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1、英语构词法归纳总结原创英语构词法 英语主要有三种构词法:转化、派生和合成,下面简要介绍一下这三种构词法。1、转化构词法:1有大量的动词可以转化为名词,有时意思没有太大的变化:Let me have a try.我来试一试。We stopped there for a swim.He went off at a run to consult a doctor.This is for winter wear. Dont make it too tight.I like a quiet read after supper。This was a great surprise(strike,shock)

2、to my brother.Have a look(chat,talk,wash,swim,rest,try,quarrel,smoke,lie,read,run,dream,fight,walk,ride,drink,laugh,dance,bathe,wish,win,fear,love,debate,dispute,interview,taste,etc)Make a study(guess,visit,call,survey,jump,slip,change,search,stay,smart,answer,reply,remark,fight,arrest,appeal,purcha

3、se,sacrifice,demand,show,deal,attempt,attack,advance,etc)Come to a stop(end,pause)有时意思有一定的变化:He was about the same build as his brother.他的体形和他哥哥差不多。Last years catch was four times that of 1986.去年的捕鱼量为1986年的四倍。This was a decisive move.这是一个决定性的步骤。They can be used as a stock feed.它们可以作为牲口饲料。Women have

4、a equal say in everything.妇女在各方面都有同样的发言权。He won two games;the other two were draws.他赢了两局,另外两局打平了。2也有相当多的名词可以当动词用。许多表示物件的名词可以用做动词来表示动作。Have you booked your ticket?Who chaired the meeting?He pinned great hopes on us.It can seat a thousand people.We have mapped out plans for their utilization.It pictur

5、es the life of overseas Chinese students.He hurriedly penciled the time on it.By noon he had bagged three hares.The machine bottles15000 jars of cold cream a day.The money was all pocketed by corrupt officials.He hammered a nail into the wall.有些表示身体部位的名词也可以用来做动词。Hand in you exercise-books,please.Wel

6、l back you up. We should dare to face any difficulty and danger.Who headed the delegation. (当团长)。Well headed for Yunnan tomorrow.We should shoulder these responsibilities.(肩负)She fingered the silk gently.(抚摩)Soon the seedings shot up and began to ear.(抽穗)Im never interested in nosing out the details

7、 of someone elses private life.(探听)They eyed him with suspicion.(注视)一些表示一类人的名词也可用做动词:If so,we shall be badly fooled.(上当)He insisted on staying up to nurse the child.(护理)We were hosted by members of the embassy.(款待)Our aim is to save the patient and not to doctor him to death.(医治)The equipment was ma

8、nned by three workers per shift.(操作)He has soldiered in France in his youth.(当兵)The army was officered by brave men.(担任军官)He fathered many inventions.(有过)一些表示其他实物的名词也可用做动词:Each apartment can house a family of six.(居住)I hope we can room together.(住)This helped to bridge over our difficulties. (度过)The

9、y flowered well but bore little fruit. (开花)He floored the room.(装地板)He manured the soil before sowing.(施底肥)An aeroplane was used to dust insecticide.(喷洒)We decided to dam the river.(筑河坝)He is busy oiling the bicycle.(上油)He wolfed down three great bowls of rice.(狼吞虎咽)The pill is coated with sugar.(包有

10、糖衣)Executives,workers and technicians team up.(组织在一起)此外,还有一些抽象名词等也可以用做动词:Where do swallows winter?(过冬)We summered by Lake Geneva.(度夏)For six days and nights they battled to save his life.(苦战)Through my childhood,I had hungered for education.(盼望)This so angered us that we beat him up.(使气愤)The attack

11、must be properly timed.(选择时间)The actual labor force numbered 12000.(计数有)They breakfasted(lunched) at the guesthouse.(吃早饭)Over 1000 students stormed into the Senate building.(冲进)3有不少形容词也可以用做动词:The train slowed down to half its speed.(减慢一半)This is the chief way of narrowing the differences between the

12、m.(缩小)Please warm up the dish over the stove.(热一下)The room gradually quieted down.(安静下来)They periodically thinned out leaves.(打掉)Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered.(纠正)Nothing dries sooner than a tear.(干)。 Shelly was unable to calm her.The results humbled him.(失体面)Dont idle away your ti

13、me.(白白混掉)They braved the bitter cold to complete the railway.(不顾)Most of these rivers empty into the Pacific Ocean.(流入)He adjusted the lathe and readied the cutting tool.(准备好)She busied herself with household work. Dont dirty your clothes.They finally freed themselves from slavery.Only thus can we b

14、etter the life of the people.He felt himself wronged.(受了委屈) His hair is beginning to grey.The newspaper had been yellowed by sunlight.He lowered his voice.另外有个别其他词类的词可用做动词:This helped to further their unity.(促进adv-v)Truth will out.(大白adv-v)3000 workers there downed tools.(放下工具罢工adv-v)Please forward

15、the letter to my new address.(转寄adv-v)She will off and do her own things.(走掉adv-v)I second the motion.(同意num-v)4有不少形容词可用做名词:Nobles constituted seven per cent of the population.(贵族)He didnt want to disturb the quiet needed by the patients.(安静环境)Hes a dear. When is your French oral?(口语课)Their jobless

16、total (总数)reached a record high(高峰) since 1940.There is only one black in my class.She is investigating the ancientsconception of the universe.(古人)He is a natural for the job. (天生适合的人)It is necessary to make a distinction between right and wrong.They are running in the final . Our six- year-old is a

17、t school.In short,for short,in general,for free,in red,in public,in common,in particular等.5此外,还有个别其他转化的情况:This is a repeat performance of their old policy.(故伎重演)They held a fancy dress ball.(化装)We began to march north.His arguments contains too many ifs and buts.This book is a must for students of e

18、lectronics.(必读书)Have you considered the why and how of the plan?Have you had a medical yet?(检查身体)6有一些词可以词形不变用作另一词类,但是重音发生变化.Digest export import increase permit present progress produce record refuse suspect transport perfect content desert transport 等7另外有些词通过改变词尾的清浊音来改变词类,有的拼写无变化,有的拼写发生改变:use-use e

19、xcuse-excuse house-house mouth-mouth practice-practise adviceadvise beliefbelieve grief-grieve half-halves reliefrelieve thief-theft-thieve receiptreceive weightweigh halfhalve complaintcomplain 还有一些词转化为另一词时元音或拼法也发生了变化:bath-bathe breath-breathe blood-bleed foodfeed goldgild proof-prove speechspeak t

20、aletell salesell lose-loss fillfull choose-choice2、派生构词法:派生构词法主要是有词根加后缀构成。1构成名词的后缀常用的有下面这些:-er 加在动词后表示人: adviser announcer thinker admirer baker barber founder learner player babysitter eye-opener speaker employer trainer peace-lover deer-hunter wood-cutter landowner moneylender onlooker miner passe

21、r-by supporter bread-winner labourer designer school-leaver lawyer manager(经理 ) passenger (旅客)beggar加在动词后表示工具或物品:air-conditioner can-opener cooker harvester eraser drawer duster recorder telephone-receiver timer counter pain-killer best seller container best-seller heater(加热器) poster roller reminder

22、 加在名词形容词后表示人:villager banker farmer Londoner New Zealander owner stranger foreigner southerner teenager photographer outsider islander miller gardener, messenger -or actor sailor transistor semi-conductor inventor governor operator editor visitor elevator calculator professor director collector comp

23、etitor inspector navigator -ar beggar, liar, scholar, burglar-ist Marxist artist pianist socialist communist capitalist dentist scientist tourist typist specialist 专家 novelist tourist -ee employee trainee trustee(理事)addressee(收件人) referee(裁判) interviewee appointee(被任命人)-eer pioneer engineer profitee

24、r(投机商) mountaineer volunteer-ess hostess actress waitress lioness tigress princess goddess empress heiress mistress poetess priestess shepherdess fairness -ian magician musician technician physician politician librarian comedian, pedestrian-ier cashier soldier financier premier-ary revolutionary, se

25、cretary -ese Chinese Japanese Portuguese Pekinese-ant dependant inhabitant contestant attendant(服务员)servant, immigrant, inhabitant, assistant, descendant -ent agent, president, resident, student, correspondent-man sportsman seaman fireman salesman spokesman statesman fisherman countryman postman-ism

26、 socialism Marxism racism heroism optimism-ness illness sickness happiness greatness coldness kindness goodness darkness sadness bitterness carelessness loneliness-(a)tion dictation preparation operation liberation exception repetition pronunciation description explanation suggestion attention inten

27、tion introduction direction separation modernization consideration invitation collection protection competition recognition translation realization imagination reduction addition pollution exhibition connection construction determination interruption congratulation satisfaction relaxation reflection

28、 reception exception situation (形势,情况) temptation-ion discussion revision decision expansion persuasion comparison permission expression possession explosion admission impression-ment development disagreement agreement judgment movement argument government disappointment astonishment amazement emplo

29、yment punishment improvement encouragement management enjoyment excitement settlement treatment announcement requirement refreshment statement basement entertainment assignment-ing building smoking reading swimming feeling painting wedding freezing sleep-pills close-planting deep-ploughing English-s

30、peaking sight-seeing farming gardening printing earnings savings wedding surrounding fittings greeting bodybuilding aging blessing thanksgiving-ship leadership friendship scholarship hardship citizenship membership warship seamanship ownership companionship relationship worship-hood childhood boyhoo

31、d falsehood(谬误) likelihood (可能性) motherhood(母性,为母之道) brotherhood -age marriage carriage shortage leakage(泄露) baggage advantage passage storage percentage package 包装 advantage -ure failure pressure pleasure seizure(抓,没收)mixture moisture signature architecture creature departure literature -dom freedo

32、m kingdom officialdom (官僚作风) wisdom -ty safety cruelty(残酷) loyalty(忠诚) penalty(处罚) variety quality (质量) certainty poverty anxiety-ity activity reality humidity(湿度,潮湿) possibility electricity nationality majority minority disability equality security necessity-y(ry) difficulty slavery discovery inquir

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