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1、六级听力原文Section 111. M:Good news,Im not going to have surgery after all. The doctor says I can start working out again soon and maybe play football like before in a few weeks.W:Thats terrific. It would be great if you could get back in shape in time for the world cup.Q:What do we learn from the conver

2、sation?12. M:I really need to make some extra money. You know Ive practically spent my entire budget for this semester.W:Why not check out the new cafeteria at Market Street?I think there are still a few openingssuitable for seniors like you.Q:What does the woman suggest the man do?13. M:I hear John

3、 left his cat in your care while hes on vacation abroad. How were you getting along with it?W:Well,it never comes when I call it. It spills its food and sheds all over the place. I cant wait till John gets back.Q:How does the woman find the cat?14. W:Hello,Professor White,I got my grade in the mail

4、this morning,but I think there might be a mistake in my mark.M:Yeah,Ive got several calls just like yours. There must be a problem with the computing system. It should be straightened out in a couple of hours.Q:What does the man mean?15. M:Professor Johnson,last night when I was putting the finishin

5、g touches on my paper,a computer failure completely wiped out my files,do you think I can have another day to retype it?W:Im sorry,Rod. Im leaving for a conference tomorrow and Ill be away two weeks. I suppose you can send me an E-copy.Q:Why does the man say he cant submit his assignment on time?16.

6、 W:I just called the travel agency,its all set. On 1st June,we are heading for the mountains and will be camping there for a whole week.M:Have you checked the academic calendar?My classes arent over until the 8th.Q:What does the man imply?17. W:I thought there was still time for me to apply for a st

7、udent loan,but someone just told me that the closing date was last Tuesday.M:Are you sure?I thought we still had another month. Wait,Ive got a brochure right here. Last Tuesday was the opening date.Q:What does the man imply?18. W:Look at the all the pollutants going into the air from those factories

8、. Do you think theyll ever get that under control?M:Now with the new laws in effect and social awareness increasing,we are sure to turn things around.Q:What does the man mean?Conversation OneW:Tell me,Peter,what makes Harrods so famous?M:Well,its the biggest department store in the UK. And its food

9、hall and Egyptian hall are very famous. People come to Harrods just to see them.W:What is special about the Food Hall?M:It sells many different kinds of food. For example,it has 250 kinds of cheese from all over the world and more than 180 kinds of bread. Customers also love all the different kinds

10、of chocolate. They buy 100 tons every year.W:Thats amazing!And why is the Egyptian Hall so famous?M:Well,when people see it,they feel they are in another world. It looks like Egyptian building from 4,000 years ago and it sells beautiful objects. They are not 4,000 years old,of course.W:Is it true th

11、at Harrods produces its own electricity?M:Yes,it does. 70%. Enough for a small town. To light the outside of the building,we use 11,500 light bulbs.W:Really?Tell me,how many customers do you have on an average day?And how much do they spend?M:About 30,000 people come on an average day,but during the

12、 sales the number increases to 300,000 customers a day. How much do they spend?Well,on average,customers spend about 1.5 million pounds a day. The record for one day is 9 million pounds.W:9 million pounds in one day?M:Yes!On the first day of the January sales.W:Harrods says it sells everything to ev

13、erybody everywhere. Is that really true?M:Oh yes,of course!Absolutely everything.Q19. What is the Food Hall of Harrods noted for?Q20. What does the Egyptian hall seem like to the customers?Q21. What make customers find surprising about Harrods?Q22. About how many customers come to Harrods on an aver

14、age day?Conversation TwoW:Hi Kevin!M:Hi Laura,long time no see!What have you been up to lately?W:Not much,I can assure you,and you?M:Much the same except I do have some big news.W:Come on this suspense is killing me.M:No,really,what have you been doing these past few weeks?The last time I saw you,yo

15、u were looking for a new job.W:Well,thats not exactly true. I was thinking about changing jobs. Luckily,they offered me a new position in the accounting department.M:A step up in the big business world.W:?exaggerate,but I am pleased. I had been hoping to get a promotion for a while. So when it final

16、ly came through,I was relieved. Actually,thats why I was looking for a new job. I just didnt want to work there anymore if they werent going to recognize my efforts.M:Right,sometimes you can do your best and it seems like the others dont know you exist. I hope the moneys better.W:I got an reasonable

17、 raise,now enough about me,Im dying to hear your news.M:I getting married.W:No,you said youd never get married.M:That was then and this is now. Youve got to meet Andrea ,shes great!W:This is all news to me. I didnt even know you were dating.M:We werent,weve just been dating for two weeks now.W:And y

18、ou getting married?M:I know,I cant help it. I just know shes the one.W:Well,congratulations!Thats fantastic!M:Thanks,Im glad to hear you feel that way.Q23. What was the woman doing when the man last saw her?Q24 Why does the woman say she was relived?Q25 Why is the woman surprised at the mans news?Pa

19、ssage 1Water scooters are water vehicles that look very much like motorcycles. Nowadays,speedy,colorful water scooters are gaining in popularity. They can travel anywhere a small boat can and particularly popular with young people. The rising popularity of the craft has raised the question of water

20、scooter regulation. In this case,the argument for strict regulation is compelling. Water scooters are a particularly deadly form of water recreation. For example,two women were vacationing in Longboat Key while they were floating on the rubber boat along the shore,a water scooter crashed into them a

21、nd kill them. Also water scooter operators have been killed or seriously injured in collisions with other water craft. Others have been stranded at the sea when their scooters either failed or sank far from shore. Many water scooter operators are inexperienced and ignorant of navigational rules,whic

22、h increases the potential for accidents. The increasing popularity of the scooter has aggravated the problem,providing more water vehicles to compete for the same space. Crowded water waves are simply an open invitation to disaster.In addition to the inherent operational hazards of water scooters,th

23、ey are proving to be an environmental nuisance. Beach residents complain of the noise of the scooters. The Pacific Whale Foundation on the west coast expressed concern that the scooters are frightening away an endangered species of whale that migrates to Hawaii for breeding. Regulations such as mini

24、mum operating age,restricted operating areas and compulsory classes in water safety are essential. Without such regulations,tragedies involving water scooters are sure to multiply,which makes many beaches unsafe for recreation.26. What does the speaker say about water scooters?27. What was mentioned

25、 as one of the causes of water accident?28. In what way are water scooters said to be an environmental nuisance?29. What does the speaker propose to ensure the safety of beaches for recreation?Passage 2It seems to me that neighbors are going out of style in America. The friend next door from whom yo

26、u borrowed for eggs or a ladder has moved and people in there now are strangers. Some of the traditional stories of neighborliness are impractical or silly and maybe just as well that our relations with our neighbors are changing. The saying in the Bible Love thy neighbor was probably a poor transla

27、tion,of what must have originally been,respect thy neighbor. Love can be called up on order. Fewer than half of the people in U.S. live in the same house they lived in five years ago. So there is no reason to love the people who live next door to you,just because they happen to wander into a real es

28、tate office that listed the place next door to yours. The only thing neighbors have in common,to begin with,is proximity and unless something more develops that isnt reason enough to be best friends. It sometimes happens naturally,but the chances are very small that your neighbors will be your choic

29、e friends or that you will be theirs either. The best relationship with neighbors is one of friendly distance. You say hello,use small talk if you see them in the yard,you discuss problems as they arise and you help each other in an emergency. The drive way or the fence between you is not really a c

30、old shoulder but a clear boundary. We all like clearly-defined boundaries for ourselves.30. What does the speak say about the relations among neighbors nowadays?31. Why does the speak say it may be difficult for people to love their neighbors?32. What should neighbors do in the speakers opinion?Pass

31、age 3Articles in magazines and newspapers and special reports on radio and television reflect the concern of many Americans about the increasing drop-out rate in our junior and senior high schools. Coupled with this fact is the warning that soon we will no longer have a work force to fill the many j

32、obs that require properly educated personnel. The high student drop-out rate is not a recent development. Ten years ago,many urban schools were reporting drop-out rates between 35 and 50 percent. Some administrators maintain that drop-outs remain the single greatest problem in their schools. Consequently,much effort has been

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