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外研社 Book 1 Unit 4 Friends forever 含单词用法课文讲解及音频视频.docx

1、外研社 Book 1 Unit 4 Friends forever 含单词用法课文讲解及音频视频Book 1 Unit 4 Friends forever. New words and Expressions 1. forever adv. 永远,长久地I think that we will live together forever. 我想我们会永远生活在一起。Although theyre expensive, they last forever and never go out of style. 尽管价格昂贵,但它们经久耐用,永不过时。2. familiar adj. 熟悉的be f

2、amiliar with 对熟悉, 人做主语时用with,一般是指某人熟悉某人、某物。I am not familiar with this computer. 我不熟悉这台计算机。be familiar to为所熟悉 物做主时用to, 是某物、某事为某人所熟悉。Your name is familiar to me. 你的名字我是熟悉的。Her handwriting is familiar to me.他的书写对我来说很熟悉。3. adventure n. 历险,奇遇,冒险经历Boys love adventure.男孩爱冒险。He wrote a book about his adven

3、tures in the jungle.他写了一本有关在丛林中各种冒险的书。I told them about my adventures in the mountains.我向他们讲述了我在山里的奇遇。4. prefer v. 更喜欢 因其本身含有比较之意,而不可再与more 或most连用。 1). 后接不定式时与rather than连用I prefer to go at once.我愿意马上就走。He preferred to die rather than surrender. 他宁死不屈。 I prefer to watch TV rather than go out.我宁愿呆在家

4、里也不出去。2). 注意介词搭配He comes from Shanghai, so he prefers rice. 他是上海人,因此更喜欢吃米饭。I prefer tea to milk.我宁愿喝茶也不喝牛奶。I prefer going by bike.我宁愿骑单车去。I prefer watching TV to going out. 我宁愿看电视也不出去。I prefer swimming to skating. = I like swimming better than skating.我喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。3). prefer sb. to do “愿意某人做” I prefer

5、you to go at once. 我倒希望你马上就走。 5. lose track of失去的线索,忘记,跟不上的进展; 不再掌握的最新情况; 不了解的情况John lost track of the money he spent约翰忘了他花了多少钱。I was so bored that I lost track of what he was saying我烦透了,忘了他讲了些什么。Mary lost track of her friends at camp after summer was over.夏天过后,玛丽就和她一起宿营的朋友失去了联系。I lost track of ever

6、ybody after high school. = I lost touch with everybody after high school.自从高中毕业之后,我基本上失去了和所有人的联系。6. deliver v. 递送,传递,发表(演讲);The mailman delivers letters and parcels every morning.邮差每天早晨递送信件和包裹。The postman delivers letters.邮递员投递信件。Our professor will deliver a lecture on Shakespeare tomorrow.我们的教授将于明天

7、讲演莎士比亚的作品。deliverer n. 投递者;快递员;派送员7. thanks to幸亏; 由于;因为, 归因于;Thank to your help, we finished the work in time.由于你的帮助,我们及时完成了工作。Thanks to the disease, I have the opportunity to improve my character. 由于疾病,我才有机会磨炼自己的意志。thanks for.表示“因而感谢”,其中的thanks为复数名词,介词for指原因,后接名词、代词或动词的ing形式Thanks for your help.谢谢你

8、的帮助。Thanks for inviting me.谢谢你的邀请。8. advance n. 前进,行进; 进步; 进展, 预付金Advance in the jungle was very slow.在丛林中行军很慢。There has been an all-round advance in our school.我们的学校得到全面发展。He made a great advance in his studies.他的学习进步很大。I was given an advance of a months pay.他们预付给我一个月工资。v. 前进;预付;增长;推进From that time

9、 on, science advanced more quickly.从那时起,科学发展更快了。If prices continue to advance, poor people will find it hard to live.如果物价继续上涨,穷人的日子就更不好过了。Prices have advanced 15 per cent during the past year.去年一年内物价上涨了百分之十五。They advanced the price of gasoline twice in one week.在一个星期内他们两次提高汽油价格。9. significantly adv.

10、 重大地,显著地,有重大意义地; 意味深长地;American English is significantly different from British English.美国英语与英国英语有很大差异。She paused significantly before she answered. 她在回答之前意味深长地停顿了一下。Our health is significantly within our control. 我们的健康在很大程度上处于自己的掌握之中。10. social media 社交媒体11. maintain v. 保持,维持The Department maintain

11、s many close contacts with the chemical industry这个部门与化工行业保持着众多密切的联系。Food is necessary to maintain life.食物是维持生命所必需的。The two countries have maintained friendly relations for many years.两国多年来一直保持着友好的关系。12. wi-fi n. 无线网络,无线上网Do you know the pass word of the Wi-Fi?Do you know how to crack the pass word o

12、f Wi-Fi?13. click v. 点击(鼠标)Just click the mouse and youll get the instructions you need. 点击鼠标,你就会得到你所需要的指令。When you click your mouse on a link, you will access the web site for Guanxian No. 1 Middle School. 当你用的你鼠标点击这些链接后,就可以访问到冠县一中的网站了。14. digital adj. 数字的,数码的digital cameras 数码相机 digital watch 数码手表

13、 digital products 数码产品 15. enable v. 使能够,使可能,是发生Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed. 听音乐能使我们放松。Hobbies may enable you to make many friends.业余爱好能够使你结识很多朋友.16. unusual adj. 异常的,不平常的The boys unusual behavior puzzled the doctor.这男孩的异常行为使医生困惑不解。It is unusual to see snow in this region. 这个地区难得见到

14、雪。usual adj.通常的;惯常的;惯例的17. site n. 网站,地点;位置;现场The site for the new factory has not been decided yet.新厂的地址尚未选定。Whats your offices web site? 你办公室的网址是什么?18. tend v. 趋向,易于做某事,往往会发生某事,照料;照管I tend to go to bed earlier during the winter.我在冬天常睡得比较早。He tends to speak too quickly.他往往说话太快。People tend to get fa

15、t when they grow older.人们年纪大时往往会发胖。She tended her husband carefully during his illness.她丈夫生病期间,她无微不至地照顾他。The doctors and nurses in this hospital tend the sick patiently.这个医院的医生和护士耐心地护理病人。19. update v. 更新;升级The data should be updated once a week.这些数据应该每星期更新一次。They decided to update the computer syste

16、ms.他们决定更新计算机系统。I would advise you to update the software. 我建议你把这个软件升级。n. 更新, 最新的情况, 最新情报,最新的信息Maps need regular updates.地图需要经常更新。20. saying n. 格言,谚语,警句As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm.谚语说,早起的鸟有食吃。As the old saying goes, where theres a will, theres a way. 古话说,有志者事竟成。As the old sayi

17、ng goes, many hands make light work. 众人拾柴火焰高, 人多好办事, 人多力量大21. criminal n. 罪犯The criminal was sentenced to prison for theft. 那个犯人因偷窃被判入狱。adj. 犯罪的;刑事的;违法的I have no criminal record in my whole life.我一生无犯罪纪录。22. bathwater n. 浴水,洗澡水Throw the baby out with the bathwater. 不分精华糟粕全盘否定Dont throw the baby out

18、with the bathwater.23. throw the baby out with the bathwater不分精华糟粕全盘否定24. acquire v. 获得,得到We hope to acquire the knowledge in the happiness. 我们希望在快乐中获得知识。I managed to acquire two tickets for the concert. 我设法弄到了两张音乐会的票。25. goods n. 商品,货物;动产Can the goods be refunded at your counter? 你们柜台的商品可以退吗?Our go

19、ods are second to none in the world market. 在国际市场上,我们的商品不亚于任何人。26. prove v. 证明,证实There isnt enough evidence to prove him guilty. 没有充分的证据证明他有罪。He has proved his courage in the battle. 他已在这场战斗中证明了自己的勇气。Mary proved a qualified teacher. 玛丽被证实是个称职的教师。27. illustrate v. 举例说明,阐明,作插图;图解He pointed at the diag

20、ram to illustrate his point. 他指着图表来说明他的论点。Our textbook is very well illustrated. 我们的课本插图丰富。If you illustrate the book, it will be more popular. 如果你给这本书配上插图,它就更受欢迎了。28. diagram n. 图表,示意图,几何图形,曲线图,She gave me a diagram of railway network. 她给了我一张铁路网图。He drew a diagram to show us how to get to his house

21、. 他画了一张简图告诉我们到他家怎么走。29. inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的,启发灵感的Martial music is always inspiring. 军乐总是令人振奋的。I will read inspiring stories to encourage me to go on. 我要读激励人心的故事来鼓舞我不断前行。30. teenager n. 青少年,十几岁的孩子 (13到19岁之间的孩子)31. pour v. 灌注,倒Blood was pouring from the wound. 血从伤口中流出。Its pouring outside. 外面下着倾盆大雨。It

22、 was pouring all night. 整夜下着倾盆大雨。We were about to leave when rain poured down.32. pot n. 锅,罐;壶,便壶Will you help me to wash up all these pots and pans? 帮我洗洗这些锅碗瓢盆好吗?She stayed up all night writing the paper with a pot of coffee at her elbow.她熬了一整夜写论文,身边放着一壶咖啡。He filled the pot with earth and planted a

23、 rose in it. 他在花盆里填上土,栽了株玫瑰。33. gram n. 克,绿豆There are five hundred grams of sugar in the box. 盒子里有500克糖。34. pack n. 小盒,小包,包,包裹,背包The traveler took out a bottle of water from the pack on his back.那位旅行者从他的背包中拿出了一瓶水。He paid $4 for a pack of cigarettes. 他花了4美元买了包烟。35. comfort n. 安慰,慰籍He spoke a few word

24、s of comfort to me before leaving. 走之前,他向我说了几句安慰的话。My husband was a great comfort to me when my son was ill. 我儿子生病时,丈夫给了我极大的安慰。vt. 安慰;使舒适I tried to comfort him after he was defeated by his opponent. 他被对手击败后,我尽力安慰他。He did his best to comfort the old man. 他尽力地去安慰老人。36. patience n. 耐心Her endless patien

25、ce made her the best nurse in the hospital.无限的耐心使她成为这个医院最好的护士。We havent the patience to hear such an empty talk. 我们可没耐心去听这种空谈。patient adj. 有耐心的,有耐性的Youll have to be patient with my mother. 你对我母亲得有耐心。Enid was a good teacher. She was very patient with her pupils. 伊妮德是位好教师,她对学生很有耐心。He is patient of col

26、d and hunger. 他能忍饥挨冻。37. passion n. 强烈的情感,激情I have a passion for music/American literature. 我酷爱音乐/美国文学。38. generosity n. 慷慨,大方His generosity to the poor is well known. 他对穷人的慷慨为人所熟知。Thank you for your generosity.38. slice n. 片,薄片Please give me a slice of bread. 请给我一片面包。Please cut bread into thin slic

27、es. 请把面包切成薄片。39. humour n. 幽默感,幽默Her humour adds salt to (使更有趣) her conversation. 她很幽默,谈起话来妙趣横生。He has a good sense of humour. 他很有幽默感。humourous adj. 幽默的;诙谐的They are always humourous. 他们总是非常幽默。40. quality n. 素质,品德, 品质;He examined the quality of the furniture carefully.他仔细检查家具的品质。Its cheap, but on the

28、 other hand the quality is poor.它是便宜,但另一方面质量差。Poor quality goods wont sell easily.质量差的货不容易卖出。She has many good qualities despite her apparent rudeness.她粗鲁是粗鲁,但还有许多优秀品质。41. anxious adj. 焦虑的,不安的Shes anxious because her daughter hasnt arrived yet.她女儿还没有到,她很担心。Do not be anxious if I am late.我要是来晚了,别担心。T

29、he mother is anxious about her sons safety.母亲十分担心儿子的安全。Im very anxious about the speech contest.我对此次演讲比赛十分忧虑。anxiety n. 焦虑;担心;The mother is filled with anxiety about her daughters health. 母亲为女儿的健康忧心忡忡。We felt great anxiety about Toms sickness. 我们对汤姆的病情感到非常担忧。42. distance vt. 与.保持距离, 与疏远, 把.甩在后面I fee

30、l Im distanced by him in every respect. 我感到自己在各方面都赶不上他了。That stupid quarrel has distanced us. 那一场无谓的争吵使我们的关系疏远了.43. postpone v. 使.延期,推迟The weather being bad, we had to postpone our trip.因为天气不好,我们不得不延期出行。Can we postpone the meeting till tomorrow? 我们可以把会议延到明天吗?They postponed leaving because of the wea

31、ther. 他们因天气原因而延期离开。44. ordinary adj. 普通的,平常的That is only an ordinary incident.这只不过是日常小事。His speech was just ordinary.他的讲话很平常。He has brains above the ordinary people.他头脑比普通人灵活。45. scar n. 伤疤The cut in her hand has healed completely, without leaving a scar.她手上的刀伤完全愈合了,没有留下一点伤痕。The wound healed without leaving a scar.伤好了,没有留下伤疤。The tragedy left a scar on her mind.这个悲剧给她造成精神上的创伤。46. dine v. 进餐Dont talk about business while dining.吃饭时不要讨论业务。She told me she would have to dine with Helen that night. 她告诉我那夜她必须与海伦一起进餐。47. chum n. 好朋友

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