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1、初中语法情态动词知识点专项练习题初中语法:情态动词知识点专项练习题一、情态动词单项选择题1 _ the man there be our English teacher? He _ be, but Im not sure.AMay; mustnt BCan; may CCan; cant DMay; cant【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:那里的那个人可能是我们的英语老师吗?他可能是,但我不确定。考查情态动词辨析。may也许,可能;can可以,可能;must必须;cant不可能。第二处根据“but Im not sure”可知,不确定,所以可能是,must和cant不符合语境,故选B。2Mob

2、ile phones are not allowed to bring into schools, so you _ break the rule.Amustnt Bneednt Cmight not【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:手机不允许带进学校,所以你不能违反规定。考查情态动词。mustnt不准;neednt不需要;might not可能不。根据上文“Mobile phones are not allowed to bring into schools”可知,此处指的是不准违反在校不能带手机的规定,A选项符合句意,故选A。3My classmate is jumping so f

3、ar! I _ believe my eyes.Ashouldnt Bneednt Cmustnt Dcant【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:我的同班同学跳得这么远!我无法相信我的眼睛。考查情态动词辨析。shouldnt不应该;neednt不需要;mustnt禁止;cant不能。根据“My classmate is jumping so far!”可知,本句是根据客观事实作出的判断,因此cant符合句意,表示“我无法相信我的眼睛”。故选D。4Suzy described every detail of the accident just now.Her memory _ be comp

4、letely back.Ashall Bneed Cmust Dcould【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:苏西刚才描述了事故的每一个细节。她的记忆一定完全恢复了。考查情态动词辨析。shall将要;need需要;must必须,一定;could能。根据“Suzy described every detail of the accident just now.”可知,此处表示非常肯定的推测,故选C。5 Could I _ a dictionary from you, David? Sorry, I _ it to my cousin yesterday.Alend; borrowed Bborrow

5、; lend Cborrow; lent Dprovide; with【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意: 大卫,我能借本字典吗? 对不起,我昨天把它借给我表弟了。考查单词辨析。lend借给别人,常用搭配:lend sth. to sb.; borrow跟别人借,常用搭配:borrow sth. from sb.;provide提供。根据固定搭配“跟某人借某物:borrow sth. from sb.”和“could”可知,情态动词后加动词原形,因此第一空borrow符合句意;再者根据固定搭配“把某物借给某人:lend sth. to sb.”和“yesterday”可知,此句是一般过去时

6、,因此第二空lent符合句意。故选C。6As students, we_ prevent the act of cheating in the exam.Aought to Bdont Coughtnt to【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:作为学生,我们应该防止考试作弊的行为。考查情态动词。ought to应该;dont不;oughtnt to不应该。根据“As students, we prevent the act of cheating in the exam”可知,应该防止考试作弊的行为,故选A。7We_ breathe the same breath and share the sa

7、me future as Chinese people.Amight Bshould Ccould Dwould【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:我们要同中国人民同呼吸、共命运。考查情态动词辨析。might可能;should应该;could能够;would将。根据“breathe the same breath and share the same future as Chinese people”可知,应该与中国人民共命运,故选B。8Li Lei cant go hiking with us today, because he _ take care of his sick mother.Am

8、ay Bhas to Cmustnt【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:今天李磊不能和我们去远足了,因为他不得不照顾他生病的母亲。考查情态动词。may可以;has to不得不;mustnt禁止;根据“Li Lei cant go hiking with us today,”可知,不能去远足,应是有必须要做的事情,故选B。9I cant stop playing computer games. For your health, my boy, Im afraid you _.Acan Bmay Cmust Dwill【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:我不能停止玩电脑游戏。 为了你的健康,孩子,

9、恐怕你必须停止玩电脑游戏。考查情态动词。can可以;may可能;must必须;will将要。根据“For your health, my boy, Im afraid you.”可知,此处表示必须停止玩游戏,用must。故选C。10Must I hand in my book report today, Mr Brown?No, you _ . The book report is due in two weeks.Acant Bmustnt Cshouldnt Dneednt【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:我必须在今天上交读书报告吗,布朗老师?不,你不必。考查情态动词辨析。cant不

10、能;mustnt禁止;shouldnt不应当;neednt不必。回答以must 开头的一般疑问句时,否定回答常用neednt,表示不必。故选D。11Some robots are very human-like. They _ walk and write like people.Acan Bmust Ccant Dmustnt【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:有些机器人很像人。他们可以像人一样走路和写字。考查情态动词。can能,会;must必须;cant不能;mustnt禁止;根据句意可知,机器人能写字能走路,应用情态动词can,故选A。12Lang Ping, the former coac

11、h of Chinese Womens Volleyball team, says “As a player, you _ be too hard-working.”Amustnt Bneednt Ccant Dshouldnt【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:前中国女排教练郎平说:“作为一名运动员,你无论多么努力都不为过”。考查情态动词。mustnt禁止;neednt没必要;cant不能;shouldnt不应该。cant.too.怎样都不为过,固定搭配。根据“ too hard-working.”可知,此处表示“无论怎样努力都不为过”。故选C。13The man in my roo

12、m _ be my brother. He is still in France.Acouldnt Bmustnt Cneednt Dcant【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:我房间里的男人不可能是我哥哥。他还在法国。考查情态动词辨析。couldnt不能;mustnt禁止;neednt不需要;cant不可能。根据“He is still in France.”可知,哥哥还在法国,所以此处表示否定推测,故选D。14My father has worked in the office all day, so he _ be very tired now.Amust Bneed Cshould Dma

13、y【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:我父亲在办公室工作了一整天,所以他现在一定很累了。考查情态动词。must一定;need需要;should应该;may可能。根据“My father has worked in the office all day, so very tired now.”可知,此处表示肯定推测,用must。故选A。15Oh, my god. Ive left my keys at home again.Why not choose a smart lock? You _ search for keys any more. Just use your fing

14、er.Amustnt Bcant Cneednt Dshouldnt【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:噢,我的天啊。我又把钥匙落在家里了。为什么不选择一把智能锁呢?这样你就不必再找钥匙了。只用你的手指就行。考查情态动词辨析。mustnt禁止;cant不能;neednt不必;shouldnt不应该。根据“Why not choose a smart lock?” 可知,有了智能锁以后,就不用再找钥匙了。故选C。16Jeff, you _ swim alone. Its dangerous.Sorry, I wont.Acan Bmust Cshould Dshouldnt【答案】D【解析】

15、【详解】句意:杰夫,你不应该一个人游泳。这很危险。对不起,我不会的。考查情态动词辨析。can能够/可以,表能力或许可;must必须,强调主观意愿;should应该,表建议;shouldnt不应该。根据下文“Its dangerous”,可知不建议独自游泳,前面三项不合语境,故选D。17“Gina, whose book is this?” “It _ be Carlas. Charles Dickens is her favorite writer.”Amust Bcan Cmay【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:“吉娜,这是谁的书?”“一定是卡拉的。查尔斯狄更斯是她最喜欢的作家。”考查情态动词

16、。must一定;can能;may可能;根据“Charles Dickens is her favorite writer.”可知,这本书一定是Calas的,较为肯定的推测用must,故选A。18 Alice, can you make dumplings? Yes, I _.Amay Bcan Cmust Dneed【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:爱丽丝,你能包饺子吗?是的,我可以。考查情态动词。may可能;can可以;must必须;need需要。根据问句可知,此处问的是能不能包饺子,回答can开头的一般疑问句,用can,故选B。19Its a rule for schools tha

17、t students _ bring mobile phones to the schools.Acouldnt Bmay not Cneednt Dmustnt【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:学校规定,学生不得携带手机到学校。考查情态动词。couldnt不能,表过去能力;may not可能不;neednt不必;mustnt不许;根据“a rule for schools ”可知此处指“学校规定,表禁止”;故选D。20Life is invaluable. This is a price we _ pay and a price is worth _.Acan; pay Bmight; pai

18、d Cmust; paying Dwill; pays【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:生命是无价的。这是我们必须付出的代价,也是值得付出的代价。考查情态动词及固定搭配。can能够;might可能;must必须;will将。be worth doing sth.值得做某事。根据固定搭配及所给选项可知,C项正确。故选C。21I have two tickets to the concert tonight. Would you like to join me?Thanks, but Ive already have one. You can ask Emily. She _ be interest

19、ed in it, but I am not sure.Ahave to Bcan Cmust Dmight【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:我有两张今晚音乐会的票。你想和我一起去吗?谢谢,但我已经有一个了。你可以问艾米丽。她可能对此感兴趣,但我不敢肯定。考查情态动词辨析。have to不得不;can能够;must必须;might可能。根据“but I am not sure”可知,不太确定,所以猜测她可能感兴趣,故选D。22We _ stop when the traffic light is red.Amay Bmust Ccan Dcould【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:红灯亮的时候我们

20、必须停下来。考查情态动词辨析。may可能;must必须;can可以;could可以。根据“We stop when the traffic light is red”可知,红灯停,这是必须遵守的交通规则,故选B。23Attention, please! Anyone _ smoke in the car. Thats the sign “No smoking”.Amustnt Bcan Cmay Dneednt【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:请注意,任何人都禁止在车里抽烟。那是“禁止吸烟”的标志。考查情态动词。mustnt禁止;can能;may可以;neednt不必。根据下文“那是禁烟

21、标志”可知,此处禁止吸烟,因此用mustnt。故选A。24Have you decided where to spend your holiday?Not yet. We _ go to Beijing.Ashould Bmust Cmay Dneed【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:你决定去哪里度假了吗?还没有。我可能去北京。考查情态动词。should应该;must 必须;may可能;need需要;根据“Not yet.”可知,说话人还没有决定去哪里度假,所以去北京只是一种可能。应用may,故选C。25Could you help me do the dishes?Sorry, I _. I

22、am doing my homework now.Acant Bcouldnt Cmustnt Dwont【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:你可以帮我洗碗吗?抱歉,我不能。我现在正在做作业。考查情态动词。cant不能;couldnt不可以;mustnt禁止;wont将不。could引导的一般疑问句,否定回答用cant,故选A。26 Everything is ready for the party. Do you mean I _ bring anything with me?Acant Bcouldnt Cmustnt Dneednt【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:聚会的一切都准备好了。你是说

23、我不必带任何东西吗?考查情态动词辨析。cant不能;couldnt不能;mustnt禁止;neednt没必要。根据“Everything is ready for the party”可知,所有东西都准备好了,那就没有必要再准备了。故选D。27A young lady is found _ in the house. She might _ two days ago.Adie, die Bdead, dieCdied, dead Ddead, dead【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:一个年轻的女士被发现死在房子里。她或许死于两天前。考查形容词和动词。die死,动词;dead无生命的,形

24、容词;died动词过去式。find后应跟形容词作补语,排除A、C;might后跟动词原形,排除D,故选B。28You _ tell others about this, its only between you and me.I promise I will never.Amust Bmustnt Chave to Ddont have to【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:你不能把这件事告诉别人,这只是你和我之间的事。 我保证永远不会。考查情态动词。must必须;mustnt禁止;have to不得不;dont have to不必。根据“its only between you and me”

25、可知,此处表示不能把这件事告诉别人,表示禁止做某事用mustnt。故选B。29A good friend is someone you _ share your pleasure and pain with.Amight Bmust Cneed Dcan【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:好朋友是一个可以和你分享快乐和痛苦的人。考查情态动词。might可能;must必须;need需要;can可以,能够。根据“A good friend is someone you.share your pleasure and pain with.”可知,此处表示可以分享快乐和痛苦,应用can。故选D。30Tra

26、cy has brought all the books we need for the project so we _ go to the library.Aneednt Bmustnt Cshouldnt Dcant【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:特蕾西带来了我们项目所需的所有书籍,所以我们不必去图书馆。考查情态动词用法。neednt不需要;mustnt禁止;shouldnt不应该;cant不能。根据“Tracy has brought all the books we need for the project so we.go to the library.”可知去图书馆是没有必要的因为

27、特蕾西已经带来了需要的书,故选A。31To my joy, we_ go to the bank. Mary has lent us some money.Ashouldnt Bneednt Ccouldnt【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:令我高兴的是,我们不必去银行了。玛丽借给我们一些钱。考查情态动词辨析。shouldt不应该;neednt不必;couldnt不能。根据“Mary has lent us some money”可知,借到一些钱,所以不必去银行了,故选B。32A hard-working man _ become a scientist, but a scientist mus

28、t be hard-working.Amust not Bmust Ccan Dmay not【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:一个勤奋的人不一定能成为科学家,但是一名科学家一定很勤奋。考查情态动词。must not禁止;must必须;can能;may not可能不。根据“A hard-working man.become a scientist, but a scientist must be hard-working.”可知,此处指的是一个勤奋的人不一定能成为科学家。故选D。33CouldIrideanelectricbiketoschool, Mr. Huang? No, you _. Y

29、ou are too young.Acouldnt Bneednt Ccant Darent【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:黄先生,我能骑电动自行车上学吗?不,你不能。你太年轻了。考查情态动词用法。couldnt不能;neednt不需要;cant不能;arent不是。Could引导的一般疑问句表示委婉的请求,否定回答应用cant,故选C。34Whose notebook is this?It _ be Jims. His name is on it.Amust Bmay not Cmight Dcant【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:这是谁的笔记本?它一定是Jim的。他的名字在上面。考查情态动词。must一定;may not可能不;might可能;cant不可能。根据“His name i

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