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1、黑龙江省哈师大附中届高三第四次模拟考试英语试题2017年高三第四次联合模拟考试答案听力 1-5 CBABC 6-10 ABCAB 11-15ACACB 16-20 CBACB阅读 21-24 ACDB 25-27 BCB 28-31 DBDC 32-35AACC完型 41- 45. BADCD46- 50 BACDA51-55 BCDBC56- 60 ADBCA 36-40 FGDAE语填 61. As 62. of 63. moments 64. lost 65. to hold 66. merrily 67. natural 68. the 69. which/that 70. being

2、改错1.have-had 2.but-and 3.couldnot 4.policeman前的the 改成a 5.angry-angrily 6.surprising-surprised 7.his-ours 8.on-at 9.think 后的that 去掉 10.speak 改成say 写作Dear Editor,I am Li Hua, a student from Xin Hua Middle School, and in my spare time I often visit yourwebsite, from which I know that you are collecting

3、 topics for discussion. Interested in it, Idlike to recommend my topic, which is “We Should Be Thankful”.As you know, we middle school students, the new generation, who were born in the early 1990s, have been growing up with so much love from others. Some of us always take it for granted that our pa

4、rents, grandparents and teachers should take care of us. Needless to say, we seldom think of others feelings. Therefore, I hope by discussing this topic, we can learn to thank those who always give us their selfless love. Wish your activity a success. Yours, Li Hua1. W: Can I help you? M: Yes. I boo

5、ked a room for two nightsWednesday night and Thursday night. But Id like to stay for one more night, please.2. M: Oh no. I forgot to bring my umbrella downstairs. W: Here is mine. My hat will keep my hair dry.3. M: Have you read the review about the play were going to see? W: Yeah. Everyone speaks h

6、ighly of it, even the reviewers from the newspaper Sunday Times. M: I cant wait. W: Me too.4. M: I heard that Larrys going to be leaving the company next month. W: Really? Why? Where is he going? M: His wife got a job in Colorado. The whole family will be moving.5. W: Is it true that everyone has to

7、 pass a swimming test in order to graduate? M: Dont worry. You only have to do one lap. W: I cant believe they still make everyone do this!6. M: Ill fax a copy of the agreement to you right away. W: Our fax machines been broken lately. Would it be possible to send it as an e-mail attachment? Ill pri

8、nt it out, sign it, and then mail it back. M: That would work, except that we need it by noon tomorrow. Will it get here in time if you send it by mail? W: It will if I send it overnight delivery. They promise a noon arrival.7. W: Good morning. Can I help you? M: Good morning. Could you tell me the

9、times of trains to New York, please? W: Yes. There are trains at 8:59, 9:18, 10:32 and 11:55. M: What time does the 8:59 get to New York? W: At 9:36. And the 9:18 gets to New York at 9:55, the 10:32 at 11:09. M: What about coming back? Id like to come back at about 7 p.m. W: Theres one at 19:10 and

10、the next is at 19:40. M: Emm, how much is it? W: One-way or round trip? M: Round trip, please. W: If you get on before 4 p.m. or after 7 p.m., there is a saver round trip which is $16. M: An ordinary round trip.8. M: Look. Lanas at the Swan Club! You havent seen her show yet, have you? W: No, but Id

11、 love to go She is a blues singer, isnt she? M: Actually, shes the most popular rock star. Shes been in the headlines a lot recently. W: Really? I guess Im a little out of touch. M: She was on that talent show. W: Oh, I know who she is! She won the show this year, didnt she? M: Yeah, she did. Last y

12、ear she was a student, and now shes making headlines as a rock singer. Its amazing, isnt it? W: Huh. She must have had connections. M: I dont think so. She got discovered in a club by one of the shows producers. She was just in the right place at the right time. W: I wonder what happened to the guy

13、who won last year. Hes kind of dropped out of sight. M: Emm His career has really gone downhill. Hey, why dont we buy a ticket to see Lanas show? W: Wed better go and see if there are still tickets left first. M: OK, lets go.9. M: Sophie, youre a native English speaker and youve been working as a tr

14、anslator for some time now. How did your work begin? W: Well, I did business studies. In fact, Ive never considered working with languages at all until a friend of mine noticed that I often read books and magazines in Spanish or Italian. It was my favourite hobby and I was out of work at the time, s

15、o she said, “Why not do some translating?” So I did, and I found it fun, at least in subjects I knew something about. M: Such as? W: Im now doing a lot of legal textsthe details of legal cases can be interesting. Id also like to do some medical translations, but Ill need to get some good specialized

16、 dictionaries first. M: And what kind of language gives you the most problems? The kind of expressions used in technology or science? W: Actually I dont have much trouble with those. And although at first I found some informal expressions hard to translate, I know most of the common ones by now. Wha

17、ts still quite difficult, though, is when someone mentions a person or an event, perhaps in their countrys history, that has a particular importance to them but may mean nothing to people who speak another language. M: Yes, I can imagine. So, do you normally deal with private companies or with state

18、 institutions like local government? W: Well, I once did a job for an insurance company, and also I did some work for the United Nations, but nearly always its a case of an agency asking if Id be willing to do a particular text by a certain date for an agreed fee.10. M: Hello, you have reached the r

19、ecorded information service for the Pantheon Arts and Leisure Centre. Here are the details of the centres programs for the week beginning 15th September. On Tuesday in the main hall we will have “The World in Miniature”a fascinating exhibition of hundreds of models of cars, trains, ships and airplan

20、es. In addition to the usual prices for students and visitors over 60, a special 20% reduction is available on the price of tickets for families. On Wednesday at 7:45 p.m., in our new theatre, we have a production of the hit musical Double Trouble. This is a performance for one night only to raise m

21、oney for local organizations. Please note that Double Trouble replaces the advertised event, Sebastian Walkers new play Mind Games, which has to be postponed until next April. On Thursday and Friday the main hall will be the place for a conference entitled “Computers in Education and Training”. This

22、 event is not open to the public. Saturday evenings concert is in the main hall. There will be a rock band from Canada, Storm Warning. Doors open at 8:00 p.m. and the band will be on stage at 8:30 p.m. Tickets for this concert are now sold out, but good news for the many disappointed fans who couldnt get tickets: Storm Warning will be back again in February next year.

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