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1、英语专业论文论傲慢与偏见的婚姻观河南农业大学本科生毕业论文(设计)任务书论文(设计)题目Marriages in Pride and Prejudice ContentsAbstract.1I. Introduction.1II. Four Marriages in Pride and Prejudice.21. Collins and Charlottes Marriage-marriage based on money or benefit.22. Lydia and Wickhams Marriage-marriage based on vanity and carelessness.3

2、3. Jane and Mr. Bingleys Marriage-marriage based on same interests.44.Darcy and Elizabeths Marriage-marriage based on true love.4III. Influence of Austins Marriage Concept on Marriage Today.61. Womans social status in Austins age and Austins marriage concept.62. Womans social status and the marriage

3、 concept today.9IV. Conclusion.10Bibliography.11Acknowledgments.11指导教师评语(主要评价论文的工作量、试验数据的可靠性、论文的主要内容与特点、写作水平等):论文的工作量:试验数据的可靠性:论文的主要内容与特点、写作水平: 签 名: 年 月 日答辩委员会评语及论文成绩(主要评价论文的性质、难度、质量、综合训练、答辩情况、不足等。评定论文成绩):论文的性质、难度、质量:学生的综合训练、答辩情况、不足等:论文成绩:主任委员签名: 年 月 日Marriages in Pride and PrejudiceLi Lina Business

4、 Class 2 Grade 2006 0615102038 Tutor: Yu Hongwei Lecturer XXX 商务英语2班 2006级 0615102038 指导老师 XXX 讲师Abstract: Pride and Prejudice is Austins great work. Through the discussion of the different marriages, she perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in

5、her works vivid characters. Moreover, she portrayed some reasons for the different marriage concept held by people at that time, in which the low social status of women is the most striking one. Austin thinks that marriage merely for property, money and status is absolutely wrong, but marriage witho

6、ut economic factors is silly. In a word, she is against the marriage for money. She regards love between two people as the basis of an ideal marriage, which breaks the traditional marriage concept and influences peoples idea of marriage nowadays. Key words: Pride and Prejudice; marriage; loveI. Intr

7、oduction“Jane Austen (1775-1817) was born in Hampshire, a country priest family located in Hants, the village of Kingston, Sidemen in north England. She was a beautiful, talented middle class woman with extraordinary temperament and good cultivation. Her six novels-Sense and Sensibility, Pride and P

8、rejudice, Northanger Abbey, Manshifeierde Manor, Emma, Persuasion all describe more than marriage.” (Wang Shouren, 2005, 64) However, her marriage is like a blank paper in her 42 years real lifetime. Going through the finest time, but eventually without meeting a comfortable partner, she gives up he

9、r love. Going through the sweet and bitter feeling which helps her to write the great work Pride and Prejudice.“At that time, according to the social conditions in Britain, a good marriage for a young woman was critical. This phenomenon was closely associated with the British society and the status

10、of women in the society. In the 19th century, women were not well respected compared with the ones in the present society. There was no equality between woman and man. Women were considered to be inferior to men in terms of intelligence and capacity. The central life of women was forced to stay at h

11、ome, their roles were to deal with the family affairs, such as taking care of the children and serving for the husband.” (Zhu Hong, 1997, 34)People naturally thought that women should be submissive to their husbands. The virtues of women were patient and deferent. They must recognize their inherent

12、inferiority to men, so they must restrict their abilities without conditions. Although the status of women was low, few of them expressed dissatisfaction about their own destiny. At that time, many middle-class young women had three solutions: getting married; staying at home as old maids or working

13、 as the family female teachers. The income of family female teacher was very low, and the status was low as well. It was very difficult for them to change or swap out of this status, no one would like to be a maid forever, therefore, in terms of young women, especially those who dont have enough pro

14、perties, to get married was the only way for them to gain respect, stability and social status. This idea forms the basis of womens marriage concept at that time.This novel takes young peoples marriage as the thread and it covers the inheritance of fortune, womens social status, ethics and customs.

15、Being the masterpiece of Jane Austen, it comes to the extensive favor of literary lovers and experts at the same time. This paper makes an analysis of four marriages in Pride and Prejudice and discusses the influence of Austins marriage concept on present marriage.II. Four Marriages in Pride and Pre

16、judice1. Collins and Charlottes marriage-marriage based on money or benefitThe first part of Pride and Prejudice tells the marriage of Charlotte and Collins, which is lucky and natural. They get married without any expectation. Charlotte is William Lucass daughter, who is the neighbor of Lizzy Benne

17、tt. She was born of humble parentage and very mediocre in every aspect. So she has not got married even until she is 26 years old. She may be a typical questionable girl. However, there are 5 daughters in the Bennetts, the five daughters are gradually growing up to the age for marriage. So both of t

18、he two families rival mutually, especially in the eyes of the vulgar women, such rivalry was particularly tedious. Bennetts wife was especially typical; she does not give birth to a boy but five girls. The familys property couldnt be given to a daughter according to the custom at that time, and the

19、family without a son can grant the wealth to the nephew. Thus, one of Bennett nephew-Collins can inherit the family wealth. Therefore, Mrs. Bennett has great expectations on her nephew. Though the family is not very rich, he is the final owner of Bonnet familys wealth. Mrs. Bennett felt at ease abou

20、t this, and she has great hope on Collins and likes him. Catherine Collins, with the help of one of his relatives, becomes a priest. And then he goes to the home of his uncle, wanting to be home complement of Bennett. Because he has heard a lot about the arrangement of the five golden flowers of his

21、 uncles family, he is coming to try his luck here. In his mind, if he could be one son-in-low of his uncles, then he could get the property of the family. He stays at home for a long time to repay his uncles heritage and gets sympathy by the family. Informed that the eldest daughter Jane has a boyfr

22、iend, he aims at the second daughter Elizabeth Bennett in spite for his aunts interesting sake, Elizabeth has been tired of him. Eventually, she refuses him with sharp tongue. But Collins quickly finds comfort from Charlotte who desires to get love from a male and believes marriage is the elegant wa

23、y for a girl with some education. Charlotte knows that the marriage without property would eventually move toward disappointment and suffering. Even if the couple loves each other deeply at first, when Collins, known as a social climber, is rejected by Elizabeth, he immediately turns to fall in love

24、 with Miss Charlotte. Although Collins is an inborn fool, his love could not move the heart of a woman, Charlotte accepts him, because her purpose is to get married. Almost all the girls born in a poor family without good education always regard marriage as the only decent way, although marriage mig

25、ht not necessarily bring happiness to them. She manages to arrange one of the most reliable way by marriage, thus she would not be exposed to the cold temperatures and suffer hunger in the future. She now gets a storage room. Then they get married as quickly as the lightening. Charlotte is like a ro

26、dman catching a fairly plump fish-Collins. But if he doesnt meet a setback from Elizabeth, and the encouragement of Charlotte, I am afraid that he would not be so willing to propose marriage to Charlotte. The man like Bingley who has fairly numerable money need a beautiful wife, the poor man needs a

27、 wife with a huge wealth, like Wickham; It was lucky for Charlotte that she could gain the marriage with Collins although their marriage is not happy at all. A mediocre love, a dull marriage has been established effortlessly. Such marriage without love is too practical, so it is a kind of superficia

28、l marriage without happiness.In these marriages, it was quite interesting that the women without property really get married with those rich bachelors. However, the happiness brought by marriage to them has not accompanied the husband. In marriage, money is very important. Austin objects such marriage simply based on money. Collins is the heir of Bonnet family; he doesnt know what love is. He would state some of the inappropriate remarks at any time. Charlotte gets married for money. Eventually she gets nothing more than a rich man, though she has economic security. She doesn

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