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1、初一英语下学期 初一英语下学期 七年级下册英语期末试卷一、选择题(每题 2.5 分,共 50 分)1. -Our class won the school basketball match. -_ exciting news! A. What B. How a C. What an D. How 答案:A 解析: 本题考查感叹句。 news 是不可数名词, 因此我们用 A。 如用 D 选项, 正确表达为 How exciting the new is! 2. Could you tell me _? A. what he happened B. did he happen anything C

2、. what happened to him D. what did happened to him 答案:C 解析:本题考查 happen 一词的用法。 happen 是不及物动词,其基本结构是 sth happened to sb. 因此本题用 C。 3. Shirley _ not speak before she was three. A. may B. might C. can D. could答案:D 解析:本题考查情态动词的用法。 Can 表示现在具有的能力,could 表示过去的能力,根据从句中的过去 时,主句中也应该含有过去。 因此选用 D。 4. Does this boo

3、k belong to _? A. me B. mine C. I D. my 答案: A 解析:本题考查 belong to sb.的用法。 这里的 sb.应用宾格,因此本题选 A。 如用 B,正确表达为 Is this book mine? 5. -Do you hear someone _ on the door, Peter? -Yes, it _ be Kitty. I invited her to come this morning. A. knocking; cant B. knocked; can C. knocking; must D. knock; may 答案:C 解析:

4、本题考查 hear sb. doing sth.的结构,意思是听见某人正在干某事。 It must be Kitty.指那肯定是 Kitty。 6.Mr. Green asks Amy _ more English, but she is fond of _ to pop songs. A. reading; listening B. to read; listeningC. to read; to listen D. reading; to listen 答案:B 解析:本题考查 ask sb. to do sth.及 be fond of doing sth.的结构,故本题选 B。 7.

5、Its Saturday today. Theres no teacher at school. So I A. mustnt 答案:C B. dont need C. dont have to go to school. D. should解析:本题考查情态动词的用法。 mustnt 指不可以,如用 B 选项,正确表达为dont need to go to school. 用 D 选项,与原句意思不符,故本题选 C。 8. It is not easy to swim across a _ river. A. 20-metres-wide C. 20-metre-widely B. 20 m

6、etres wide D. 20-metre-wide答案:D 解析:a 20-metre-wide river 指一条 20 米宽的河流。 如用 B 选项,正确表达为 The river is 20 metres wide. 9. Its really _ that a tortoise can _ 150 years old. A. amazed; live up C. amazing; live to B. amazed; live up to D. amazing ; live up to答案:D 解析: 本题考查 amazed/ amazing 的区别。 Amazed 是指某人觉得很

7、惊讶, amazing 是指令人惊讶。 live up to150 years old 指活到 150 岁。 故本题选 D。 10. The song sounds_. Lets listen to it_. A. beautifully;quietly B. beautiful;quietly C. beautiful;quiet D. beautifully;quiet 答案:B 解析:本题考查形容词和副词的区别。 Sound 是系动词,因此用形容词 beautiful。 后半句中 listen 是动词, 因此用副词 quietly。 故本题选 B。 11. We stopped , bu

8、t heard nothing from the room. A. to listening to B. to listen to C .listening D .to listen 答案:D 解析:本题考查 stop doing /to do 的区别。 Stop listening 指停止听,stop to listen 指停下来去听。 根据本句 句意,应该指我们停下来去听,但是没有听见房间里任何声音。 12. Please be matches to keep yourself safe. A. carefully with B. care of C. careful with D. ca

9、reless of 答案:C 解析:本题考查 be careful with sth 这一短语。 Please be careful with matches 指请小心火柴。 13. 一 I failed in my Chinese test last week. 一_! A. What a pity B. Excuse me C. Take care D. Youre wrong 答案:A 解析:本题考查日常用语。 根据上半句句意当你得知对方没有通过语文测试时,你的回答应该是“真遗憾 啊! ” 。 14. We found A. one B. it impossible to get the

10、re before 8 oclock C. this D. that答案:B 解析: 本题考查 sb. found it +形容词+动词不定式用法。 这里的 it 是形式宾语, 真正的宾语是 to get there before 8 oclock。 故本题选 B。 15. Everyone thinks he is a very _ student. A. work hard B. hard work C. hard-working D. working hard 答案:C 解析:本题考查 hard-working 一词的用法。 hard-working 是形容词,表示勤奋的。 work h

11、ard 指努力工作, 例:She works hard。 hard work 指困难的工作,例:What hard work it is!working hard 是动词的 ing 形式, 例:We are working hard now. 16. His sister didnt know the time because she _ her watch at home. A. leave B. left C. forgot D. forget 答案:B 解析:本题考查 leave sth. some place 短语,指把某物遗忘在某处。 根据句意应该用过去时。 17. Its impo

12、rtant _ give the goldfish _ food. A. not to; much too B. not to; too much C. to not; much too D. to not; too much 答案:B 解析:本题考查 Its important (not) to do sth.及 too much/much too 用法。 根据句意,应该是不要给金鱼喂太 多的食物。 Too much food 指太多的食物,much too+形容词,例:The pen is much too dear. 18. I would like my classmates _a p

13、resent for our foreign teacher A. make B. to make C. made D. making 答案:B 解析:本题考查 would like sb. to do sth 的用法。 故本题选 B。 19. Would you please tell me_the nearest hospital? A. how can I get to B. which way to C. how to get to D. where is 答案:C 解析:would you please tell me how to get to the nearest hospit

14、al? = would you please tell me how I can get to the nearest hospital? = would you please tell me which is the way to the nearest hospital? = would you please tell me where the nearest hospital is? 20. I hope _ next time. A. her to pass the exams B. she pass the exams C. she can pass the exams D. she

15、 would pass the exams 答案: C 解析:本题考查 hope 一词的用法。 Hope 常用的结构是 hope to do sth.或 sb. hope(s) that +从句。 我们不 能用 hope sb. to do sth.的结构。 故本题选 C .二、完形填空(每题 2.5 分,共 25 分)A good memory is a great help in 21 a language. Everybody 22 his own language (语言) by remembering what he hears when he is a small child. S

16、ome boys and girls who live in foreign countries 23 their parents seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one. In school it is not easy to learn a second language because the pupils have so 24 time for it,and they are busy 25 other subjects,too. A man s mind is rather 26 a camera(照相机).It tak

17、es photos not only of what we see,but of what we feel,hear,smell and taste. 27 we take a real photo with a camera,we have 28 work to do before thephoto is finished and ready to 29 to our friends. In the same 30 there is much to do before we can take a picture for ever in our mind. 21. A. learn B. le

18、arning C. to learn D. to learning 22. A. study B. learns C. watches D. learn from 23. A. in B. on C. together D. with 24.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 25. A. on B. with C. in D. at 26. A. same B. as C. like D. unlike 27. A. Where B. Who C. Why D. When 28. A. much B. many C. a lot D. few 29.

19、A. show B. on show C. gave it D. lend 30. A. idea B. way C. time D. street 21.答案:B 解析:in 是介词,后面应用动名词形式。 22.答案:B 解析:learn sth. 意为“学习?” ,learn sth. from sb.意为“向某人学习?” 。 主语是 Everybody, 谓语动词形式应该是 learns。 23.答案:D 解析: with sb.表示“与某人在一起” 。 本句主语是和父母生活在一起的人。 24.答案:A 解析:根据 not easy 可知道学生在学校学习外语时间有限。 Time 是不可数

20、名词,因此不能用(a) few, so little time 指如此少的时间,a little 指一些时间,因此本题选 A。 25.答案:B 解析: 本题考点是 be busy with-,指忙于干某事。 26.答案:C 解析:be like 的意思是“像?一样” ,like 作介词。 27.答案:D 解析: 这是一个时间状语从句。 句意是“当我们用真的照相机拍照时,在照片印出来并给朋友们 看之前有很多事要做。 ” 28. 答案:A 解析: 根据第 27 题,我们知道这里指有很多事要做。 Work 是不可数名词,因此本题选 A。 29.答案: A 解析: show sth. to sb.,意

21、为“给某人看” 。 30. 答案:B 解析:in the same way,意为“用同样的方法” 。 三、阅读理解(每题 2.5 分,共 25 分)(A ) Ellen Parker was worried about her health. She could not walk very quickly and it was difficult for her to climb stars. She was soon out of breath (气喘吁吁). “I suppose I had better go to the doctor,” she thought. She went t

22、o the doctor and told him her problem. “Im not surprised at all,” he said. “Its obvious(明显的) what your problem is.” He looked her over then gave her some advice.“If you dont do what I say, Mrs. Parker,” he said, “you will have a heart attack(心脏病). It could kill you.” Ellen Parker was very worried as

23、 she left the doctors. She knew that she had to take his advice but that it would not be easy and it would take time. The next day she went shopping. The first shop she went into was a butchers shop (肉铺). “Id like ten pounds of steak (牛排), please,” she said. “Certainly, madam,” the butcher replied a

24、nd went into the cold room and found a large piece of steak. He brought the huge piece of meat back into the shop and put it on the scale (天平). “Thats just under ten pounds,” he said. “Thats big enough,” Mrs. Parker said. The butcher worked out the price. “At $4.99 a pound that will be $49.50, pleas

25、e. Would you like me to cut it up into smaller pieces for you?” “Oh, I dont want to buy the meat,” Mrs. Parker said. “If you dont want to buy it,” the butcher replied angrily, “why did you ask me to get it for you?” “My doctor told me that I am over-weight and I have to lose ten pounds. I wanted to

26、see what ten pounds of meat looked like.” 31. Why did Ellen Parker visit the doctor? A. She had a heart attack. B. She had a problem with her health. C. She was unhappy about her weight. D. She could not sleep well. 32. What did the doctor advise(建议)her to do? A. To lose weight. B. To eat more meat.

27、 C. To come and see him again. D. To look after her heart. 33. Why did Ellen Parker ask for ten pounds of steak? A. She wanted to buy some for dinner. B. She wanted to lose weight. C. Her doctor had told her to eat steak. D. She wanted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like. 34. What was Ellen P

28、arkers real problem? A. She ate too much steak. B. She weighed too much. C. The doctor did not know. D. She could not walk very quickly. 35. What did the doctor think might happen to Ellen? A. She might put on more weight. B. She might stop eating too much. C. She might have a heart attack D. She mi

29、ght go to another doctor. 31. 答案:B。 解析:根据文章首段的“Ellen Parker was worried about her health. She could not walk very quickly and it was difficult for her to climb stairs. She was soon out of breath.”不难看出 Ellen Parker“爬楼困难、气喘吁 吁”。 由此,我们得出“Ellen Parker 的健康有问题”这一结论。 32. 答案: A。 解析: 这是一道推理题,需要把上下文所涉及到的信息连贯起

30、来综合考虑。 Ellen Parker 去看医生时, 医生给她提了一些建议。 医生的建议是什么样的呢?文章并没有指明,而是让我们自己去体会。 只是 在短文的最后一段中有这样一句话“My doctor told me that I am overweight and have to lose ten pounds. I wanted to see what ten pounds of flesh looked like.”从 Ellen Parker 说的这几句话中,我们才知道她体重 超常,医生建议让她减肥,故答案为 A。 33. 答案:D。 解析:答案来自短文最后一段的“I wanted to

31、 see what ten pounds of flesh looked like.”一句中。 Ellen Parker 到肉店去并非是为了买肉,而是要看看 10 磅肉究竟有多大一块。 34. 答案:B。 解析:这是一道推理题。 文章第一段提到 Ellen Parker 的身体很虚弱,最后点明医生让她减肥 10 磅。 据此,我们可以推断出她所有的健康问题皆由身体肥胖所致。 35. 答案:C。 解析: 这是一道细节理解题。 医生给 Ellen Parker 提出建议后, 紧接着警告说: “If you dont do what I say, you will have a heart attac

32、k. It could kill you.”。 所以,假如 Ellen Parker 不听医生的劝告,就有患心脏病 的危险。 (B ) Different weather makes people feel different. It influences (影响) health, intelligence (智力) and feelings. In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month

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