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本文(英语剧本皇帝的新衣TheEmperor27sNewClothes.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、英语剧本皇帝的新衣TheEmperor27sNewClothesThe Emperors New ClothesRoles and ActorsNo.RolesActorsActressCostume1Liar A1李西蒙Simon12Liar B2艾煜彬Willian13Emperor3孙程锐 Dia5单君泽Sam1礼4Chamberlain X4马梦泽Larry 6丁肇铭Steven D1礼5Minister7张开诚 Lionel1礼6Narrator boy8孔浩瑞Spike7Narrator girl9王嘉璇Jessica8Chamberlain M10曹洲涛Peter1礼9Chamb

2、erlain N11晁权Chao Quan1礼10Chambermaid 112杜茜蒙Yvette1礼11Chambermaid 213王嘉文Juicy1礼12Tailor 1/Mass 114郭小菲Betty113Tailor 2/Mass 215邢师铭Manson114Tailor 3/Mass 316赵浩宇Gary115Tailor 4/Mass 417赵艳宁Sara116Mother18王筱童Charlotte1借17Son19 梁轶伟Chris(7th Grader)18MassesWhole Class4借StaffInstructor: Sophia Chen Tel: May

3、F Chung Assistant: 20 Sophia ShongMusic: Manson ShingPart 1Roles 出场角色:Narrator girlNarrator boy1. Chamberlain X2. Emperor3. Chamberlain M4. Chamberlain N5. Chambermaid 16. Chambermaid 27. 裁缝18. 裁缝2布景: 皇上的卧室(大镜子,沙发,宫女,皇帝穿着白色衬衣裤不停地换衣服,照镜子,摇头再换,宫女(2)忙碌地伺候着,侍臣(2)在一边忙着接皇上扔过来的衣服,场面滑稽/混乱)Narrator girl: Onc

4、e upon a time, in a faraway place there lived an Emperor. This Emperor was very strange. He didnt like to ride horses. He didnt like to go fishing.He didnt like to play computer games.He didnt even like Iphone 4SNarrator boy: Oh, what did he like Narrator girl: He only liked new clothes. Every day,

5、he put on a outfit and went walking in the streets of his kingdom.-Chamberlain X:Your new suit has arrived, your Majesty. (裁缝12跟随呈上衣服,宫女接过)Emperor:Great, help me put it on. 仆人帮国王穿衣Well, what do you think 得意地照镜子Chamberlain X:Oh, it looks good, your Majesty.Chamberlain M:Very becoming, your Majesty.Ch

6、amberlain N:So cool, your Majesty. 大臣们也跟着附和,Part 2Roles出场角色:Narrator boy1. Tailor裁缝12. Tailor裁缝2 3. Tailor裁缝3 4. Tailor裁缝4Narrator boy: All the tailors in the country worked very hard and made new clothes for him. But he was never satisfied with anything less than the best. 裁缝们出场,并且交头接耳、议论纷纷裁缝1:I he

7、ard that the Emperor was not quite satisfied with his new suit.裁缝2:What should we do, then Does anyone have any new ideas 裁缝3:I dont . How about you 用手肘碰了碰旁边的裁缝4并问道 裁缝4:You know, I would rather be anything else in the world than his tailor.裁缝1:Quiet! Dont lose your head. (幕闭)Part 3出场角色:Narrator girl

8、1. Liar A2. Liar B3. Chamberlain X4. Emperor5. Chamberlain M 6. Chamberlain N7. Chambermaid 18. Chambermaid 2布景:皇上的卧室(大镜子,沙发) 皇上和大臣(2)在看一本时装杂志,小声讨论。仕女一旁站立。Narrator girl: News of the Emperors desire for new clothes spread far and wide. One day, two men came to the palace. They were not tailors, they

9、were liars. They wanted to make money. They asked to meet the Emperor. 骗子和Chamberlain (内臣) x出场Liar A&B:We have something very special to show his Majesty. Chamberlain X:Thats what everyone says. Liar A:Ah, but what we have is different.Liar B:Yes, its magical. We have invented a new cloth by using a

10、 very special and secret method.Chamberlain X:Really Uhm! Wait, right here. Liar A&B:Thank you so much. (LiarA&B 跟随到台另端,立等。)Chamberlain X:Two men are requesting to see you, your Majesty.Emperor::What do they want to see me about Chamberlain X走到皇帝跟前,冲着皇帝的耳朵窃窃私语了一阵。Emperor::Something magical瞪大眼睛,难以置信地

11、问道 Oh, I love new things. Show them in.Chamberlain X: Come with me, please. (请随我来) Liar A&B:Thank you. (谢谢)-Liar A&B:We can make magic cloth. Only wise people can see the magic cloth. Stupid people cant see it, your Majesty. Emperor:How wonderful!I can use it to tell who is clever and who is stupid.

12、Chamberlain X&M&N:Oh, thats a very good idea, your Majesty.大臣们纷纷奉承着Emperor:Make a suit for me with the magic cloth. I will wear it on New Years Day.Liar A&B:Oh yes. Well make the most beautiful suit for you, my Majesty.Chamberlain M:Wow, how terrific! Chamberlain N:Oh, this is so cool! 众臣在私下小声地谈论着,并

13、不时地点着头。 这时,皇帝咳了两声,众臣立刻安静下来,于是皇帝又接着问Emperor:皇帝咳了两声 Will it be ready in time Liar B:Of course. 接着有些迟疑的说 But, butEmperor:But But whatLiar A:But there is a problem. The cloth is very expensive to make.Liar B:Yes, yes! 一边说,一边猛点着头Liar A:This cloth is fashioned from lots of silk. Liar B:And gold悄悄地扯了扯A的衣角,

14、补充道Liar A:Diamonds .,peals. Liar B:And gold 在一旁着急地补充这说Liar A:Finest gems . Liar B:And gold急地都快要叫起来了Liar A:And, of course, gold . Liar B终于笑了,且满意地点了点头Emperor:Dont worry. Money is no object. Emperor:Begin at once, Make it here in the palace. Liar A&B:Oh yes, my Majesty.(幕闭)Part 4出场角色:Narrator boyNarrat

15、or girl1. Liar A2. Liar B3. Emperor4. Chamberlain M5. Chamberlain N6. Minister 布景:(Workroom 布景) (请美术老师帮忙设计)【音乐】两个骗子随着音乐,拿起软尺测量,并装模做样的比划着,接着就开始织起布来Narrator boy:They measured the emperor for a suit. And then, they started make the magic cloth in their workroom. They stayed in the room day and night, a

16、nd everyone thought they were working very hard. (停顿 10秒)One day, the Emperor couldnt wait any longer to see the magic cloth. He went to their workroom and threw the doors open. 【音乐】 皇帝不住地揉着眼睛,两个骗子装模做样 Emperor:Where is the magic cloth 皇帝不住地揉着眼睛Liar A:Come here, you will see more clearly. Liar A:Look

17、 at the colors, feel the weight.Liar B:Is it not beautifulEmperor:Uhum皇帝瞪大了双眼 Liar A:Now you can see why it is magical. Only clever people can see it. Stupid people cant.Liar B:Most people would see an empty loom, but a clever man like you can see our wonderful cloth. Emperor:Of course.(皇上出。骗子俩继续忙绿)

18、-Narrator girl: The Emperor was very worried because he couldnt see the magic cloth. Was he not clever enough to see it He thought and thought. Suddenly he had an idea, “I will ask the Minister to go and see the cloth.”He said. The minister was sent to the workroom and see how the work is progressin

19、g. (Minister 上) Minister:I am the wisest man in the world. (立即用手盖住嘴张望,观察是否有人听见) There will be no one who can see the magic cloth if I cannot. (转念又说)But, what if I cannot see it (趴门缝张望,见骗子走向门口,)Minister:The Emperor has sent me to check on your progress.Liar A:Come here, you will see more clearly. 大臣忍

20、不住地揉着眼睛Liar A:Look at the colors, feel the weight.Liar B:Is it not beautiful Minister:Uhum瞪大了双眼 Liar A:Now you can see why it is magical. Only clever people can see it. Stupid people cant.Liar B:Most people would see an empty loom, but a clever man like you can see our magic cloth.Minister:Of course

21、. It really is quite beautiful. Liar A&B:Oh, you are so wise. Minister(摇头叹气下)。(幕闭)Part5出场角色:Narrator boyNarrator girl1. Emperor2. Minister3. Chamberlain M4. Chamberlain N5. Chambermaid 16. Chambermaid 2布景:(皇帝卧室)Narrator boy: The Minister could not see the cloth either. But he was afraid to tell the

22、truth. He went to the emperor.Emperor:What do you think about the cloth 皇帝迫不及待地问内臣Minister:Its the most beautiful cloth in the world.Emperor:Great!At least I have a wise minister. 皇帝听完了内臣的话后,小声对自己说-Narrator girl:The New Years Day arrived and the new suit was ready.Chamberlain M:Here it is, your Maje

23、sty. 侍从为皇帝呈上新衣Emperor:Oh, wonderful! Help me put them on. 侍从们装模作样地帮皇帝穿上新衣Emperor:How do I look Chamberlain N:Incredibly handsome. Chamberlain M:How beautiful you look!Emperor:Really All:Yes, your Majesty.(幕闭)Part6出场角色:1. Liar A2. Liar B【音乐】布景:街道俩骗子慌张上场,各自扛一个大包袱Liar A:Who is the best salesman in the

24、worldLiar B:Yao MingLiar A:You silly thing. Liar B:挠头 Jeremy Lin Shu HowLiar A:Whats your brain forLiar B:Brains are for thinking. Then, who Steve JobsLiar A:Better than Steve Jobs. Us! Me and you. I told you that last year when we sold those refrigerators to the Eskimos. RememberLiar B:Yep!Liar A:Y

25、ou silly little thing! Youve a lot to learn. I was born to be a great sales person. Remember how my great-great-grandfather sold that pair of crutches to your great-great-grandfatherLiar B:Thats why we became partners. (Grumbled)Liar A: This time you are right.Liar A&B:If you have anything to sell,

26、please contact us at . Our Website is The best Liaruhm The best salesman of the world! Blow kisses to audience向观众飞吻下场 (闭幕)Part 7出场角色:(背景 15人)Narrator boy1. Emperor2. Chamberlain M3. Chamberlain N4. Chambermaid 15. Chambermaid 26. Son7. Mother8. Mass 1(裁缝1)9. Mass 1(裁缝1)10. Mass 1(裁缝1)11. Mass 1(裁缝1)

27、12. Minister13. Mass X 7人20【音乐】(幕开)布景(街头场景)Narrator boy:It was New Years Day. There were many people in the street. They wanted to see the Emperors new suit.Finally, the Emperor came out. 皇帝赤身裸体且大摇大摆地出场,侍从跟在后面装模作样地牵着衣摆,街上所有的人都很吃惊Mass1:What a suit! Mass2:Oh. How beautiful. Mass3:What a lovely. Mass4:

28、Wow! How handsome his Majesty looks!Son:What suit (什么衣服呀) 小Son在人群中张望着Son:Mom! The Emperor isnt wearing any clothes! 小Son扯了扯Mother的衣角,不解地问道Mother:Be quiet, Son.Son:Its true! No clothes! The Emperor is naked! 小Son争辩地说Mass:The Emperor is naked! The Emperor is naked! The Emperor is naked! - The Emperor is naked! The Emperor is naked!(in chorus louder and louder)(皇帝晕倒,Chamberlain M&N 左右摇晃皇帝)Chamberlain M&N: Your Majesty ! Your Majasty! The end

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