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Unit5Whataretheshirtsmadeof 2.docx

1、Unit5Whataretheshirtsmadeof 2Unit 5 What are the shirts made of ?第一课时 Section A(la-2d) 【导学目标掌控】 知识目标 A重点单词: material,chopstick,coin,fork,blouse,silver,glass,cotton,steel,grass,leaf, produce,widely,process B.重点词组: 1 .be made of 2. environmental protection 3. be famous for 4. be known for 5. as far as

2、 I know 6. all over the world 7. both . and. 8. be good for C.重点句式: 1 .The ring looks nice. Is it made of silver? Yes,and it was made in Thailand. 2. Where is tea produced in China? 3. Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. 4. When the leaves are ready,they are picked by hand and then are s

3、ent for processing. 5. It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea. 能力目标 通过了解产品的制作过程,学习被动语态的语法。 情感目标 了解中华传统文化如茶文化等知识,培养爱国主义情操。 【自学效果测控】 预习教材,回答下列问题: 1 .Where is tea produced in China? 2. What is tea good for? 【环节设计】 Step 1 Revision -and Leading-in 对话导入:教师播放事先制作好的动画(或者幻灯片,课件) 。 Ste

4、p 2 SB Page 33 完成教材上 la-lc 的任务 1. la.教师呈现图片教学单词 chopstick, coin, fork,blouse, silver, glass 等,在学生熟悉 了这些单词的基础上,让学生思考问题:这些物品是由什么材料制成的?(板书:What are these things made of?)逐一出示“筷子” , “窗户” , “硬币” , “邮票” , “餐叉” , “女 衬衫6 张图片,让学生逐一说出它们分别是由什么材料制成的。教师一边组织教学,一 边把学生提出的答案板书下来。 环节说明:教师利用图片或创设情境引入本课所学词汇,让学生初步感知,猜测意

5、 思。再进行操练。 2. 1b. Listening.教师拿出教学挂图,引导学生结合所学词汇预测听力内容;播放 1b1学生合上书本,让学生认真听,获取大意,检测之前对于听力内容的预测是否准确。若 有偏差,是哪些地方与听力内容不一致;再次播放录音,让学生不看原文,完成 1b 练习;核对 lb 答案,然后第三次播放录音,让学生在听的过程中思考做出正确或者错误的 判断的原因。 3. 1c.对话训练:分成小组,运用 lb 里的信息,操练对话,注意交换角色。 Step 3 SB Page 34 完成教材上 2a-2d 的任务 1. 2a-2c.教师先呈现 2a 中飞机模型的图片,让学生两人小组讨论图片内

6、容,预测听 力内容;播放录音第一遍,学生听完之后勾出对话的主题是谈论什么。完成 2a.教师核 对答案;再播放录音,学生听音完成 2b 中的练习,先叫学生口头说出答案,核对答案 后再书写在课本上; 学生听音跟读, 两人一组练习对话; 教师请学生表演对话, 完成 2c。 2. 2d.教师先引导学生根据图片熟悉对话内容, 讲解其中的语法要点, 适当讲解茶文 化方面的知识。然后学生角色扮演进行对话练习,教师再抽选若干小组展示对话表演。 【课堂检测】 一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1.-What are the shirts made of?一 They are made of c_ . 2.Th

7、e ring is made of s_. 3 .The windows are made of g_. 4. Tea is p_ in China. 5 .In autumn,many _ turn yellow and fall down. 二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1 .Tea is good for both _(healthy) and business. 2. Tea is often packed and _(send)to many different countries. 3. China is _(wide) known for China and silk. 4

8、. These things are used for environmental _(protect). 5. I need the chopsticks _(make)of steel. 三、单项选择。 ( )1 .The T-shirt is made_ cotton. A. in B. into C. of D. from ( )2. Paper is made_ wood and bamboo. A. in B. into C. from D. of ( )3. Li Na is_ her success in tennis. A. famous as B. know for C.

9、known as D. known for ( )4. Tea plants_ grown_ the sides of mountains. A. is;in B. are;in C. are;on D. is;on ( )5. When the leaves are ready,they_ hand and are sent _ processing. A. are pick with;of B. pick with;for C. are picked by;for D. are picked by;of 4、按要求改写句子。 1. They play basketball in their

10、 school.(改为被动句) Basketball _ _ in their school by them. 2. We grow tea on the sides of mountains.(改为被动句) Tea _ _on the sides of mountains. 3. Is English spoken by many people(改为主动句) _ many people_ English? 4. The T-shirt is made of cotton.(对画线部分提问) _is the T-shirt_ _?25. The camera is made in Jinan.

11、(对画线部分提问) _ _the camera _? 【导学反思】第二课时 Section A(3a-4c) 【导学目标】 知识目标 A.重点单词: France,local,avoid,product,handbag,mobile,Germany,surface,postman, cap,glove. B.重点词组: 1. no matter 2. avoid doing sth. 3 .everyday things 4. traffic accidents 5. no longer 6. in the future C.重点句式: 1 .No matter what you may bu

12、y,you might probaby think those products were made in those countries. 2 .He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China. 3 .He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China. 4. Most of the earths surface is covered by water. 能力目标 谈论产品的产地

13、,制作材料等话题,学习和掌握被动语态的用法。 情感目标 学习文化知识,陶冶爱国主义情操。 【自学效果测控】 预习教材,回答下列问题: 1 .Where did Kang Jian go to visit his aunt and uncle? 2. What did he realize after his shopping experiences? 【环节设计】 Step 1 Revision and Leading-in 对话导人: 教师出示一些事先准备好的物品, 跟学生之间进行对话, 从而导入新课。 T:Look,whats this? S:It is a shirt. T:What i

14、s it made of? S:It is made of cotton/ silk? T:Where is it made? S:I guess it is made in Guangzhou,China. 环节说明:该步珠通过创设情境,学生表演,复习了上一节中所学的重点知识。教师在此基础上,进行发问,导入到本课的学习内容: T:If you go to another country,what kinds of things would you buy?What things are these countries known for?Lets come to 3a. Step 2 SB

15、Page 35 完成教材上 3a-3c 的任务 1. 3a.学生通读短文,思考下列问题:a. What two things did Kang jian want to buy in America? b. Where were they made? 2.老师讲解短文,要求学生在理解课文的基础上找到问题的答案。 3. 3b.要求学生细读短文,独立完成 3b。教师可以先叫几个学生回答问题,然后集体核对答案。4. 3c.要求学生再读短文,完成 3c. 环节说明:将听,说,读,写的任务结合起来不仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能 力,而且巩固了学生对目标语言的学习,识记和运用。 Step 3 SB Pag

16、e 36 完成教材上 Grammar Focus 4c 的任务 1. Grammar Focus:归纳 Section A 所学的语法内容: (1)主动语态和被动语态。(2)一般现在时态的被动语态的构成。要求学生把教材中出 现的语法现象找出来并画线,加深理解和运用。 2. 4a-4c.语法专项训练: 教师要求学生独立完成 4a 和 4b 的练习,小组合作完成 4c 的任务。在完成 4b 的 过程中,要求学生不光是能口头表达,更注重写的训练,并及时纠正运用中出现的错误. 教师要指导学生关注句子结构,自主归纳语法规则, 从而学以致用。 环节说明:语法规则的教学应该让学生通过自主观察,思考讨论,归纳

17、总结,然 后内化,而不是教师一味地灌输讲解。这样学生才能掌握得更牢,才能体现学生的主体 地位。 【课堂检测】 1、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. I want to go to F_ to learn French. 2. May I use your m_ phone to make a telephone? 3. Two thirds of the s_ of the earth is covered with water(被水覆盖). 4. You don t need to buy things from big cities, you can buy them in our l

18、_ shops. 5. Everyone is not perfect,so everyone can hardly a_ making mistakes. 2、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Children under 18 _(not allow) to drive a car. 2. Tea plants _(grow) in Anhui. 3. The _(postman) bring letters to peoples home. 4. The car _(produce)in German. 5. American flags _(not make) in China.

19、3、单项选择。 ( )1 .I want to buy a pair of basketball shoes_ in America. A. make B. to make C. making D. made ( ) 2. (2014湘潭中考模拟)_most of the toys were American brands,they were all made in China. A. But B. If C. As long as D. Although ( )3. He is only seven,_,he knows a lot. A. even though B. but C. how

20、ever D. though ( )4._ you eat,you mustnt waste your food. A. What B. How C. No matter what D. Which ( )5._ China good at_ these everyday things? A. Is;make B. Is;making C. Does;make D. Does;making 4、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.一这个飞机模型是什么制成的?一是由钢制成的。 -What is the model plane _ of? -Its _ _ _. 2.无论他说什么,都不要信他。 _ _ _

21、 he says,dont trust him. 3.为了避免迟到,你必须早点起床。To _ _late,you must _ _early. 4.在德国说什么语言? _ language _ _in _? 5.这个商店用最好的料子做套装。 The shop _ the best _ to _ dresses. 【导学反思】第三课时 Section B(la-2a) 【导学目标掌控】 知识目标 A.重点单词: international,competitor,paint B.重点词组: 1 .find out 2. on vacation 3. different kinds of 4. th

22、ink about C.重点句式: 1 .Zheng Yun tells Laura about how to make a kite. 2. She didnt know that kite flying could be so exciting. 3 .Weifang is a city in Shangdong. It is famous for kites. 4. Some of the kites Zheng Yun saw were made of bamboo. Some were painted with colorful paper. 能力目标 了解风筝的制作、放飞风筝、潍坊

23、国际风筝节、孔明灯、剪纸等相关知识,进一步 学习被动语态。 情感目标 通过了解中国各地的传统艺术,弘扬中华传统文化。 【自学效果测控】 预习教材,回答下列问题: 1 .What do traditional Chinese art forms try to show? 2 .What are sky lanterns used for now? 【导学环节设计】 Step 1 Revision and Leading-in 1.复习 Ssection A 中的语音和语法知识: 方案 1 教师可以检查学生完成作业的情况,即上一节中 Page 36 4a-4b 的练习。 方案 2 用游戏竞争的方式

24、朗读单词和句子, 全班分成两大组, 比赛哪组完成得更好。 环节说明:对于完成得好的学生,教师应该给予适当的奖励,增强学生的自信心。 2.导入:教师出示实物或者风筝的图片,要求学生谈论风筝的制作材料,制作过程, 如何放风筝。然后学生以两人小组的方式上台表演对话。 环节说明:借助于图片,语境来学习,既锻炼了英语思维能力,又增强了课堂的英 语氛围。 Step 2 SB Page 37 完成教材上 la-le 的任务 1. la.小组学习:分成学习小组,展开讨论,并把结果在班上展示。 Question 1:How to make a kite? Question 2:What are kites ma

25、de of?把答案写在黑板上或者书本上。 2. lb-1d.听力训练: (1)教师呈现教学挂图,引导学生思考图片内容,预测可能会出现的听力内容。 (2)引导学生浏览 lb 中的 2 个选择题,根据题意预测答案,播放第一遍录音,学生 听完之后,确定答案。 (3)教师先让学生同桌之间核对答案,再全班核对答案。 (4)针对 lb 的听力内容,教师继续进行一些提问,旨在帮助学生理解掌握其意思, 为 lc 和 1d 做准备。(5)再播放录音,学生完成 lc 和 1d 的练习。 (6)核对答案,让学生依次读 1d 中的句子,并注意语音语调。 (7)教师呈现听力文本,再次播放录音,学生将不懂的重难点语言点勾

26、画出来,同时 跟读模仿,注意语音语调。 3. l e.全班分为三大组,分别进行角色朗读,注意交换角色。 操作案例: A:Where did you go on vacation? B:I went to an international kite festival. A:That sounds interesting. What did you see there? B:? Step 3 SB Page 46 完成教材上 2a 的任务 教师安排学生利用课外活动时间上网查询相关的资料。话题:中国的传统艺术,例 如剪纸,陶瓷等。并预习好 2b。 【导学效果测控】 1、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。

27、 1 .The _(compete)at the festival are from Germany. 2. The _(internation)kite festival is held in China. 3. Can you show me how _(make) a kite? 4. 1 want to learn _(play) the violin. 5. I like the clothes _(make)of cotton. 2、用适当的介词填空。 1. I saw many different kinds _ kites _ the festival. 2. He went

28、_ a vacation to Hainan. 3. Who wants to know more _ the kite festival? 4. 一 I want to visit the museum. Would you like to go with me? -That sounds _ a good idea. 5. The city is famous _ its clay. 6. Our parents meeting is held _ our classroom. 3、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.风筝节每年在哪里举办? _ _kite festival _ every yea

29、r? 2.一你去哪儿度假了? 一我去了一个国际风筝节。 一_ _you go _ vacation? -Iwent to _ _kite festival. 3.劳拉想知道怎样制作风筝。 Laura _ to know how _ _a kite. 4.法国以其葡萄酒而著名。 France is _ _ _its wine. 5.参加英语竞赛的参赛者来自全国各地。 The _ taking part in an English competition _ _all over China. 4、按要求改写句子。 1. 1 dont know how I can use the fork.(改为同义句) I dont know _ _ _ the fork. 2. We paint our desks green.(改为被动句) Our desks _ _green _ us.3. Are Pam and Marcus from America(改为同义句) _ Pam and Marcus _ _America? 3. 4. We hold our class meeting on Monday afternoon.(

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