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1、选择填空第三章 选择填空变化趋势选择填空是历年中考英语必考题型,考点主要是语法中的词法和句法知识的掌握和运用。涉及面广,含英语十大词类:动、名、形、副为主,兼顾其它虚词。基本句法涉及简单句、并列句和复合句等常用句型,考点达二十多项。近年来单纯考语法的试题逐渐减少,日常交际用语的考察和在交际语境中考查语法的试题逐年增多。在六年的一省三市中考试题中,纯粹考查交际用语有60多题,占40多,包括初中所学全部日常交际用语内容。这是师生们在复习中应着重把握的地方。语法知识的复习一定要放在具体的语境中来进行,让学生学会分析,提高辨别抗干扰的能力。对交际用语的复习要给予足够的重视。不能死记硬背交际用语,要在具

2、体的语境中分析把握,通过题型变式来提高运用能力。第一节 交际用语题型分析和解题技巧初中英语课本的对话中学习了像问候、介绍、打电话、购物、谈天气等多个交际项目中的日常用语。这些交际用语符合英语国家的交际习惯,贴近生活实际,又是在真实的对话语境中呈现的,与汉语存在文化上的差异。这些差异正是交际用语考查的重点和难点。选择题题型采用对话方式设置具体的语境:如感谢、道歉、问路等,要求从所给选项中选出与该语境交际习惯相符合的问句或答语。选项中常含有中国式、直译的表达“陷阱”。考生要设法避开这些“陷阱”,找到符合英语习惯的表达法。例(98.云南.IV.)-Jack has caught up with al

3、l his classmates after working hard.-_.A. Well done B. I think he is C. I dont mind D. Thats nothing析本提前文语境:“杰克通过努力已赶上全班同学”,这是件好事,应该祝愿或祝贺。B项中he is 与前文动词不符。C、D项正是“陷阱”。理解西方文化习俗:别人成功了或做了什么好事,不能“嫉妒”:“我不介意”或“这没什么”,而是要“夸奖”“祝贺”,所以要选A项,“干得好,”“好样的”。类似的情况若别人夸奖你某事做得好、人长得漂亮或对你提供帮助等时,要表示感谢而不是谦虚。例.(98.云南IV.17)-Le

4、t me help you.-No, Jack, I can do it by myself, but _.A. Thats all right B. I dont mind C. Thank you all the same D. Im sorry析别人对你主动提供帮助,你要表示感谢,尽管能自己做,还是同样要感谢对方。选C符合交际习惯。A.是表道歉和感谢的应答。例.(2003.曲靖)-Excuse me,_-Mmm, let me think it over.A. Can I help you? B. Help yourself to some bananas.C. Can you tell

5、 me the meaning of this word? D. how are you? 析根据答语“让我仔细考虑一下”可知对方是要自己解决什么难题,排除A项“提供帮组或问顾客要买什么东西”,B“劝客人多吃一些香蕉”。D项“问候对方”。C项是最佳选项“你能告诉我这个词是什么意思吗?”。本题题干的前面有Excuse me (劳驾)作暗示:请求对方为你做某事,打扰对方。下文还有提示:对方需要你就解决某个问题。做题时,一定要认真读懂这些上下文语境,明白考什么,才能找出正确答案。例(2003.玉溪)-Would you like some tea?-_.A.Good, I like tea B. Y

6、es, I like C. Thats all right D. Yes, please 析对方问:“你想喝茶吗?”,肯定回答是:“Yes, please”否定回答用:“No, thanks.”不能像汉语习俗中想喝,却表示客套。A、B项干扰大。C项是表示道歉感谢的答语。例(2003.昆明)Did you win the 100-metre-race?-No, I didnt . _.-Good luck next time.A. I was the first B. I passed the finishing line.B. I forgot the sports meet D. I was

7、 the last. 析本题题干较长,在问答中设置了具体的交际语境。对方问:“你在100米接力赛中赢了吗?”,你已回答了“没有”,并且对方还安慰你“祝你下次好运”,证明你“不是第一名”,排除A,通过终点线不一定赢,排除B,“忘记运动会”不可能,排除C。正确答案是D.例.(2003.云南)-_?-I have no idea. A. Whats the matter with you B. What are you going to do C. Can I help you D. Are you OK析答语中have no idea等于dont know, 由答语“我不知道”可容易地排除A “你

8、怎么啦?”, C“我能给你什么帮助?”,和D“你好吗?”。 正确选项是 :“你打算干什么?”,A项干扰性最强。例7 (2003.云南) -Im sorry for troubling you so much. Youve given me great help while Im in Kunming. -_. A. No, I did nothing B. Its my pleasure C. Forget it D. Nothing serious.析前文“对不起,给你添这么多麻烦。我在云南期间你给了我很大的帮助。”咋一看后文好像是考查道歉的答语。实质上是夸奖和恭维你,所以因该选项“乐意效劳

9、”。注意,这里与汉语习惯表示谦虚不同,不能选A 项。C项是对道歉的应答。D项是医生安慰病人的用语。例8(2003.曲靖)-Im very sorry for breaking the bottle.-_, accidents always happen.A. All right B. I wont C. Forget it D. Remember析A.项表示赞成、同意,B项和 D项都是汉语习惯,易错选。对方为打破瓶子向你道歉,项(忘了它)是正确选项,后半句,偶然的(不小心的)事总会发生,提示原谅对方。例.(2001.昆明)-_-Sorry, you got the wrong number.A

10、. Im looking for Jack B. May I have a word with you?C. Can I speak to Mr. White, please? D. Are you Mr. White, please?析答语中“对不起,你打错了(拨错号码了)”, 暗示问句是打电话找人,所以选C项 “想找怀特先生说话”。 打电话是找对方要说“May I speak to x x x”或” Is that x x x speaking?”。若按汉语习惯会误选D.精选原题(按话题如问候、介绍、打电话等交际项目排序)1. (2000.云南)- _, Sir?-_Id like som

11、e bread and a glass of milk for breakfast.A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D. Good night2. (2001.云南) -Hi, Lucy! Its a long time since we met at the station.-_!A. Good luck B. Thats right C. Nice to see you again D. Best wishes 3. (2002.云南)-Morning, sir _? -Ive heard that Chinese tea

12、 is world-famous. Can I get some?A. Can you help me B. Whats the matter with youC. Can you give me a hand D. Anything I can do for you 4. (98.昆明)-Li Ping, _. -Nice to meet you, Zhang Hong .A. thats my friend, Zhang Hong B. this is Zhang HongC. She is Zhang Hong D. I introduce Zhang Hong to you 5. (2

13、000,云南)-This is Mr. Black, my good friend. -_.A. You look fine, thanks. B. Well, How old are you?C. How do you do? D. You look beautiful.6. (2001.云南)- _. -Thank you. I certainly will.A. Please lend me your bike. B. Please help me with my homework.B. Please tell me your interesting story. D. Please s

14、ay hello to your parents.7. (99.云南)-Could you do something for me, please? -_.A. Thanks a lot B. Never mind C. With pleasure D. Its kind of you.8. (2000.云南) - _. -Thanks for the message.A. Will you please pass the message to Jack?B. Jack asked me to tell you to ring him up.C. Can you tell me all abo

15、ut it?D. I have nothing to tell you.9.(2000.玉溪)- .Whats the time, please? -Its half past nine.A. Excuse me. B. Thanks C. Sorry D. Pardon?10. (2001.昆明)-Lets go to school, shall we?-_.A. Good idea. B. Ok, lets go C. I know. D. Both A and B.11.(2001.曲靖)-Listen!Thats the bell.-_.A. I didnt want to go. B

16、. Lets go into the classroom. C. The bell is bed. D. Thats all right.12.(2001.曲靖)-Could you carry this bag for me?-_.A. Yes, I could. B. Yes, Im glad. C. Please D. With pleasure. 13.(2001.云南)-Jack,would mind turning off the TV? -_. A. Not at all. B. Yes, Id like to. C. No, I cant. D. Yes, all right.

17、14. (2003.云南)-Would you like some more bread?-_ .Im full.A. Yes , please. B. Youre polite C. Thats great. D. No, thanks.15. (2002.云南)-Could you see a film with us now?-_. Ill have to wash my clothes first.A. I cant decide B. All right C. Im afraid not D Ive no idea 16. (2003,曲靖)-Shall we go to Bruce

18、s birthday party this evening?-_.A. Im not agree with you B. Sorry, I d love to C. Sorry, Im busy D. Why not to go17. (98.云南)-Cant you win the game? -_. We are strong.A. Good idea B, Id like C. Why not D. Youre well18. (98.云南)-What a pity! -_. A. Good luck B. With pleasure C. Isnt it beautiful D. Ar

19、e you all right 19.(2002.云南)-Hello! Could I speak to Harry, please?-He is not here at the moment, _?A. Who speaks B. Who are you C. Whats that speaking D. Whats that speaking20. (2000.玉溪)-This is Harry speaking. _?-This is Robert.A. Who are you B. Are you Robert C. Is it you D. Whos that21. (99.云南)-

20、Take care of yourself. -Thank you. I _A. will B Shall C. am going to D. think22. (2000.昆明)-Dont make any noise in class!-_.A. sorry. I wont do it again. B. Thats OK. C. Certainly. I wont D. Excuse me, Im wrong23. (2001.玉溪)-_!-You are welcome!A. Glad to see you B. Thank you very muchC. Happy birthday

21、 D. You look very happy24. (2003.云南)-You mustnt spit in public.-_. A. Sorry, I dont care B. Never mind C. Sorry, I wont do that again D. It doesnt matter.25. (2003.曲靖)-Excuse me, do you have a table for six?-_, we dont have any now. Would you mind waiting for a while?A. Thanks B. Im sorry C. Excuse

22、me D. Pardon26. (2003.玉溪)-Excuse me . Is there a post near here ?-Sorry I dont know.-_.A. I have to ask another B. Thank you all the same C. Im sorry too D. Thats all right27. (2003.云南)-Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the nearest caf?-Sorry, Im new here. Please ask the man over there.-OK. _.

23、A. You are very kind B. Thank you all the same No problem D. Thats all right28. (2002.云南)-I wouldnt tell you how sorry I am. I wanted to be here earlier, but the traffic was too heavy.-_.A. Glad to hear that B. Thats right C. Thank you all the same D. Never mind29. (2001.云南)-Im sorry to take your pe

24、n by mistake.-_.A. All right B. Thats right C. Its nice D. It doesnt matter30. (2000.云南)-I sorry I dont know.-Thank you_.A. very much B. all the same C. for your help D. for nothing31. (99. 云南) - _.-Well done! I hope you can keep it next time.A. I won the match B. I will visit you C. I have made som

25、e friends D. I met your friend32. (99.昆明)-You speak English well. -_.A. Thank you for you to say so B. I dont speak well enough C. No, I dont speak well enough D. certainly33. (2000.玉溪)-Thank you for helping me!-_. A. The same to you B. Dont thank me C. You are OK D. Youre welcome34. (2000.云南)-Hi,Mi

26、ke .Can you help me? -OK, _.A. Youll help me B. Im going C. Im coming D. Im leaving35. (2000.曲靖)-Im going to a village for a few weeks.-_.A. Yes, Im B. Dont worry C. Enjoy yourself D. I like it36. (2001.云南)-Im going to Hong Kong for a holiday next week.-Oh, really! _.A. You are welcome B. Dont worry

27、 C. Bye-bye D. Have a good time37. (2001.曲靖)-I will fly to Beijing to spend May Day next week.-_.A. So do I B. Thats right C. Have a good journey D. Help yourself.38. (2001.玉溪)-Our volleyball team won the first place in the league.-_.A. Its very kind of you B. Thats all right C. Good luck D. Congrat

28、ulations.39. (2002.云南)-Thank you for everything youve done for me during my stay here.-_. Give my best wishes to your parents,A. Youre welcome B. It doesnt matter C. Yes, Id love to D. Be careful40. (2002. 云南)-Love day, isnt it?- _. I hope it will stay like this for the weekend.A. Yes, you are all right B. I guess not C. Yes, it is D. No, it isnt 41. (200.曲靖)- _? -I like it very much.A. How do you like the TV play B. Do you like the TV playC. Whats the weather like D. Whats the date42. (2002.曲靖)-Oh, dear! _? I cant find my stamps.-Dont worry. Yo

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