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1、定语从句(一)在复合句中,修饰某一名词、代词、数词、短语或整个句子的句子。被修饰的词叫先行词,定语从句放在先行词后,中间要有引导词来引导,引导词要在从句中作成分。定语从句的引导词包括关系代词(who,whom,whose,that,which,as)和关系副词(when,where,why)。,关系代词1who修饰“人”作主语,口语中可作宾语。This is the man who often helps me.(who作主语)(这就是那个经常帮助我的人)The man who you just talked to is a teacher.(who作介词to的宾语)你刚才同他谈话的那个人是个

2、老师。,2whom修饰“人”作宾语。可省略,但在介词后和非限制性定 语从句中不可省略。The doctor(who/whom)you are looking for is in the room.你在找的那位医生在屋子里。3whose是who,which的所有格,作定语,修饰“人”“物”表所 属关系。This is a book whose cover is blue.这是一本封面是蓝色的书。4.that修饰“人”“物”作主语、宾语、表语。I want a man that/who understands English.我需要一个懂英语的人。He is not the man that he

3、 used to be.他已不是以前的他了。This is the picture that I bought yesterday.这就是我昨天买的那幅画。,5.which(1)修饰“物”作主语、宾语。The building which stands near the river is our school.耸立在河旁边的那幢房子是我们的学校。(2)修饰句子中的短语、整个句子,作主语、宾语,常引导一非限 制性定语从句,有时可插在句中。I have to work on Sunday,which I dont like.我星期天得上班,这点我不喜欢。They tried to catch th

4、e bird,which was impossible.他们想抓住那只鸟,而这是不可能的。(3)修饰一短语、句子时,也可作定语,使句子更加明确。He came back late,by which time all the guests had already left.他回来迟了,到那个时候所有的客人都已经走了。I was told to go not by train but by bus,which advice I followed.有人告诉我不要乘火车而乘汽车,我听从了此建议。,6as(1)在限制性定语从句中,若先行词被the same,such,as,so所修饰,从句的引导词用as

5、,作主语、宾语。I dislike such students as are careless.我不喜欢那些粗心的学生。Ill lend you as much money as you need.我会借给你所需要的那么多钱。(2)作为关系代词,as可引导非限制性定语从句,修饰一短 语或整个句子,也可插在句中。As we know,the earth goes round the sun.众所周知,地球绕着太阳转。The number of the visitors,as we had expected,was well over two hundred.来访者的数目远远超过两百人,这是我们预

6、料之中的。,关系副词when(时间);where(地点);why(原因)作状语(1)I still remember the day when I was born.(2)This is the house where I lived two years ago.(3)Can you tell me the reason why you did it?定语从句中的关系副词可由“介词which”来代替,以上(1)句中的whenon which(2)句中的wherein which(3)句中的whyfor which,语法专练,1I have seen the film,_leading acto

7、r is my favourite.Aits Bthat Cwhose Dwhich 解析:定语从句修饰film,引导词在定语从句中作 leading actor的定语,表所属关系。答案:C2The girl_everybody had thought could win a gold medal failed at last.Awho Bwhom Cwhat D/解析:everybody had thought为插入语,定语从句引导 词在句中作could win a gold medal的主语。答案:A,3Do you think the reason_he gave is believab

8、le?Afor which Bwhich Cwhy Dfor that 解析:句意为:你认为他给出的理由可信么?which作 gave的宾语,故用关系代词。答案:B4This is the job_they laughed.Awhich Bthat Cat which Dat that 解析:句意为:这是个他们嘲笑的工作。laugh at表“嘲 笑”,which作at的宾语。答案:C,5.Beihai Park is one of the most beautiful parks_built about 300 years ago in Beijing.Awhich was Bwhich we

9、re Cthat were Dwhere were 解析:定语从句修饰parks,且在定语从句中引导词作主 语,由于先行词有最高级修饰,故只能用that。答案:C6On the table she found a piece of paper_some puzzling secret codes.Awhich was written Bthat was written Con which were written Don that was written 解析:定语从句修饰paper,意为“纸上写着令人迷惑的密 码”。后面是倒装句。答案:C,7I dont like the way_he sp

10、oke to me.Awhat Bby which Cby that D/解析:定语从句修饰way,引导词作状语时可用in which/that/不填。答案:D8He makes good use of the time_he can spare.Athat Bin which Cin that Dwhen 解析:句意为:他充分利用了他能腾出的时间,引导词 that作spare的宾语。答案:A,9It was a meeting_importance I did not realize at the time.Awhich Bat which Cits Dwhose 解析:定语从句修饰meet

11、ing,引导词whose在定语从句中 作importance的定语,表所属关系。答案:D10This is the factory_they visited the other day.Athat Bwhere Cto which Dwhat 解析:句意为:这是一个他们那天参观的工厂。引导词 that在定语从句中作visited的宾语。答案:A,11He is not the same man_he used to be.A/Bwhich Cas Dwhat 解析:定语从句的先行词被the same修饰时,定语从句的 引导词用as,此句中as作be的表语。答案:C12In an open bo

12、at,the four men,_a doctor,met with a storm on the sea.Aone of them was Bone of them were Cone of whom was Done of whom were 解析:中间是一定语从句修饰four men,表示部分与整体 的关系,whom作of的宾语。答案:C,定语从句(二)1whom,which在定语从句中可作介词的宾语,这样的介词一 般放在whom,which之前也可放在原来的位置上。that也可作 介词宾语,但介词不能放在that前,只能放在原位置上;含有 介词的固定词组,介词也只能放在原位置上。Thi

13、s is the nurse to whom Tom spoke just now.This is the nurse whom Tom spoke to just now.这就是那个Tom刚才跟她谈话的护士。The child whom you take care of is ill.你照看的那小孩病了。,2定语从句中用that不用which情况(1)先行词是序数词或被序数词、形容词最高级以及the very,the only修饰。This is the first film that I have seen at this cinema.这是我在这个剧院看的第一部电影。(2)先行词为不定代

14、词all,one,none,anything,everything,nothing,little,much,few等或被much,little,just,few,no,any,every等所修饰。He has little time that he can spare.他一点时间也抽不出。Is there anything that I can do for you?有什么需要我帮忙的吗?(3)当定语从句的先行词包括人或物时。Look at the girl and her dog that are crossing the bridge.看看正在过桥的那个女孩和她的狗。,(4)前面已有疑问词

15、who,which时,为避免重复。Which is the book that you lost?你丢失的书是哪本书?Who is the lady that is playing the piano?那个弹钢琴的女士是谁?(5)当先行词是疑问代词what时。What did Tom hear that made him very sad?Tom听到什么话使他那么悲伤?(6)当指人、物的关系代词作表语时。He is not the man that he used to be.他已不是以前的他了。(7)在There be句型中。Theres still a seat in the corner

16、 that is still free.角落处仍有一个空着的座位。,3.as与which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰一短语或整个句 子时的区别。(1)as引导的定语从句可置于句首、句中、句末,但which 只能置于句中,句末。I helped him with his homework,as/which was my duty.我帮他做作业,这是我的职责。As was my duty,I helped him with his homework.(2)as常用于某些短语中。如:as is said above,as is known,as is reported/announced,as it

17、is或出现在 appear,expect,think,suppose,mention等表猜测,想象,预测的动词中。He was late again,as was expected.他又迟到,这是预料之中的事。,(3)which引导的定语从句和主句往往有因果关系或which从句是对主句的评论。The street hasnt been cleaned for weeks,which makes it very dirty.街道已几个星期没清扫了,显得非常脏。The young man cheated his friend of much money,which was disgraceful.

18、那个青年骗了他朋友许多钱,这是丢脸的事。(4)which修饰一短语、句子时可作定语,但as不可。Chaplin went to the States in 1910,by which time he had learnt to dance and act in comedies.卓别林于1910年到了美国,到那时他已学会在喜剧中跳舞、表演了。(5)定语从句还可由“名词/代词of which/whom”来引导,表部分与整体或所属关系。China has hundreds of islands,the largest of which(of which the largest)is Taiwan.

19、中国有成千上万的岛屿,其中最大的是台湾。The house the window of which faces south is our room.窗户朝南开的房子是我们的房间。,语法专练,1We have two spare rooms upstairs,_has been much used in the past two years.Aneither of which Bneither of that Cnone of which Dnone of that 解析:两者的全否不能用none,that不能直接放在介词 后作宾语,故选A。答案:A2_was natural,he marrie

20、d Mary.AWhich BIt CThis DAs 解析:句意为:他娶了玛丽,这很自然。as引导定语从 句,修饰后面的句子,作主语,表“这一点”。答案:D,3He has two ChineseEnglish dictionary,_were bought last week.Atwo of which Bboth of which Cboth of them Dall of whom 解析:C不是定语从句,D修饰人。A表示“其中两个”,故选B,表“这两本汉英字典都是上周买的。”答案:B4His glasses,_he was like a blind man,fell to the gr

21、ound and broke.Awhich Bwith which Cwithout which Dthat 解析:句意为:他的眼镜掉到地上破了,没有眼镜他就 像是个瞎子。答案:C,5This is the second school_I used to work at,many students of_still have a good relationship with me.Awhere;that Bthat;which Cwhich;which Dthat;whom 解析:第一空引导词作work at的宾语,前有序数词修饰 故用that,后面又是一定语从句修饰school。答案:B6L

22、et me think of a proper situation_this idiom can be used.AWhere Bthat Cwhich Dfor which 解析:定语从句的引导词在后面的从句中作状语修饰 situation。situation为一抽象地点。答案:A,7.I have never dined with you,sir;and I see no reason_.Ahow can I know Bhow I ought to know Cwhy shall I know Dwhy I would know 解析:定语从句修饰reason,引导词在定语从句中作状语。

23、答案:D8Do you have anything to say for yourselves?Yes,theres one point_we must insist on.Awhy Bwhere Chow D/解析:定语从句修饰point,引导词在定语从句中作介词on 的宾语,可省。答案:D,9On the whole,the time_the students devote to the games in the Internet cafes without doubt has a great effect on the study in the school.Ain which Bon

24、which Cwhen Dthat 解析:句意为:总的来说,学生们花在电脑游戏上的时间 毫无疑问对学习有很大影响。定语从句修饰time,引导词 作devote的宾语,devote time to表“花时间在”。答案:D10To his disappointment,the opinion he had stuck _ out wrong.Ato turn Bto turning Cto turned Dto be turned 解析:句意为:使他失望的是,他一直坚持的观点结果是 错的。he had stuck to为定语从句修饰opinion;引导词作 to的宾语。答案:C,11The far

25、mer used wood to build a house_to store grain.Awith Bin which Cwhich Din here 解析:句意为:农民用木头建一个储存粮食的屋子。in whichwhere。答案:B12It was in the stone house_was built as a school by local villagers_the boy finished his primary school.Awhich;that Bthat;where Cwhich;which Dthat;which 解析:第一空为定语从句的引导词,作主语,定语从句修饰

26、house,第二空为强调句型中的that。答案:A,名词性从句就是一个从句作用相当于一名词,是在复合句中有着名词功能的从句,根据其在复合句中所充当的句子成分可划分为主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句以及同位语从句。名词性从句的引导词有连接代词,连接副词以及连词,包括:who,whom,whose,that,which,when,why,where,what,if,whether,how,as if等。要特别注意that,which,what在定语从句和名词性从句中的区别。,that在定语从句中作主语,宾语,表语;在名词性从句中不作成分,没有意义,只起引导作用。which在定语从句中常作主语,宾语;而

27、在名词从句中常作定语,表“哪一个”。what定语从句中无what引导词,名词性从句中作主语,宾语,表语,表示“所说的话”“所要的东西”“所做的事”以及保持原有疑问词“什么”之意。,主语从句1What we need is more time.我们需要的是更多的时间。2Who will go is not important.谁去都不重要。3Whether shell come or not has not been decided yet.她来不来还没有定。注意:(1)从句作主语,谓语动词用单数。(2)主语从句中表“是否”用whether,不用if。(3)从句作主语,为避免“头重脚轻”,可用i

28、t作形式主语,而将从句放在后面。例:It is a pity that she has made such a mistake.她犯了这样一个错误,真是遗憾。,表语从句China is no longer what it used to be.中国不再是以前的中国了。The question is whether it is worth doing.问题是是否这事值得做。The reason why he was late was that he was ill.他迟到的原因是他病了。注意:(1)表语从句中表“是否”,用whether不用if。(2)“reason”(原因)作主语,表语从句只能

29、用that不用because引导。,宾语从句1Do you know whose pen it is?你可知道这是谁的笔?2Our country is now quite different from what it used to be.我们的国家已完全不同于过去的样子了。3What do you think will happen?你认为会发生什么?注意:(1)动词think,believe,suppose,imagine后接 疑问词引导的宾语从句时,疑问词要提至主句之首,把do you think/suppose/imagine.看成插入语。What do you think she

30、will do?你认为她会怎么做?,(2)that除了在besides,except,but等介词后可引导宾语从句外,其它介词后不接that引导的从句,如果要接,必须用it作形式宾语。I know little about him except that he is from Beijing.我对他一无所知只知道他是北京人。You may depend on it that they will support you.你要靠他们的支持。(3)动词doubt(怀疑)后接宾语从句,主句为肯定句时用whether/if引导;主句为否定句或疑问句时用that引导。I doubt whether he

31、will come.他来不来我很怀疑。Do you doubt that he will come?你对他要来表示怀疑吗?,同位语从句它一般跟在某些名词如idea,news,fact,promise,hope,question,truth,doubt等后,用以说明名词所表示的具体内容。The news that our team has won the match is true.我们队赢了比赛胜利的消息是真的。I have no idea when he will come.我不知道他什么时候来。注意:要与定语从句区别开,定语从句是对被修饰词的一种修饰而同位语从句是对其前面名词的一种说明。I

32、ll keep the promise(that)I make two years ago.我会信守我两年前许下的诺言。(定语从句)Her father made a promise that if she passed the exam,he would buy her a new bike.她父亲许诺要是她考试过关,他会给她买辆新自行车。,语法专练,1Do you know_he is getting along well with his work?Athat Bhow Cwhat Dwhich 解析:句意为:你可知道他目前的工作情况很好吗?that引导宾语从句,不作成分。答案:A2_w

33、ins gets a prize.AWho BWhom CWhich DWhoever 解析:句意为:获胜者会有奖。Whoever wins为主语从 句。whoeveranyone who。答案:D,3We have received the information_Grant may have left the country.Awhen Bthat Cwhich Dwhat 解析:that引导一同位语从句,表明information的内容,在名词性从句中不作成分。答案:B4_the manager said suggested that he hadnt decided_to have a talk with them or not.AWhat;if BWhether;what CWhat;whether DThat;whether 解析:句意为:经理所说的话表明了他还没决定是否同他

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