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1、上海建平中学高三周考卷解析版2017年建平中学高三11月14日周考卷II.Grammar and vocabulary(20)Section A(10)Directions :After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the oth

2、er blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.At least 10 terrorists were killed and nine policeman 21 (wound) on Sunday during a security raid in Giza province near the capital Cairo, the Egyptian Interior Ministry said in a statement.The terrorists were extremist elements 22 (escape) from North

3、 Sinai province and hiding in two apartments in Gizas Ard al-Liwaa district in preparation for carrying out a number of terror operations, said the police statement.“Fire exchange with eight militants in the first apartment led to killing of them and shootout in the 23 apartment killed two,” said th

4、e statement , noting that the gunfire was started by the militants and it continued for four hours.“One of them threw an explosive device at the forces but it blew him off,” it added.The police said that the confrontations wounded nine policeman 24 four machine guns and ammunition were seized during

5、 the raid.Since March, similar security campaigns killed about 50 militants in the provinces of Cairo, Giza, Alexandria, Beheira, Fayoum, Qalioubiya,Minufiya, Ismailia and others.Egypt has been fighting against a wave of terror activities 25 killed hundreds of policemen and soldiers since the milita

6、ry toppled former Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013 in response to mass protests 26 his one-year rule and his currently outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group.Terror attacks in Egypt 27 27 focus on police and military men in North. Sinai before spreading nationwide and targeting the Coptic mi

7、nority as well,with most of them 28 (claim) by a Sinai-based group loyal to the regional Islamic State militant group.Another militant group 29 (refer) to itself as Hasm, which appeared late last year and is regarded by the police as an affiliate with the Brotherhood, claimed responsibility for a nu

8、mber of terrorist attacks that killed several policemen in the country.Meanwhile, the Egyptian military and police have killed hundreds of militants and arrested a similar number of suspects as part of the countrys anti-terror war 30 (declare) by President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, the army chief then,

9、following Morsis removal.答案: 21.were wounded 22.escaping 23.other 24.while 25.that26.against 27.used to 28.claimed 29.referred 30.declared解析:21. 考查动词。实词题,提示词是动词,所以我们需要先确定空里面是谓语还是非谓语。“and”连接两个并列句,这里和“were killed”并列,因此这里也需要一个谓语。然后再确定主动被动,警察是被恐怖分子击伤因此用被动“were wounded”。22.考查动词。考点与上一题一样,也是考查动词。空前的句子里已经有谓

10、语动词“were”了,因此这里需要一个非谓语。空在句子中充当的是定语,逻辑主语是前面的“terrorists”,恐怖分子逃跑是主动,因此这里填现在分词。23.考查代词。首先空后面的“apartment”是名词,那么空里需要一个定语,因此词性可能是代词,形容词或者名词。在语法填空的虚词题中名词和形容词都不是可填的词性。因此这里应该填的是代词,充当定语。再根据前文“Fire exchange with eight militants in the first apartment led to killing of them”,在第一个公寓中同8个激进分子的交火中击毙了他们。根据上下文的意思以及空所

11、填词的词性可推测,另外两名激进分子是在另一栋公寓中被击毙的,因此这里应该填代词“other”。24.考查连词。空的前后都有谓语动词,因此空连接的是两个句子,那么这里应该填连词。首先空后的句子并不缺少句子成分,因此这里应该填的是连接副词空前讲的是警方宣称在对抗中有9名警察受伤。空后讲的是警方在突袭中缴获了4把机枪以及弹药。分别讲的是警方的损失和收获。警方虽然有所收获但是也付出了一定的代价,因此用“while”表虽然。25.考查连词。连接空前后两个句子。从句缺少主语,因此应该填连接代词。这里是一个定语从句,先行词是前面的“terror activities”,是物,因此连接词应该用“that”或者

12、“which”。26.考查介词。空后面跟的是短语而不是句子,因此这里排除连词,再者冠词,情态动词都不符合要求。因此只能填介词“protest against”表示反抗,反对。27.考查情态动词。空后跟的是动词原型,并且这里是一个简单句,不是主从复合句。在语法填空的虚词题中只有情态动词能够在后面跟动词原型。因此这里我们需要一个情态动词。再根据句意之前恐怖袭击只发生在北部的警察和官员身上,现在则是席卷全国并且目标也发生了变化。因此这里用“used to”表示曾经。28.考查动词。动词在语法填空题中首先确认是充当谓语动词还是非谓语。with介词后面不能跟随句子,因此后面应该是短语,所以这里填的是非谓

13、语。逻辑主语是前面的“恐怖袭击”,与提示词之间是被动的关系,因此这里填过去分词。29.考查动词。同样的还是先确定是谓语还是非谓语。这里是which引导的非限制性定语从句,主句缺少谓语,这里填谓语。然后需要考虑的是谓语的时态与语态。根据上下文这里应该填一般过去式,不需要被动因此答案是“referred”。30.考查动词。同样的还是确定谓语和非谓语。空在句子中充当的是后置定语修饰前面的名词。再根据后面的提示词“by”以及句意。可推测出这里提示词与逻辑主语是被动的关系。因此填过去分词。Section BA. A. injuries B. normally C. regulation D. inter

14、feringE. assigned F. control G. cost H. chargedI. accused J. responsible K. apparently Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need. THE TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITIES in Nanjing, East Chinas Jiangs

15、u province, are reportedly considering a 31 to cap the number of order for takeout deliverymen, many of whom have been 32 of violating traffic rules on a daily basis. Beijing News commented on Saturday:At least 242 traffic accidents in the city in the first half of this year involved takeout deliver

16、ymen, resulting in 33 to about 170, prompting the local transportation authorities to tighten their 34 of such takeout deliveries.So the Nanjing authorities have good reason to intervene, but placing a cap on the number of takeout orders 35 to deliverymen is a questionable move. Deliverymen hired by

17、 most platforms are allowed to go for any order up for grabs even when they do not have enough time to finish the delivery.Many reckless riders tend to disregard the traffic rules because failing to deliver an order within a given time - 36 around 20 minutes - can cost them one-third of the money th

18、ey make. Such a rigid assessment mechanism 37 does not take into account any unavoidable delays.There is no doubt that timely deliveries must not come at the 38 of traffic order or the well-being of deliverymen. Food delivery service platforms need to provide proper training for their delivery staff

19、 to ensure they ride safely, as well as give them reasonable incentives and penalties. The local traffic enforcers can help food delivery companies to better manage their staff without 39 with their daily operations.In other words, limiting the number of takeout orders may overstep administrative bo

20、undaries. There are viable alternatives that are worth emulating, such as a code of conduct for deliverymen, along with a new management system that makes deliverymen 40 for their vehicles, most of which are currently registered under the name of their employers. A credit deduction policy that links

21、 the driving records of deliverymen with their pay might be another.答案:31-35:CIAFE 36-40:BKGDJ解析:31.此处考虑用一个名词,只能从ACFG中选择。根据句子的主语THE TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITIES是一个交通政府部门,所以他们考虑的应该是一个规章制度,因为选C。32.空后面是一个介词of,而我们应该想到一个固定搭配:accuse sb of doing sth.(因某事而指责某人) 此处的主语为人,那应该为sb be accused of doing sth. 翻译为:他们中的

22、一些人因为违反了交通规则而被指责.33.result in后面可以跟doing/sth. 可以从AFGD中寻找,根据主句所表的意思其中242起交通事故中有一个是与外卖派送员相关的,因此此处可以想到与伤害有关系的单词,此处应该为injuries.34根据句子成分分析,此处为名词。主语为交通政府部分应该对这种外卖送货的控制,因为前面已经提到了发生了很多起交通事故.管理和控制势在必行。35.根据句子结构分析,此处应该是修饰takeout orders的,对于一个什么样外卖定单的数量做一个控制的上限呢,后面又与外派员有关系的,由此可以想到assigned to sb. 过去分词做takeout ord

23、ers的后置定语。36.此空应该考虑填一个副词。有一个破折号是对a given time的解释和说明。副词可以考虑CK,通过代入,只有B可以说得通,通常为20为钟左右。37.根据句子成分分析,此处应该为副词。因为只有2个副词,normally已用,所以此处只能填apparently,此句意思为:这种非常严格的评判机制明显地没有考虑到一些不可必免的拖延。38.此处应该填一个名词,根据句意:及时的派送制度肯定没有考虑到交通秩序的代价和派送员的安全幸福。因为后面提到Food delivery service platforms need to provide proper training for

24、their delivery staff to ensure they ride safely. 可以得知确保他们的安全是很重要的。39.介词后面要跟doing或者n. 因为根据句意理解本地的管理者应该去帮助这些外卖公司更好的管理他们的员工,而不是去干涉他们每日的正常工作运转。文中的help很重要,与without interfering正好互应。40.空后面有一个介词for, 很重要.根据固定搭配be responsible for为负责。再根据句意,伴随着一个新的使外派员可以为自己的车辆负责的系统,由此可以推断选J.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADi

25、rections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. In any planning system, from the simplest budgeting to the most complex corporate planning, there is an annual process. This

26、is partly due to the fact that firms _ 41_ their accounting on a yearly basis, but also because similar _ 42_ often occur in the market. Usually, the larger the firm, the longer the planning takes. But 43 , planning for next year may start nine months or more in advance, with various stages of evalu

27、ation leading to 44 of the complete plan three months before the start of the year. Planning continues, however, throughout the year, since managers 45 progress against targets, while looking forward to the next year. What is happening now will 46 the objectives and plans for the future. In todays b

28、usiness climate, as markets constantly change and become more difficult to 47 , some analysts believe that long-term planning is 48 . In some markets they may be right, as long as companies can build the sort of flexibility into their operations which allows them to 49 to any sudden changes. Most fi

29、rms, however, need to plan more than one year ahead in order to 50 .their long-term goals. This may reflect the time it takes to commission and build a new production plant, or, in marketing 51 , it may be a question of how long it takes to research and launch a range of new products, and reach a ce

30、rtain 52 in the market. If, for example, it is going to take five years for a particular airline to become the 53 choice amongst business travelers on certain routes, the airline must plan for the various 54 involved. Every one-year plan, therefore, must be 55 in relation to longer-term plans,and it

31、 should contain die stages that are necessary to achieve the final goals. 41. A make up B carry out C bring about D put down 42. A patterns B guides C designs D distributions 43. A surprisingly B contrarily C equally D typically 44. A approval B permission C admiration D objection45. A value B confi

32、rm C review D survey 46. A restore B promote C influence D maintain 47. A guess B advocate C recognize D predict 48. A pointless B meaningful C realistic D inevitable49. A lead B respond C refer D contribute50. A share B handle C develop D benefit 51. A expressions B descriptions C words D terms 52. A reputation B position C situation D direction 53. A reserved B selected C preferred D supposed 54. A acts B steps C means D point

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