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1、德惠三中七年级英语上月考试题有答案2016年德惠三中七年级英语上11月月考试题(有答案) 德惠三中2016-2017学年度上学期11月份月考英语试题、填空题(每小题1分,满分1 分)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1Let e h_ u ith ur English2The fail have d at 6:003 hats the p_ f the T-shirt?4 is a ind(种类)f eat(肉) bag is ld I ant t b_ a ne ne6i lies plaing basetball,hile(而)ie lies plaing v 7The shp s_ all i

2、nds f shl things8H uh is the seater? Its t d_用所给词的适当形式填空。9Lets _ ( ath ) TV10D u ant _ ( e ) ith e?11H uh _ ( be ) these ss?12iss Li is _ ( real ) a gd teaher e all lie her13_ (vegetable) salad is health14Thats an _ (interest) puter gae1Susan _ ( nt pla ) baseball She thins its diffiult、单项填空(每小题1分,满

3、分1 分)16Thats an questin AinterestingBbringdiffiultDrelaxing17r ang a ath Adesnt has Bdesnt have dnt have Ddnt has18I dnt have a tennis, I have a baseball AandBbutrDt19an u dra pitures? N,I an tIt is ver AgdBniediffiultDfun20 ther lies eggs and salad breafast AatBfrtDf21Se is n the tableArangesBapple

4、ssaladDeggs22Aunt Li lies bananasAeatBeatingeatsDate23 bie(自行车)is under the treehere is bie?AuBursurD/24 Than u fr ur help _ AThats rightBure right ure ele DDnt than e2_ is it?Its range(橙色的) AhatBhat lrH uhDH an26 Please give e se bread_ AHere u areBGive ues,thansDu are here27The pants are heap(便宜的)

5、Ill _ theAgiveBbringtaeDlie28 -D u lie rie?-es,I lie ver uhA the B it that D Thse29-Lets pla basetball - AThat sunds interesting BI dnt have tie es,I an bus DN,I dnt30- plaing gaes? -That sunds gd A D u lie B Lets hat abut D G t从题后方框中选择怡当的句子完成对话,有一项是多余的( 分) A: I lie salad 31 B: N, I dnt A: Lets have

6、 arrts then B: 32 A: N? B: N, I dnt lie arrts 33 A: I lie hien, but I dnt lie haburgers u an eat haburgers B: 34 D u lie il? A: N, I dnt D u lie ie-rea? B: es, I d A: 3 B: Sunds great! 31 32 33 34 3 、按要求做题(每小题2分,满分10 分)36an I help u? (改为同 义句)_ an I d _ u?37The sirt is nl 20 dllars(就画线部分提问) is the si

7、rt?38我们有价格合理的衣服。(根据汉语意思完成句子)e have lthes a ver gd 39“让我们打棒球吧。”“那听起不错。”Let s pla baseballThat 40简每天都做运动。ane ever da 完形填空。(10分)Lisa lies nie lthes She ften ges t a sall 41 stre near her huse 42 ver nie It 43 an nie lthes The girl in the stre is 44 and friendl(友好的) Peple an bu lthe s at a gd 4 in the s

8、tre But Lisa desnt have uh ne, s she an nl bu lthes n 46 ne da, she sees a ell 47 in the stre The prie is 30 48 Lisa lies this sirt 49 she ant affrd it She is ver 0 ( )41 A she B vide lthes D bag ( )42 A There B Its It D The ( )43 A sells B bus ants D needs ( )44 A bring B health lng D nie ( )4 A lr

9、 B prie dllar D pair( )46 A sell B eleven stre D sale( )47 A sirt B shirt seater D shrts ( )48 A dllar B uan ¥ D $ ( )49 A s B and but D then( )0 A happ B interesting srr D nie、阅读理解。(30分)(A)It is Sunda afternn ar ges t d the shpping ith her ther Her ther ants t bu se fd fr supper ar ants t bu a ne s

10、irt and se shl things The e t a shp“hat des ur shp sell?” ar ass, “A lt f things” The girl in the shp sas “u an bu fd, drins, lthes in ur shp and shl things, t”ar and her ther g in There are an peple in the shp ar finds a nie hite sirt“H uh is the sirt?” ar ass the girl in the shp“Its eight uan”“Tha

11、ts t dear an I find a heap ne?”“hat abut the green ne? It ls nie And its nl thirt uan”“, thans a lt”“u are ele”After that, ar bus se shl things, t Here, ther bus a lt f fd, lie bread, aes, eat and fish The get he ver late( ) 1 ar ges t d the shpping ith her ther n _A Saturda afternn B Saturda rning

12、Sunda rning D Sunda afternn( ) 2 ar ants t bu a ne sirt and _A se fd B se drins e lthes D se shl things( ) 3 The hite sirt is _A ¥30B ¥110 ¥80D ¥100( ) 4 ar bus a _ sirtA hiteB green redD dear( ) The green sirt is _Anie but dear B nie and heap nt nie but heap D nt nie r heap(B) English breafast is a

13、 ver big ealeggs, bread, tat sup, tea, ffee and s n Fr an peple, lunh is a qui(快的)eal In ities(城市)there are a lt f fast fd restaurants Peple an bu sandihes there Students usuall have lunh at shl an students ust tae a sandih, a drin and se fruit fr he “Tea” eans t things It is a drin and a eal! Se pe

14、ple have afternn tea, ith sandihes, aes r se bread The usuall have supper beteen 6:00 p and 8:00p, and ften all the fail eat tgether Peple ften get tae-aa eals the bu the fd and then bring it he t eat( )6 an peple in England have a breafast and a lunh A big; qui B sall; qui big; sl D sall; sl( )7Stu

15、dents usuall have lunh A at he B at shl utside D in the restaurants( )8 hat dnt the have hen the have afternn tea? A Sandihes B hien aes D Bread ( )9 hen d the usuall have supper? A Beteen 6:00a and 8:00 a B Beteen 6:00p and 8:00p Beteen 6:00pand 7:00p D Beteen 8:00p and 9:00p( )60 hen peple get a t

16、ae-aa eal, the eat it A a t he B in the shl utside D in the restaurants()Dear T,Than u fr ur letter Tda I g t r Greens lthes Stre ith ther u an bu shirts, pants, shrts and s n in the stre It has lts f T-shirts fr bs and girls S e f the are nie and the are nt expensive(昂贵的) I als see se sirts I lie t

17、he ver uh The are in red,green and hite I eet ath teaher,iss ang in the stre She is r Greens friend ith her help, ther bus a hite T-shirt and a red sirt fr nl 40 uan I ver happ urs, Lu阅读短,判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 61 The letter is fr Lu t Bb( ) 62 Lu ges t the lthes stre ith her father( ) 63 At the stre ,u an

18、bu T-shirts fr bs and girls( ) 64 There are se ell sirts at the stre( ) 6 At last, Lus ther bus a hite T-shirt and a red sirt(D)T is a ung an He has a ver big dg and he ha s a ver sall ar(车), t He lies plaing tennis Tda he plas tennis fr t hurs at the lub and then he ants t g he b ar His dg es after

19、 hi, but it des nt up(跳)int the sae ar It ups int the next ar “e here, flish dg! “T shuts(喊)at it, but the dg still stas in the next ar T puts his e int the l(锁)f the ar, but the e des nt turn(转动) Then he ls at the ar again It is nt his ar! He is in the rng ar! And the dg is in the right ar! 66 T ha

20、s a big _ A dg B huse ar D b67 Tda T plas _ fr t hurs A ser B tennis vlleball D basetball68 T ants t _ b ar A g t r B g t shl g he D g t the par69 hen T puts his e int the l f the ar, the e _ A desnt turn B turns is lst D is fund70 In fat (事实上),_ is in the right ar A T B Ts bag Ts dg D Ts b (E) nae

21、is T I have a sister e have health eating habits Fr breafast, I have an egg and an apple Fr lunh, I have bread And fr dinner, I have se hien Sall is sister Fr breaf ast, she has bananas Fr lunh, she has haburgers And fr dinner, she has hien, t e are ver health n根据短内容,回答下列问题。(10分)71hat des T have fr

22、breafast? 72h is sall? 73hat des Sall have fr lunh? 74h has (have)hien fr dinner? 7H are T and Sall n? 书面表达。(共1分)(A)完成这封信。(分)Dear A,H are u ? nae is Paul I an English student This is first letter in English Fr e, 76 are fun I have a lletin(收藏) 77 sprts things I have six basetballs, three tennis raet

23、s, nine vlleballs, fur ser balls, and five baseballs I 78 sprts and I 79 the n TV D u pla sprts ? D u have a sprts 80 ?Paul76 77 78 79 80 (B)书面表达(满分10分)假如你姐姐是一名售货员,她要出售下列商品:毛衣,每0元;背包,每个14元;T恤衫,每21元;袜子,每双2元。请你帮你姐姐写一则广告。要求:0词左右。_ 七年级月考英语答案一、1、help 2dinner 3prie 4hien bu 6vlleball 7sells 8dllars 9ath10

24、t e 11are 12reall 13vegetable 14interesting 1 desnt pla二、1620 ABBB212 BB2630 ABA三、313 DAFB四、36 hat fr 37H uh 38at prie 39sunds gd 40 plas/des sprs五、410 BADB DAB 六、A、1 DDBBB、660 ABBBA、616 FFTFTD、6670 ABAE、71、T has an egg and an apple/An egg and an apple 72、Sall is Ts sister/Ts sister 73、She has haburgers/Haburgers 74、T and Sall 7、The are ver health n七、76sprts 77f 78pla 79ath 80lletin

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