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最新高考英语压题材料 精品.docx

1、最新高考英语压题材料 精品2018年高考英语压题材料语法填空(1)Started at the height of the economic boom and built by some 12,000 laborers, the worlds tallest building opened on January 4, 2018 in Dubai. _1_ $1.5-billion tower reaches up 828 meters, 200 storeys into the sky. It surpasses the next highest building, Taiwans Taipe

2、i 101, _2_ more than 300 meters.Burj Dubai, whose opening _3_(delay) twice since construction began in 2004, will mark another milestone for the deeply indebted emirate(酋长国).Dubai, one of seven members of the United Arab Emirates, gained a reputation for excess with the creation of man-made islands

3、_4_(shape) like palms and an indoor ski slope in the desert.With investor confidence in Dubai _5_(bad) frustrated by the emirates announcement in November _6_ it would seek a debt standstill for one of its largest enterprises, the Burj Dubai is seen _7_ a positive start.The project has been examined

4、 carefully by human rights groups, who have objected to its _8_(treat) of laborers, as well as by environmentalists _9_ said the tower would act as a power vacuum, increasing the citys already massive carbon footprint.But despite the criticism, many say the tallest building, believed _10_(cost) $1.5

5、 billion to build, is an architectural miracles.Keys:1the 2. by 3. has been delayed 4. shaped 5. badly6. that 7. as 8. treatment 9. who 10. to have cost语法填空(2)I was being tested for a driving license _1_ the third time. I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so _2_(succeed). After _

6、3_ (instruct) to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence. Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy _4_ test. The examiner must have been pleased with my _5_(perform), for he smiled and said. “Just one more thing, Mr. Eames. Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the roa

7、d in front of you. As soon as I tap on the window, you must stop _6_ five feet.” I continued driving and after some time, the examiner tapped loudly, _7_ the sound could _8_ (hear) clearly, _9_ took me a long time to react. I suddenly pressed the brake pedal(刹车踏板)and both of us were thrown forward.

8、The examiner looked at me sadly. Mr. Eames, he said, _10_ a mournful voice, “you have just killed that child!”1. for 2. successfully 3. having been instructed / being instructed 4. my5. performance 6. within 7. though 8. be heard 9. it 10. in完形填空(1)Older people must be given more chances to learn if

9、 they are to contribute to society rather than be a financial burden, according to a new study on population published recently.The current approach which 21 on younger people and on skills for employment is not 22 to meet the challenge of demographic (人口结构的) change, it says. Only 1% of the educatio

10、n budget is currently spent on the oldest of the population.The 23 include the fact that most people can expect to spend a third of their lives in 24 , that there are now more people over 59 than under 16 and 11.3 million people are over state pension age.“ 25 needs to continue throughout life. Our

11、historic concentration of policy attention and resources on young people cannot meet the new 26 ” says the reports author, Professor Stephen.The major portion of our education budget is spent on people below the age of 25. When people are changing their jobs, home , partners and lifestyles more ofte

12、n than ever , they need opportunities to learn at every age. 27 , some people are starting new careers in their 50s and later.People need opportunities to make a “midlife review”to 28 to the later stage of employed life and to plan for the transition (过渡) to retirement, which may now happen 29 at an

13、y point from 50 to over 90, says McNair.And there should be more money 30 to support people in establishing a sense of identity and finding constructive roles for the “ third age”, the 20 or more years they will spend in healthy retired life.21. A) operatesB) focuses C) counts D) depends22. A) super

14、iorB) regular C) essential D) adequate23. A)regulationsB) obstacles C) challenges D) guidelines24. A)enjoyment B) retirement C) stabilityD) inability25. A) IdentifyingB) Learning C) Instructing D) Practicing26. A) desiresB) aims C) needs D) intentions27. A) For exampleB) By contras C) In particularD

15、) On average28. A) transformB) yieldC) adjust D) suit29 .A) unfairlyB) unpredictablyC) instantly D) indirectly30. A) reliableB) considerableC) available D) feasibleKeys:21、B. 四个选项都可以与介词on连用,operate on sb.动手术,开刀; count on依靠,指望; focus on以为焦点,集中于; depend on 依靠,依赖。根据句子表达意思,“现在这种关注年轻人和雇佣技术的方式”,所以答案是B。22、

16、D 分析此句,主语中心词approach方式,这句话主干表达的意思为“现在这种方式不足以适应挑战。”,所以选项中只有D项符合此义要求,其他选项均与此义相去甚远。23、C 此题有一定的迷惑性,这个迷惑性出现在B项和C项,B项是表示“障碍”,C项“挑战”。根据原词复现原则,上一段中出现名词challenge挑战,此题选项中出现challenges, 所以此选项很可能就是C项。而且从含义上来说,接下来这一段所讲的三点内容也不属于具体的障碍,只是说我们面临的一个挑战,面临的问题,所以我们这里面要选C。24、B根据原词复现原则,由于第一段讲到了老年人在结束他们的工作生涯之后退休的问题。所以后文必然会提到

17、一个关于退休的问题,文章内部反复出现的反复提示,如employment, employed life, pension age等等,在后又出现retirement原词。分析此句,本句the fact后面有三个并列的同位语从句结构,这且这三个事实又是人口结构变化中面临的挑战,所以此题很容易淘汰A,C两项,D项inability名词,表示“无力,无能,无技术”,B项“退休”,人们生命的三分之一的时间是“退休”而不是“无能力”,所以正确答案是B25、B 根据原词复现原则,在第一段就提到了learn动词“学习”这一词,此题选项中learning动名词“学习”,并且文中多次强调人们在各个年龄段学习的重要

18、性,根据此句要表达的意思“学习要持续人的一生”,此处选B项。迷惑的选项是C项instructing动名词“教育,指导”,不符合句意要求。26、B在四个选项中,meet the new need表示“满足新的需要”,desire愿望,欲望;aims目标、目的, intention意图,意向,目的。均不能与meet搭配。所以只有B项正确。27、A根据后面的句子的意思“人们在五十岁或者五十多岁的时候开创新的事业”,另外联系上文,此句是对上文的举例说明,所以选A项。28、C transform into将改成; yield to服从,屈服于; adjust to适应; suit sth. to sth

19、./sb. 使某事物适合某事物/某人。根据句意要求,此处表示“适应”的意思,而suit是及物动词,后面要接宾语。所以此题选C项。29、at any point 表明上述事情发生的不确定性。Unpredictably“不可预知的”。30、C reliable可靠的;considerable相当大/多的;available可用的,可得到的,feasible可行的,可能的,此空是对“钱”的修饰,所以只有B,C两个选项能与之搭配,另外句子此部分的意思为“应该得到更多的钱”,此空强调“可得到的”而不是对钱的多少的描述,所以选C项。完形填空(2)An earthquake hit Kashmir on O

20、ct. 8, 2005. it took some 75,000 lives, _21_ 130,000 and left nearly 3.5 million without food, jobs or homes. _22_ overnight, scores of tent villages bloomed across the region, tended by international aid organizations, military _23_ and aid groups working day and night to shelter the survivors befo

21、re winter set in.Mercifully, the season was mild. But with the _24_ of spring the refugees(难民) will be moved again. Camps that _25_ health care, food and shelter for 150,000 survivors have begun to close as they were _26_ intended to be permanent.For most of the refugees, the thought of going back b

22、rings _27_ emotions. The past six months have been difficult. Families of as many as 10 people have had to shelter under a single tent and share cookstoves and bathing _28_ with neighbors. “They are looking forward to the clean water of their rivers,” officials say. “They are dreaming of free fresh

23、fruit. They want to get back to their herds and start farming again.” But most will be returning to _29_ but heaps of ruins. In many villages, electrical line have not been repaired, nor have roads. Aid workers _30_ that it will take years to rebuild what the earthquake took away. And for the thousa

24、nds of survivors, the recovery will never be complete.Yet the survivors have to start somewhere. New homes can be built onto the stones, bricks and beams of old ones. Spring is coming and it is a good time to start again.21. A) injured B) ruinedC) destroyedD) damaged22. A) Altogether B) AlmostC) Sca

25、rcelyD) Surely23. A) ranks B) equipmentC) personnelD) installations24. A) falling B) emergenceC) arrivalD) appearing25. A) strengthenedB) aided C) transferredD) provided26. A) neverB) once C) everD) yet27. A) puzzledB) contrasted C) doubledD) mixed28. A) facilities B) instrumentsC) implementsD) appl

26、iances29. A) anythingB) somethingC) everythingD) nothing30. A) account B) measureC) estimateD) valueKEYS:21、A 根据文章提示,前面为死者,后面为无家可归者,中间应该为受伤者。本题考查的是四个关于受伤的词的辨析。其中只有Injured符合修饰人受伤的条件。选项为A。22、B 题时间线索,后文提示要赶在冬天之前,前文应该说动作比较快,Almost符合题意。23、A 根据平行结构,And前后连接的三个短语为并列关系,前面为组织,后面为团队,由此可见,23必须得是人组成。故选项为C。Rank“排

27、名,等级,军队中的军衔”,Equipment“设备”,Installation“设施”。24、C 上文提到冬天降临之前要给难民建立临时住所。时间线索提示,24题说明春天到来的时候,正确选项为C。25、D 考查动词介词搭配,四个选项只有Provide能与For进行搭配,故选项为D。此题还可以由文章意思,营地是为幸存者提供一系列的生活必需品的。26、A 由前半句得知,营地要关闭,所以不是永久的,选择否定意思的词,正确项为A。27、D 下文得知难民一方面非常想回到家乡,另一方面,家乡的重建肯定也是一大难题。所以难民的心情应该是混合的。正解选项为D。28、A词义辨析,根据平行结构,And前后连接并列成

28、分,同为Share的宾语,语义为洗澡设备,正确选项为A。29、D 本句意思:但是大多数人将回到废墟堆。Nothing But用法,意在强调,除了,什么都没有。正确选项为D。30、C 词义辨析,从后文Years提示可见,并不是准确的数字,应该选“估计”含义,正确选项为C。(三)阅读理解(1)Can you believe your eyes? A recent experiment suggests that the answer to that question may depend on your age.Martin Doherty, a psychologist at the Unive

29、rsity of Stirling in Scotland, led the team of scientists. In this experiment, Doherty and his team tested the perception(观察力) of some people, using pictures of some orange circles. The researchers showed the same pictures to two groups of people. The first group included 151 children aged 4 to 10,

30、and the second group included 24 adults aged 18 to 25.The first group of pictures showed two circles alone on a white background. One of the circles was larger than the other, and these people were asked to identify the larger one. Four-year-olds identified the correct circle 79 percent of the time. Adults identified the correct circle 95 percent of the time.Next, both groups were shown a picture where the orange circles, again of different sizes, were surrounded by gray circles. Heres where the trick lies in. In some of the pictures, the smaller orange circle w

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