do you usually get up?I get up

14、 at seven oclock in the morning and then have breakfast.I do my homework and go to bed at ten oclock.17. 我每天上一节英语课。I have an English class every day.The zoo has many kinds of animals, such as bears, zebras, giraffes and pandas.I have many kinds of books.They come from many different countries and th

15、ey eat different food.Here is my family photo.Dont swim in the river, it is too dangerous.Look at the elephant.Shall we go and see them?Is there a panda called Tony?The girl called Xiaohua is my sister.The panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day as well as other plants.I want to buy three kilos of

16、 oranges.There is two kilos of meat in the basket.They can play the piano as well as sing.You play the guitar as well as me.It is a very large animal and usually lives alone.Some students like English and other students like Chinese.He has two sisters. One is Mary and the other is Lily.She likes rea

17、ding books.The old man lives alone, but he doesnt feel lonely.23. 让我们去看一场足球比赛吧。Lets go and watch a football match.24. 你能在墙上看到几张画?How many pictures can you see on the wall?25. 他们处于危险当中。They are in danger.How do I write my homework on the computer?First, open a new document.Next, you write your homewo

18、rk in the new document.Finally, how do I print my document?What about some paper?He also checks the times of trains, make travel plans, and buy tickets.On the Internet, I search for information, do my homework and check my email.When do you use a computer?How many emails do you write every week?1你想来

19、我的生日聚会吗?Would you like to come to my birthday party?Sure, Id love to Sorry/ Id love to, but/ Im afraid not2. 我一直喜欢生日聚会。I always like birthday parties.3. 我姐姐总是起得很早。My sister always gets up early.4. 你们用汉语唱还是用英语唱?Do you sing it in Chinese or English ?5. 你喜欢游泳还是跑步?Do you like swimming or running?6. 选择生日

20、礼物Choose birthday present.7. 你想挑选哪一个礼物?Which presents do you want to choose?8. 大明的爷爷奶奶喜欢保持健康,所以他们每天都在他们家附近的公园里锻炼身体。Damings grandparents like to stay healthy, so every day they get some exercise in park near their home.9. 她喜欢购物,总是买昂贵的衣服。She likes going shopping and always buys expensive clothes.10. 她

21、花很多钱。She spends a lot of money.11. Pay的句型Sb pay ( pays、 paid) some money for sth12. Take 的句型 It takes(took) sb some time to do sth13. Cost 的句型Sth cost(costs/ cost) + money 14. Spend 的句型Sb spends(spent) money/time +on sth (in) doing sth15. 迈克,收到你的来信真是太好了,但是恐怕我不能来。It is great to hear from you Mike, bu

22、t Im afraid I cant come.16. 穿上你的外套。Put on your coat.17. 她穿着一件黑色的衬衫。He is wearing a black shirt. She is in a red T-shirt today.There will be a car waiting for you.I am standing on the Great Wall and talking to you.Wanghui is taking lot of pictures.These books are on sale.We are enjoying the school tr

23、ip. Mike enjoys playing chess.Do you enjoy yourself today?At this moment, in different places of the world, people are doing different the moment 现在,此刻 at the end of 在结束时 at the same time 同时at first一开始 at last 最后,终于 at once立即,马上9. 在伦敦,(现在是)下午五点, 人们正在下班回家。In London, it is five oclock in the afternoon and people are leaving work and are going home.10. 他们打算下周离开北京。They are leaving Beijing next week.11. 一些人正在下公共汽车或火车。Some are getting off the buses or trains.12. 我有几本新书。I have a few new books.13.

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