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1、新概念英语第三册笔记第34课docLesson34 A happy discovery 幸运的发现New words and expression 生词和短语antique n. 古董,古玩fascination n. 魅力,迷惑力= the power of fascinating 常与for/over/on连用Fascinate v.迷住,吸引住(深深吸引) (to attract or interest sb very much)Fascination n.1、C 魔力, 魅力,极大的吸引力 2、U入迷、着迷 for/ with sth/sbsth hold a fascination

2、for sb: attract or fascinate sb =sb have/has a fascination for sth Fascinating(adj.令人着迷的,迷人的,极有吸引力的) - Sweetmusicisfascinating.Fascinated(adj.感到着迷的)be fascinated by sth (被什么迷住了) be fascinated to do sthBefascinatedwith 迷上了- Heisfascinatedwithmusic. - Heisfascinatedwithchess. / AreyoufascinatedwithEng

3、lish?Becrazyabout 着迷于 - Heiscrazyaboutmusic.Bemadabout 着迷于 - Heismadaboutmusic.Like, Love, Befondof 喜欢 - Theboyisfondoffootball.have fascination for sb 固定句势结构-Cats have unfailing fascination for most people.-Chinese Art has great fascination for me. fascinate: attract or interest very strongly 使着迷,常

4、用被动形式-Cats never fail to fascinate human being.-English never fail to fascinate students.fascinated by / with sth-He is fascinated with chess.-The students were fascinated by his idea.Charm 比fascinate 语气要弱-The beautiful picture charms me.-I am charmed by the beautiful picture.Captivate 迷惑,使着迷 (往往用被动

5、语态)-His idea captivated me.Enchant 使迷醉,用魔法迷惑,使心醉,使喜悦be enchanted by / be enchanted with -She was enchanted by the flower you sent her.Fascinate / charm / captivate / enchant 后接加ing 变成形容词Fascinating / charming / captivating / enchanting-She is a charming girl. -Cats are fascinating animals. -The flow

6、ers are enchanting.Winning 吸引人的,主要指物品-The beautiful dresses is winning.Forbidding adj. 望而生畏的,望而却步的=having a unfriendly or danger look.-He has got a forbidding appearance. a forbidding look令人畏惧的眼神 a forbidding task困难的任务Forbid 不允许Forbid sb to do sth -The father forbad his children to touch the clavich

7、ord.Forbid doing sth -Smoking is forbidden here. The Forbidden City 紫禁城 Forbidden fruit 禁果 Forbidden zone 禁区Frobiddance 名词 prohibition 名词ban 语气最强,指权威机关明文取消或禁止严重危害公众利益的事或行为,隐含道义上的谴责意味。ban: to say that sth must not be done 明令禁止,绝对不能做某事eg. Smoking is banned in the building. Ban doing sth 一般用被动eg. His d

8、riving license was suspended and he was banned from driving for 3 mons. Ban sb from doing sth 常被动forbid 通俗用语,指直接地、面对面吩咐不许他人采取某种行动。政府或私人下令以禁止 -Swimming is forbidden hereprohibit 正式用词,多指通过法律手段或制订规则加以禁止。官方明令禁止 -The law prohibits young people under 18 from going to bar. prohibit sb from doing sth=keep s

9、b from doing=prevent sb from doing sthInterdict: ntdkt n&v 1、法律或教会所不允许(法庭)禁令;(天主教)禁罚) 2、阻断; 封锁 美国英语 正式(使用武力等) 作为封锁时,bar也可以,用木条封锁隐身出的,阅读中可能出现。declare a ban on 宣布禁止eg. Declare a global ban on nuclear tests. 宣布全球范围内禁止核试验。boycott bkt 联合抵制购买 (to refuse to buy sth; use sth or take part in sth as a way of

10、protesting)eg. Animal lovers boycott all products tested on animals. 联合抵制购买任何以动物做实验的产品。embargo n&vt 禁止与某国有贸易往来,禁运,封港(to stop trade with another country by an official order)eg: an arms embargo The fruit was embargoed.Muster v. 鼓起 本意是 vt&vi&n 召集,聚集,集合 由聚集起来,引申出,鼓起勇气之类的Collect / summon (summon的本意一般是人,

11、幽王烽火戏诸侯,欧洲国王召集领主,亚瑟王召集圆桌骑士,同collect一样,引申出努力拥有 (某特质); 鼓起 (勇气、力气)的意思)Muster up / Collect up / summon up = gather / pluck up / keep up 鼓起,振奋muster up courage 鼓起勇气 muster up support 请求支持muster up energy 鼓足精力 muster up spirit 打起精神-He mustered up his courage and walked up to the girl.Pluck plk 1、采摘书面 2、拔;

12、 扯 书面 3、弹; 拨 (乐器) 4、拔除 (禽类的羽毛) 5、(用镊子) 拔 (眉毛)Pretentious prtens adj. 自命不凡的,做作的,矫饰的(虚伪的) -We wont like to visit the pretentious shop.记忆方法(pretend- pretentious) pretentious language 浮华的语言 pretentious speech 华而不实的演讲ostentations ,stentes adj.(贬)夸耀和爱卖弄的(招摇的;卖弄的;惹人注目的) 八级,文学用词a pompous, ostentations profe

13、ssor 一个自大而又夸耀学识的教授put on airs 摆架子strike a pose 装腔作势 put up a big front 摆阔Labyrinth lb()rn n. 迷宫Labyrinthine ,lbrnan adj. 迷宫的;复杂的Maze 迷宫 (小孩玩的玩具,或者灌木做的迷宫)a maze of streets 错综复杂的马路 a maze of paths 错综复杂的乡间小路be in a maze 困惑,迷茫 (in a wondering state of mind, not knowing what is going on)eg. I am in a maz

14、e about in a dilemma 进退两难 (a different choice to be made between two things)eg. I am in a dilemma about the job offer. to be the meat in the sandwich 左右为难eg. The hen-pecked husband is in the sandwich. 这位惧内的丈夫左右为难。Musty mst a.陈腐的,落伍的;发霉的,有霉味的 在发霉的意义上=mouldyMould mld n. 模具,铸模;(人的)个性,类型;霉,霉菌;

15、耕作土壤,腐殖土v. (用模具)浇铸,塑造;对施加影响;将塑造成;紧贴于,吻合(轮廓);使长霉词根: mouldadj. mouldy 发霉的;旧式的;腐朽的n. moulding 模制;浇铸moulder 制模工,铸工vi. moulder 腐朽;衰退vt. moulder 使腐朽;使衰退musty rooms musty book musty bread musty fooddecayed dked adj. 变腐烂了,变质了(腐烂的;腐败的;衰退的,衰败的,(核)衰退)decline dklan n. 下降;衰退;斜面 vi. 下降;衰落;谢绝 vt. 谢绝;婉拒stale :stel

16、陈的 (not fresh) 食物,空气,地方,活动,主义等不新鲜,缺乏新鲜感等stale bread 陈的面包 a stale job 乏味的工作stereotyped adj. 老一套的,过了时的routine adj. 平淡乏味的Rarity rert n. 稀世珍宝 (另外还有1、罕见;珍贵 2、稀薄 的意思)Rare re adj. 稀有的;稀薄的;半熟的(或三分熟) adj. 杰出的;极度的;非常好的 adv. 非常;极其adv. rarely 很少地;难得;罕有地vi. rarify 变稀薄;纯化vt. rarify 使成精细;使变稀薄Assorted std adj. 各式各样

17、的(一组事物中有各式各样的,或是组合的) 五仁月饼,什锦=various types mixed together 另外还可以作为vt. assort 把分级;把归为一类assorted / different / variousdifferent : 强调此事物与彼事物完全不同 -The word glare is different from that word slare.Various : 各种各样的 all kinds of 强调种类不同-We have got various books.In every part / all parts / various parts of th

18、e world 在世界各地Assorted : various types mixed together -Assorted chocolates 什锦巧克力 -He bought a bag of assorted fruit.Diverse davs; davs 不同的,强调性质不同 -We have got diverse opinion.词根: diverseadj. diversified 多样化的;各种的adv. diversely 不同地;各色各样地n. diversity 多样性;差异diversification 多样化;变化vt. diversify 使多样化,使变化;增加

19、产品种类以扩大junk n. 破烂货,废品 garbage/rubbish classification 垃圾分类 中国的废品回收市场 万亿以上junk food (rich in fat)a junk dealer 收破烂的rubbish / garbage / trash / junk waste 普通用词,概念广泛,指任何被丢弃的东西。rubbish 普通用词,指任何成堆的、破损的、用过的或无用的东西,尤指弃掉的垃圾堆。也可作引申用。litter 是四下乱丢物品的总称,尤指散落于地,有碍观瞻的废物。garbage 主要指有机废料,包括厨房的剩菜剩饭或不能再用的食物。也可作引申用。Junk

20、 指毫无实用价值,或破烂物体,但不一定指垃圾。Refuse 垃圾; 废料(不要的,不需要的)动词读作rfjuz。名词读作rfjuslitter v. 杂乱地布满(随意扔,散落) 引申出 littered 散放的,散落的(肯定也是随意扔后形成)n 垃圾 (随意扔掉的,丢弃物)dedicated a. 专心致志的 be dedicated to 同devote一样,to都是介词,后面接宾语devoted adj. 忠诚忠贞的dedicate vt. 致力;献身;题献 dedicate oneself/sth to dedication n 奉献;献身dedicate 正式用词,指献身于某一崇高事业

21、或目的,也可指把著作题献给他人。(崇高,或者专注认真的层面)devote 普通用词,指决心把全部身心、精力、时间等献给某一目标,某一个人或致力于某一事业。(客观描述)之前学的delicacy delksi n.1、美味, 佳肴 (2、娇嫩,优美,精致,优雅)- He considered chicken to be a great delicacy. local delicacy 风味小吃delicate adj.1、美味的, 可口的, 清淡的(2、精美的,纤细的,微妙的) delicate skin娇嫩的皮肤bargain hunter 到处找便宜货买的人job hunter 找工作的人he

22、ad hunter 猎头,猎头公司 (用更高的薪水更好的待遇挖别的公司的人才)mine hunter 扫雷艇dealer v. 商人(经销商,有店面)(专门从事某一种商品经营的商贩) car dealership汽车经销商 发牌员,毒贩businessman / trader / merchant / tradesman dealer 侧重于零售,dealer 指商人时多与表商店的字连用。相当于tradesman tradesman 指零卖商人,开小店的商人。peddler pedl 小贩 a drug peddler 毒贩子一小时故事 In the street below a peddle

23、r was crying his wares.businessman 指有经验、善于经营、从事各种买卖活动的买卖人、实业家或工商业家。merchant 指从事批发生意的大商人,尤指从事国际贸易的大商人,但在美国或苏格兰等地,也指一般商人。Trader a person whose job is to trade in goods or stocks. 商人; 证券交易人 商业 (生意人,买卖人)retailer n. 零售商(作为商业流程之一) retail n&v&a&ad 零售hawker hk 街头小贩; 上门推销员 表不满;饲鹰者Broker a person whose job is

24、 to buy and sell securities, foreign money, real estate, or goods for other people. 经纪人; 掮客 商业 vt 斡旋 注意对象比较固定 If a country or government brokers an agreement, a ceasefire, or a round of talks, they try to negotiate or arrange it.cherish v. ter 期望,渴望(心中怀有(感情等);心中抱有(希望等) 本意是 珍视,珍爱,珍惜=entertain or keep

25、 hope , love etc. in mind deeplycherish the wish cherish the hope cherish the dream 一般后面紧跟同位语从句-she cherishes the hope that her son will return.cherish the ideas抱有这样的一个念头 cherish the memories珍视记忆cherish the illusion 抱有幻想-Dont cherish the illusion that your father will always pay your debts.Amply mpl

26、 adv. 足够地Ample 充足而有余的Enough 数量,程度足够-The bread is just enough for one meal. -He is old enough to go to the party.Sufficient 只放在名词前Enough 可放在名词前或后-We have sufficient food to last one week.-We have enough food / food enough to last one week.Sufficiently 只放在被修饰词前Old enough / sufficiently oldAdequate dkw

27、t 足够的 数量和质量上的满足(足够的,有刚刚好的感觉)(有一种需求的前提)-The performance is adequate.-Dont be worried .They have gotten ample time.Abundant 富足的,充足的 Masterpiece n. 杰作 (代表作,典范)mere m adj. 仅仅的,只不过(数量、程度小,或概念的上限)merelyprise praz v. 撬开(撬) 撬开或者从表面撬走 美式拼写是 prizeprize sth off 把撬掉prize sth up/ prize sth apart 把撬开prize the box

28、 open 把盒子撬开prize sth out 设法套出话来carve v. 镌刻carve 阳刻 1、vt&vi 雕刻 (指用木头、石头等雕刻出某个物件或图案。) 2、把(熟肉)切成块 3、 sth (out) (for yourself)艰苦创业;奋斗取得(事业career、名声reputaion等) make a name oneselfengrave 阴刻 1、 A (with B) | B on A在上雕刻(字或图案) 2、(使)铭记; 深印于(心上);ngrev 习语:be engraved on/in your heart, memory, mind, etc.Inscribe

29、 题写,题赠,题刻;铭记,刻dagger dg n. 短剑,匕首sword sd 刀,剑blade bled 刀片,刀锋,刃;叶片(螺旋桨等)miniature mnt adj. 小巧的,小型的(本意是微型的) n, 缩影(短语形式 sth in mininaure)miniature camera 小型照相机 miniature garden 微型花园 miniature painting 微型画mini-小 minibus miniskirttiny 强调与同类或其他物体比较,小得超出正常比例,有时带强烈的感情色彩。little 指在体积、数量、距离、年龄、身材等方面比正常的小,多带主观感

30、情色彩,含小而可爱或小巧的意味。small 多指数量、面积、体积、价值、数字或意义等的小或少,指略小于正常的大小。miniature 指由正常体积微缩的物体。composition n. 构图 (成分; 构成; 组合方式;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品;作曲;创作)element 指“元素”类的“成分”, 指一整套系统、计划、作品等中最基本或最重要的成分或特征。component 组成部分;成分;部件 指一个整体的组成部分,多用于机器、机械系统等。composition 尤用于指物体内在固有的不可分割的成分,如氢于水ingredient 指混合物的成分,尤指烹饪原料。compose v. 构成,构思,组成be composed of consist ofeg. Water is composed of hydrogen and pose a letter compose a poem compose a speech compose a song composition 作曲;构思;文章 (a piece of music or art or a poem)Text 课文Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a grea

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