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1、英国文学复习题含答案_I. Multiple Choice: from a, b, c or d, choose the best one to complete the statements below. (150, 50 points) 1.- - is the first important religious poet in English literature.a. John Donne b. George Herbert c. Caedmon d. Milton2.The literature of the Anglo-Saxon period falls naturally in

2、to two divisions, - and Christian.a. Pagan b. Roman c. French d. Danish3.“-” is the oldest poem in the English language, and also the surviving epic in the English language.a. Beowulf b. Sir Gawain and Green Knight c. The Canterbury Tales d. Hamlet 4.Fielding has been regarded by some as the “-” for

3、 his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel.a.Best Writer of English Novel b. Father of English Novelc. Father of English Poetry d. Father of English Essay5.All of the following three writers except - are the most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England.a.Marlowe b. S

4、hakespeare c. Bacon d. Thomas Kyd6.Byronic Hero was created by Lord Byron in one of his following works -.a. Don Juan b. Ode to the West wind c. She Walks in Beauty d. Daffodils 7.Which play is not Shakespeares tragedy? -a.Othello b. The Merchant of Venice b.Romeo and Juliet d. King Lear 8.The liter

5、ary form of The Faerie Queen is -.a. lyric poem b. narrative poem c. epic poem d. elegy9.Which of the following cannot correctly describe the English Enlightenment Movement -?a.It flourished in France. b. It was a furtherance of the Renaissance.b.Its purpose was to enlighten the whole world. d. It e

6、mphasized “reason & order.”10. “Blindness, partiality, prejudice and absurdity” in the novel Pride and Prejudice are most likely to be the characteristics of -.a. Elizabeth b. Darcy c. Mrs. Bennet d. Lydia11.The prevailing form of Medieval English literature is the -.a. French b. Latin c. romance d.

7、 science12.The story of “-” is the culmination of the Arthurian metrical romances.a.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight b. Beowulfb.Piers the Plowman d. The Canterbury Tales13.Chaucer, the father of English poetry and one of the greatest - poets of England, was born in London about 1340, and was the fir

8、st to be buried in the Poets Corner of Westminster Abbey.a. lyrical b. blank verse c. narrative d. ballad14.Which kind of metrical form was adopted by Chaucer in The Canterbury Tales? a. London dialect b. Heroic Couplet c. sonnet d. elegy15.Generally speaking, Chaucers works fall into three main gro

9、ups corresponding roughly to the three periods of his adult life. Which period is wrong? a.The period of French influence (1359-1372)b.The period of Italian influence (1372-1386)c.The period of English influence (1386-1400)d.The period of American influence (1371-1382)16.- was the first to introduce

10、 the sonnet into English literature. a. Thomas Wyatt b. William Shakespeare c. Philip Sidney d. Thomas Campion17.The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of English drama. It was - who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama.a. Edmund Spenser b. Thomas Lodge

11、c. Christopher Marlowe d. Thomas More18.Absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of Queen -.a. Mary b. Elizabeth c. Victoria d. William19.English Renaissance Period was an age of -.a. prose and novel b. poetry and drama c. essays and journals d. ballads and songs20.From the f

12、ollowing, choose the one that is not Francis Bacons work. -a.The Advancement of Learning b. Essaysb.Maxims of the Law d. Othello21.English Renaissance Period was not an age of prose, but Thomas More wrote his famous prose work -.a. Of Studies b. Robinson Crusoe c. Gullivers Travels d. Utopia22.Which

13、 play is not Shakespeares comedy? -a.A Midsummer Nights Dream b. The Merchant of Veniceb.Romeo and Juliet d. As You Like It23. -,considered John Miltons masterpiece, vividly tells the story of Satans rebellion against God and his tempting of Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit of the tree of kno

14、wledge. a. Paradise Regained b. Bible c. The Pilgrims Progress d. ParadiseLost23.- was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.a. The Renaissance b. The Enlightenmentc. The Religious Reformation d. The Chartist Movement24.In the last 20 years of the 18th cen

15、tury, England produces two great pre-romantic poets. They were -.a. Johnson and Blake b. Grey and Youngc. Pope and Goldsmith d. Blake and Burns25.The 18th-century witnessed that in England there appeared two political parties, -, which were satirized by Swift in his Gullivers Travels.a.The Whigs and

16、 the Toriesb.The senate and the House of Representativesc.The upper House and lower Housed.The House of Lords and the House of Commons26.The critical realism in 19th-century England has been considered as the 3rd important literary achievement after the ancient Greek tragedy and the Renaissance dram

17、a. It has some basic characteristics as follows except: -a.Truthful reflection of the society with superb artistic styleb.Violent exposure and criticism with profound humanismc. Harmonious unity between the characters and situationd. The use of simple and common language27.The Romantic Age began wit

18、h the publication of Lyrical Ballads, which was written by -.a. William Wordsworth b. Samuel Johnsonc. Samuel Taylor Coleridge d. Wordsworth and Coleridge28.Which poet did not belong to the Lakers? a. Coleridge b. Wordsworth c. Southey d. Keats29.Choose the ode that is not written by Keats. -a. Ode

19、to the West Wind b. Ode to a Nightingalec. To Autumn d. Ode on a Grecian Urn30.Choose the work that was not written by Jane Austen. -a. Emma b. Sense and Sensibility c. Mansfield Park d. Jane Eyre31.English critical realism found its expression chiefly in the form of -. a. novel b. drama c. poetry d

20、. prose32.Which of the following writers did not belong to English critical realists? a. Charles Dickens b. Charlotte Bronte c. Daniel Defoe d. W. M. Thackeray33.Dickenss David Copperfield is often regarded as the semi-autobiography of the writer in which the early life of the hero is largely based

21、on the authors early life, while his - is set against the backdrop of the French Revolution.a. Oliver Twist b. Great Expectations c. Hard Times d. A Tale of Two Cities34. The sub-title of Vanity Fair is -.a.A Pure Woman Faithfully Portrayed b. The Spirit and the Fleshb.A Novel Without a Hero d. Sens

22、e and Sensibility35.In the novel Jane Eyre, Charlotte has some basic subject matters to express as follows except -.a.pours a great deal of her own experienceb.criticizes the American bourgeois system of educationc.shows that true love is the foundation of marriaged.shows that women should have equa

23、l rights with men36.James Joyce was one of the foremost writers of - novels.a. critical realist b. Gothic c. stream of consciousness d. romantic historical 38. The first English essayist Francis Bacon composed, during his lifetime, numerous prose work, and - is unmistakably among the most eloquent a

24、nd elegant essays produced in English Renaissance. a. Of Studies b. Ode to the West Wind c. The Tiger d. Don Juan37.Among the following 20th-century Irish writers, who is the spokesman for the school of “Art for Arts Sake”? -a. Bernard Shaw b. Oscar Wilde c. James Joyce d. W. B. Yeats38.Wordsworth b

25、elieves that - can inspires poetry, and it is his nurse, guide, guardian and anchor of his thoughts.a. nature b. God c. love d. wealth39.Although writing from different points of view and with different techniques, writers in the Victorian Period shared one thing in common, that is, they were all co

26、ncerned about -.a.the love story of the rich b. the future of their countryb.the fate of common people d. the love-making of the middle class people40.- lays the foundation for modern science with his insistence on scientific way of thinking and fresh observation rather than authority as a basis for

27、 obtaining knowledge.a. Charles Dickens b. Francis Bacon c. Thomas Hardy d. Thomas More41.The following comments on Daniel Defoe are true except -.a.Robinson Crusoe is his first novel.b.He is a member of the upper class.c.Robinson Crusoe is universally considered his masterpiece.d.He embarked on a n

28、ew careerthe writing of novelwhen he was 60.42.The term “metaphysical poetry” is commonly used to name the work of the 17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of -.a. John Donne b. John Keats c. John Milton d. John Bunyan43.The cradle of the Renaissance is -.a. Germany b. England c. Italy

29、 d. France44.The middle of the 18th century was predominated by a newly rising literary form that is the modern English -, which gives a realistic presentation of life of the common English people.a. prose b. novel c. tragicomedy d. drama45.Which of the following writings did Wordsworth not create?

30、-c-a.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud b. The Solitary Reaperb.The Chimney Sweeper d. The Prelude46.Which of the following writings is not the work by Dickens? ca. A Tale of Two Cities b. Hard Times c. Sons and Lovers d. Oliver Twist47.The Victorian Age was largely an age of -, eminently represented by Dickens and Thackeray.a. poetry b. drama c. essay d. novel 50. The 23-year-old Austen composed three novels, and among them, First Impressions was early version of -00-.a. Pride & Prejudice b. Sense & Sensibility c. Emma d. Northanger Abbey. Reading Comprehen

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