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1、牛津译林版初中英语七年级英语下册短语句子期中期末归纳整理复习U182017年牛津译林版初中英语七年级英语下册短语句子期中期末归纳整理复习7下 Unit1词组句子默写(附答案)1、on the balcony 在阳台上 2、tell/ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事3、live in a palace 住在宫殿里 4、live next to a restaurant 住在餐馆隔壁5、have/hold a party 举行聚会 6、in town/the city/the country 在镇上/市里/农村7、the biggest restaurant in/on Fifth

2、Street 第五大街上最大的餐馆8、learn about homes in different countries 了解不同国家的家园9、the capital of Japan日本的首都 10、invite my friends to watch films with me 邀请我的朋友们跟我一起看电影11、live in a town 15 miles from London 住在离伦敦15英里的镇上12、 more than enough food 足够多的食物 13、take a message 捎个口信14、on the ground/ninth floor 在底/九楼 15、i

3、n the centre of Suzhou 在苏州市中心16、a football field 足球场 17、invite him to your party邀请他去参加你的聚会18、call sb back 给某人回电 19、at the foot of the hill 在山脚下20、share sth with sb 和某人分享某物 21、listen to music in bed 躺在床上听音乐22、have my own bedroom=have a bedroom of my own 有我自己的卧室(2) 23、like best 最喜欢24、great fun=very in

4、teresting 十分有趣(2)25、look out at the beach 看外面的海滩26、look out of the window 朝窗外看 27、the best place to chat and watch TV 聊天和看电视最好的地方28、in most homes =in most of the homes 在绝大多数家(2) 29、hope to visit your home some day 希望有一天能去你家拜访30、be 15 feet tall 15英尺高 31、be 91 square metres in size=have an area of 91

5、square metres 占地91,000平方米32、over=more than 超过(2) 33、Womens Day 妇女节 34、the first to do sth 第一个做某事的人35、be really different from 的确与不同 36、be full of 充满,挤满37、look comfortable 看起来舒适38、我妈妈叫我每天读半小时英语。My mother tells me to read English for half an hour every day.39、这条领带不太配我的衬衫,请你再拿一条给我看看好吗? This tie does no

6、t match my shirt well. Would you please show me another one?40 这本书很有趣,你想看看吗? This book is vey interesting. Would you like to have a look at it?41、你介意和他共用这张桌子吗? Would you mind sharing the table with him?42、这位老人经常看着窗外。The old man often looks out of the window.43、我需要一间属于自己的房间。I need a room of my own.44

7、、你能叫他给我回个电话吗?Can you ask him to call me back?45、我从我的新家打电话来。Im calling from my new home.46、May I speak to Daniel, please? This is Daniel speaking. (电话中)我可以和丹尼尔通电话吗?我是丹尼尔。7Bnit2词组、句子默写(附答案)1、visit our new neighbours拜访我们的新邻居 2、what to wear to a party 穿什么去参加晚会3、how to design their home 怎样设计他们的家园4、wait f

8、or sb. to do sth.等某人做某事5、around your neighbourhood 在你们社区周围6、meet at the community centre 在社区中心集中7、share their different skills 分享他们的一技之长 8、help us with all kinds of problems 帮助我们各种困难9、turn on / off 开/关(电器按钮等)10、in an hour 一小时后(将来时) an hour later(过去时)11、have a meeting 开会 12、help sick people 帮助病人13、an

9、 engineer 一位工程师 14、be broken 坏了 15、sound like a good idea 听起来像是好主意16、keep busy 保持忙碌17、some college students 一些大学生 18、be ready to do sth 准备做某事/乐于做某事19、in the future 将来 20、all our group members 我们所有的团体成员21、do some cleaning/reading 打扫卫生/读些书 22、be lucky to do sth 做某事是幸运的23、far away from her home 远离她的家24

10、、ask someone to fix his bicycle 请人修他的自行车25、need help with their problems 需要帮助他们的困难 26、worry about sth / (not)doing sth 担心某物/担心(不)做某事27、make you feel better 使你感觉更好 28、check their computers 检修他们的电脑29、find someone to fix things like broken bicycles 找人修理像坏自行车之类的东西30、be like a big family 像个大家庭 31、take an

11、 umbrella with sb 随身携带一把雨伞32、wait for us to call back 等我们回电 wait for your call 等你的电话33、be free 自由的、空闲的 34、feel well 感觉身体好35、be cloudy 多云 36、plan a day out 计划外出一天37、the day after tomorrow 后天 38、look at the information below 看下列信息39、make a fire 生火 40、on the afternoon of 5 March 在3月5日下午41、an office wor

12、ker 办公室人员 42、in a police station/post office 在一个警察局/邮局43、know a lot about styles and colours了解很多有关式样和颜色的知识44、work for a company 效力于一家公司45、in the town centre/in the centre of the town 在镇中心(2) 46、be busy with sth 忙于某事 47、be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 48、别像那样看着我。Dont look at me like that.49、他爷爷病得很厉害。His gran

13、dpa is very sick.50、他妈妈得照顾他生病的爷爷。His mother has to look after his sick grandpa.51、他爷爷生病住院了。His grandpa is ill in hospital.52、Youre lucky to live in a neighbourhood like that. 你住在像那样的一个社区真幸运.53、There is something wrong with his washing machine.=Something is wrong with my washing machine.=My washing m

14、achine is broken.=My washing machine doesnt work. 我的洗衣机出故障了.54、Where are you going? Im going to the park.你要去哪里?我要去公园.55、Im afraid that they wont welcome visitors like you.恐怕他们不会欢迎像你一样的客人.56、What are you going to be in the future? Im going to be an artist.你将来打算做什么?我打算当一个画家.57、 They will be happy to g

15、ive you some ideas.他们将很高兴给你提出建议.58、Its going to rain soon. 很快要下雨了.59.It will rain this afternoon.今天下午要下雨. 否: It wont rain this afternoon. 一般问: Will it rain this afternoon? 回:Yes, it will. No, it wont. 提问: When will it rain? 7Bunit3词组、句子默写(附答案)1、an old friend of mine 我的一位老朋友2、wait a minute 稍等3、theres

16、 nothing in the fridge . 冰箱里什么也没有 4、hear sb do/doing sth.听见某人做了/正在做某事5、of course not . 当然不 6、know each other 互相认识7、the exchange students homes 交换生的家 8、take them to the cinema 带他们去电影院9、 two hundred/thousand/million 两百/千/百万10、hundreds of 成百上千的11、shopping is fun=it is fun to shop 购物是件有趣的事 12、Beijing du

17、ck北京烤鸭13、miss doing sth.错过做某事14、grow wheat/flowers/vegetables 种小麦/花/蔬菜15、try some Chinese food 品尝一些中国食物16、it takes sb st to do sth花费某人时间去做某事17、raise cows 养牛18、stay in a quiet town 呆在安静的城镇19、local people 当地的人们 20、the history of China=Chinas history中国历史(2)21、buy wonderful presents for your family 为你的家

18、人买精美的礼物22、Western restaurants 西餐馆 23、enjoy Beijing opera 欣赏京剧24、visit our local theatre 参观我们当地的剧院 25、learn more about Chinese art 更多地了解中国的艺术26、Dont miss the opera shows 别错过戏剧表演 27、welcome to our town欢迎来我们镇28、why not do sth = why dont you do sth?为什么不做某事29、look forward to sth / doing sth 盼望某物/做某事 30、a

19、ll over the place 满地都是31、drive us there to do the shopping 开车送我们到那儿去购物32、works of art 艺术品33、Chinese paintings 中国画34、learn all about Chinas history 全面了解中国历史 35、some, and others一些,另一些36、row a boat on the lake 在湖面上划船 37、in front of your hotel 在你的旅馆前38、how far 多远 39、a wonderful place to live 一个居住的好地方40、

20、a four-bedroom flat=a flat with four bedrooms 一套4个卧室的公寓房 (2) 41、show you around my hometown 带你参观我的家乡42、on a farm 在农场上 44、live in houses like this 居住在像这样的房屋里45、smell the flowers 闻花香 46、We are looking forward to seeing you again.我们期待着再次见到你。47、Shall we invite them to have dinner with us 邀请他们和我们一起共进晚宴好吗

21、?48、There are many things to see here.这儿有许多东西可看。49、我们要到那儿去春游啊?Where are we going for the spring outing?50、我点一个汉堡盒一杯果汁。你呢?Ill order a hamburger and a glass of juice. What about you?51、他通常要花一小时做家庭作业。It usually takes him an hour to do his homework. 52、我期待着这次聚会。Im looking forward to the party.53、一些男孩在踢足

22、球,另一些在游泳。Some boys are playing football, and others are swimming.54、It takes only half an hour to get to the centre of the city from my home by bus.从我家乘公交车道市中心只要半个小时。55、How far is it from the hotel to Beihai Parkf?Its about 40 minutes by bus 旅馆到北海公园多远?乘公共汽车大约40分钟56、Is five yuan enough to buy a tin o

23、f dog food/for a tin of dog food. 5元够买一听狗食吗?57、An old friend of my fathers is coming to see him.我爸爸的一个老朋友要来看他。7BUnit4词组、句子默写(附答案)1、follow me =come with me 跟随我(2) 2、a path between the hills 山谷间的一条小路3、Dont be afraid 别害怕 4、be afraid of sth/doing sth. 害怕某物/做某事5、get to sp. =reach sp.到达某地(2)6、have to do s

24、th 不得不做某事7、go up/ down 上去/下去 8、go on a trip (to+地点)=have a trip(to)(到某地)郊游(2)9、be(to the) east of 在的东面 (范围外) be in the east of 在的东面 (范围内) 10、go to+地点for our class trip 到某地去举行我们班的郊游11、walk straight on to the traffic lights 一直走到交通灯处 12、a baby panda一只熊猫宝宝13、prepare plenty of food and drinks for us 为我们准

25、备丰盛的食物和饮料14、remember/forget to do sth.记住/忘记做某事15、eat bamboo 吃竹子 16、lie down all day long 成天躺着17、at the corner of the street在街角18、make him sad使他伤心 19、the kings of the animal world 万兽之王 20、lie on the grass躺在草地上21、about three kilometres away from our school 离我们学习大约3公里远22、make beautiful sounds发出美妙的声音23、

26、jump around 上蹿下跳 24、make people laugh 使人们大笑25、walk towards/ to the bridge 向桥走过去26、eat the leaves from trees 吃树上的叶子27、cross the bridge=walk across the bridge 走过桥28、be like open fans 像张开的扇子 29、walk past the supermarket 走过超市30、on ones /the way to sp.在某人去某地的路上31、not bad 不错 32、look like 看起来像33、in an open

27、 area 在开放的区域 34、get out at Exit A 在出口A 处出来35、above/below/over the drinks 在饮料上方/下面/正上方 36、prepare sth. for 为.准备.37、 prepare to do sth.准备做.38、inside /outside the shop在店里面/外面39、an English Corner 英语角40、walk past the house 走过房屋41、walk along the path next to the river 沿着河边的小路走 42、 Which cinema do you want

28、 to go to?你想去哪个电影院?43、Which way should I go at the traffic lights?在交通灯处我该走哪条路?44、The playground is in the west of the school.操场在学校的西面。45、take the second turning on the right=turn right at the second turning 第二个转弯处右拐(2)46、我们学校在动物园的南面。Our school is south of the zoo.47、站在那边,你能看得更清楚些。Stand over there, a

29、nd you can see it better.48、一直向前走到海滩。Keep straight on for the beach.49、 他们长年辛勤工作。They work hard all year long.50、请让我跟你一起走。Please let me go with you.51、过了桥,你们就能看到大象了。Cross the bridge, and you will see the elephants.52、 在我们学校大门前有一棵大树。There is a big tree in front of our school gate.53、吴老师正站在教室的前面(在教室里)

30、。Mr Wu is standing in the front of the classroom.54、我们就住在书店那边的大楼里。We live in the building just past the bookshop.55、What can you see across the street?在街道对面你能看到什么?56、There are also birds, arent there? Yes, there are./No, there arent.也有鸟,是吗?是的,有。不,没有。57、 The playground is (to the ) north of the class

31、room building.操场在教学楼的北面。7B Unit 5 词组句子默写(含答案)a UFO 一个不明飞行物a useful book 一本有用的书look at its bright lights看它的明亮的灯the lights on the plane 飞机上的灯be full of 充满,装满show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 把某物给某人看the same size from birth 和出生时尺寸一样the same as 与一样stop growing停止生长sleep with ones eyes open睁着眼睛睡觉at birth =when sb. was born在出生时one Sunday morning一个星期天的早上as usual和往常一样listen (to sb.)carefully认真地听(某人说话)search the room for the key = search for the key in the room 在房间里找钥匙in the bushes 在灌木丛中turn around转过身来be surprised to do sth.惊讶地做某事run away quickly 迅速地跑开What happened to s

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