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1、 furthermore, the voices were comforting. Frequently, they would doze off. Because of either economic necessity or strong determination for personal fulfillment, or both, the phenomenon of latchkey children is widespread in our society. Whatever the reason, it is a compelling situation with which fa

2、milies must cope. The question to ask is not whether or not mothers should work full-time. Given the reality of the situation, the question to ask is: how can an optimum plan be worked out to deal effectively with the situation. It is advisable for all members of the family to express their feelings

3、 and concerns about the inevitable change candidly. These remarks should be discussed fully. Many factors must be taken into consideration: the childrens personality and maturity, the amount of time the children will be alone, the safety of the neighborhood, accessibility of help in case of an emerg

4、ency. Of supreme importance is the quality of the relationship between parents and children. It is most important that the children be secure in the knowledge that they are loved. Feeling loved provides invaluable emotional strength to cope successfully with almost any difficulty that arises in life

5、. 挂钥匙的孩子笃、笃,家里有人吗?在过去的几十年中,美国的生活费用一直在持续增长。食品价格。服装费用、房子开销和学费都越来越高。母亲们纷纷放弃传统的全职家庭主妇的角色,这一部分是由于经济需要,一部分是想通过工作取得成就感。她们越来越多地从事家庭以外的有薪水的工作。如此重大的角色转换影响着整个家庭,尤其是孩子们。某些后果是非常明显的。例如,晚饭时间推迟了。而另一方面,这种转变对情感的影响就更微妙了。母亲们早上带着愧疚感离开家,因为孩子放学回来时她们会不在家。她们压抑着愧疚心理,因为她们相信她们的工作从长远来讲对大家有益。她们的收入将能够使家庭存下钱来供孩子上大学。度一次长假、买辆新车,等等。孩




9、法是:对于这一不可避免的变化,家庭所有成员应该坦诚地表达他们的感受和忧虑,并予以充分的讨论。很多因素必须被考虑在内:孩子的性格和成熟程度,孩子将独自在家的时间的长短,家庭周围是否安全,紧急情况下能否得到救助。父母与孩子的融洽度是最重要的。要让孩子们放心他们的父母是爱他们的,也是很重要的。感到被爱给与了孩子们宝贵的情感力量,使他们能够克服生活中的诸多困难。Its a Muggers Game in ManhattanMartin had lived in New York for forty years and never been mugged once. This did not make

10、him confidenton the contrary, it terrified him. The way he saw it, he was now the most likely person in Manhattan to get mugged next. What are the odds of my getting mugged? he asked his friend Lenny. How much are you willing to bet? said Lenny, who was a compulsive gambler. Oh come on, this is too

11、important to bet on! Nothing is too important to bet on, said Lenny, shocked. That was the end of their friendship. How do you think I can avoid getting mugged? Martin asked his friend Grace. Grace had not been outside her apartment in five years, as a sure-fire way of avoiding being mugged. It had

12、failed; someone had broken in and mugged her. Ive no idea, Martin, she said. Most of these guys are on drugs anyway, and they need the money for their addiction.This gave Martin an idea. If the muggers only needed the money for drugs, why didnt he offer them drugs instead? Then possibly they would b

13、e so grateful they wouldnt harm him. Through some rich friends he knew he bought small quantities of heroin and cocaine. He had never touched the stuff himself, so he had to label them carefully to make sure he didnt get them mixed up. One day he was walking in a part of Central Park he shouldnt hav

14、e been in (the part where there is grass and trees) when three men leapt out at him. One was black, one was Puerto Rican and one was Caucasian. Well, at least mugging is being integrated he thought. You want drugs? he cried. ve got drugs! Anything you want you can have. Just name it. But dont touch

15、me!The three men let go of him respectfully. We almost made a big mistake there, said one of them. This guys a pusher. Hurt him, and we could have the Mafia down on us. Lets see what you got, mister.Somewhat to his surprise Martin found himself displaying his wares to his clientele. Even more to his

16、 surprise, he found himself accepting money for the drugs, much more than hed paid for them. How come you guys have all this money? He said. Why are you out mugging if you have money?Well, were not real muggers, said the Caucasian embarrassed. Were out-of-work actors.I thought out-of-work showbiz pe

17、ople always became waiters or barmen, said Martin. Right. But there are so many showbiz people in catering now that you cant get work as waiters. So we had to get work as muggers. When Martin got home, he bought some more drugs from his friend. Pretty soon he sold them to some more muggers. Pretty s

18、oon after that he found he was spending more and more time pushing drugs, and making more and more money at it. Being afraid of muggings had turned him into a professional drug-pusher. One day a man leapt out at him and grabbed him. said Martin. I got drugs. I want money, said a familiar voice. Lenn

19、y! cried Martin. Howre you doing?Badly, said Lenny. I lost everything gambling.He hit Martin over the head and took his money, wallet and all his credit cards, leaving the little packets of white powder behind. 曼哈顿抢劫犯的计谋马丁在纽约住了四十年,从没被抢过。这并没有让他很放心,相反,这令他很害怕。在他看来,他是曼哈顿下一个最有可能被抢的人。“我被抢的可能性有多大?”他问他的朋友列尼


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