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1、高中英语Unit2LetscelebratePeriodUsinglanguageGrammarVocabulary教学案外研版必修第二册Period Using languageGrammar & VocabularyGrammar(情态动词二)课前自主预习观察句子,总结规律That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book . The children must have been very excited as they opened it. . they might not receive their

2、presents if they were not good.我的发现以上三个句子都使用了情态动词。(1)句中的could表示过去的能力,意为“_”。(2)句中的must表示十分肯定的推测,意为“_”。(3)句中的might表示推测(把握不大),意为“_”,多用于肯定句和否定句。答案:(1)能够(2)一定;准是(3)可能精讲课时语法一、情态动词can与could的用法1表示能力:can多用于指现在或将来,could多用于指过去。I can play basketball now, but I couldnt when I was young.现在我会打篮球了,但小时候我不会。2表示请求和许可:

3、could语气比can委婉,但回答时只能用can。Can/Could you lend me a hand?你能帮我一下吗?3表示推测,意为“可能”。多用于否定句或疑问句。只是could语气较委婉,含义较不确定。Can he be in the reading room now?No,he cant be in it. Because I saw him in the office just now.他现在可能在阅览室吗?不,他不可能在(阅览室)。因为我刚刚在办公室看见他了。4表示理论上或习惯上的可能性(指一时的可能性),意为“可能会”。Jogging can be harmful to th

4、e health.慢跑可能对身体健康有害。易混辨析can, be able to表示“能力”时的区别can用于指现在,常表示自身具有的能力be able to用于各种时态,表示经过努力后所具有的能力Babies can swim when they were born.婴儿们刚生下来时会游泳。(自身具有的能力)Without his hard work, he was not able_to get good grades.如果没有他的努力工作,他是不可能取得好成绩的。(经过努力)二、情态动词may与might的用法1表示征求对方的许可或允许(不用might)对方做某事。May I come

5、in? Yes, you may/can.我可以进来吗? 是的,你可以进来。(No, you cant. 不行,你不能进来。)You may go now.你现在可以走了。2表示推测(把握不大),意为“可能”,多用于肯定句和否定句。might比may可能性更小。He may come, or he may_not. 他可能来,也可能不来。It may/might rain this afternoon. Youd better take a raincoat with you.今天下午可能会下雨。你最好带上雨衣。3may用于祈使句,表示祝愿。May you succeed!祝你成功!4“may

6、/might as well动词原形”表示“不妨,还不如”。I may/might_as_well start at once.我还不如马上就动身。三、情态动词must的用法1表示命令或强烈的建议,意为“必须”。All the students must obey the school rules.所有学生必须遵守校规。2表示十分肯定的推测,意为“一定;准是”。 Betty must be in the next room. I can hear her talking there.贝蒂肯定在隔壁房间。我能听见她在那儿讲话。3表示说话人的一种态度,意为“偏要;硬要;偏偏”。Why must h

7、e go out in the bad weather?为什么他偏要在这种坏天气出门?4must not表示禁止,意思是“一定不要”“不许”“不准”“不可以”等。You mustnt stop your car in the busy street.你不能把车停在繁忙的路上。5回答must问句时,肯定回答多用must; 否定回答多用neednt或dont have to。Must I finish my homework before eight oclock?Yes, you must.(No, you neednt. 或 you dont_have_to.)我必须要在8点之前完成作业吗?是

8、的,必须。(不,没必要。)请选出下列情态动词在句中的含义1请选出下列句中can/could的含义He cant be in the reading room. Because I saw him in the office just now. ( )I can speak English fluently while he cant.( )Scotland can be very warm in September.( )Could you please clean this room?( )答案:BADC2请选出下列句中may的含义May you be happy!()I think he

9、may come today.()You may keep the book for 2 weeks.()答案:CBA3请选出下列句中must的含义You mustnt fire without my signal.()Why must he play the piano at noon?()She must be tired after such a long walk.()You must practice your spoken English if you want to improve.()答案:DCBAVocabulary1request n请求,要求vt. (正式或礼貌地)要求;

10、请求(P17)归纳拓展(1)at ones request/at the request of sb. 应某人的要求(2)request sth. of/from sb. 向某人请求某物request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事request that sb. (should) do sth. 要求某人做某事(从句用虚拟语气)It is requested that . (should) do sth. 据要求The play was written by a famous writer at_the_request_of a famous director.这部剧本是一位著

11、名作家应一位著名导演的要求写的。They requested a loan from/of the bank.他们要求银行给他们一笔贷款。My parents requested_me_to_learn a second foreign language.My parents requested_that I (should)_learn a second foreign language.我父母要求我再学一门外语。It_is_requested_that all members (should) be present at the party.全体成员都被要求出席这次晚会。名师点津reque

12、st后的宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句及It is requested that . 从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形”。(1)单句语法填空I wrote the report _ the request of my manager.Visitors are requested not _ (touch) the exhibits.It is requested that Miss Yang _ (give) a performance at the party.答案:atto touchgive(2)一句多译他要求我们准时到达。He requested us _ on

13、 time.He requested that _ on time.答案:to arrivewe (should) arrive2attract v. 吸引,引起的兴趣(P18)归纳拓展(1)attract sb. to sb./sth. 引起某人对某人/某物的注意attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意(2)attractive adj. 吸引人的,有吸引力的be attractive to . 对有吸引力的(3)attraction n. 吸引;吸引人的事物;吸引力a tourist attraction 旅游胜地What first attracted_me_to h

14、er was her incredible experience of life.她离奇的人生经历最先吸引了我。I tried to attract_his_attention,_but he was still lost in thought.我试图吸引他的注意力,但是他仍然陷入沉思。China is_attractive_to tourists for its beautiful scenery and historic sites.中国的风景名胜和历史古迹对旅游者很有吸引力。Could you recommend some tourist attractions here?你能推荐一些本

15、地的风景区吗?(1)用attract的适当形式填空The tourist _ is so _ that it _ a great many visitors every year.答案:attraction; attractive; attracts(2)单句写作鲜艳的颜色对孩子们很有吸引力。Bright colours _ the children.她吸引我的是她的优雅及魅力。What _ was her grace and charm. 答案:are attractive toattracted me to her3competition n. 比赛,竞赛(P18)归纳拓展(1)compe

16、te with/against . for . 为争取而与对抗/竞争(2)competitive adj. 具有竞争力的;努力竞争的competitor n. 竞争者;对手Runners from many countries are competing_with/against each other for the first gold medal in Olympic Games.来自许多国家的赛跑运动员正在为获得奥运会的第一枚金牌而彼此竞争。All the competitors are very competitive in the competition.所有的竞争对手在竞争中都很有

17、竞争力。语段填空In this _, all the _ are competing _ each other _ the prize money. All of them are very _.在这次比赛中,所有的竞争者都为了赢得奖金而彼此竞争。他们又很有竞争力。答案:competitioncompetitorswith/againstforcompetitive.选用适当的情态动词填空:can/could, may/might, must1In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you _ take care of you

18、r luggage.答案:must 2I _ finish reading the book tomorrow, but I am not sure about it.答案:may/might3What _ she mean by saying that?答案:can4I heard you bought a new book. _ I have a look?答案:Can/Could/May5Youve been working all day. You _ be very tired.答案:must6You _ take it home if you like it.答案:can7(The

19、 doorbell rings) I wonder who that is. It _ not be Lisa. Shes still in the library at this time.答案:can8_ you make so much noise when I have a rest? 答案:Must9Tom comes from Australia; he _ speak English very well.答案:can10As you are here, you _ as well stay and make the best of it.答案:may/might.请用适当的情态动

20、词完成句子1If you _, at least wait until the storm is over.如果你非要走的话,至少要等暴雨停了再走。答案:must go2We _ in organizing class activities.我们对组织班级活动可能有不同的观点。答案:may have different opinions3_ have a good journey!祝你旅途愉快!答案:May you4You _ tell him right now.你不妨现在就告诉他。答案:may/might as well5_ you a question?我可以问你一个问题吗?答案:May

21、/Can/Could I ask6This injured bird _.这只受伤的鸟不能飞。答案:cant fly7You _ at home.你千万不能把这个小男孩一个人留在家里。答案:mustnt leave the little boy alone8Mike _ the classroom now. I saw him playing basketball on the playground a moment ago.迈克现在不可能在打扫教室。刚刚我看见他正在操场打篮球。答案:cant be cleaning9As we all know, anyone _.我们都知道,任何人都可能犯

22、错。答案:can make mistakes10May I pick flowers in this park?No, _.我可以在公园里摘花吗?不,不行。答案:you cant/mustnt.观察下面的图片,并用适当的情态动词完成下列对话Amy: _1_ I borrow the book?艾米:我可以借这本书吗? Librarian:Of course, you _2_.图书管理员:当然可以。Amy: How long _3_ I keep it?艾米:我可以借多长时间?Librarian:You _4_ keep it for two weeks.图书管理员:你可以借两周。Amy: _5

23、_ I return it on time?艾米:我必须得按时归还吗?Librarian:Yes, you _6_. If not, you _7_ be fired.图书管理员:是的。如果不按时归还的话,你有可能被罚款。1_2._3._4._5_6._7._答案:1.Can/Could/May2.can3.can4.can5.Must6must7.may.单句写作1据要求所有的学生明天上交作业。It is requested that all the students _ tomorrow.答案:hand in their homework2树木必须为阳光而相互竞争。Trees must _

24、 sunshine.答案:compete with each other for3我觉得他不是个诚实的人,是吗?I dont think he is an honest person, _?答案:is he4当她向窗外望去时,一只漂亮的鸟引起了她的注意。A beautiful bird _ when she looked out of the window.答案:attracted her attention5男孩的房间装饰着他喜欢的卡通人物的照片。The boys room _ the pictures of cartoon characters he likes.答案:is decorat

25、ed with课后课时作业阅读理解Luling, a small town in Texas, is home to a watermelon water tower, a watermelon queen and a festival called the Watermelon Thump.The event includes food, music and a parade. But what sets this watermelon festival apart from others is the World Championship Seed Spitting (吐西瓜籽) Cont

26、est.Only about 5,500 people live in Luling. But since 1954, the population has swelled on the last weekend in June. Now, tens of thousands of people come from all around to attend the fourday festival.“The seedspitting crowds get into it,” said Edgar Camacho, who is father to four seedspitting champ

27、ions. “Parents from Luling take it seriously.”The competition is limited to about 50 kids and 50 adults. The kids are divided into four age groups. For the individual (个人的) competition, everyone gets two spits, and judges record the better one. For the team event, judges take the sum of four spits f

28、rom four participants.“Its really fun and exciting,” said Victoria Camacho, 14.“The crowd is all watching you and cheering for you, and your family is there.” About 200 people watch. “Its really a lot of pressure because you dont want to mess up.”Victoria won her age group four years ago with a spit of 36 feet. Two years ago, her brother AJ., 17, broke the youth record in Luling when he spat a seed 58 feet 9 inches. Thats more than half the length of a basketball court. (The adult seedspitting world record, set in 1989, is 68

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